[center][size=5]G1 purge! I want them all gone. Haggling very welcome, discounts if you buy multiple dragons![/size]
On the AH for AB price, feel free to haggle!
Fully gened with outfit
Most on the AH for AB prices but feel free to haggle!
One off XXY, matchy
Super matchy, scries in bio
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch, matchy colors
[size=5]Fodder to be[/size]
These are cheap because they ugly, PWYW, they're on the AH for 20g each!
Christmas eve hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
[size=5]Taking offers on[/size]
These I might keep and gene myself but wanted to see if anybody else would be interested in em! LF at the least 300g for each of them
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
G1 purge! I want them all gone. Haggling very welcome, discounts if you buy multiple dragons!
On the AH for AB price, feel free to haggle!
Fully gened with outfit
Most on the AH for AB prices but feel free to haggle!
One off XXY, matchy
Super matchy, scries in bio
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch, matchy colors
Fodder to be
These are cheap because they ugly, PWYW, they're on the AH for 20g each!
Christmas eve hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Taking offers on
These I might keep and gene myself but wanted to see if anybody else would be interested in em! LF at the least 300g for each of them
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
Near 100mil hatch
See above!
General pinglists: Offer
Ping for: XYZ, Nature Normal Eyes, Light Faceted, Earth Normal Eyes, Shadow Normal Eyes, Wind Normal Eyes, Ice Normal Eyes, Plague Normal Eyes, Light Normal Eyes, Earth Rare, Arcane Normal Eyes, Modern, Ancient, Nocturne, Fathom, Everlux, Near miss, Pastels, Blues, Purples, Natural, Autumn, Oranges, Yellows, Browns, Matching eyes, Greens, Flags (LGBTQ+), Reds, Greyscale, Pinks, Flight reps (matching eyes), Eyeburners
-Pings auto hidden-
@SilverQuark @Aidan @GrimmRaven @Locked @Aeraki @Seonais @Cerion @Cynil @Eseren @Caoineadh @sifenke @Tinytalkingtina @Tofubear @warn @AngelOfFate @mercurialwings @Cyrya @Natron @Aviv @Makomo @laffayette @CinamonPizza @Coward @JunS2 @Yukorusshi @5H4D0WDU57 @KiteM @Twye @Lokey @Ryuuna @halforq @Centennial @Caribou @puppicino @Empyreal @DarkRemorse @Rarumara @InfectedWolf @crimsonpixie @frogmom @Blessings5x @xarilin @Heart @eternatus @Novetteus @EonShinato @moosesushi @CryptidPossum @bitmap @Laegjarn @Tues @Blushunt @Azure @dayliqht @Serendipia @Zenzic @alixander @Hessonite @Whymsical @scylla @Home @snapdragonfruit @thanksmeg @Qazzie9 @Ravka @IndigoCat @pokelover150 @GreenAtlas @Chichi @Rowdy @crowful @Cirrostratus @Lykos @RoyalTundra @Voidshadow @Are @jr413 @Sarcosanct @bothriolepis @mayanaz @AquaPaladin @kievan @Croissants @evilwave @DobbyisFree @Kaneun @Mitski @crogge @Zayev @evidence @Desecrated @Garizard @Alanon @sucrose @meanling @Miloki @Lemonquartz @Calibris @fernbrake @Gypae @LightFall @menghuancat @AcretoSorien @l0ser @virtue @Ysdaar @Firra @Charias @SaintMotel @FrostSkyder @mists @matejko @kavalkade @mizpah @Graff @Avessa @NorthernLiights @Plushie @Flamenco @Sotherin @Scamper @ClockworkEclipse @malarkeii @Hydrixz404 @despoinai @AbsoluteZeroK @Tunfischhai @Isyrii @Silksharp @Iphegenia @elegia @Irrwahn @AwayfromBirdland @Mintso @UNIVERSO @Phay @London @sensitivepigeon @Steel @Apothecaria @Verosa @eternitysgate @Moonweaverr @Manifesting @Peisinoe @Suliko @SeaShanty @Psi @carlyle @Lych @Raestrao @SabrinaB @Kyoya @Caydence @stones @Smalldoll @Glum @Swampbird @Toxiac @Suntouched @Lupen @HoneyedBee @Mariposas @Why @bvvvvvm @Moirne @FallingStar275 @TheDEV1L @borb @jennycatmystique @AquaEmperor @Flaxen @seablueheart @Hemophobia @Cassaroz @Yelo @Lackess @Helsing @distaste @LABS107 @Abril @Synthsational @LunaBun @shanshui @Susurrar @furo @Xemriss @CharlotteHornets @Rathsin @Princesco @MysticOfLight @RydeTheHype @WaterMaloneDraws @Barok @TheWildThings @sinistea @1sun1spirit @Jeon @Allaprima @Kasalin @AzaRein @Luluwi @0hzarks @Helixstorm @Hiltain @EzRadiant @Zelie @kyruiz @ShadowFire1 @Vampier @eyyyerie @Embroid @acrobat @Scintillia @cartel @Runi @frogletfern @NavRea @Deliverance @chraze @LordRaikage @Maila @zeniths @juga @Syldaya @Lomon @TaroQueen @undertones @StarWolfQueen @robsypi @mcpearlie @Fletcher @kinyobi @Bunnu @Artifacts @Lino @Iminox @xenofaun @saltymew @silks @plesioth @deadend @TigersMane @Azhdaha @Yelloweye @SnowLynx @loulemon @fugo @Naralex @DaDragon @Flatbooty @Ferascal @Bloomed @Voidsight @seniph @Smithsonian @HOVERCRAFT @Incarnate @sinodyc @plutou @tthheeoo @Gaaming @zebraffe @elv @umbralhorror @tight @Angler @cind @Xendra @tibullus @Sozo @acherontian @Talonmaster @Ginkoi @systemhell @dafatduck @Zarathusa @Liliyanna @Aurelyon @ShadowLessHC98 @1864 @Ashee @crackyoin @SullivanMaurus @RATTTTT @Anky @corsploot @finnamony @LittleParade @Kaboomafoo @Kapro @Inwe @Ketrilla @Starfire0 @DocKnockout @mosey @siridescence @Heathers @CeriothOfCinders @InviPorcelain @Asterodea @LaAstaria @Xef @SageSilentfire @mikeythespikey @rdesklamp @liramyne @WildFlora @Mudguts @Avys @SidMaggotSK @cierii @Revue @Clee @Isabella @LilBlueSapling @gilan @heuksom @ShiftingFoxx @crowskullz @cowl @Marceline @xxxx @BraveEguana @Golurk @kageshi @SarcasticHawke @scolopendromorph @Neoprene @cholla @Tune @Kuzco @Cattleya @Herbalist @souls @Anhinga @milkchai @okcomputer @SunbakedBiscuit @nimomerole @DismasYves @ghostpath @BlueRobin @Blayne @Fluttering @persist @Celestria @404ANACONDA @Ajax4life14 @GLIGAR
Color and Date specifics:
Dragon 1 #97255987 (Nature Uncommon) (Robin/Cyan/Iris) 2024-08-20
Date pings:
Specific pings: @QueenAlais @Blessings5x @cokl @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Luluwi @EzRadiant @Alyxsandre @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @Yuu
Dragon 2 #83037333 (Light Faceted) (Navy/Caramel/Coral) 2022-12-25
Date pings: @mayanaz @Avessa @ClockworkEclipse @LABS107 @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @frogletfern @zeniths @mcpearlie @seamists @CreatorsDilemma @Tsukimayu @EbonyBriars @LaAstaria
Specific pings: @cokl @seamists @extinction @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 3 #99079641 (Earth Uncommon) (Amber/Phthalo/Lead) 2024-11-16
Date pings:
Specific pings: @cokl @LABS107 @Barok @Alyxsandre @HermitBirb @Quivira @tnecho @extinction @Terboherbo @Yuu
Dragon 4 #100006463 (Shadow Common) (Turquoise/Leaf/Orca) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @Nukleer @cokl @xytiiko @LABS107 @Variant @macintalk @Quivira @extinction @Yuu
Dragon 5 #100006479 (Wind Unusual) (Swamp/Ruby/Cinnamon) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @xytiiko @Swampbird @LABS107 @Alyxsandre @Ursaw @seamists @Variant @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @extinction @Yuu
