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Imperial Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 26464779
Age: 8 years
Parents: Haminari, Germida
Primary Gene: Midnight Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Midnight Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Cyan Circuit
Eye Type: Lightning Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Nocturne Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 26586508
Age: 8 years
Parents: Macabre, Minuet
Primary Gene: Midnight Skink
Secondary Gene: Midnight Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Cyan Glimmer
Eye Type: Lightning Common
Diet: Meat, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Wildclaw Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 26814271
Age: 8 years
Parents: Bratsche, Geige
Primary Gene: Midnight Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Midnight Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Lavender Runes
Eye Type: Lightning Common
Diet: Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Pearlcatcher Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 27022659
Age: 8 years
Parents: Kage, Ombra
Primary Gene: Shadow Skink
Secondary Gene: Shadow Spinner
Tertiary Gene: Shadow Glimmer
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Plants, Insects
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Imperial Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 27098246
Age: 8 years
Parents: Alligator, Mamba
Primary Gene: Swamp Giraffe
Secondary Gene: Swamp Hex
Tertiary Gene: Maize Glimmer
Eye Type: Earth Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Coatl Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 27490113
Age: 8 years
Parents: Piros, Punamato
Primary Gene: White Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Crimson Butterfly
Tertiary Gene: Garnet Glimmer
Eye Type: Plague Common
Diet: Seafood
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Skydancer Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 27649608
Age: 8 years
Parents: GoldDigger, ChelidoniumMajus
Primary Gene: Goldenrod Skink
Secondary Gene: Goldenrod Spinner
Tertiary Gene: Aqua Runes
Eye Type: Lightning Common
Diet: Insects, Plants
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
ID#: 27890667
Age: 8 years
Parents: Bongany, Kwam
Primary Gene: Orange Tiger
Secondary Gene: Orange Stripes
Tertiary Gene: Maize Underbelly
Eye Type: Plague Common
Diet: Seafood
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Wildclaw Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 27934507
Age: 8 years
Parents: Roy, Astyanax
Primary Gene: White Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Crimson Butterfly
Tertiary Gene: Crimson Runes
Eye Type: Lightning Common
Diet: Meat
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Skydancer Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 28295525
Age: 8 years
Parents: Daemon, Demetra
Primary Gene: Shadow Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Shadow Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Shadow Glimmer
Eye Type: Ice Common
Diet: Insects, Plants
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Skydancer Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 28819751
Age: 8 years
Parents: Krylor, Van
Primary Gene: Lavender Petals
Secondary Gene: Lavender Butterfly
Tertiary Gene: Lavender Glimmer
Eye Type: Lightning Common
Diet: Insects, Plants
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Wildclaw Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 28884423
Age: 8 years
Parents: Hmurovolk, Psyche
Primary Gene: Midnight Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Midnight Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Caribbean Runes
Eye Type: Ice Common
Diet: Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Wildclaw Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 29515007
Age: 8 years
Parents: Nexus, Necro
Primary Gene: Midnight Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Midnight Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Cyan Runes
Eye Type: Nature Common
Diet: Meat
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
ID#: 29718117
Age: 8 years
Parents: Ryota, Sunshine
Primary Gene: Lemon Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Grapefruit Facet
Tertiary Gene: Grapefruit Glimmer
Eye Type: Light Common
Diet: Seafood
[Click to see details about this dragon.]
Nocturne Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 30074245
Age: 8 years
Parents: Kral, Calabaza
Primary Gene: Chocolate Petals
Secondary Gene: Cinnamon Butterfly
Tertiary Gene: Cinnamon Glimmer
Eye Type: Light Common
Diet: Meat, Insects
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Wildclaw Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 30075953
Age: 8 years
Parents: Phsta, Flora
Primary Gene: Abyss Skink
Secondary Gene: Abyss Spinner
Tertiary Gene: Teal Glimmer
Eye Type: Lightning Common
Diet: Meat
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Coatl Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 30287084
Age: 8 years
Parents: CollierLaddie, CoalMinersLass
Primary Gene: Coal Petals
Secondary Gene: Coal Butterfly
Tertiary Gene: Orange Glimmer
Eye Type: Fire Common
Diet: Seafood
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Coatl Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 30332668
Age: 8 years
Parents: LaVieEnRose, LesFleur
Primary Gene: Rose Petals
Secondary Gene: Rose Butterfly
Tertiary Gene: Lemon Stained
Eye Type: Light Common
Diet: Seafood
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Skydancer Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 30332978
Age: 8 years
Parents: Osiris, Garuna
Primary Gene: Blood Petals
Secondary Gene: Blood Butterfly
Tertiary Gene: Crimson Glimmer
Eye Type: Ice Common
Diet: Insects, Plants
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ID#: 30652430
Age: 7 years
Parents: Willow, Flora
Primary Gene: Honeydew Petals
Secondary Gene: Honeydew Butterfly
Tertiary Gene: Blush Glimmer
Eye Type: Wind Common
Diet: Seafood
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