
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Wavecrest Raffle CLOSED
[center][size=4][b]CLOSED -THANK YOU ALL [/b][/size][/center] [center][i]Oracles of the deep, the dragons and clans of the Sea of a Thousand Currents are pleased to welcome you to their ever so humble[/i] [img][/img] [img][/img] [font=Times New Roman][size=4][b]The sand is warm, the water is cool, and the breeze carries sounds and smells inland for kilometers on a good day. Judging by the snatches of conversation you're picking up, this is a good day. [font=Times New Roman] [i][b]"Panels ready?" "Aye." "Pegs ready?" "Aye!" "Who gave him the hammer?"[/b][/i] [img][/img] A pair of Mirrors gallop past you, reciting a list of foods between them as a pacekeeper. [font=Times New Roman] [i][b]"Wisp fruit, small potash peach Foggy flower, prickleaf sweet Bright blue shrimp, jelly so clear Yo, the party's almost here!"[/b][/i] The Wavecrest Saturnalia is coming up, you realize, and Water flight will be planning for it, as usual. Precogs are always sprung forward. The mirrors left a clear trail to follow, with a construction site at the end. Several dragons are locking the walls together and the roof to the walls, while several more move cabinets and a countertop into the still unfinished shack. One dragon, a Coatl wearing more birdskull apparel than you can shake a stick at, swoops over the bar, past the other workers, out the door, and lands neatly on the sand in front of you, a sign wrapped in his tail. [font=Times New Roman][i] [b]"Hello there, you have reached the Tiki Dive Juice Bar! We're not quite ready to open, but feel free to place an order once someone gets the menu hung up."[/b][/i] As he scampers back inside with a stool balanced on his head, he hangs the sign he was carrying by the door. [size=5]Now Hiring[/size][/b] [/size] [img][/img] [i]The Water Flight have opened their most popular juice bar to the public, so belly up to the bar, order a juice on the house, and join in as the Water Flight celebrates....[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] [rule] [size=5]First week of this raffle is all about Dominance for the Water Flight. We will be accepting dragons for exalting to our deity, the Tidelord. The second week of this raffle is all about Wavecrest Saturnalia and all the activities. As Water Flight celebrates the Tidelord and The Sea of a Thousand Currents, we invite all the flights to join in the beach party, and be entered to win some of the Water Flight Bounty![/size] [rule] [img][/img] [/center] [b]This raffle will run for 2 weeks. See below for how to enter for both weeks.[/b] [LIST=1] [*]Please be nice to all the droplets and land-walkers in this thread!!! [*]Ping any of the thread helpers to get someone's attention!! [*]Donated dragons WILL be named before being exalted [*]They may also be trained before being exalted [*]The raffle will end on Saturday (5/2/15), at 23:45 server time. [*]There is no limit of entries per person [*]Tickets are non-refundable [*]WATER FLIGHTERS PLEASE GO TO THE IN FLIGHT RAFFLE [url=]LOCATED HERE[/url] [/LIST] [img][/img] [b]Week 1 - How to enter[/b] [LIST=1] [*]Send a crossroad to an online attendant with a dragon for the amount of treasure listed in the payout below. [*]The higher the level, the higher your payout. [*]Dragons sent for 1t will net you double tickets. [*]Remember to watch the bonuses of the day. [*]If you send in a hatchling already named, add 100t bonus to your payout! [*]If you don't have dragons to send, you can buy tickets! Each ticket is 1 Gem, or 1,000 T. All purchasing tickets, please send a PM to Cheystar. The treasure collected will go directly into the Sunken Treasure. [/LIST] [b]Week 2 - How to enter[/b] [LIST=1] [*]Participate in our Wavecrest Saturnalia events and games running throughout the lands! You will find the main hub [url=]HERE.