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@ALMostADragon [quote name="ALMostADragon" date="2024-05-10 14:49:30" ] [img][/img]"Do you like to read? I notice you have a ... swarm... of books following you around" asks Aviana to the very spiky sandsurge towering over her. [/quote] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] SKATHI - teeth of the abyss[rule][/columns] Skathi squints down at the Fae below her, a hint of wonder and something like confusion in her eyes. For a moment, the cyan tips of their odd fishbone exoskeleton glow. Then she shakes her head, blinking away the suspicion. “Ah, these?”Skathi asks, lightly tapping the spine of one of the many books that hover around them. The Sandsurge’s voice is rough and somewhat scratchy, as though it hasn’t been used in some time. Or perhaps she’s simply had no need for it. “I actually don’t know where they came from. Just sprung to life one day. Mmm… there’s a couple of my exploration logs in there, I think, so that’s pretty annoying, but eh.” She rolls her shoulders. “If I ever need to consult them, I can just ask the book. And they’re an extra couple sets of eyes, so it’s an advantage in fights.” One of the swarm chitters behind her, fluttering its pages like wings as Aviana watches. “I’d read if I had the time, but I was never much good with words. My brother’s the smart one out of us two, so you can ask him if you’d like.” Her eyes narrow. “I’ve a sneaking suspicion he’s the one who brought my logs to life. Probably because they’re some of the only things I read nowadays. I’ll ask him about it later.”
ALMostADragon wrote on 2024-05-10 14:49:30:
79817643p.png"Do you like to read? I notice you have a ... swarm... of books following you around" asks Aviana to the very spiky sandsurge towering over her.

94258403_350.png SKATHI - teeth of the abyss
Skathi squints down at the Fae below her, a hint of wonder and something like confusion in her eyes. For a moment, the cyan tips of their odd fishbone exoskeleton glow. Then she shakes her head, blinking away the suspicion.

“Ah, these?”Skathi asks, lightly tapping the spine of one of the many books that hover around them. The Sandsurge’s voice is rough and somewhat scratchy, as though it hasn’t been used in some time. Or perhaps she’s simply had no need for it. “I actually don’t know where they came from. Just sprung to life one day. Mmm… there’s a couple of my exploration logs in there, I think, so that’s pretty annoying, but eh.” She rolls her shoulders. “If I ever need to consult them, I can just ask the book. And they’re an extra couple sets of eyes, so it’s an advantage in fights.”

One of the swarm chitters behind her, fluttering its pages like wings as Aviana watches. “I’d read if I had the time, but I was never much good with words. My brother’s the smart one out of us two, so you can ask him if you’d like.” Her eyes narrow. “I’ve a sneaking suspicion he’s the one who brought my logs to life. Probably because they’re some of the only things I read nowadays. I’ll ask him about it later.”
item_pulsating_pendant_by_dogi_crimson-dab14jb.gif hello, I’m FINALHUNT
@Gobblegook [url=][img][/img][/url] Gilcuamb, how do you feel knowing your children were sent to serve the deities? ----- [b]Next person[/b]: hibden and Yeet Machine off limits


Gilcuamb, how do you feel knowing your children were sent to serve the deities?

Next person: hibden and Yeet Machine off limits
@AppleSentry [url=][img][/img][/url] Wine, what is your favorite part of running a bar? Do you personally have a favorite drink? ----- Next person: anything goes; hopefully a question will inspire me!


Wine, what is your favorite part of running a bar? Do you personally have a favorite drink?

