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TOPIC | commas PLEASE it's been 8 years
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I cannot tell you how many times I sit there in crossroads and count, recount, and recount again because I want to make sure I'm sending the right amount of treasure. I am bad with numbers lol. I have the same problem with AH, I'll miss out on a 0 and end up spending more than I was willing to for something. Full support.
I cannot tell you how many times I sit there in crossroads and count, recount, and recount again because I want to make sure I'm sending the right amount of treasure. I am bad with numbers lol. I have the same problem with AH, I'll miss out on a 0 and end up spending more than I was willing to for something. Full support.
3Y3t130.png xm5ofH1.png
Full support, some kind of separation would be nice!
Full support, some kind of separation would be nice!
ENORMOUS SUPPORT, I struggle with my eyes a lot and have to really really really be careful not to put too many (or, more likely, too few) zeroes. I've definitely screwed myself over like that before!
ENORMOUS SUPPORT, I struggle with my eyes a lot and have to really really really be careful not to put too many (or, more likely, too few) zeroes. I've definitely screwed myself over like that before!
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support, this is such a simple but important fix imo
support, this is such a simple but important fix imo
huge support. please my dyslexia....
honestly visual spaces sounds great, since it'd provide that same visual distinction without the potential regional comma vs period confusion.
huge support. please my dyslexia....
honestly visual spaces sounds great, since it'd provide that same visual distinction without the potential regional comma vs period confusion.
Yes, oh my god. That would be a bless.
Yes, oh my god. That would be a bless.
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