
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
@pinglist-28890 [color=red]Happy final day![/color][color=green] Today's kickoff is late because I needed to display all the hatchlings, get results for both prizes and badges (2 nest results on previous page), and adjust the Adoption form before getting y'all started. [/color][color=red]1) QOTD as usual 2) Forms for Pearl Cerdae[/color][color=green] - if you are playing for Prize Badges, you have maxed out unless you are listed in post below. Disclosure that entering now is for Best Guess of the Nest gem prize, tickets towards pick of hatchlings and prize raffle (look again at the art, merch and services), FUUUUN and supporting Nature. [emoji=nature rune size=1] 3) [color=red]ADOPTION[/color][color=green] - In a normal raffle, everyone thirsts for prizes and the drawing must come first. With dragons, tugs on heartstrings are unique. Please fill this out now so we know who is interested in which hatchlings (and some adults). * I'm hoping everyone has different choices to give everyone a happy outcome, but if backup choices don't resolve it then I'd have to settle new owners by ticket counts. [/color][color=red]Form stays open until [b]NOON FR TIME SUNDAY[/b][/color][color=green] alright? [img][/img] Their display is [url=]here[/url]. [img][/img] You won’t have to worry about IDs. [img][/img] Unhatched Pearl Cerdae have a placeholder “I MAY be interested” and we can take an extra couple days to sort those out separately. [img][/img] You do NOT have to fill every column with a dragon. Only answer for dragons you would gladly keep. [img][/img][b] Adopting a dragon won’t hurt you in the main raffle[/b] so don’t hold back. [img][/img] Form is [url=]ranked choice Adoption Request Form[/url].[/color] [center][img alt="Saturday"][/img][/center] [center][img alt="Daily Themes"][/img][/center] [color=green]We studied many factors about the fauna, flora, and even hybrids that are both, along with the environment. The week is drawing to a close. By now all nests except one have hatched. Lots of your hypotheses have come true! We didn’t prove anything conclusively between colors and other traits like health, but we did gather a lot of data for future study. But for now, let’s find out which dragons are getting new clans! [u][b]Q.O.T.D.[/b][/u]: Who was your favorite hatchling? Admiring them does not make them follow you home, I promise. Their display is [url=]here[/url] [columns][center][color=green][img alt="A Nature egg with spring green motion lines / 'alert!' manpu suggesting liveliness inside."][/img]Participate ANY day[/center] [nextcol][code][img alt="A Nature egg with spring green motion lines / 'alert!' manpu suggesting liveliness inside."][/img][/code][/columns] [columns][center][color=green][img alt="A venus fly trap with a trapped Glass cicada."][/img]Saturday[/center][nextcol][code][img alt="A venus fly trap with a trapped Glass cicada."][/img][/code][/columns] [center][img alt="Dragon Pairs"][/img] [color=green][img][/img] Send guesses by [url=]Entry Form - Pearl Cerdae[/url] and send 10g or 10k per Form, by [url=]PM to NerdMom[/url] [img][/img] Need to check spreadsheet for your record or anything? [url=]Spreadsheet View - then find Pearl Cerdae tab[/url] [url=][img][/img] [b][u]Pearl Cerdae home thread[/u][/b][/url] [left][color=darkgreen][i]By pact and ingesting a seed, Pearl Cerdae have plant growth integrate with their flesh and internal organs. This safeguards their health but costs their wings. Most are blessed with new life and new ability, but one’s plant kept its host alive at all costs as a shambling, half-alive horror.[/i][/color][/left] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b][u]Sisu x Elfin[/u][/b] [i]provided by @/RailwayDecay[/i] Pearlcatcher 100% [columns][center][color=transparent]_______________________[/color] [b]Primary[/b] Skink 100% [size=5][color=#d7d4cd]•[/color][/size][size=2][color=#AAAAAA] Antique[/color][/size][nextcol][center] [color=transparent]_______________________[/color] [b]Secondary[/b] Striation / Blend 50% / 50% [size=5][color=#d7d4cd]•[/color][color=#ffffff]•[/color][/size][size=2][color=#AAAAAA] Antique, White[/color][/size][nextcol][center][color=transparent]_______________________[/color] [b]Tertiary[/b] Filigree / Koi 50% / 50% [size=5][color=#9affc7]•[/color][color=#62ac8b]•[/color][color=#148e67]•[/color][color=#005d48]•[/color][color=#1f483a]•[/color][color=#20603e]•[/color][color=#236825]•[/color][color=#1e371a]•[/color][color=#1e2716]•[/color][color=#425036]•[/color][color=#51684c]•[/color][color=#97af8b]•[/color][color=#687e67]•[/color][color=#567b35]•[/color][color=#639c3e]•[/color][color=#7ccf75]•[/color][color=#99ff9c]•[/color][color=#8fcf54]•[/color][color=#a6e32e]•[/color][color=#c6ff00]•[/color][/size][size=2][color=#AAAAAA] Mint, Jade, Spearmint, Thicket, Peacock, Emerald, Shamrock, Jungle, Hunter, Forest, Camo, Algae, Swamp, Avocado, Green, Fern, Mantis, Pear, Leaf, Radioactive[/color][/size] [/center][/columns] [left]Ranges: 1 x 2 x 20 = 40 combinations Average 1-match badge odds: [color=green]special case for final day with 1-range & 2-range - [b]flat rate 1 per entry and 2 per double-entry[/b][/color] Status: nested on 5/21 with [url=]1 egg[/url] Give the parents some Likes~ [img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img]
@C.O.L.O.R.S. daily hatch & QOTD