Dragon 6 #100006765 (Wind Common) (Indigo/Clay/Moon) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @xytiiko @LABS107 @Barok @Luluwi @eyyyerie @jr413 @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 7 #100006768 (Ice Unusual) (Grey/Pink/Banana) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @xytiiko @LABS107 @Luluwi @Variant @RunTooLong @Quivira @extinction @Yuu
Dragon 8 #100006812 (Plague Uncommon) (Mist/Caribbean/Clay) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Luluwi @RydeTheHype @EtnaFire @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 9 #100006946 (Plague Uncommon) (Teal/Cerise/Fire) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @LABS107 @Barok @Luluwi @seamists @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 10 #100006476 (Ice Uncommon) (Cyan/Seafoam/Orchid) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @xytiiko @LABS107 @EzRadiant @RunTooLong @macintalk @Quivira @SharkBa1t @SnowFractal @extinction @NixusHiver @Yuu
Dragon 11 #100006829 (Light Common) (Ice/Flaxen/Amethyst) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @LABS107 @Luluwi @HermitBirb @EtnaFire @Hermitbirb @RunTooLong @macintalk @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SnowFractal @extinction @AngelicAvian @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 12 #100006480 (Earth Uncommon) (Sunshine/Blackberry/Orchid) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @Nukleer @cokl @LABS107 @RydeTheHype @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 13 #100006471 (Earth Rare) (Coal/Umber/Grape) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @auroshen @mmuted @Khayria @cokl @LABS107 @Aquatlcs @Tauriel @Osteoderm @Deva @HermitBirb @EtnaFire @Hermitbirb @Variant @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @ghostpath @extinction @AngelicAvian @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 14 #100006485 (Plague Uncommon) (Mist/Nightshade/Mauve) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @auroshen @cokl @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Luluwi @macintalk @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @fehn
Dragon 15 #100006801 (Wind Common) (Eldritch/Sunset/Plum) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @Nukleer @cokl @LABS107 @Luluwi @RydeTheHype @Deva @Alyxsandre @EtnaFire @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 16 #99893516 (Arcane Common) (Peridot/Overcast/Orange) 2024-12-24
Date pings:
Specific pings: @Tserin @cokl @LABS107 @Alyxsandre @seamists @EtnaFire @Quivira @extinction @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
See above!
General pinglists: Offer
Ping for: XYZ, Nature Normal Eyes, Light Faceted, Earth Normal Eyes, Shadow Normal Eyes, Wind Normal Eyes, Ice Normal Eyes, Plague Normal Eyes, Light Normal Eyes, Earth Rare, Arcane Normal Eyes, Modern, Ancient, Nocturne, Fathom, Everlux, Near miss, Pastels, Blues, Purples, Natural, Autumn, Oranges, Yellows, Browns, Matching eyes, Greens, Flags (LGBTQ+), Reds, Greyscale, Pinks, Flight reps (matching eyes), Eyeburners
-Pings auto hidden-
@SilverQuark @Aidan @GrimmRaven @Locked @Aeraki @Seonais @Cerion @Cynil @Eseren @Caoineadh @sifenke @Tinytalkingtina @Tofubear @warn @AngelOfFate @mercurialwings @Cyrya @Natron @Aviv @Makomo @laffayette @CinamonPizza @Coward @JunS2 @Yukorusshi @5H4D0WDU57 @KiteM @Twye @Lokey @Ryuuna @halforq @Centennial @Caribou @puppicino @Empyreal @DarkRemorse @Rarumara @InfectedWolf @crimsonpixie @frogmom @Blessings5x @xarilin @Heart @eternatus @Novetteus @EonShinato @moosesushi @CryptidPossum @bitmap @Laegjarn @Tues @Blushunt @Azure @dayliqht @Serendipia @Zenzic @alixander @Hessonite @Whymsical @scylla @Home @snapdragonfruit @thanksmeg @Qazzie9 @Ravka @IndigoCat @pokelover150 @GreenAtlas @Chichi @Rowdy @crowful @Cirrostratus @Lykos @RoyalTundra @Voidshadow @Are @jr413 @Sarcosanct @bothriolepis @mayanaz @AquaPaladin @kievan @Croissants @evilwave @DobbyisFree @Kaneun @Mitski @crogge @Zayev @evidence @Desecrated @Garizard @Alanon @sucrose @meanling @Miloki @Lemonquartz @Calibris @fernbrake @Gypae @LightFall @menghuancat @AcretoSorien @l0ser @virtue @Ysdaar @Firra @Charias @SaintMotel @FrostSkyder @mists @matejko @kavalkade @mizpah @Graff @Avessa @NorthernLiights @Plushie @Flamenco @Sotherin @Scamper @ClockworkEclipse @malarkeii @Hydrixz404 @despoinai @AbsoluteZeroK @Tunfischhai @Isyrii @Silksharp @Iphegenia @elegia @Irrwahn @AwayfromBirdland @Mintso @UNIVERSO @Phay @London @sensitivepigeon @Steel @Apothecaria @Verosa @eternitysgate @Moonweaverr @Manifesting @Peisinoe @Suliko @SeaShanty @Psi @carlyle @Lych @Raestrao @SabrinaB @Kyoya @Caydence @stones @Smalldoll @Glum @Swampbird @Toxiac @Suntouched @Lupen @HoneyedBee @Mariposas @Why @bvvvvvm @Moirne @FallingStar275 @TheDEV1L @borb @jennycatmystique @AquaEmperor @Flaxen @seablueheart @Hemophobia @Cassaroz @Yelo @Lackess @Helsing @distaste @LABS107 @Abril @Synthsational @LunaBun @shanshui @Susurrar @furo @Xemriss @CharlotteHornets @Rathsin @Princesco @MysticOfLight @RydeTheHype @WaterMaloneDraws @Barok @TheWildThings @sinistea @1sun1spirit @Jeon @Allaprima @Kasalin @AzaRein @Luluwi @0hzarks @Helixstorm @Hiltain @EzRadiant @Zelie @kyruiz @ShadowFire1 @Vampier @eyyyerie @Embroid @acrobat @Scintillia @cartel @Runi @frogletfern @NavRea @Deliverance @chraze @LordRaikage @Maila @zeniths @juga @Syldaya @Lomon @TaroQueen @undertones @StarWolfQueen @robsypi @mcpearlie @Fletcher @kinyobi @Bunnu @Artifacts @Lino @Iminox @xenofaun @saltymew @silks @plesioth @deadend @TigersMane @Azhdaha @Yelloweye @SnowLynx @loulemon @fugo @Naralex @DaDragon @Flatbooty @Ferascal @Bloomed @Voidsight @seniph @Smithsonian @HOVERCRAFT @Incarnate @sinodyc @plutou @tthheeoo @Gaaming @zebraffe @elv @umbralhorror @tight @Angler @cind @Xendra @tibullus @Sozo @acherontian @Talonmaster @Ginkoi @systemhell @dafatduck @Zarathusa @Liliyanna @Aurelyon @ShadowLessHC98 @1864 @Ashee @crackyoin @SullivanMaurus @RATTTTT @Anky @corsploot @finnamony @LittleParade @Kaboomafoo @Kapro @Inwe @Ketrilla @Starfire0 @DocKnockout @mosey @siridescence @Heathers @CeriothOfCinders @InviPorcelain @Asterodea @LaAstaria @Xef @SageSilentfire @mikeythespikey @rdesklamp @liramyne @WildFlora @Mudguts @Avys @SidMaggotSK @cierii @Revue @Clee @Isabella @LilBlueSapling @gilan @heuksom @ShiftingFoxx @crowskullz @cowl @Marceline @xxxx @BraveEguana @Golurk @kageshi @SarcasticHawke @scolopendromorph @Neoprene @cholla @Tune @Kuzco @Cattleya @Herbalist @souls @Anhinga @milkchai @okcomputer @SunbakedBiscuit @nimomerole @DismasYves @ghostpath @BlueRobin @Blayne @Fluttering @persist @Celestria @404ANACONDA @Ajax4life14 @GLIGAR
Color and Date specifics:
Dragon 1 #97255987 (Nature Uncommon) (Robin/Cyan/Iris) 2024-08-20
Date pings:
Specific pings: @QueenAlais @Blessings5x @cokl @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Luluwi @EzRadiant @Alyxsandre @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @Yuu
Dragon 2 #83037333 (Light Faceted) (Navy/Caramel/Coral) 2022-12-25
