
Dragon Trading

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TOPIC | Mourning Flowers [Lineage Project]
1 2 ... 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
Howdy everyone! Got some newer Gen 4 hatches: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] And a reminder that I have these slightly older hatches still available too: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] I'll have at least 1 more Gen 5 hatchie coming within the week. As always, to adopt, just fill out the form!
Howdy everyone! Got some newer Gen 4 hatches:




And a reminder that I have these slightly older hatches still available too:





I'll have at least 1 more Gen 5 hatchie coming within the week. As always, to adopt, just fill out the form!
space i am spacing out sTWVucR.png Clayton | she/they | FR +3 VC0STZ4.png
@venipede Would you be able to hold this girl for a day or two? [url=][img][/img][/url] She's really pretty! And we need more Carnations descendants because we only have one XD If you need us to fill out the form right now to get the hold on her, we can do that!

Would you be able to hold this girl for a day or two?
She's really pretty! And we need more Carnations descendants because we only have one XD

If you need us to fill out the form right now to get the hold on her, we can do that!
ldIARQG.gif oRkijoy.png

I'd be more than glad to! Just ping me again when y'all are ready for her. Don't worry about the form right now unless y'all just wanna fill it out immediately :)

I'd be more than glad to! Just ping me again when y'all are ready for her. Don't worry about the form right now unless y'all just wanna fill it out immediately :)
space i am spacing out sTWVucR.png Clayton | she/they | FR +3 VC0STZ4.png
[size=4]I would like to adopt a Flower, @venipede![/size] [b]User ID:[/b] 545357 [b]Intended name:[/b] Nevaris [b]Soul Trait:[/b] Runic [b]Spiritual Traits (optional):[/b] Boiling Touch and True Loyalty [b]Brief lore snippet (min 100 words):[/b] Despite being so young, Nevaris found an interest in the Old Gods early on, an admirable trait to the older Mourning Flowers. Some Flowers found more interest in the New Gods, often paying more attention to their customs rather than the ones of the Fates and the Old Ones. Nevaris never forgot the Old Gods, even as she traveled into the Waking Plane for the first time. Stepping out, she shook her fur off, a flower or two falling from her mane and taking root in the ground. While the reach of the Old Gods was weaker here, she never forgot to make time in her day for them. Even as she stalked the shadows, hunting for lost souls to guide to the Beyond, even as she spent so much time around dragons and even other Mourning Flowers who worshipped the New Gods... She always slipped back through the Veil to pay her respects to the Old Gods and strengthen her bond with the Fates. Her duty as a Mourning Flowers lay not only in guiding lost souls, but making sure the Old Gods were not forgotten as well. [url=][img][/img][/url] Have room to take her in, now!
I would like to adopt a Flower, @venipede!
User ID: 545357
Intended name: Nevaris
Soul Trait: Runic
Spiritual Traits (optional): Boiling Touch and True Loyalty
Brief lore snippet (min 100 words): Despite being so young, Nevaris found an interest in the Old Gods early on, an admirable trait to the older Mourning Flowers. Some Flowers found more interest in the New Gods, often paying more attention to their customs rather than the ones of the Fates and the Old Ones. Nevaris never forgot the Old Gods, even as she traveled into the Waking Plane for the first time.

Stepping out, she shook her fur off, a flower or two falling from her mane and taking root in the ground. While the reach of the Old Gods was weaker here, she never forgot to make time in her day for them. Even as she stalked the shadows, hunting for lost souls to guide to the Beyond, even as she spent so much time around dragons and even other Mourning Flowers who worshipped the New Gods... She always slipped back through the Veil to pay her respects to the Old Gods and strengthen her bond with the Fates.

Her duty as a Mourning Flowers lay not only in guiding lost souls, but making sure the Old Gods were not forgotten as well.