Happy final day! Today's kickoff is late because I needed to display all the hatchlings, get results for both prizes and badges (2 nest results on previous page), and adjust the Adoption form before getting y'all started.

1) QOTD as usual

2) Forms for Pearl Cerdae
- if you are playing for Prize Badges, you have maxed out unless you are listed in post below. Disclosure that entering now is for Best Guess of the Nest gem prize, tickets towards pick of hatchlings and prize raffle (look again at the art, merch and services), FUUUUN and supporting Nature.

3) ADOPTION - In a normal raffle, everyone thirsts for prizes and the drawing must come first. With dragons, tugs on heartstrings are unique. Please fill this out now so we know who is interested in which hatchlings (and some adults).

* I'm hoping everyone has different choices to give everyone a happy outcome, but if backup choices don't resolve it then I'd have to settle new owners by ticket counts.
Form stays open until NOON FR TIME SUNDAY alright?

e1UgWPl.png Their display is here.
e1UgWPl.png You won’t have to worry about IDs.
e1UgWPl.png Unhatched Pearl Cerdae have a placeholder “I MAY be interested” and we can take an extra couple days to sort those out separately.
e1UgWPl.png You do NOT have to fill every column with a dragon. Only answer for dragons you would gladly keep.
e1UgWPl.png Adopting a dragon won’t hurt you in the main raffle so don’t hold back.
e1UgWPl.png Form is ranked choice Adoption Request Form.

Daily Themes

We studied many factors about the fauna, flora, and even hybrids that are both, along with the environment.

The week is drawing to a close. By now all nests except one have hatched. Lots of your hypotheses have come true! We didn’t prove anything conclusively between colors and other traits like health, but we did gather a lot of data for future study. But for now, let’s find out which dragons are getting new clans!

Q.O.T.D.: Who was your favorite hatchling? Admiring them does not make them follow you home, I promise. Their display is here

A Nature egg with spring green motion lines / 'alert!' manpu suggesting liveliness inside.Participate ANY day
[img alt="A Nature egg with spring green motion lines / 'alert!' manpu suggesting liveliness inside."][/img]
A venus fly trap with a trapped Glass cicada.Saturday
[img alt="A venus fly trap with a trapped Glass cicada."][/img]
Dragon Pairs

e1UgWPl.png Send guesses by Entry Form - Pearl Cerdae and send 10g or 10k per Form, by PM to NerdMom
e1UgWPl.png Need to check spreadsheet for your record or anything? Spreadsheet View - then find Pearl Cerdae tab


Pearl Cerdae home thread

By pact and ingesting a seed, Pearl Cerdae have plant growth integrate with their flesh and internal organs. This safeguards their health but costs their wings.

Most are blessed with new life and new ability, but one’s plant kept its host alive at all costs as a shambling, half-alive horror.

72739700.png 77886385.png
Sisu x Elfin
provided by @/RailwayDecay

Striation / Blend
50% / 50%

Antique, White
Filigree / Koi
50% / 50%

Mint, Jade, Spearmint, Thicket, Peacock, Emerald, Shamrock, Jungle, Hunter, Forest, Camo, Algae, Swamp, Avocado, Green, Fern, Mantis, Pear, Leaf, Radioactive
Ranges: 1 x 2 x 20 = 40 combinations
Average 1-match badge odds:
special case for final day with 1-range & 2-range -
flat rate 1 per entry and 2 per double-entry