[/url] [*]Each event has their own rules and ticket amounts, we will get the ticket entries each day from the thread runners to be entered into this main raffle. [*]We will NOT be accepting exalt dragons during week two. [*]You can purchase tickets, the same as above. Contact Cheystar. [/LIST] [b]Prize Drawing[/b] We will draw prizes for this raffle starting on the Sunday after Wavecrest Saturnalia has ended. Daily door prizes do NOT count toward the main raffle prizes, i.e. - if you win a Daily Door Prize, you will still be entered to win in the main raffle. We will draw prize in batches of 10 until all prizes are distributed. Winners will only be able to win once. If for some reason, all names have been drawn and there are still prizes left over, all tickets will go back into the drawing, and continue until all prizes are given out. Winners will be chosen at [url=][/url]. [img][/img] [b]Daily Door Prize[/b] You will be automatically entered into the Daily Door Prize when you send a dragon (week one only), purchase a ticket, enter into the activities on that day (week two only), or answer the Daily Trivia Question. [i]Daily Door Prizes will be given out for the full 2 weeks. Answering the Trivia question nets you a ticket for the Daily Prize only. One answer per day, per player. [center] [rule] [quote=Daily Door Prize Day One - Sunday, 4/19] Winner: Traakkikitsune [/quote] [quote=Daily Prize Day Two] Winner twotone [/quote] [quote=Daily Prize 3] Winner: Porkabu [/quote] [quote=Daily Prize 4] Won by Kentouma [/quote] [quote=Daily Prize 5] Winner: Capeta [/quote] [quote=Daily Prize 6] Winner: Xythus [/quote] [quote=Daily Prize 7] Winner: Dierdre [/quote] [quote=Daily Prize 8] Winner: Lizardheart [/quote] [quote=Daily Prize 9] Winner: bloodrayne03 [/quote] [quote=Daily Prize 10] Winner: Steex [/quote] [quote=Daily Prize 11] Winner: AerysTargaryen [/quote] [quote=Daily Prize 12] [i]Gen One - RTB Pair[/i] Winner: SkylerFarrier [/quote] [quote=Daily Prize 13] Winner: brain4puzzles [/quote] [quote=Daily Prize 14] Winner: clanguardian [/quote] [b]Daily Question - Day One - Sunday, 4/19/15[/b] What percentage of life on Earth is aquatic? Answer I was looking for is 94% of life on Earth is aquatic! Hmmm, makes you wonder, why isn't Water the largest flight? Winner of the the Daily is Traakkikitsune. Will be PM'd shortly! [Rule] [b]Daily Question - Day Two - Monday, 4/20/15[/b] What is the largest living structure on Earth, and can be seen from the Moon? Answer: The Great Barrier Reef! The GBR is the largest living structure on Earth, and is known for it's 600 types of soft and hard corals, it's also home to a large number of plants and animals. The GBR is threatened, and it needs better protection - from climate change, water quality, coastal development and illegal fishing - To read more about the Reef, visit this [url=]LINK.[/url] Winner of the Daily Prize Day Two is twotone! (that's sort of fitting...) Will be PM'd shortly... [rule] [b]Daily Question - Day Three - Tuesday, 4/21/15[/b] The world's oceans contain 20 million tons of what? Answer is Gold! So you would think that Water Flight is also very rich, but that seems to avoid my hoard quite well.......I think I need to report to Genes Anonymous.... Winner is Porkabu! Will be PM'd shortly... [rule] [b]Daily Question - Day Four - Wednesday, 4/22/15[/b] The deep oceans are the world's largest what? [i]Looking for a specific answer here...think "field trips"[/i] Answer: Museums! The deep oceans are known as Mega Museums! There are more artifacts and relics in the oceans than all the museums in the world combined! Between the shipwrecks, supposedly sunken cities, and fossils, much of it can't be explored because of the depth. Wow, I think Tidelord could take on us a some long field trips! Winner is Kentouma! Will be PM'd shortly... [Rule] [b]Daily Question - Day Five - Thursday, 4/23/15[/b] If all the ice glaciers and ice sheets melted, how much would the sea level rise? Answer: It would raise between 212 and 262 ft! It would only take 10 ft to put New York, New Orleans, London and Venice underwater, 260 ft, say goodbye to the whole state of Florida! And no more vacationing in Cancun....but we'd lose even more living space, as a lot of areas would be too hot to live! Winner today is: Capeta! Will be PM'd shortly! [rule] [b]Daily Question - Day Six - Friday, 4/24/15[/b] What is the deepest part of the ocean? Answer: The Challenger Deep inside Mariana Trench! At 36,198 feet, if you could place Mt. Everest inside the trench, there would still be a mile of seawater above it! Only one time, in 1960 did a team reach the bottom of the trench, but with all the silt stirred up, they could not get pictures. Winner is: Xythus! Will be PM'd shortly [rule] [b]Daily Question - Day Seven - Saturday, 4/25/15[/b] What country has the largest coastline? Answer: Canada! 