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Imperial Male
Lvl 11
ID#: 2060287
Age: 1 decade
Parents: Kvothe, Denna
Primary Gene: Obsidian Tiger
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Freckle
Tertiary Gene: White Underbelly
Eye Type: Ice Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Imperial Male
Lvl 4
ID#: 3041226
Age: 1 decade
Parents: Balerion, Namira
Primary Gene: Obsidian Clown
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Seraph
Tertiary Gene: Platinum Crackle
Eye Type: Plague Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Imperial Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 3327766
Age: 1 decade
Parents: Aecor, Procella
Primary Gene: Azure Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Blue Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Sky Crackle
Eye Type: Water Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Imperial Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 3545008
Age: 1 decade
Parents: Vibrancy, Skyla
Primary Gene: Splash Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Splash Current
Tertiary Gene: Caribbean Gembond
Eye Type: Ice Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Imperial Male
Lvl 18
ID#: 3724208
Age: 1 decade
Parents: Verath, Miria
Primary Gene: Crimson Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Blood Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Crimson Gembond
Eye Type: Arcane Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Pearlcatcher Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 23559002
Age: 8 years
Parents: Urioth, Matattai
Primary Gene: Coal Poison
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Paint
Tertiary Gene: Obsidian Underbelly
Eye Type: Light Common
Diet: Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Imperial Female
Lvl 17
ID#: 24026603
Age: 8 years
Parents: Ingeo, Nishiki
Primary Gene: Fire Piebald
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Paint
Tertiary Gene: Black Spines
Eye Type: Plague Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Spiral Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 24601091
Age: 8 years
Parents: Krem, Weasel
Primary Gene: Lead Giraffe
Secondary Gene: Lead Facet
Tertiary Gene: Blackberry Glimmer
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Insects, Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Coatl Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 24617393
Age: 8 years
Parents: Zaire, Nepenthes
Primary Gene: Copper Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Turquoise Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Flaxen Thylacine
Eye Type: Plague Common
Diet: Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
ID#: 24825386
Age: 8 years
Parents: Swift, Dazzling
Primary Gene: White Iridescent
Secondary Gene: White Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: White Underbelly
Eye Type: Ice Common
Diet: Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Skydancer Male
Lvl 5
ID#: 25522639
Age: 8 years
Parents: Asim, Auda
Primary Gene: Obsidian Bar
Secondary Gene: Gold Toxin
Tertiary Gene: Buttercup Glimmer
Eye Type: Light Common
Diet: Insects, Plants
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Imperial Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 25534381
Age: 8 years
Parents: Thror, Chrysanta
Primary Gene: Gold Poison
Secondary Gene: Gold Toxin
Tertiary Gene: Gold Glimmer
Eye Type: Light Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
ID#: 30723302
Age: 8 years
Parents: Orixas, Seraphim
Primary Gene: Rose Giraffe
Secondary Gene: Rose Hex
Tertiary Gene: Flaxen Stained
Eye Type: Arcane Common
Diet: Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Pearlcatcher Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 40821396
Age: 6 years
Parents: Delicia, Void
Primary Gene: Tan Pinstripe
Secondary Gene: Sunshine Trail
Tertiary Gene: Marigold Ghost
Eye Type: Plague Common
Diet: Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
ID#: 41400260
Age: 6 years
Parents: Mamoru, Ozie
Primary Gene: Pearl Skink
Secondary Gene: Pearl Spinner
Tertiary Gene: Maize Contour
Eye Type: Wind Common
Diet: Insects
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Skydancer Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 41522780
Age: 6 years
Parents: jax, Dusk
Primary Gene: Black Tapir
Secondary Gene: Black Striation
Tertiary Gene: Wisteria Capsule
Eye Type: Light Common
Diet: Insects, Plants
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Pearlcatcher Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 41693585
Age: 6 years
Parents: Armada, Skysong
Primary Gene: Periwinkle Wasp
Secondary Gene: Blue Butterfly
Tertiary Gene: Sapphire Capsule
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Plants, Insects
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