Status: nested on 5/21 with 1 egg

Give the parents some Likes~

A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.
3XiDjku.pngxORoftk.png xox1i5n.png
[color=green][u]Prize Badge last call[/u] Just a friendly nudge from a fellow gamer if you want to "complete a goal" from where you are now. [quote][url=]Spreadsheet View[/url] Tickets? tab "Player Results" left purple section Prize badges? tab "Player Results" middle pink section[/quote] [color=green]Today's guesses have a flat rate of 2 badges "won" per Form because the pair's range is so tiny a match is guaranteed. [quote] [img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - white 'goose' Skydancer"][/img][img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - gray and yellow 'rubber ducky isopod' Snapper"][/img][img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - green 'frog' Bogsneak"][/img][img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - green 'frog' Snapper"][/img][img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - bright brown 'spider' Veilspun"][/img] [img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - brown 'spider' Veilspun"][/img][img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - violet 'centipede' Auraboa"][/img][img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - pink 'centipede' Auraboa"][/img][img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - tan and blue 'floral' Pearlcatcher"][/img][img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - green and blue 'floral' Pearlcatcher"][/img][img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - black and yellow 'floral' Gaoler"][/img][img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - black and orange 'floral' Gaoler"][/img][img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - green 'water' Imperial"][/img][img alt="A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - teal 'water' Wildclaw"][/img][img alt="A brown Xenopus frog looking up with cute green eyes, accented with 'Lil Bud' in green text and a tiny green heart."][/img][/quote] [color=green] @erithakos - 9 of 15. It looks like you were in 3 nests. Delightful! If you wanted a complete set, joining today's flat-rate nest for 3 Forms (30k) would guarantee the missing 6. @Kothra - 4 of 15. Glad you joined on Sunday. I hope your week wasn't too crazy. I appreciate your one-and-done during everything you're running to try this out!! (Writing as if you were actually aiming for 15, spamming 6 of today's Forms for 60k would get you the other 11.) @MoonDragon83 - 8 of 15. I see you in the Lovebugs and Mourning Flowers nests. Glad you joined! If you wanted a complete set, 4 Forms (40k) would guarantee the missing 7. @Neptunelycan - 6 of 15. I see you in Lovebugs and Silkspun. Neat! If you wanted a complete set, 5 Forms (50k) would guarantee the missing 9. @PinkDrink - 7 of 15. I see you in Lovebugs and Happy Frogs. Thanks for trying it out with us. If you wanted a complete set, 4 Forms (40k) would guarantee the missing 8. @rattification - 12 of 15. You hit a huge quantity from just Lovebugs, cool! If you wanted a complete set, 2 Forms (20k) would guarantee the missing 3. @wintrecat - 6 of 15. You tried it out on Sunday the Lovebugs day. All good! If you wanted a complete set, 5 Forms (50k) would guarantee the missing 9. [b]The post above this one is where you get the entry Form for today’s guesses.[/b] [color=red]But just trying this out is fine too! Thanks for being here, and happy Greenskeeper Gathering![/color]
Prize Badge last call

Just a friendly nudge from a fellow gamer if you want to "complete a goal" from where you are now.

Spreadsheet View

Tickets? tab "Player Results" left purple section

Prize badges? tab "Player Results" middle pink section

Today's guesses have a flat rate of 2 badges "won" per Form because the pair's range is so tiny a match is guaranteed.

A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - white 'goose' SkydancerA hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - gray and yellow 'rubber ducky isopod' SnapperA hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - green 'frog' BogsneakA hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - green 'frog' SnapperA hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - bright brown 'spider' Veilspun

A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - brown 'spider' VeilspunA hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - violet 'centipede' AuraboaA hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - pink 'centipede' AuraboaA hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - tan and blue 'floral' PearlcatcherA hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - green and blue 'floral' PearlcatcherA hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - black and yellow 'floral' GaolerA hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - black and orange 'floral' GaolerA hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - green 'water' ImperialA hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - teal 'water' WildclawA brown Xenopus frog looking up with cute green eyes, accented with 'Lil Bud' in green text and a tiny green heart.

@erithakos - 9 of 15. It looks like you were in 3 nests. Delightful! If you wanted a complete set, joining today's flat-rate nest for 3 Forms (30k) would guarantee the missing 6.

@Kothra - 4 of 15. Glad you joined on Sunday. I hope your week wasn't too crazy. I appreciate your one-and-done during everything you're running to try this out!! (Writing as if you were actually aiming for 15, spamming 6 of today's Forms for 60k would get you the other 11.)

@MoonDragon83 - 8 of 15. I see you in the Lovebugs and Mourning Flowers nests. Glad you joined! If you wanted a complete set, 4 Forms (40k) would guarantee the missing 7.