Have room to take her in, now!
ldIARQG.gif oRkijoy.png
Giving a quick update on our Mourning Flowers we have for sale: All of our previously available dragons have be pre-leveled to level 10! They will still be available for 20g/kt OR you can get them for free by filling out the standard adoption form! These are the dragons in question (made small so we can put more focus on our new ones we hatched yesterday), and they are all G4 Gladioli lines and three of them are G11 Children of the Gardens: [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] We've decided to start leveling our flowers after they've spent one or two weeks on AH just to make them a little more desirable in a way. Now you don't have to level them up yourself :D Great for anyone who struggles with doing coli for any reason or just doesn't have a good leveling team. We also hatched a nest of Verilen's yesterday and got lucky with three out of the four eggs getting Blossom! They are G2s from Carnations line! We decided to keep one, which you'll find at the bottom, but here's the three available kids, who are also 20g/kt or for free with the standard adoption form: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] The one with dark eyes made us concerned he had none XD Also don't think Verilen liked him or something, poor guy's name is Coward- And here's the kid we decided to keep from the recent nest: [url=][img][/img][/url] We just thought the flowers looked really pretty :) You can also ask us to hold on to Verilen's kids and we'll level them up to 10 free of charge, whether you plan to pay or fill out the standard adoption form :) Edit to add because we forgot: Everybody also comes prenamed, but you can request a renaming scroll be either applied or included free of charge! Also, @TeenyTK, feel free to ping the hatchling sales list since we got a few new ones up :D Anyways, off to continue writing lore! Edit 2: Also, you know what? We're nabbing that multigaze Rooted girl :) Apologies for the double ping in case this form happens to ping you, too [size=4]I would like to adopt a Flower, @TeenyTK![/size] [b]User ID:[/b] 545357 [b]Intended name:[/b] Makira (once more with the "random sounds go" style naming ;)) [b]Soul Trait:[/b] N/A [b]Spiritual Traits (optional):[/b] Shield of Many [b]Brief lore snippet (min 100 words):[/b] Makira had always felt... Something. A weak pull. Maybe it was her imagination. Or maybe she actually did feel it. She had no way of knowing for sure. Sometimes it wasn't there and other times she was acutely aware of its presence. It was there most of the time, a dull feeling. Sometimes she thought she heard a voice come with it, whispering softly in her ear. Sometimes a small chill ran through her, causing her to shudder. Other dragons constantly asked if she was ok. She always nodded. She was fine. Haunted by a ghost, maybe, but fine. Makira tried traveling to New places, trying to find answers. Reading books and scrolls, looking for anything that could give her an idea of what was going on. She knew something about her was different, but what was it? Eventually, she found herself within a place known as the Forgotten Realms. She planned to head to the kingdom, but stopped as she noticed something. The pull... It was a little stronger, tugging her in a different direction. She decided to follow it, just this one time. She came up on a field, where other Gaolers were. They felt almost familiar to her. She saw one of the dragons turn to look at her, [url=]one that felt more familiar.[/url] She's never saw any of these dragons in her entire life, but maybe... Maybe they had the answers she's been looking for. [url=][img][/img][/url] Alright, alright! [I]Now[/I] we'll go write lore XD We couldn't help ourselves, ok? We needed another Rooted to mess around with lore on ;) Now we have, like, 11 dragons including her to write lore for, 8 of which are Mourning Flowers which tend to average at, like, 2k words from what we've written so far :,)
Giving a quick update on our Mourning Flowers we have for sale:

All of our previously available dragons have be pre-leveled to level 10! They will still be available for 20g/kt OR you can get them for free by filling out the standard adoption form! These are the dragons in question (made small so we can put more focus on our new ones we hatched yesterday), and they are all G4 Gladioli lines and three of them are G11 Children of the Gardens:


We've decided to start leveling our flowers after they've spent one or two weeks on AH just to make them a little more desirable in a way. Now you don't have to level them up yourself :D Great for anyone who struggles with doing coli for any reason or just doesn't have a good leveling team.

We also hatched a nest of Verilen's yesterday and got lucky with three out of the four eggs getting Blossom! They are G2s from Carnations line! We decided to keep one, which you'll find at the bottom, but here's the three available kids, who are also 20g/kt or for free with the standard adoption form:


The one with dark eyes made us concerned he had none XD Also don't think Verilen liked him or something, poor guy's name is Coward-

And here's the kid we decided to keep from the recent nest:


We just thought the flowers looked really pretty :)

You can also ask us to hold on to Verilen's kids and we'll level them up to 10 free of charge, whether you plan to pay or fill out the standard adoption form :)

Edit to add because we forgot: Everybody also comes prenamed, but you can request a renaming scroll be either applied or included free of charge!

Also, @TeenyTK, feel free to ping the hatchling sales list since we got a few new ones up :D

Anyways, off to continue writing lore!

Edit 2:

Also, you know what? We're nabbing that multigaze Rooted girl :) Apologies for the double ping in case this form happens to ping you, too

I would like to adopt a Flower, @TeenyTK!
User ID: 545357
Intended name: Makira (once more with the "random sounds go" style naming ;))
Soul Trait: N/A
Spiritual Traits (optional): Shield of Many
Brief lore snippet (min 100 words): Makira had always felt... Something. A weak pull. Maybe it was her imagination. Or maybe she actually did feel it. She had no way of knowing for sure. Sometimes it wasn't there and other times she was acutely aware of its presence. It was there most of the time, a dull feeling. Sometimes she thought she heard a voice come with it, whispering softly in her ear. Sometimes a small chill ran through her, causing her to shudder. Other dragons constantly asked if she was ok. She always nodded. She was fine. Haunted by a ghost, maybe, but fine.