Next person: anything goes; hopefully a question will inspire me!
w8o0xW1.pngjYu7GSS.png XdKddgH.png DC: SQ9MAS6.png FR+0
@newtinmpls [center][url=][img][/img][/url] broccoli, first, why the funky name? and second, are you a nature dragon? you seem to have some nice friends like mr. nature and immortalAvarice. do you like plants?[/center]
broccoli, first, why the funky name? and second, are you a nature dragon? you seem to have some nice friends like mr. nature and immortalAvarice. do you like plants?
7kXqKFJ.png q2zMYvt.png zfNtpTV.png
[quote name="Squiddyana" date="2024-05-19 16:08:58" ] @/newtinmpls broccoli, first, why the funky name? and second, are you a nature dragon? you seem to have some nice friends like mr. nature and immortalAvarice. do you like plants? [/quote] [url=][img][/img][/url] Well, my bro, the name Broccoli has a totally rad history. Y'know that a dude by the handle of Pliny the Elder (which doesn't seem like a nickname he would have gotten as a young pup) did this radical listing of plants and animals called Naturalis Historia which is a massive series of writings about reality. It's like the first Wikipedia, but thousands of years before the internet even existed! Radical? Am I right? He also discovered salad; or a plant called Brassica oleracea that grows in these totally wild places like on the edge of limestone cliffs. Well this salad idea really caught on, but it was like that deal with the blind dudes and the elephant, a lot of farmers totally got carried away with weird parts of it. Like some cooks really got into the leaves and so we have kale and collard, and other dudes were like "roots" and there goes turnips. Then there was this other group that got all flowery and there you go - cauliflower and broccoli. The odd thing is that Broccoli can be dangerous; 'cause it totally can have a lot of formaldehyde which is great if you are making paper or cosmetics, but snack? Heinous! But then it can also be used as treatment for arsenic poisoning so ... whoa!! Good for you? Bad for you? Kinda depends on what's up at the Circle K, right?! So in my clan, we get names based on what we are like, and bro, I'm like, whatever I feel like on the day, because y'know dragons are like really long lived so why commit, too early, am I right? So I'm kinda organized except when I'm not, or doing really cool stuff unless it turns out stupid, so ... Broccoli. Mr Natural is totally my best bro. Y'know being a fungus totally doesn't slow him down. Well not like he is really fast, but he gets around. Actually ImmortalAvarice isn't the quickest either, but he has some really good ideas and he is like the absolute best at coming up with practical jokes like the one time we got some of the Fae Sap - (here there is a small slapping sound, and Broccoli looks down to see the small horned toad shaking his head) - You're right bro maybe now is not the time. (the small creature mouths a word up at the dragon). Oh. Plants, right! So PotaSativa is like really generous with her buds and let me tell you they are POWerful. Plants are like .... RIGHTEOUS. Totally righteous. Oh and the whole nature thing; I'm totally a lightning dragon but I lair with the GladeMom 'cause we all gotta follow our own karma, dude.
Squiddyana wrote on 2024-05-19 16:08:58:

broccoli, first, why the funky name? and second, are you a nature dragon? you seem to have some nice friends like mr. nature and immortalAvarice. do you like plants?


Well, my bro, the name Broccoli has a totally rad history. Y'know that a dude by the handle of Pliny the Elder (which doesn't seem like a nickname he would have gotten as a young pup) did this radical listing of plants and animals called Naturalis Historia which is a massive series of writings about reality. It's like the first Wikipedia, but thousands of years before the internet even existed! Radical? Am I right?

He also discovered salad; or a plant called Brassica oleracea that grows in these totally wild places like on the edge of limestone cliffs. Well this salad idea really caught on, but it was like that deal with the blind dudes and the elephant, a lot of farmers totally got carried away with weird parts of it. Like some cooks really got into the leaves and so we have kale and collard, and other dudes were like "roots" and there goes turnips. Then there was this other group that got all flowery and there you go - cauliflower and broccoli.

The odd thing is that Broccoli can be dangerous; 'cause it totally can have a lot of formaldehyde which is great if you are making paper or cosmetics, but snack? Heinous! But then it can also be used as treatment for arsenic poisoning so ... whoa!! Good for you? Bad for you? Kinda depends on what's up at the Circle K, right?!

So in my clan, we get names based on what we are like, and bro, I'm like, whatever I feel like on the day, because y'know dragons are like really long lived so why commit, too early, am I right? So I'm kinda organized except when I'm not, or doing really cool stuff unless it turns out stupid, so ... Broccoli.

Mr Natural is totally my best bro. Y'know being a fungus totally doesn't slow him down. Well not like he is really fast, but he gets around. Actually ImmortalAvarice isn't the quickest either, but he has some really good ideas and he is like the absolute best at coming up with practical jokes like the one time we got some of the Fae Sap - (here there is a small slapping sound, and Broccoli looks down to see the small horned toad shaking his head) - You're right bro maybe now is not the time. (the small creature mouths a word up at the dragon).

Oh. Plants, right! So PotaSativa is like really generous with her buds and let me tell you they are POWerful. Plants are like .... RIGHTEOUS. Totally righteous.

Oh and the whole nature thing; I'm totally a lightning dragon but I lair with the GladeMom 'cause we all gotta follow our own karma, dude.
w8o0xW1.pngjYu7GSS.png XdKddgH.png DC: SQ9MAS6.png FR+0
@Squiddyana [url=][img][/img][/url] Amberan, do you have a profession or job that you do for your clan? If so, what is it?