@Neptunelycan - 6 of 15. I see you in Lovebugs and Silkspun. Neat! If you wanted a complete set, 5 Forms (50k) would guarantee the missing 9.

@PinkDrink - 7 of 15. I see you in Lovebugs and Happy Frogs. Thanks for trying it out with us. If you wanted a complete set, 4 Forms (40k) would guarantee the missing 8.

@rattification - 12 of 15. You hit a huge quantity from just Lovebugs, cool! If you wanted a complete set, 2 Forms (20k) would guarantee the missing 3.

@wintrecat - 6 of 15. You tried it out on Sunday the Lovebugs day. All good! If you wanted a complete set, 5 Forms (50k) would guarantee the missing 9.

The post above this one is where you get the entry Form for today’s guesses.

But just trying this out is fine too! Thanks for being here, and happy Greenskeeper Gathering!
3XiDjku.pngxORoftk.png xox1i5n.png
Who was your favorite hatchling? Admiring them does not make them follow you home, I promise. Their display is here.

All the Lovebugs are very cute but I'm going with Happy Frog "A"! Nice soft colours.
Who was your favorite hatchling? Admiring them does not make them follow you home, I promise. Their display is here.

All the Lovebugs are very cute but I'm going with Happy Frog "A"! Nice soft colours.
I've been neglecting FR a little this week, but I thought I'd start answering all these questions at the very end...! (very typical) [quote][b]SUN: Insects are a phobia for many, but perhaps this pair is cute enough to be an exception. In their honor, what's something in FR or in life that you disliked at first but eventually liked?[/b][/quote] Hmm... after returning from my 2016-2023 break I honestly thought FR added a whooole bunch of cool new [modern] breeds. Outfitting my dragons had always been my favourite part of the game prior, so I was a little disappointed when I found out ancients couldn't wear apparel. These days I still very much prefer moderns over ancients, but I have definitely developed an appreciation for them and the beautiful colour/gene combinations that other players have bred for. [quote][b]MON: In honor of this shop's photos and scientific tidbits, share any scientific fact or photo - found in 5 seconds or your focus for years.[/b][/quote] Recently did a mini-project about this little guy so it's fresh on my mind: The Night Parrot ([i]Pezoporus occidentalis[/i]), a nocturnal parrot endemic to Australia that was thought to be extinct for over a century until recently, is actually pretty bad at seeing in the dark. Everyone point and laugh [img][/img] [quote][b]TUE: In honor of today's subspecies that was reborn in water, is there a place that felt like your "true home" even if living there wouldn't work out?[/b][/quote] Definitely the big city at 10pm on a Friday night with some lifelong friends :) [quote][b]WED: In honor of this venomous pair, do you know a word that other people get mixed up all the time?[/b][/quote] Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons are all the same weather phenomenon, just referred to differently depending on what ocean they form over. Hurricanes the North Atlantic; Typhoons the Northwest Pacific; Cyclones the South Pacific + Indian. They also spin in different directions depending on the hemisphere. I wouldn't say it's something people mix up though, because the regions affected by these different storms are pretty geographically separated. e.g. Australians will only ever call them cyclones; North Americans will only ever call them hurricanes. SEAsia is probably the exception - being along the equator, I'd say it's equally prone to "cyclones" and "typhoons". [quote][b]THU: In honor of this subspecies whose flowers are essentially their soul, were flowers ever important to you? Given at a key event, grown somewhere memorable?[/b][/quote] My family runs a florist business, so absolutely. I'm not super knowledgeable about the plants we have, but I do have some familiarity with native Australian flora (kinda). [quote][b]FRI: In honor of this muddled cross-breeding, what’s a combination that sounds lousy but could be great? (snacks, music remixes, crossovers...)[/b][/quote] Can't think of one myself but [quote name="Taccs" date="2024-05-24 17:37:29" ] french fries and soft served ice cream, but apparently that one's not too strange. [/quote] You'd be surprised at how uncommon it is :'( Where I'm from it's considered an absolute banger, but I'm convinced that anyone who says it's weird or gross is clearly doing it wrong!! (I will die on that hill) [quote][b]SAT: Who was your favorite hatchling? Admiring them does not make them follow you home, I promise.[/b][/quote] I'm a sucker for imperials unfortunately... [url=][img][/img][/url]
I've been neglecting FR a little this week, but I thought I'd start answering all these questions at the very end...! (very typical)

SUN: Insects are a phobia for many, but perhaps this pair is cute enough to be an exception. In their honor, what's something in FR or in life that you disliked at first but eventually liked?

