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TOPIC | Is it worth leveling g1s to sell?
so i have these guys with honestly pretty good colors, but they havent sold and its been over a month. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] is it worth it to level them to 25 and try again? i was thinking 1000g each after leveling, or do you think thatd be a big waste of time? It's genuinely so hard figuring out how much g1s are worth LOL
so i have these guys with honestly pretty good colors, but they havent sold and its been over a month.


is it worth it to level them to 25 and try again? i was thinking 1000g each after leveling, or do you think thatd be a big waste of time? It's genuinely so hard figuring out how much g1s are worth LOL
Maybe? But... honestly most people only seem to pay over 500g for matchy doubles and triples with super popular colors, I think that's were most of your issues lie. There are *doubles* on the AH for around 200g. People can find nice looking xyzs like yours for fodder prices (admittedly ungened but as far as I'm aware I don't think genes get accounted for most of the time since most buyers are likely to regene anyway- they're not gonna want to pay extra for genes they don't want).

Lv 25 g1s are starting listed around 250g. whereas non-g1s are starting around 200g on the AH. 1000g is way too high imo.

Idk, I'm not a g1 person, I don't know the nuances of the g1 market, but I think maybe taking a glance at the AH might give you some sort of idea? Those are gonna be your competition I think.
Maybe? But... honestly most people only seem to pay over 500g for matchy doubles and triples with super popular colors, I think that's were most of your issues lie. There are *doubles* on the AH for around 200g. People can find nice looking xyzs like yours for fodder prices (admittedly ungened but as far as I'm aware I don't think genes get accounted for most of the time since most buyers are likely to regene anyway- they're not gonna want to pay extra for genes they don't want).

Lv 25 g1s are starting listed around 250g. whereas non-g1s are starting around 200g on the AH. 1000g is way too high imo.

Idk, I'm not a g1 person, I don't know the nuances of the g1 market, but I think maybe taking a glance at the AH might give you some sort of idea? Those are gonna be your competition I think.
Hjönk Hjönk Am Goose


G1s sell because a person is looking for that color combo or a G1 with that color combo. Anything money or effort you add to that will only increase your costs without guaranteeing that a buyer will pay for more.

Think of it this way. Your biggest pool of buyers starts off with who wants that color combo/g1. Adding genes only adds value if the buyer wants those genes; otherwise they're not interested in paying more for something they're going to change. That cuts down on your buyers.

They've all been bred so that cuts out all the people who want unbred G1s.

Leveling them up to L25 cuts down the pool even further because now you're looking for someone who wants those colors, those genes and L25.

You might try Old Oaks if you're not inclined to just level to exalt.

Dragon Selling Points may be helpful in finding out if they're worth anything more than their exalt value.

Good luck!


G1s sell because a person is looking for that color combo or a G1 with that color combo. Anything money or effort you add to that will only increase your costs without guaranteeing that a buyer will pay for more.

Think of it this way. Your biggest pool of buyers starts off with who wants that color combo/g1. Adding genes only adds value if the buyer wants those genes; otherwise they're not interested in paying more for something they're going to change. That cuts down on your buyers.

They've all been bred so that cuts out all the people who want unbred G1s.

Leveling them up to L25 cuts down the pool even further because now you're looking for someone who wants those colors, those genes and L25.

You might try Old Oaks if you're not inclined to just level to exalt.

Dragon Selling Points may be helpful in finding out if they're worth anything more than their exalt value.

Good luck!
I want to live in Theory. Everything works there.

Have you checked the Gem MP for Gene and Breed scrolls before buying an AH listing from me ending in 5g?
Gened and bred g1s are typically more difficult to sell and, in the case of bred g1s in particular, they usually sell for less than what an equivalent unbred g1 would go for. Their colors also don't appear to be the most popular either unfortunately. You can absolutely get 500g+ for XYZ g1s, but it's unlikely in my opinion if they're bred, in low demand, and have no other notable characteristics like low digit or special ID. I think leveling them would broaden your customer base to include people looking for leveled dragons, but I don't know if it'd be a worthwhile investment timewise.

Have you pinged g1 hoarders for them? Not only would it bring attention to them, you may also get pricing advice/help.

Gened and bred g1s are typically more difficult to sell and, in the case of bred g1s in particular, they usually sell for less than what an equivalent unbred g1 would go for. Their colors also don't appear to be the most popular either unfortunately. You can absolutely get 500g+ for XYZ g1s, but it's unlikely in my opinion if they're bred, in low demand, and have no other notable characteristics like low digit or special ID. I think leveling them would broaden your customer base to include people looking for leveled dragons, but I don't know if it'd be a worthwhile investment timewise.

Have you pinged g1 hoarders for them? Not only would it bring attention to them, you may also get pricing advice/help.

- G1s for sale
- LF any combo of abyss, copper, spruce and other dream g1s
All aforementioned points by everyone is very helpful. I’ll try not to repeat them.
Bold points are for summarisation. Not aggression!

IMO, any bred Gen1s should get their price cut in at least half as what you’d price them as an unbred g1. That’s how damaging a bred status is to so many people.

If you’re struggling to sell, ensure you’re advertising to people who wants G1s (in LF threads on "Find a Dragon" and pinglists) I do think you have some pretty nice G1s but you need to find your audience. After that, I’d slowly reduce the price overtime if you’re fixed on selling them faster.

One month isn’t a long time for trying to sell a g1 at your price. I’ve had G1s sell after years of being in my ownership (I don’t reduce my prices very much as I’m okay waiting, as I may reconsider keeping them)
All aforementioned points by everyone is very helpful. I’ll try not to repeat them.
Bold points are for summarisation. Not aggression!

IMO, any bred Gen1s should get their price cut in at least half as what you’d price them as an unbred g1. That’s how damaging a bred status is to so many people.

If you’re struggling to sell, ensure you’re advertising to people who wants G1s (in LF threads on "Find a Dragon" and pinglists) I do think you have some pretty nice G1s but you need to find your audience. After that, I’d slowly reduce the price overtime if you’re fixed on selling them faster.

One month isn’t a long time for trying to sell a g1 at your price. I’ve had G1s sell after years of being in my ownership (I don’t reduce my prices very much as I’m okay waiting, as I may reconsider keeping them)
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