

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Qequvell Greenwood | OPEN (OOC)
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@Midnightsun @Skarrow @Sincerity11 @PastelPerryton

Very nice characters all of you, accepted!

how long was I gone… where did you all come from
@Midnightsun @Skarrow @Sincerity11 @PastelPerryton

Very nice characters all of you, accepted!

how long was I gone… where did you all come from
Heck yeah thanks! I'll post soon
Heck yeah thanks! I'll post soon
awesome! I'll start writing up my first post!^^
awesome! I'll start writing up my first post!^^
~he/him ~ ArtShop ~ +2 frt ~ Pasta ~ WL~

Both of my characters are open for interactions if anyone is interested!
Both of my characters are open for interactions if anyone is interested!
Ale is also open for interactions, though hes a bit out of the way location wise
Ale is also open for interactions, though hes a bit out of the way location wise
~he/him ~ ArtShop ~ +2 frt ~ Pasta ~ WL~

Feyrien is also completely open for interactions if anyone wants to work something out
Feyrien is also completely open for interactions if anyone wants to work something out
if you’re still accepting characters i would love to enter this one! if there’s anything you’d like me to edit out or change let me know :) [b]Username[/b]: hyunchoni [b]Character Name[/b]: Avalon Rosares [b]Codename[/b]: Strix [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Role[/b]: Assassin / Writer [b]Image/Description[/b]: [i]Regular Outfit[/i]: [img][/img] [i]Assassin Outfit[/i]: [img][/img] [this is the closest I could get, might draw in the future :)] [b]Height[/b]: 5’11 [180cm-ish] [b]Weight[/b]: 55-ish kg [b]Eye Color[/b]: Reddish-pink [b]Hair Color[/b]: Black [b]Species[/b]: Human [b]Personality[/b]: Avalon comes across as someone sarcastic, snarky, direct and reserved, insulting almost anyone that comes along her path. She’s not introverted and can hold her own in social interaction, but simply refuses to do so frequently, often found in quiet spaces relaxing by herself. It is unwise to disturb her whenever she is doing anything, even if it’s just eating, best being to wait until Avalon is done or in the mood. Some may assume that this assassin hides her true nature under walls perhaps of background or other personal reasons, but she proves to be rather cold-hearted to the core. Any form of trying to pry something nice out of her has mostly ended in vain, and possible bloodshed. She shows not much of regard to those whom she kills, but has expressed that she would not harm (those she considers) innocents in the crossfire. To the small circle of people she cares about, Avalon exhibits a profound sense of protectiveness, empathy and humanity towards them. She is, however, quite a curious person, and spends time searching for knowledge that piques her interest. Avalon also takes a liking to families who live harmoniously and in unconditional love, saying how sometimes she wishes that she had a chance to grow up in one. [b]Background[/b]: Avalon was born in a family of defenders of magic in a small town. From young, she was taught in the art of fighting and defence, being the next in line to protect the secrets of magic in her hometown. However, she was kidnapped by a group of people who intended to steal the secrets for their own uses. Avalon was then tampered with by magic after her refusal to accept their demands, losing vital memories of her youth in the process. The plan backfired and she managed to escape, killing her captors in the process, in a place away from home. Of course, her memories were fragmented and broken, so Avalon set out to discover if she can find out what they mean. Over time, she became an infamous assassin by the codename Strix, widely known for being someone hard to catch and killing without a trace left behind, the line of bloodshed running across many places. Enhanced with the magic that runs through her veins, Avalon continues to travel the world, ending up in this new town in which she searches for more answers. In recent time, Avalon spends time writing books, signing them off with her codename before leaving them behind to be found. She has created several of them and they continue to circulate in secrecy, sometimes heard in the gossip of others, or in the hands of some curious people. It is unknown the reason for why Avalon does this, but those who heard of the stories or have read them themselves have said they were very well-written. [i]Other[/i]: [LIST] [*] enjoys eating melons, so if you gift her a couple of those she may or may not like you a bit :D [*] her most famous of books is titled Freedom of Expression, which is the story of an artist who seeks to overturn an oppressive government which had banned all forms of art [*] it is said that those who wish to seek her out for an assassination job can find her at night in a place full of flowers (preferably roses) and that she only appears when needed, or if your intention is true [*] because of the magic imbued in her, when she is killed the magic is released and becomes a ghost that will haunt the killers [*] her eye colour was originally blue [*] she is able to do some sniping with a bow but prefers her golden daggers for combat [/LIST]
if you’re still accepting characters i would love to enter this one! if there’s anything you’d like me to edit out or change let me know :)

