

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Qequvell Greenwood | OPEN (OOC)
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If you're still looking for/accepting new players I'd love to drop in!^^

If you're still looking for/accepting new players I'd love to drop in!^^
~he/him ~ ArtShop ~ +2 frt ~ Pasta ~ WL~

Hey, I'm gonna drop out. Apologies!
Hey, I'm gonna drop out. Apologies!
giphy.gif hdWqAOO.png
|Pronounced 'Phobia'
||come look at my cat


never gonna give you up
never gonna let you down
never gonna run around and desert you
never gonna make you cry
never gonna say goodbye
never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
[quote name="Ruatani" date="2022-08-06 19:30:43" ] But you’re the only one around for me to interact with… but my character doesn’t really know what town is, let alone the people [/quote] Lor is also down by the river, I could have him interact with your character
Ruatani wrote on 2022-08-06 19:30:43:
But you’re the only one around for me to interact with… but my character doesn’t really know what town is, let alone the people

Lor is also down by the river, I could have him interact with your character
When worry's never helping, tell me, why, why, worry at all?
Continuum rift RP
Oh, yes please!
Oh, yes please!
[img][/img] [b]Username:[/b] Skarrow [b]Role:[/b] Lost Soldier [b]Name:[/b] Vozmer Grav [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] 5’9 with a slightly stocky muscular build. His blond hair is kept shorn at the sides and a groomed goatee sprouts from his face. His body is dotted with scars, while his unmarred face often wears a stern or serious expression. When given the opportunity, he keeps his body and clothes clean and presentable. [b]Personality:[/b] Vozmer is capable, proud and stubborn. He prefers to be in control of his situation, therefore in unfamiliar circumstances he is profoundly uncomfortable, a little quick tempered and prone to misstep. In such circumstances he endeavors to quickly find his bearings. Once his bearings are found, he is level headed, polite, hard working and social. He dislikes idleness. [b]Backstory:[/b] In his distant home country, Vozmer is a member of an esteemed house, and has had the privilege of a good education and military training. He is —was?— a junior officer in the imperial army, and has seen two tours of service abroad in foreign kingdoms. En route to his next tour, he’s been stranded in a land even more strange than he had imagined. Should he try to return home only to risk accusations of desertion? Or will he adjust to this confounding and mysterious forest? [b]Other:[/b] -Favorite fruit is dates -Has no magical ability -Just a dude with a sword -Loved fairy stories as a child (he’s surely grown out of that)
Username: Skarrow
Role: Lost Soldier
Name: Vozmer Grav
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Species: Human

5’9 with a slightly stocky muscular build. His blond hair is kept shorn at the sides and a groomed goatee sprouts from his face. His body is dotted with scars, while his unmarred face often wears a stern or serious expression. When given the opportunity, he keeps his body and clothes clean and presentable.

Vozmer is capable, proud and stubborn. He prefers to be in control of his situation, therefore in unfamiliar circumstances he is profoundly uncomfortable, a little quick tempered and prone to misstep. In such circumstances he endeavors to quickly find his bearings. Once his bearings are found, he is level headed, polite, hard working and social. He dislikes idleness.

In his distant home country, Vozmer is a member of an esteemed house, and has had the privilege of a good education and military training. He is —was?— a junior officer in the imperial army, and has seen two tours of service abroad in foreign kingdoms. En route to his next tour, he’s been stranded in a land even more strange than he had imagined. Should he try to return home only to risk accusations of desertion? Or will he adjust to this confounding and mysterious forest?


