

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | commas PLEASE it's been 8 years
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It's bonkers that this STILL isn't a thing
It's bonkers that this STILL isn't a thing
(Please don't ping me in the Suggestions Forum).

Commas - support
Spaces - even more support (just personally i will prefer it)

I will be happy for any change! Or... if its possible, maybe even option to choose which one you want in user setting?
Commas - support
Spaces - even more support (just personally i will prefer it)

I will be happy for any change! Or... if its possible, maybe even option to choose which one you want in user setting?
+8h, She
Light Flight
Familiars Wishlist
___ Iz0e2b4.png
Old links:
Try clean lair!
old fest:
Sell FV and CS
- Sleeping Dragon Adopt?
please im dyslexic and itll help me so much
please im dyslexic and itll help me so much
[quote name="Niya" date="2024-01-18 11:59:29" ] Commas - support Spaces - even more support (just personally i will prefer it) I will be happy for any change! Or... if its possible, maybe even option to choose which one you want in user setting? [/quote] THIS! Full support. I haven't even been on FR a full year yet and this issue was something that baffled me in the first week here. And it still stresses me when selling something, or I have to really squint at the screen and work out the price in AH etc. I would love the option of either, and we pick which we prefer. Commas may be a problem in coding; spaces are a great alternative. Honestly, however... I 100% prefer spaces over commas. I feel it looks cleaner and easier to read, less coding impact, but also works best for bigger numbers too. Commas can still trip up some conditions, so spaces would be ideal. But yeah, if possible, the choice between the two would be perfect. Just give us [i]something[/i], we beg you.
Niya wrote on 2024-01-18 11:59:29:
Commas - support
Spaces - even more support (just personally i will prefer it)

I will be happy for any change! Or... if its possible, maybe even option to choose which one you want in user setting?

Full support. I haven't even been on FR a full year yet and this issue was something that baffled me in the first week here. And it still stresses me when selling something, or I have to really squint at the screen and work out the price in AH etc.

I would love the option of either, and we pick which we prefer. Commas may be a problem in coding; spaces are a great alternative.

Honestly, however... I 100% prefer spaces over commas. I feel it looks cleaner and easier to read, less coding impact, but also works best for bigger numbers too. Commas can still trip up some conditions, so spaces would be ideal. But yeah, if possible, the choice between the two would be perfect.

Just give us something, we beg you.

the Vanguard
pings are OFF
pm me!
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big support!
big support!
support, especially for spaces
support, especially for spaces
WQXM0B9.png mlr1H8z.png
Support! I'm new here and it baffles me how so far this game seems to be way less accessible than others I'm on with way smaller dev teams!
Support! I'm new here and it baffles me how so far this game seems to be way less accessible than others I'm on with way smaller dev teams!
I still support this. I look at the numbers needed for high-end achievements, and my brain just goes "okay, so I need 2 and a whole bunch of zeroes to get this achievement. Makes sense."
I still support this. I look at the numbers needed for high-end achievements, and my brain just goes "okay, so I need 2 and a whole bunch of zeroes to get this achievement. Makes sense."
Pings are disabled.

If writers are supposed to "show not tell," why are we called "storytellers" and not "storyshow-ers"?
I am so glad I’m not the only one. Support!
I am so glad I’m not the only one. Support!
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