56,453 miles or 15% of the world's coastlines! Too bad that's not all beach. Winner: Dierdre! Will be PM'd shortly. [rule] [b]Daily Question - Day Eight - Sunday, 4/26/15[/b] 90% of all this activity occurs in the oceans. Answer: Volcanic! And the Pacific Ring of Fire, is a string of volcanoes under the ocean that has more than 450 active volcanoes and stretches nearly 25,000 miles! So fire and water DO mix. Winner is Lizardheart! Will be PM'd shortly. [rule] [b]Daily Question - Day Nine- Monday, 4/27/15[/b] What is the longest, continuous mountain range on Earth? Answer: Mid-Ocean Ridge! It skirts around the globe from the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic, skirting Africa, Asia and Australia, and crossing the Pacific to the west coast of North America. It is four times longer than the Andes, Rockies, and Himalayas combined! [i](Those octoflyers whap into them all the time, and the hatchlings in Water Flight laugh all day[/i]). Winner is bloodrayne03!! Will be PM'd shortly [rule] [b]Daily Question - Day Ten- Tuesday, 4/28/15[/b] What percentage of the oxygen we breathe, is produced by the oceans? Answer: Around 70%! Yeah, there are a lot of variables on exactly what produces the oxygen, but for simplicity, we are going with the average. And this is actually very interesting to me, as I always believed the rain forests (that are getting smaller and smaller) were the largest producers of our oxygen, but the ocean wins that one. Winner is Steex! Will be PM'd shortly... [rule] [b]Daily Question - Day Eleven- Wednesday, 4/29/15[/b] When you swallow a milliliter mouthful of ocean water, what are you probably also swallowing? Answer: Not only are we swallowing salt, but you also could be ingesting millions of bacterial cells, hundreds of thousands of phytoplankton and tens of thousands of zooplankton, and 10 million viruses! And let's not even start on the pollution itself.....EWWWW, try hard not to open your mouth during swimming, but don't get too alarmed, for the most part, the human body doesn't have too many ill effects from it as long as it's small amounts. Winner: AerysTargaryen - will be PM'd shortly! [rule] [b]Daily Question - Day Twelve- Thursday, 4/30/15[/b] This is very hard to see when it is begins, as it's only about 4 inches high. Answer: A tsunami! Underwater disturbances such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides (for a few) can cause these massive waves. Starting at about 4 inches high, and traveling at speeds up to 500 miles per hour, by the time they reach shore, they can be tens of meters high! See, Water Flight uses this term toward the end of a hard fought dominance run....we bring on the "tsunami!" hehe. Winner: SkylerFarrier - Will be PM'd shortly! [rule] [b]Daily Question - Day Thirteen- Friday, 5/01/15[/b] [i]wow, it's May already....[/i] We have better maps of this, then we do of the ocean floor. Answer: Of Mars and the Moon! Isn't that kind of sad? Shouldn't we work on exploring our own planet a bit more? Winner: brain4puzzles Will be PM'd! [rule] [b]Daily Question - Day Fourteen- Saturday, 5/02/15[/b] [i]last day...[/i] This has been a blast everyone, thanks so much for participating for the last 2 weeks. Hope you've all had fun with Wavecrest Saturnalia! Tomorrow we will begin the process of giving out the prizes for this raffle. Good luck to everyone! Question: (kind of easy one, but goes with yesterday's question a bit...) How much of the Earth's oceans have we explored? Answer: Less than 5%! The oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth and is the lifeblood of the planet, regulating temperatures, and ultimately supporting all living organisms. Throughout history, the ocean has been a vital source of sustenance, transport, commerce, growth, and inspiration. Yet for all of our reliance on the ocean, 95 percent of this realm remains unexplored, unseen by human eyes. The winner is clanguardian! [rule] Thank you for a fun week! We will get on with drawing winners to this raffle! [i]Answer right here on the raffle board, I will track them daily.[/i] [/center]