Hmm... after returning from my 2016-2023 break I honestly thought FR added a whooole bunch of cool new [modern] breeds. Outfitting my dragons had always been my favourite part of the game prior, so I was a little disappointed when I found out ancients couldn't wear apparel. These days I still very much prefer moderns over ancients, but I have definitely developed an appreciation for them and the beautiful colour/gene combinations that other players have bred for.

MON: In honor of this shop's photos and scientific tidbits, share any scientific fact or photo - found in 5 seconds or your focus for years.

Recently did a mini-project about this little guy so it's fresh on my mind:
The Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis), a nocturnal parrot endemic to Australia that was thought to be extinct for over a century until recently, is actually pretty bad at seeing in the dark. Everyone point and laugh

TUE: In honor of today's subspecies that was reborn in water, is there a place that felt like your "true home" even if living there wouldn't work out?

Definitely the big city at 10pm on a Friday night with some lifelong friends :)

WED: In honor of this venomous pair, do you know a word that other people get mixed up all the time?

Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons are all the same weather phenomenon, just referred to differently depending on what ocean they form over. Hurricanes the North Atlantic; Typhoons the Northwest Pacific; Cyclones the South Pacific + Indian. They also spin in different directions depending on the hemisphere.

I wouldn't say it's something people mix up though, because the regions affected by these different storms are pretty geographically separated. e.g. Australians will only ever call them cyclones; North Americans will only ever call them hurricanes. SEAsia is probably the exception - being along the equator, I'd say it's equally prone to "cyclones" and "typhoons".

THU: In honor of this subspecies whose flowers are essentially their soul, were flowers ever important to you? Given at a key event, grown somewhere memorable?

My family runs a florist business, so absolutely. I'm not super knowledgeable about the plants we have, but I do have some familiarity with native Australian flora (kinda).

FRI: In honor of this muddled cross-breeding, what’s a combination that sounds lousy but could be great? (snacks, music remixes, crossovers...)

Can't think of one myself but
Taccs wrote on 2024-05-24 17:37:29:
french fries and soft served ice cream, but apparently that one's not too strange.
You'd be surprised at how uncommon it is :'( Where I'm from it's considered an absolute banger, but I'm convinced that anyone who says it's weird or gross is clearly doing it wrong!! (I will die on that hill)

SAT: Who was your favorite hatchling? Admiring them does not make them follow you home, I promise.

I'm a sucker for imperials unfortunately...

[quote]Who was your favorite hatchling? Admiring them does not make them follow you home, I promise.[/quote] It's tied between estuary b and c!! I just love green so much and they are just so cute. [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
Who was your favorite hatchling? Admiring them does not make them follow you home, I promise.

It's tied between estuary b and c!! I just love green so much and they are just so cute.
Y5AUp2a.gif lAvpyOQ.png
Q.O.T.D.: Who was your favorite hatchling? [url=][img][/img][/url] This one! I love the colors and the eyes...
Q.O.T.D.: Who was your favorite hatchling?


This one! I love the colors and the eyes...
Arcane and Nature 2024
QOTD: Extremely difficult choice as they are all precious, but I adore the little pink flowers on Mourning Flowers "C".
QOTD: Extremely difficult choice as they are all precious, but I adore the little pink flowers on Mourning Flowers "C".
An Arcane-pink, glittering, circular logo with the Arcane symbol and the words Star Fall surrounded by stars
A gray button with the bi flag and SHE/HER
A gray button with the Arcane flight banner and EXALT LAIR
A gray button with a clock icon and FR TIME +1
A gray button with SALES TAB surrounded by gold coins
An Arcane egg and Nest Network Arcane on a bright pink background
Bubbles floating beside the head of a brown Obelisk dragon with blue eyes and a red mane
Q.O.T.D.: Who was your favorite hatchling? I'm usually a bit wigged out by the scuttle gene, this Love Bug is too cute??? [url=][img][/img][/url]
Q.O.T.D.: Who was your favorite hatchling?

I'm usually a bit wigged out by the scuttle gene, this Love Bug is too cute???

KZwivfG.gif R9ehyxp.png 3V8bw3n.png
I think my fav is this one, could even work as a perma baby [url=][img][/img][/url]
I think my fav is this one, could even work as a perma baby

SEAq1Fd.png FR+9
[b][u]Saturday Q.O.T.D.: [/u]Who was your favorite hatchling? Admiring them does not make them follow you home, I promise. [/b] This little Lovebug!! [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Saturday Q.O.T.D.: Who was your favorite hatchling? Admiring them does not make them follow you home, I promise.

This little Lovebug!!
Animated Pixel Drake Statues by vehemourn