-Favorite fruit is dates

-Has no magical ability

-Just a dude with a sword

-Loved fairy stories as a child (he’s surely grown out of that)
I love him @skarrow
I love him @skarrow
If you're still accepting new characters/people I'd love to join and slide this little guy in here! [center][b]Username:[/b] Sincerity11 [b]Role:[/b] Local Innkeeper/Tavern Owner [b]Name:[/b] Feyrien [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Species:[/b] Centaur [b]Appearance:[/b] Feyrien is about 6'8 at the top of his head. He has darker colored skin that is covered in freckles. His hair is a messy dark brown almost black color. He has warm brown eyes that make you want to trust him and talk to him. He wears a variety of loose dark colored shirts. He wears a silver pendant around his neck that once belonged to his mother. He has a slightly athletic build and is stronger than a human but nothing outrageous. His horse half has a dark blue roan pattern to it. He also wears a sword across his back that is more for show that practical use but he can use it if necessary. Horse Half: [img][/img] Human Half: [img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Feyrien is a pretty laidback and chill kind of guy. From running a tavern and an inn he's learned to not take nonsense from anyone and doesn't hesitate to take action when needed. He tends to be peaceful and fairly nonviolent though so he tries to solve confrontations with sheer intimidation or by talking it out. He's an extremely friendly guy and talks to everyone he comes into contact with. Beyond just being friendly he genuinely cares about people and is always willing to listen and help out where he can. He's not exactly the most intelligent either, he can run his business just fine, from years of experience and being taught since he was a child, and he can follow most orders pretty easily but he's not a great problem solver and a lot of things that are typically associated with intelligence just go right by him. [b]Backstory:[/b] Feyrien grew up in the city, his father owning and running the tavern and inn before him. He never really knew much about his mother and was raised solely by his father. His father taught him the basics of how to use a sword and everything he knew about running the family business. Feyrien started working at the inn/tavern at the young age of 13. He officially took over as the owner when he turned 20 and his father died of an unknown sickness. He has been running it ever since. [b]Other:[/b] - His favorite fruit is (stereotypically) an apple - He knows quite a few people in the city having lived there his entire life - He eats a strictly vegetarian diet - He spends almost all his time at his inn/tavern - He's at best a mediocre fighter with and without weapons
If you're still accepting new characters/people I'd love to join and slide this little guy in here!
Username: Sincerity11
Role: Local Innkeeper/Tavern Owner
Name: Feyrien
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Species: Centaur
Feyrien is about 6'8 at the top of his head. He has darker colored skin that is covered in freckles. His hair is a messy dark brown almost black color. He has warm brown eyes that make you want to trust him and talk to him. He wears a variety of loose dark colored shirts. He wears a silver pendant around his neck that once belonged to his mother. He has a slightly athletic build and is stronger than a human but nothing outrageous. His horse half has a dark blue roan pattern to it. He also wears a sword across his back that is more for show that practical use but he can use it if necessary.
Horse Half:
Human Half:
Personality: Feyrien is a pretty laidback and chill kind of guy. From running a tavern and an inn he's learned to not take nonsense from anyone and doesn't hesitate to take action when needed. He tends to be peaceful and fairly nonviolent though so he tries to solve confrontations with sheer intimidation or by talking it out. He's an extremely friendly guy and talks to everyone he comes into contact with. Beyond just being friendly he genuinely cares about people and is always willing to listen and help out where he can. He's not exactly the most intelligent either, he can run his business just fine, from years of experience and being taught since he was a child, and he can follow most orders pretty easily but he's not a great problem solver and a lot of things that are typically associated with intelligence just go right by him.
Backstory: Feyrien grew up in the city, his father owning and running the tavern and inn before him. He never really knew much about his mother and was raised solely by his father. His father taught him the basics of how to use a sword and everything he knew about running the family business. Feyrien started working at the inn/tavern at the young age of 13. He officially took over as the owner when he turned 20 and his father died of an unknown sickness. He has been running it ever since.
- His favorite fruit is (stereotypically) an apple
- He knows quite a few people in the city having lived there his entire life
- He eats a strictly vegetarian diet
- He spends almost all his time at his inn/tavern
- He's at best a mediocre fighter with and without weapons
[quote name="MidnightSun" date="2022-08-07 11:20:02" ] I love him @skarrow [/quote] :D And I’m thrilled with your characters, can’t wait to run into them at some point if all works out :3
MidnightSun wrote on 2022-08-07 11:20:02:
I love him @skarrow

:D And I’m thrilled with your characters, can’t wait to run into them at some point if all works out :3
[quote name="Skarrow" date="2022-08-07 17:40:30" ] [quote name="MidnightSun" date="2022-08-07 11:20:02" ] I love him @skarrow [/quote] :D And I’m thrilled with your characters, can’t wait to run into them at some point if all works out :3 [/quote] I'm just waiting on Teleoste to approve my huntress before I post for her!
Skarrow wrote on 2022-08-07 17:40:30:
MidnightSun wrote on 2022-08-07 11:20:02:
I love him @skarrow

:D And I’m thrilled with your characters, can’t wait to run into them at some point if all works out :3