Oracles of the deep, the dragons and clans of the Sea of a Thousand Currents are pleased to welcome you to their ever so humble



The sand is warm, the water is cool, and the breeze carries sounds and smells inland for kilometers on a good day.

Judging by the snatches of conversation you're picking up, this is a good day.

"Panels ready?"

"Pegs ready?"
"Who gave him the hammer?"


A pair of Mirrors gallop past you, reciting a list of foods between them as a pacekeeper.

"Wisp fruit, small potash peach
Foggy flower, prickleaf sweet
Bright blue shrimp, jelly so clear
Yo, the party's almost here!"

The Wavecrest Saturnalia is coming up, you realize, and Water flight will be planning for it, as usual. Precogs are always sprung forward.

The mirrors left a clear trail to follow, with a construction site at the end. Several dragons are locking the walls together and the roof to the walls, while several more move cabinets and a countertop into the still unfinished shack.

One dragon, a Coatl wearing more birdskull apparel than you can shake a stick at, swoops over the bar, past the other workers, out the door, and lands neatly on the sand in front of you, a sign wrapped in his tail.

"Hello there, you have reached the Tiki Dive Juice Bar! We're not quite ready to open, but feel free to place an order once someone gets the menu hung up."

As he scampers back inside with a stool balanced on his head, he hangs the sign he was carrying by the door.

Now Hiring


The Water Flight have opened their most popular juice bar to the public, so belly up to the bar, order a juice on the house, and join in as the Water Flight celebrates....


First week of this raffle is all about Dominance for the Water Flight. We will be accepting dragons for exalting to our deity, the Tidelord.

The second week of this raffle is all about Wavecrest Saturnalia and all the activities. As Water Flight celebrates the Tidelord and The Sea of a Thousand Currents, we invite all the flights to join in the beach party, and be entered to win some of the Water Flight Bounty!

This raffle will run for 2 weeks. See below for how to enter for both weeks.
  1. Please be nice to all the droplets and land-walkers in this thread!!!
  2. Ping any of the thread helpers to get someone's attention!!
  3. Donated dragons WILL be named before being exalted
  4. They may also be trained before being exalted
  5. The raffle will end on Saturday (5/2/15), at 23:45 server time.
  6. There is no limit of entries per person
  7. Tickets are non-refundable


Week 1 - How to enter
  1. Send a crossroad to an online attendant with a dragon for the amount of treasure listed in the payout below.
  2. The higher the level, the higher your payout.
  3. Dragons sent for 1t will net you double tickets.
  4. Remember to watch the bonuses of the day.
  5. If you send in a hatchling already named, add 100t bonus to your payout!
  6. If you don't have dragons to send, you can buy tickets! Each ticket is 1 Gem, or 1,000 T. All purchasing tickets, please send a PM to Cheystar. The treasure collected will go directly into the Sunken Treasure.

Week 2 - How to enter
  1. Participate in our Wavecrest Saturnalia events and games running throughout the lands! You will find the main hub HERE.
  2. Each event has their own rules and ticket amounts, we will get the ticket entries each day from the thread runners to be entered into this main raffle.
  3. We will NOT be accepting exalt dragons during week two.
  4. You can purchase tickets, the same as above. Contact Cheystar.

Prize Drawing
We will draw prizes for this raffle starting on the Sunday after Wavecrest Saturnalia has ended.

Daily door prizes do NOT count toward the main raffle prizes, i.e. - if you win a Daily Door Prize, you will still be entered to win in the main raffle.

We will draw prize in batches of 10 until all prizes are distributed.

Winners will only be able to win once. If for some reason, all names have been drawn and there are still prizes left over, all tickets will go back into the drawing, and continue until all prizes are given out. Winners will be chosen at


Daily Door Prize

You will be automatically entered into the Daily Door Prize when you send a dragon (week one only), purchase a ticket, enter into the activities on that day (week two only), or answer the Daily Trivia Question. Daily Door Prizes will be given out for the full 2 weeks.

Answering the Trivia question nets you a ticket for the Daily Prize only. One answer per day, per player.

Daily Door Prize Day One - Sunday, 4/19 wrote:

Winner: Traakkikitsune
Daily Prize Day Two wrote:

Winner twotone
Daily Prize 3 wrote:

Winner: Porkabu

Daily Prize 4 wrote:

Won by Kentouma

Daily Prize 5 wrote:

Winner: Capeta
Daily Prize 6 wrote:

Winner: Xythus

Daily Prize 7 wrote:

Winner: Dierdre
Daily Prize 8 wrote:

Winner: Lizardheart

Daily Prize 9 wrote:

Winner: bloodrayne03

Daily Prize 10 wrote:

Winner: Steex

Daily Prize 11 wrote:

Winner: AerysTargaryen
Daily Prize 12 wrote:

Gen One - RTB Pair

Winner: SkylerFarrier

Daily Prize 13 wrote:

Winner: brain4puzzles

Daily Prize 14 wrote:

Winner: clanguardian

Daily Question - Day One - Sunday, 4/19/15

What percentage of life on Earth is aquatic?

