Hello everyone! This is the auction thread for Dragon #99943279
This is my first time holding an auction, so apologies for any oversights or mistakes on my part. My goal is simply to be as fair as possible
Rules & Info
- This auction will end on January 23rd at FR 8:00
- When posting a bid, ping the person you are outbidding, not me.
- At this time there will be no snipe guard.
- Payment is accepted in pure gems, or a combination of gems and eggs (valued at 200g) but eggs cannot exceed 50% of the payment. Example: User123 wins the auction at 1600g, they pay with 800 gems and 4 eggs.
- Post your bid in gems for clarity.
- Do not edit your post
- There is a last day pinglist, I will do my best to ping around FR 8:00 on the 22nd
- If you have any questions or questions, please reach out to me.
This is my first time holding an auction, so apologies for any oversights or mistakes on my part. My goal is simply to be as fair as possible