I'm just waiting on Teleoste to approve my huntress before I post for her!
[center] [b]Username:[/b] PastelPerryton [b]Role:[/b] Healer/Druid [b]Name:[/b] Alesif [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Age:[/b] roughly 20-22 [b]Species:[/b] Centaur dryad [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] excuse his watermarks please, it's a habit of mine to watermark heavily he has gray eyes if theyre hard to see his coat color is a raven max black pangare no scars to speak of his plants can and do grow unless trimmed, this isn't painful for him stands around 7'7 at the top of his head swears hes 8 foot flat [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet and shy on the outside but has a bubbly and happy heart when you get to know him, a lonely and solitary soul looking for company and adoration wherever he may find it. Alesif is hyper aware and emotional, easily qualifying as an empath. Not controlling his own emotions well and being a bit standoffish on occasion as a result. Ale is a gentle and kind flirt most times, letting his adoration radiate without hesitation or balk. [b]Backstory:[/b] Dryad's, typically coming into being after a fae falls in love with a human, and is cursed to be eternally tied to a tree, in an effort to end relations. Alesif however was born into this, he's always been a Dryad and thus has never had the culture shock of civilization put upon him. Growing up secluded and tied to a rather large jacaranda tree in a hidden away tree stand, having grown up mostly and near entirely alone as a result. Ale grew up quietly, nearly never leaving the grove he grew up in, having everything he needed already there. Food, running water, and shelter are easily available within the area prompting no reason for any inhabitants to want to leave. Ale has never seen another of his kind, as he wasn't raised by his birth parents, but rather by fae creatures who stepped in and came to his aide upon hearing the upset tremble to the small dryad's voice. Alesif earned the title of little prince among some of the fae who cared for him in his youth. His gentle features, and whimsied nature attributing greatly to this. Upon reaching what could be considered the equivalent of one's teen years, roughly 5-6 years, Ale was well acquainted with the magics and wonders of his home and world, kept blissfully unaware of the horrors of civilized life and expectations, or so the fae would have him believe. Ale has only ever come in contact with one or two people over his lifetime, and has interacted with none, staying hidden and secret. Additionally, Alesif, while being a Dryad is not bound to his tree eternally, but rather his abilities and strength are. Losing his tree won't kill him though it would harm him to great extent to lose it. [b]:Tree Info:[/b] the bark and roots of his connected tree can be used to treat and cure syphilis while the flowers can be used to treat amoebic infections, hot leaf baths can be used to treat infections and wounds. Jacaranda is related loosely to ferms and has similar growth rates and foliage structures. flowers hang in clusters and look not too dissimilar to bells. Trees sport enough flowers to alter the plants color entirely, coming in purple to blue varieties. Jacaranda is susceptible to a fatal disease known as oleander scorch disease, which can be transmitted through the Glassy-winged sharpshooter [b]Other:[/b] His name is derived from the order classification and scientific name of his tree which is a Jacaranda he absolutely loves custard apples as far as fruits are concerned rather enjoys company and snuggles gay gay homosexual gay no concept of social norms Ale grows manifestations of his tree along his body which can be carefully harvested His ears have a habit of flopping even when he's happy (I Don't think I missed anything, also I swear I can spell)




roughly 20-22

Centaur dryad

excuse his watermarks please, it's a habit of mine to watermark heavily
he has gray eyes if theyre hard to see
his coat color is a raven max black pangare
no scars to speak of
his plants can and do grow unless trimmed, this isn't painful for him
stands around 7'7 at the top of his head swears hes 8 foot flat

Quiet and shy on the outside but has a bubbly and happy heart when you get to know him, a lonely and solitary soul looking for company and adoration wherever he may find it. Alesif is hyper aware and emotional, easily qualifying as an empath. Not controlling his own emotions well and being a bit standoffish on occasion as a result. Ale is a gentle and kind flirt most times, letting his adoration radiate without hesitation or balk.

Dryad's, typically coming into being after a fae falls in love with a human, and is cursed to be eternally tied to a tree, in an effort to end relations. Alesif however was born into this, he's always been a Dryad and thus has never had the culture shock of civilization put upon him. Growing up secluded and tied to a rather large jacaranda tree in a hidden away tree stand, having grown up mostly and near entirely alone as a result. Ale grew up quietly, nearly never leaving the grove he grew up in, having everything he needed already there. Food, running water, and shelter are easily available within the area prompting no reason for any inhabitants to want to leave.
Ale has never seen another of his kind, as he wasn't raised by his birth parents, but rather by fae creatures who stepped in and came to his aide upon hearing the upset tremble to the small dryad's voice. Alesif earned the title of little prince among some of the fae who cared for him in his youth. His gentle features, and whimsied nature attributing greatly to this. Upon reaching what could be considered the equivalent of one's teen years, roughly 5-6 years, Ale was well acquainted with the magics and wonders of his home and world, kept blissfully unaware of the horrors of civilized life and expectations, or so the fae would have him believe. Ale has only ever come in contact with one or two people over his lifetime, and has interacted with none, staying hidden and secret.
Additionally, Alesif, while being a Dryad is not bound to his tree eternally, but rather his abilities and strength are. Losing his tree won't kill him though it would harm him to great extent to lose it.

:Tree Info:
the bark and roots of his connected tree can be used to treat and cure syphilis while the flowers can be used to treat amoebic infections, hot leaf baths can be used to treat infections and wounds. Jacaranda is related loosely to ferms and has similar growth rates and foliage structures. flowers hang in clusters and look not too dissimilar to bells. Trees sport enough flowers to alter the plants color entirely, coming in purple to blue varieties. Jacaranda is susceptible to a fatal disease known as oleander scorch disease, which can be transmitted through the Glassy-winged sharpshooter

His name is derived from the order classification and scientific name of his tree which is a Jacaranda
he absolutely loves custard apples as far as fruits are concerned
rather enjoys company and snuggles
gay gay homosexual gay
no concept of social norms
Ale grows manifestations of his tree along his body which can be carefully harvested
His ears have a habit of flopping even when he's happy

(I Don't think I missed anything, also I swear I can spell)
~he/him ~ ArtShop ~ +2 frt ~ Pasta ~ WL~

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