ohhh he's stunning, thank you so much for sharing him!!! and coincidentally i was
just thinking of maybe doing a fathom h version of neon devil next...
ohhh he's stunning, thank you so much for sharing him!!! and coincidentally i was
just thinking of maybe doing a fathom h version of neon devil next...
slot for neon devil spiral h please!
slot for neon devil spiral h please!
BSOD slot please! Wonderful skins!
BSOD slot please! Wonderful skins!
A slot for Neon Devil Spiral H please?
A slot for Neon Devil Spiral H please?
Thanks for the heads up about BSOD, I had to go grab an effect for my boy Storm immediately! He looks so dang good with his new glitchy effect. Looks great on him without the skin too, but unfortunately we can't do any dressing room magic yet so I can't show that off D:
This dragon is displaying an animated effect:
Puttin' on the ritz! Applies bright animated glitter spots to just the body of one dragon.
Like apparel, skins, and scenes, effects are purely cosmetic items that can be added and removed from dragons at any time.
Storm is displayed as a fallback image due to an error while loading Effect: Glitz effect.
Thanks for the heads up about BSOD, I had to go grab an effect for my boy Storm immediately! He looks so dang good with his new glitchy effect. Looks great on him without the skin too, but unfortunately we can't do any dressing room magic yet so I can't show that off D:
This dragon is displaying an animated effect:
Puttin' on the ritz! Applies bright animated glitter spots to just the body of one dragon.
Like apparel, skins, and scenes, effects are purely cosmetic items that can be added and removed from dragons at any time.
Storm is displayed as a fallback image due to an error while loading Effect: Glitz effect.
Techmox2302 @
Felwinter @
kitcafe @
ohhh he looks incredible!!!!! the fiendish emerald apparel really works well with it :D and yeah i hope they add effect previews to the dressing room and scrying workshop, it'd be fun to play around with
Techmox2302 @
Felwinter @
kitcafe @
ohhh he looks incredible!!!!! the fiendish emerald apparel really works well with it :D and yeah i hope they add effect previews to the dressing room and scrying workshop, it'd be fun to play around with