Username: hyunchoni

Character Name: Avalon Rosares
Codename: Strix
Age: 23
Gender: Female

Role: Assassin / Writer

Regular Outfit:
Assassin Outfit:
[this is the closest I could get, might draw in the future :)]

Height: 5’11 [180cm-ish]
Weight: 55-ish kg

Eye Color: Reddish-pink
Hair Color: Black

Species: Human

Avalon comes across as someone sarcastic, snarky, direct and reserved, insulting almost anyone that comes along her path. She’s not introverted and can hold her own in social interaction, but simply refuses to do so frequently, often found in quiet spaces relaxing by herself. It is unwise to disturb her whenever she is doing anything, even if it’s just eating, best being to wait until Avalon is done or in the mood. Some may assume that this assassin hides her true nature under walls perhaps of background or other personal reasons, but she proves to be rather cold-hearted to the core. Any form of trying to pry something nice out of her has mostly ended in vain, and possible bloodshed. She shows not much of regard to those whom she kills, but has expressed that she would not harm (those she considers) innocents in the crossfire. To the small circle of people she cares about, Avalon exhibits a profound sense of protectiveness, empathy and humanity towards them. She is, however, quite a curious person, and spends time searching for knowledge that piques her interest. Avalon also takes a liking to families who live harmoniously and in unconditional love, saying how sometimes she wishes that she had a chance to grow up in one.

Avalon was born in a family of defenders of magic in a small town. From young, she was taught in the art of fighting and defence, being the next in line to protect the secrets of magic in her hometown. However, she was kidnapped by a group of people who intended to steal the secrets for their own uses. Avalon was then tampered with by magic after her refusal to accept their demands, losing vital memories of her youth in the process. The plan backfired and she managed to escape, killing her captors in the process, in a place away from home.

Of course, her memories were fragmented and broken, so Avalon set out to discover if she can find out what they mean. Over time, she became an infamous assassin by the codename Strix, widely known for being someone hard to catch and killing without a trace left behind, the line of bloodshed running across many places. Enhanced with the magic that runs through her veins, Avalon continues to travel the world, ending up in this new town in which she searches for more answers.

In recent time, Avalon spends time writing books, signing them off with her codename before leaving them behind to be found. She has created several of them and they continue to circulate in secrecy, sometimes heard in the gossip of others, or in the hands of some curious people. It is unknown the reason for why Avalon does this, but those who heard of the stories or have read them themselves have said they were very well-written.

  • enjoys eating melons, so if you gift her a couple of those she may or may not like you a bit :D
  • her most famous of books is titled Freedom of Expression, which is the story of an artist who seeks to overturn an oppressive government which had banned all forms of art
  • it is said that those who wish to seek her out for an assassination job can find her at night in a place full of flowers (preferably roses) and that she only appears when needed, or if your intention is true
  • because of the magic imbued in her, when she is killed the magic is released and becomes a ghost that will haunt the killers
  • her eye colour was originally blue
  • she is able to do some sniping with a bow but prefers her golden daggers for combat
Apologies for not showing up, I've been trying to figure out some complicated IRL stuff and so uh

Apologies for not showing up, I've been trying to figure out some complicated IRL stuff and so uh

60884365.png 51165548.png <
< pat?

Oh, sorry to hear that. Hope things get better soon!
Oh, sorry to hear that. Hope things get better soon!
xCQDmTE.png Big fan of RP and mafia games, also super hyped for ArtFight this year

Oh and I also used to be Dragonclaw101

Clayton Academy
@hyunchoni Accepted! Sorry for the wait, I seemed to have somehow missed your post-
Also, just a reminder that this is a medieval rp. Keep that in mind when designing outfits and weapons and such :>
@hyunchoni Accepted! Sorry for the wait, I seemed to have somehow missed your post-
Also, just a reminder that this is a medieval rp. Keep that in mind when designing outfits and weapons and such :>
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