Date pings: @mayanaz @Avessa @ClockworkEclipse @LABS107 @Manifesting @ShiftingFoxx @frogletfern @zeniths @mcpearlie @seamists @CreatorsDilemma @Tsukimayu @EbonyBriars @LaAstaria
Specific pings: @cokl @seamists @extinction @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 3 #99079641 (Earth Uncommon) (Amber/Phthalo/Lead) 2024-11-16
Date pings:
Specific pings: @cokl @LABS107 @Barok @Alyxsandre @HermitBirb @Quivira @tnecho @extinction @Terboherbo @Yuu
Dragon 4 #100006463 (Shadow Common) (Turquoise/Leaf/Orca) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @Nukleer @cokl @xytiiko @LABS107 @Variant @macintalk @Quivira @extinction @Yuu
Dragon 5 #100006479 (Wind Unusual) (Swamp/Ruby/Cinnamon) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @xytiiko @Swampbird @LABS107 @Alyxsandre @Ursaw @seamists @Variant @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @extinction @Yuu
Dragon 6 #100006765 (Wind Common) (Indigo/Clay/Moon) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @xytiiko @LABS107 @Barok @Luluwi @eyyyerie @jr413 @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 7 #100006768 (Ice Unusual) (Grey/Pink/Banana) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @xytiiko @LABS107 @Luluwi @Variant @RunTooLong @Quivira @extinction @Yuu
Dragon 8 #100006812 (Plague Uncommon) (Mist/Caribbean/Clay) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Luluwi @RydeTheHype @EtnaFire @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 9 #100006946 (Plague Uncommon) (Teal/Cerise/Fire) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @LABS107 @Barok @Luluwi @seamists @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 10 #100006476 (Ice Uncommon) (Cyan/Seafoam/Orchid) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @xytiiko @LABS107 @EzRadiant @RunTooLong @macintalk @Quivira @SharkBa1t @SnowFractal @extinction @NixusHiver @Yuu
Dragon 11 #100006829 (Light Common) (Ice/Flaxen/Amethyst) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @cokl @LABS107 @Luluwi @HermitBirb @EtnaFire @Hermitbirb @RunTooLong @macintalk @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SnowFractal @extinction @AngelicAvian @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 12 #100006480 (Earth Uncommon) (Sunshine/Blackberry/Orchid) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @Nukleer @cokl @LABS107 @RydeTheHype @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 13 #100006471 (Earth Rare) (Coal/Umber/Grape) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @auroshen @mmuted @Khayria @cokl @LABS107 @Aquatlcs @Tauriel @Osteoderm @Deva @HermitBirb @EtnaFire @Hermitbirb @Variant @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @ghostpath @extinction @AngelicAvian @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 14 #100006485 (Plague Uncommon) (Mist/Nightshade/Mauve) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @auroshen @cokl @LABS107 @Osteoderm @Luluwi @macintalk @SnekOnALantern @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu @fehn
Dragon 15 #100006801 (Wind Common) (Eldritch/Sunset/Plum) 2024-12-27
Date pings: @Aikoll @assiduendo @Jeon @Khayr @CrownedLadybug
Specific pings: @Nukleer @cokl @LABS107 @Luluwi @RydeTheHype @Deva @Alyxsandre @EtnaFire @Quivira @SharkBa1t @extinction @NixusHiver @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu
Dragon 16 #99893516 (Arcane Common) (Peridot/Overcast/Orange) 2024-12-24
Date pings:
Specific pings: @Tserin @cokl @LABS107 @Alyxsandre @seamists @EtnaFire @Quivira @extinction @CeriothOfCinders @Yuu