Answer I was looking for is 94% of life on Earth is aquatic! Hmmm, makes you wonder, why isn't Water the largest flight?

Winner of the the Daily is Traakkikitsune. Will be PM'd shortly!

Daily Question - Day Two - Monday, 4/20/15

What is the largest living structure on Earth, and can be seen from the Moon?

Answer: The Great Barrier Reef!
The GBR is the largest living structure on Earth, and is known for it's 600 types of soft and hard corals, it's also home to a large number of plants and animals.

The GBR is threatened, and it needs better protection - from climate change, water quality, coastal development and illegal fishing -

To read more about the Reef, visit this LINK.

Winner of the Daily Prize Day Two is twotone! (that's sort of fitting...) Will be PM'd shortly...

Daily Question - Day Three - Tuesday, 4/21/15

The world's oceans contain 20 million tons of what?

Answer is Gold! So you would think that Water Flight is also very rich, but that seems to avoid my hoard quite well.......I think I need to report to Genes Anonymous....

Winner is Porkabu! Will be PM'd shortly...

Daily Question - Day Four - Wednesday, 4/22/15

The deep oceans are the world's largest what?
Looking for a specific answer here...think "field trips"

Answer: Museums! The deep oceans are known as Mega Museums! There are more artifacts and relics in the oceans than all the museums in the world combined! Between the shipwrecks, supposedly sunken cities, and fossils, much of it can't be explored because of the depth. Wow, I think Tidelord could take on us a some long field trips!

Winner is Kentouma! Will be PM'd shortly...

Daily Question - Day Five - Thursday, 4/23/15

If all the ice glaciers and ice sheets melted, how much would the sea level rise?

Answer: It would raise between 212 and 262 ft! It would only take 10 ft to put New York, New Orleans, London and Venice underwater, 260 ft, say goodbye to the whole state of Florida! And no more vacationing in Cancun....but we'd lose even more living space, as a lot of areas would be too hot to live!

Winner today is: Capeta! Will be PM'd shortly!

Daily Question - Day Six - Friday, 4/24/15

What is the deepest part of the ocean?

Answer: The Challenger Deep inside Mariana Trench! At 36,198 feet, if you could place Mt. Everest inside the trench, there would still be a mile of seawater above it! Only one time, in 1960 did a team reach the bottom of the trench, but with all the silt stirred up, they could not get pictures.

Winner is: Xythus! Will be PM'd shortly

Daily Question - Day Seven - Saturday, 4/25/15

What country has the largest coastline?

Answer: Canada! 56,453 miles or 15% of the world's coastlines! Too bad that's not all beach.

Winner: Dierdre! Will be PM'd shortly.

Daily Question - Day Eight - Sunday, 4/26/15

90% of all this activity occurs in the oceans.

Answer: Volcanic! And the Pacific Ring of Fire, is a string of volcanoes under the ocean that has more than 450 active volcanoes and stretches nearly 25,000 miles! So fire and water DO mix.

Winner is Lizardheart! Will be PM'd shortly.

Daily Question - Day Nine- Monday, 4/27/15

What is the longest, continuous mountain range on Earth?

Answer: Mid-Ocean Ridge! It skirts around the globe from the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic, skirting Africa, Asia and Australia, and crossing the Pacific to the west coast of North America. It is four times longer than the Andes, Rockies, and Himalayas combined! (Those octoflyers whap into them all the time, and the hatchlings in Water Flight laugh all day).

Winner is bloodrayne03!! Will be PM'd shortly

Daily Question - Day Ten- Tuesday, 4/28/15

What percentage of the oxygen we breathe, is produced by the oceans?

Answer: Around 70%! Yeah, there are a lot of variables on exactly what produces the oxygen, but for simplicity, we are going with the average. And this is actually very interesting to me, as I always believed the rain forests (that are getting smaller and smaller) were the largest producers of our oxygen, but the ocean wins that one.

