
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | CFCE (private nest exchange) OPEN
@queerqueg three eggs from both of your pairs.
@queerqueg three eggs from both of your pairs.
BEXx3Jf.gif F9Q5MgG.gif v0bd3FH.png
Egg-cellent Hoarding Idea
Wishlist [WIP]
@CaityJay i can take your earth nest. any food is fine c:
@CaityJay i can take your earth nest. any food is fine c:
............. tumblr-pa5yx1-Ks-ZM1tecpo4o1-100.png ...
the reliquary
''it's not over yet''
wishlist • familiar collector
[quote name="Kalia" date="2025-01-18 04:58:29" ] [quote name="Kalia" date="2025-01-17 10:28:12" ] LF a [s]Lightning [/s]nest, please let me know if you want any food :) [/quote] Still looking for [s]Lightning [/s]+ [s]1 Plague[/s] and [s]1 Fire[/s] today :P [/quote] And still looking for [s]Lightning [/s]+ [s]Light [/s]nest today.
Kalia wrote on 2025-01-18 04:58:29:
Kalia wrote on 2025-01-17 10:28:12:
LF a Lightning nest, please let me know if you want any food :)
Still looking for Lightning + 1 Plague and 1 Fire today :P
And still looking for Lightning + Light nest today.
@Kalia I can take your Lightning nest
@Kalia I can take your Lightning nest

Three eggs from your pair!

Three eggs from your pair!
Yi8U9eL.png K • A • I • X • I • N
Hatchery_____Art Shop
Tumblr----_-_-Draw Your Lair
Clan Lore
[quote=Lightning CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Charged Stormcatcher Sackdoll][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][b]Found![/b][/columns][/quote] Hello! I still need [b]one[/b] Lightning nest. If you need any food, let me know what kind! Thanks!
Lightning CFCE Hosts wrote:
Charged Stormcatcher Sackdoll o Found!

Hello! I still need one Lightning nest. If you need any food, let me know what kind! Thanks!
Yi8U9eL.png K • A • I • X • I • N
Hatchery_____Art Shop
Tumblr----_-_-Draw Your Lair
Clan Lore
@Kaixin I can take yours too!

EDIT: twegged! Better than one, but not the best, sorry
@Kaixin I can take yours too!

EDIT: twegged! Better than one, but not the best, sorry
@kalia i can take your light nest

edit: i'm going to bed early BUT if you don't find someone else to take the light nest i will get them hosted up tomorrow asap!
@kalia i can take your light nest

edit: i'm going to bed early BUT if you don't find someone else to take the light nest i will get them hosted up tomorrow asap!
Scorchpaw Prowler
[quote=Water CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Aava, @AzaRein, @beanutbutter, @BubblyOstrich, @Dangerpuddle, @DeepflowManah, @EmeraldCreatures, @EnglishRose, @Fayo, @Fendwellr, @Halcandra, @Jessaboo, @Kaixin, @Kataracts, @MermaidCove, @NuovoSangue, @Plushieee, @RedWind, @Soulsaurora, @torreywolf, @Zaratyst[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote] [quote=Ice CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Frozen Goblin][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Axqu, @Croissants, @Fulminare, @GentleGentoo, @inkwardlychaotic, @Itarille, @Kalia, @KaylenAldanae, @LeviathanDemon, @Ochiba, @Rhowyn, @RubescentClaret, @Sabaari, @StarryComet, @That1DireWolf, @Tserin, @winterbright[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote] Hello all! I'm looking for [s]two ice nests[/s] and [b]one water nest[/b]! I'd love for them to be nested after rollover, but asking now! Let me know if you'd prefer food (and what kind) or fodder melting mats!
Water CFCE Hosts wrote:
Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll o @Aava, @AzaRein, @beanutbutter, @BubblyOstrich, @Dangerpuddle, @DeepflowManah, @EmeraldCreatures, @EnglishRose, @Fayo, @Fendwellr, @Halcandra, @Jessaboo, @Kaixin, @Kataracts, @MermaidCove, @NuovoSangue, @Plushieee, @RedWind, @Soulsaurora, @torreywolf, @Zaratyst

Flight moderator: @

Please host for current CFCE members only!
Ice CFCE Hosts wrote:
Frozen Goblin o @Axqu, @Croissants, @Fulminare, @GentleGentoo, @inkwardlychaotic, @Itarille, @Kalia, @KaylenAldanae, @LeviathanDemon, @Ochiba, @Rhowyn, @RubescentClaret, @Sabaari, @StarryComet, @That1DireWolf, @Tserin, @winterbright

Flight moderator: @

Please host for current CFCE members only!

Hello all! I'm looking for two ice nests and one water nest! I'd love for them to be nested after rollover, but asking now! Let me know if you'd prefer food (and what kind) or fodder melting mats!
*The Book Nook Hatchery
*JustBlackTea's Rescues
*JustBlackTea's Project Tracker

@JustBlackTea I can host the ice nests, any food the pairs eat would be great!
@JustBlackTea I can host the ice nests, any food the pairs eat would be great!