This dragon cannot breed until Feb 23, 2025 (18 days).
Energy: 48 out of 50
This dragon cannot breed until Feb 28, 2025 (23 days).
Energy: 48 out of 50
Energy: 48 out of 50
This dragon cannot breed until Feb 16, 2025 (11 days).
Energy: 48 out of 50
Energy: 48 out of 50
Energy: 48 out of 50
Energy: 48 out of 50
Energy: 48 out of 50
Guardian Female
Lvl 25
ID#: 2430276
Age: 1 decade
Parents: JaKovaPaikka, VahvaTahto
Primary Gene: Obsidian Starmap
Secondary Gene: Carmine Bee
Tertiary Gene: Gold Eclipse
Eye Type: Light Primal
Diet: Meat, Seafood, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Nocturne Female
Lvl 8
ID#: 2960555
Age: 1 decade
Parents:First Generation
Primary Gene: Blood Pharaoh
Secondary Gene: Maize Toxin
Tertiary Gene: Carmine Veined
Eye Type: Plague Glowing
Diet: Meat, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Coatl Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 2960556
Age: 1 decade
Parents:First Generation
Primary Gene: Clay Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Cantaloupe Alloy
Tertiary Gene: Blood Filigree
Eye Type: Plague Common
Diet: Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Pearlcatcher Female
Lvl 25
ID#: 20567852
Age: 9 years
Parents: Riko, Jashin
Primary Gene: Shadow Metallic
Secondary Gene: Shadow Toxin
Tertiary Gene: Shadow Scales
Eye Type: Plague Common
Diet: Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Guardian Male
Lvl 25
ID#: 42536380
Age: 6 years
Parents: Phoenix, Sirin
Primary Gene: Obsidian Chorus
Secondary Gene: Bronze Sarcophagus
Tertiary Gene: Saffron Veined
Eye Type: Fire Glowing
Diet: Meat, Seafood, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Mirror Female
Lvl 25
ID#: 42901661
Age: 6 years
Parents: Fallen, Kazene
Primary Gene: Obsidian Metallic
Secondary Gene: Lead Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Obsidian Glimmer
Eye Type: Plague Common
Diet: Meat, Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Undertide Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 42910653
Age: 6 years
Parents:First Generation
Primary Gene: Copper Poison (Undertide)
Secondary Gene: Caribbean Alloy (Undertide)
Tertiary Gene: Nightshade Jellyfish (Undertide)
Eye Type: Water Primal
Diet: Seafood, Plants
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Mirror Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 42974777
Age: 6 years
Parents: Redwing, Gorespatter
Primary Gene: Carmine Speckle
Secondary Gene: Crimson Freckle
Tertiary Gene: Crimson Crackle
Eye Type: Plague Rare
Diet: Meat, Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Skydancer Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 44617414
Age: 6 years
Parents: Moonlight, Amethyst
Primary Gene: Orchid Starmap
Secondary Gene: Purple Bee
Tertiary Gene: Nightshade Opal
Eye Type: Arcane Primal
Diet: Insects, Plants
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Spiral Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 46460648
Age: 6 years
Parents: zombie, Ruin
Primary Gene: Pumpkin Stitched
Secondary Gene: Mulberry Constellation
Tertiary Gene: Fern Ghost
Eye Type: Shadow Swirl
Diet: Insects, Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Skydancer Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 46633705
Age: 6 years
Parents: Whittaker, Justice
Primary Gene: Chocolate Skink
Secondary Gene: Copper Bee
Tertiary Gene: Auburn Opal
Eye Type: Earth Multi-Gaze
Diet: Insects, Plants
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Fae Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 46664954
Age: 6 years
Parents: Karantos, IceFlower
Primary Gene: Abyss Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Berry Facet
Tertiary Gene: Sand Glimmer
Eye Type: Plague Common
Diet: Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Tundra Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 49869805
Age: 5 years
Parents: Mortarion, Dust
Primary Gene: Tan Python
Secondary Gene: Tan Morph
Tertiary Gene: Sand Flecks
Eye Type: Plague Common
Diet: Plants
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Coatl Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 50032524
Age: 5 years
Parents: Pehir, Toph
Primary Gene: Sanguine Pharaoh
Secondary Gene: Gold Bee
Tertiary Gene: Metals Eclipse
Eye Type: Shadow Uncommon
Diet: Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Imperial Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 50041437
Age: 5 years
Parents: Cider, Cranberry
Primary Gene: Sanguine Crystal
Secondary Gene: Gold Constellation
Tertiary Gene: Metals Eclipse
Eye Type: Light Rare
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Skydancer Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 50344786
Age: 5 years
Parents: Avarice, Malice
Primary Gene: Camo Python
Secondary Gene: Blood Morph
Tertiary Gene: Blood Stained
Eye Type: Plague Common
Diet: Insects, Plants
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Wildclaw Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 50665843
Age: 5 years
Parents: Blood, Miho
Primary Gene: Obsidian Metallic
Secondary Gene: Obsidian Alloy
Tertiary Gene: Blood Smirch
Eye Type: Plague Common
Diet: Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Aether Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 52938961
Age: 5 years
Parents: Catalyst, Harbinger
Primary Gene: White Varnish (Aether)
Secondary Gene: White Lacquer (Aether)
Tertiary Gene: Antique Branches (Aether)
Eye Type: Plague Pastel
Diet: Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Everlux Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 100744060
Age: 1 week
Parents: Carcass, Marrow
Primary Gene: Blood Criculaworm (Everlux)
Secondary Gene: Blood Saturn (Everlux)
Tertiary Gene: Cream Harp (Everlux)
Eye Type: Plague Dark
Diet: Plants
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
This dragon is currently enjoying the company of a familiar.
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
This dragon is currently listed in a Crossroads Trade.
This dragon is benefiting from the effects of eternal youth.
This dragon is an ancient breed.
This dragon is currently nesting.
This dragon is under the permanent effect of a Silhouette Scroll. A toggle in the dragon's customization options allows the owner to swap between the artwork poses available for their breed.
This dragon is under the permanent effect of a Reflection Scroll. A toggle in the dragon's customization options allows the owner to flip which direction they are facing.