Winner is Steex! Will be PM'd shortly...

Daily Question - Day Eleven- Wednesday, 4/29/15

When you swallow a milliliter mouthful of ocean water, what are you probably also swallowing?

Answer: Not only are we swallowing salt, but you also could be ingesting millions of bacterial cells, hundreds of thousands of phytoplankton and tens of thousands of zooplankton, and 10 million viruses! And let's not even start on the pollution itself.....EWWWW, try hard not to open your mouth during swimming, but don't get too alarmed, for the most part, the human body doesn't have too many ill effects from it as long as it's small amounts.

Winner: AerysTargaryen - will be PM'd shortly!

Daily Question - Day Twelve- Thursday, 4/30/15

This is very hard to see when it is begins, as it's only about 4 inches high.

Answer: A tsunami! Underwater disturbances such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides (for a few) can cause these massive waves. Starting at about 4 inches high, and traveling at speeds up to 500 miles per hour, by the time they reach shore, they can be tens of meters high! See, Water Flight uses this term toward the end of a hard fought dominance run....we bring on the "tsunami!" hehe.

Winner: SkylerFarrier - Will be PM'd shortly!

Daily Question - Day Thirteen- Friday, 5/01/15 wow, it's May already....

We have better maps of this, then we do of the ocean floor.

Answer: Of Mars and the Moon! Isn't that kind of sad? Shouldn't we work on exploring our own planet a bit more?

Winner: brain4puzzles Will be PM'd!

Daily Question - Day Fourteen- Saturday, 5/02/15 last day...

This has been a blast everyone, thanks so much for participating for the last 2 weeks. Hope you've all had fun with Wavecrest Saturnalia! Tomorrow we will begin the process of giving out the prizes for this raffle. Good luck to everyone!

Question: (kind of easy one, but goes with yesterday's question a bit...)

How much of the Earth's oceans have we explored?

Answer: Less than 5%! The oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth and is the lifeblood of the planet, regulating temperatures, and ultimately supporting all living organisms. Throughout history, the ocean has been a vital source of sustenance, transport, commerce, growth, and inspiration.

Yet for all of our reliance on the ocean, 95 percent of this realm remains unexplored, unseen by human eyes.

The winner is clanguardian!

Thank you for a fun week! We will get on with drawing winners to this raffle!

Answer right here on the raffle board, I will track them daily.
[center] [img][/img] There are way too many people to name here, but here are some thanks from the Water Flight. Special thanks go to the entire Water Flight for their amazing donations for this raffle. To all the raffle helpers, veteran's and newbies alike, you all are the reason we can do this. To the artisans of Water Flight, thank you for the story, and all the beautiful artwork you are donating. To all running the amazing activities for Wavecrest, and to the wonderful people who shared their graphic skills all around for our holiday. And finally, thanks to all the flights on FR, who will send dragons, participate in Wavecrest Saturnalia and have fun with us, let's have a great holiday!! [/center]

There are way too many people to name here, but here are some thanks from the Water Flight.

Special thanks go to the entire Water Flight for their amazing donations for this raffle.

To all the raffle helpers, veteran's and newbies alike, you all are the reason we can do this.

To the artisans of Water Flight, thank you for the story, and all the beautiful artwork you are donating.

To all running the amazing activities for Wavecrest, and to the wonderful people who shared their graphic skills all around for our holiday.

And finally, thanks to all the flights on FR, who will send dragons, participate in Wavecrest Saturnalia and have fun with us, let's have a great holiday!!
We are ready!
We are ready!
woo! send us dragons! :D
woo! send us dragons! :D

Sending you a bunch! :D

Sending you a bunch! :D

Sending you a bunch! :D

Sending you a bunch! :D
Online and accepting!
Online and accepting!
Also accepting! :)
Also accepting! :)
I rent my nest to all flights (It's free. Tips are always welcome but not necessary). I also train dragons for a fee (be it exalt fodder or else). Here is the post with more information :) (The training part is in hiatus)

LF hatcheries from Earth and Shadow for dragons matching the F Bears!
Hi! I would just like to clarify, are you accepting hatchlings? Didn't seem to read anything about that.
Hi! I would just like to clarify, are you accepting hatchlings? Didn't seem to read anything about that.
Light Sprite