Makira tried traveling to New places, trying to find answers. Reading books and scrolls, looking for anything that could give her an idea of what was going on. She knew something about her was different, but what was it? Eventually, she found herself within a place known as the Forgotten Realms. She planned to head to the kingdom, but stopped as she noticed something. The pull... It was a little stronger, tugging her in a different direction. She decided to follow it, just this one time. She came up on a field, where other Gaolers were. They felt almost familiar to her. She saw one of the dragons turn to look at her, one that felt more familiar. She's never saw any of these dragons in her entire life, but maybe...

Maybe they had the answers she's been looking for.


Alright, alright! Now we'll go write lore XD We couldn't help ourselves, ok? We needed another Rooted to mess around with lore on ;) Now we have, like, 11 dragons including her to write lore for, 8 of which are Mourning Flowers which tend to average at, like, 2k words from what we've written so far :,)
ldIARQG.gif oRkijoy.png

Ooo I'm going to add those kids onto the list of available dragons, because I keep forgetting that's a thing and this is literally why it exists :')) You'd think I would be able to keep up with some of these things by now but, alas, apparently not lmao.

And those are some really pretty kids, three outta four is fantastic :D Those dark eyes are basically invisible?? I also kind of didn't realize he had any at first rip. "get some eyes, u coward" - verilen, probably

Those purple blossoms are beautiful tho, I can see why you'd keep that one :o I'll ping the list after this! And not to worry, didn't get a double ping lol I'm really glad to see the multi-gaze gal go tho! ;A;

Random sounds is totally valid for naming. I'm loving the intrigue of that lore!! The idea of Rooted having these little glimpses and tugs despite not knowing fully what it is makes me all kinds of hyped, your lore is always a lot of fun and I'm excited to see what you might turn it into :D I'll get her named and send your way immediately!

can relate to that tho, i got... a bunch of writing commissions to wrap up alongside writing lore for like eight different dragons??? and three bigger projects. and the next lore instalments for the flowers. lore is the bane of my existence and i love it lmao also if u keep this up, you'll end up having more flowers than i do omg i love it <33

Ooo I'm going to add those kids onto the list of available dragons, because I keep forgetting that's a thing and this is literally why it exists :')) You'd think I would be able to keep up with some of these things by now but, alas, apparently not lmao.

And those are some really pretty kids, three outta four is fantastic :D Those dark eyes are basically invisible?? I also kind of didn't realize he had any at first rip. "get some eyes, u coward" - verilen, probably

Those purple blossoms are beautiful tho, I can see why you'd keep that one :o I'll ping the list after this! And not to worry, didn't get a double ping lol I'm really glad to see the multi-gaze gal go tho! ;A;

Random sounds is totally valid for naming. I'm loving the intrigue of that lore!! The idea of Rooted having these little glimpses and tugs despite not knowing fully what it is makes me all kinds of hyped, your lore is always a lot of fun and I'm excited to see what you might turn it into :D I'll get her named and send your way immediately!

can relate to that tho, i got... a bunch of writing commissions to wrap up alongside writing lore for like eight different dragons??? and three bigger projects. and the next lore instalments for the flowers. lore is the bane of my existence and i love it lmao also if u keep this up, you'll end up having more flowers than i do omg i love it <33
___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
@pinglist-20019 SakraKaine got some new kiddos looking for places to chill! And they got pre-levelled olders kiddos, 10/10 would recommend for the rest of the folks that find the coli tedious most of the time. [quote name="SakraKaine" date="2024-06-22 18:16:06" ] Giving a quick update on our Mourning Flowers we have for sale: All of our previously available dragons have be pre-leveled to level 10! They will still be available for 20g/kt OR you can get them for free by filling out the standard adoption form! These are the dragons in question (made small so we can put more focus on our new ones we hatched yesterday), and they are all G4 Gladioli lines and three of them are G11 Children of the Gardens: [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] We've decided to start leveling our flowers after they've spent one or two weeks on AH just to make them a little more desirable in a way. Now you don't have to level them up yourself :D Great for anyone who struggles with doing coli for any reason or just doesn't have a good leveling team. We also hatched a nest of Verilen's yesterday and got lucky with three out of the four eggs getting Blossom! They are G2s from Carnations line! We decided to keep one, which you'll find at the bottom, but here's the three available kids, who are also 20g/kt or for free with the standard adoption form: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] The one with dark eyes made us concerned he had none XD Also don't think Verilen liked him or something, poor guy's name is Coward- And here's the kid we decided to keep from the recent nest: [url=][img][/img][/url] We just thought the flowers looked really pretty :) You can also ask us to hold on to Verilen's kids and we'll level them up to 10 free of charge, whether you plan to pay or fill out the standard adoption form :) Edit to add because we forgot: Everybody also comes prenamed, but you can request a renaming scroll be either applied or included free of charge! Also, @/TeenyTK, feel free to ping the hatchling sales list since we got a few new ones up :D Anyways, off to continue writing lore! [/quote]
@New Hatchlings & Sales