Amberan, do you have a profession or job that you do for your clan? If so, what is it?
  • Countess
  • She/Her
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@Newtinmpls [quote name="Newtinmpls" date="2024-05-18 21:15:00" ] [url=][img][/img][/url] Wine, what is your favorite part of running a bar? Do you personally have a favorite drink?[/quote] ----- [columns][img][/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=4]Wine grins as he sets about making your drink. "What's the best part? Seeing my dream become a reality of course! I've always wished there was a place where dragons and Beastclans can come together safely, maybe grab a bite or two and drink to their hearts content! I get to show off a ton of talent from both Beastclans and dragons like this:" Wine pulls out a tequila glass, setting it in front of you. The small glass has a frosted texture to it and as you touch it, you realize it's ice cold. "This was made by our Ice representative, [url=]Ymir[/url], in fact most of the glasses here are made by him. Keeps the drinks cool and some of them leave you with a frosty after taste!" He finally pours you your drink and pours out another for himself. "Since you didn't specify what you wanted, I made my favorite drink: Quicksand! It uses tequila, Fallout Whisper, and Duneberries. Guaranteed to pull you under the faster you drink it!"[/font][/size][/columns]
Newtinmpls wrote on 2024-05-18 21:15:00:


Wine, what is your favorite part of running a bar? Do you personally have a favorite drink?

30981561p.png Wine grins as he sets about making your drink. "What's the best part? Seeing my dream become a reality of course! I've always wished there was a place where dragons and Beastclans can come together safely, maybe grab a bite or two and drink to their hearts content! I get to show off a ton of talent from both Beastclans and dragons like this:" Wine pulls out a tequila glass, setting it in front of you. The small glass has a frosted texture to it and as you touch it, you realize it's ice cold. "This was made by our Ice representative, Ymir, in fact most of the glasses here are made by him. Keeps the drinks cool and some of them leave you with a frosty after taste!" He finally pours you your drink and pours out another for himself. "Since you didn't specify what you wanted, I made my favorite drink: Quicksand! It uses tequila, Fallout Whisper, and Duneberries. Guaranteed to pull you under the faster you drink it!"
[quote name="Countessoffire" date="2024-05-19 17:41:01" ] @Squiddyana [url=][img][/img][/url] Amberan, do you have a profession or job that you do for your clan? If so, what is it? [/quote] " i do it because its the right thing to do! i wanna make morana happy but i cant just steal pearls from all the dragons!"
Countessoffire wrote on 2024-05-19 17:41:01:


Amberan, do you have a profession or job that you do for your clan? If so, what is it?

" i do it because its the right thing to do! i wanna make morana happy but i cant just steal pearls from all the dragons!"
7kXqKFJ.png q2zMYvt.png zfNtpTV.png
@Countessoffire [url=][img][/img][/url] Aequum'Musa, what DOES a slumbering titan dream of? Is it dreams of better days, or nightmares of what's soon to come? ...or is it really weird nonsensical things?
Aequum'Musa, what DOES a slumbering titan dream of? Is it dreams of better days, or nightmares of what's soon to come? ...or is it really weird nonsensical things?
"Just here to collect silly little dragons in my silly little lair"
Imagine highlighting a forum signature.

Permas are both in my lair and hibden
@Kindryte [quote name="Kindryte" date="2024-05-20 09:04:19" ] @Countessoffire [url=][img][/img][/url] Aequum'Musa, what DOES a slumbering titan dream of? Is it dreams of better days, or nightmares of what's soon to come? ...or is it really weird nonsensical things? [/quote] [url=][img][/img][/url] A deep, sonorous male voice rasped, “Whatever in the name of Sornieth are you asking Stranger?” The only dragon awake in the chamber heaved a sigh. His great cerulean head shook to the negative. “I should put up a sign. Maybe something to the effect of ‘Do not Disturb. Inhabitants sleeping.’” [b]Skip me[/b]
Kindryte wrote on 2024-05-20 09:04:19:
Aequum'Musa, what DOES a slumbering titan dream of? Is it dreams of better days, or nightmares of what's soon to come? ...or is it really weird nonsensical things?


A deep, sonorous male voice rasped, “Whatever in the name of Sornieth are you asking Stranger?”

The only dragon awake in the chamber heaved a sigh. His great cerulean head shook to the negative. “I should put up a sign. Maybe something to the effect of ‘Do not Disturb. Inhabitants sleeping.’”

Skip me
  • Countess
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