SakraKaine got some new kiddos looking for places to chill! And they got pre-levelled olders kiddos, 10/10 would recommend for the rest of the folks that find the coli tedious most of the time.

SakraKaine wrote on 2024-06-22 18:16:06:
Giving a quick update on our Mourning Flowers we have for sale:

All of our previously available dragons have be pre-leveled to level 10! They will still be available for 20g/kt OR you can get them for free by filling out the standard adoption form! These are the dragons in question (made small so we can put more focus on our new ones we hatched yesterday), and they are all G4 Gladioli lines and three of them are G11 Children of the Gardens:


We've decided to start leveling our flowers after they've spent one or two weeks on AH just to make them a little more desirable in a way. Now you don't have to level them up yourself :D Great for anyone who struggles with doing coli for any reason or just doesn't have a good leveling team.

We also hatched a nest of Verilen's yesterday and got lucky with three out of the four eggs getting Blossom! They are G2s from Carnations line! We decided to keep one, which you'll find at the bottom, but here's the three available kids, who are also 20g/kt or for free with the standard adoption form:


The one with dark eyes made us concerned he had none XD Also don't think Verilen liked him or something, poor guy's name is Coward-

And here's the kid we decided to keep from the recent nest:


We just thought the flowers looked really pretty :)

You can also ask us to hold on to Verilen's kids and we'll level them up to 10 free of charge, whether you plan to pay or fill out the standard adoption form :)

Edit to add because we forgot: Everybody also comes prenamed, but you can request a renaming scroll be either applied or included free of charge!

Also, @/TeenyTK, feel free to ping the hatchling sales list since we got a few new ones up :D

Anyways, off to continue writing lore!
___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
[center]took some time but finally this guy is ready for registration :) [i]A Flower wishes to join the field...[/i][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Amladaris [b]Soul Trait[/b]: Omen [b]Generation[/b]: 1 [b]Type[/b]: [i]Flower[/i] [b]Link/image[/b]: [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Additional[/b]: might expand his lore by writing small stories about him (like him meeting [url=]his mate[/url] and so on) and/or tweak his lore later a bit, but i think he is quite ready to be shown atm :) i also have two gen 2 offspring ([url=]Elaria[/url] & [url=]Ilara[/url]) from Carnations' line in my hibden that can be added to the front page! they would be available for adoption through the standard form.
took some time but finally this guy is ready for registration :)

A Flower wishes to join the field...
Name: Amladaris
Soul Trait: Omen
Generation: 1
Type: Flower

Additional: might expand his lore by writing small stories about him (like him meeting his mate and so on) and/or tweak his lore later a bit, but i think he is quite ready to be shown atm :) i also have two gen 2 offspring (Elaria & Ilara) from Carnations' line in my hibden that can be added to the front page! they would be available for adoption through the standard form.
i love when tragedies are like “the love was there. it didnt change anything.
it didnt save anyone. there were just too many forces against it.
but it still matters that the love was there.”
keelah se'lai

Ahh he's fantastic ;A; Dark! Spooky! Angry! Perfection, honestly. I'm loving the lore you've got for him so far <3 Would of course love to read more should you write it, but I would agree with that, he comes across as very put together and ready for business lmao

I'll get him added to the registry and I'll add the kids to the gaggle of Flowers looking for homes :D

Ahh he's fantastic ;A; Dark! Spooky! Angry! Perfection, honestly. I'm loving the lore you've got for him so far <3 Would of course love to read more should you write it, but I would agree with that, he comes across as very put together and ready for business lmao

I'll get him added to the registry and I'll add the kids to the gaggle of Flowers looking for homes :D
___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
Hello again everyone! Here's two more Gen 5 hatches. The pair I have hasn't given me anything yet that I am gung-ho about keeping. So, they are up for adoption! Just fill out the form :) [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Hello again everyone! Here's two more Gen 5 hatches. The pair I have hasn't given me anything yet that I am gung-ho about keeping. So, they are up for adoption! Just fill out the form :)


space i am spacing out sTWVucR.png Clayton | she/they | FR +3 VC0STZ4.png
1 2 ... 72 73 74 75 76 77 78