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TOPIC | Headcanon a Dragon Above You
@AGoodExample [url=][img][/img][/url] I'd think she's only feared for her energy and nothing else.. and likely her intimidating bright colors since a dragon might somehow associate it with her being toxic.

I'd think she's only feared for her energy and nothing else.. and likely her intimidating bright colors since a dragon might somehow associate it with her being toxic.
@butterflyflower [url=][img][/img][/url] I have a feeling that this boy will regularly curl up inside a fireplace and because of his colors, many dragons have fallen for this trick. Maybe he does this because he wonders how being a fire feels like, or he just wants to know what sleeping in ash is like. He does shine like an actual fire tho, one source of light towards him is enough to brighten the whole room
I have a feeling that this boy will regularly curl up inside a fireplace and because of his colors, many dragons have fallen for this trick. Maybe he does this because he wonders how being a fire feels like, or he just wants to know what sleeping in ash is like. He does shine like an actual fire tho, one source of light towards him is enough to brighten the whole room
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@RosieTea Being musicians themselves, Euterpe's parents pushed her and her siblings to play music at an early age. While her siblings generally took to their lessons well enough, Euterpe struggled immensely and quit music altogether at an early age to pursue painting. While her parents are disappointed she didn't take up their talent, they're pleased she's found something she does excel in. Since moving to Earth, Euterpe has taken to studying fresco paintings and helps decorate lairs. [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Next user: Ignore pg. 3 of Daybreak Oasis and pg. 2 of The Roost[/b]

Being musicians themselves, Euterpe's parents pushed her and her siblings to play music at an early age. While her siblings generally took to their lessons well enough, Euterpe struggled immensely and quit music altogether at an early age to pursue painting. While her parents are disappointed she didn't take up their talent, they're pleased she's found something she does excel in. Since moving to Earth, Euterpe has taken to studying fresco paintings and helps decorate lairs.


Next user: Ignore pg. 3 of Daybreak Oasis and pg. 2 of The Roost
Heads up! My username has a L not an I!
35955.png42916.png Skin/Accent Shop.
@lassavus [url=][img][/img][/url] Cares deeply for all the small creatures that other dragons often overlook or ignore - which is challenging because he's pretty large so he needs to be REALLY careful not to step on anything. Hoping the Wandering Gale will find him a magical trinket that will help him out .. maybe some sort of force field or alert system?

Cares deeply for all the small creatures that other dragons often overlook or ignore - which is challenging because he's pretty large so he needs to be REALLY careful not to step on anything. Hoping the Wandering Gale will find him a magical trinket that will help him out .. maybe some sort of force field or alert system?
@Kalistys [url=][img][/img][/url] Paradisia's favourite drink is a tea that's...not too popular. It's not popular due to just how easy it is to make the tea far too strong and far too bitter to be enjoyed. Sure, it has a lot of health benefits but no-one is going to drink tea that's insanely bitter. Paradisia knows how to properly brew the tea to avoid the bitter taste, but whenever she offers others a sip they're understandably wary because they've only tasted the AWFUL version of it.

Paradisia's favourite drink is a tea that's...not too popular. It's not popular due to just how easy it is to make the tea far too strong and far too bitter to be enjoyed. Sure, it has a lot of health benefits but no-one is going to drink tea that's insanely bitter.

Paradisia knows how to properly brew the tea to avoid the bitter taste, but whenever she offers others a sip they're understandably wary because they've only tasted the AWFUL version of it.
"Just here to collect silly little dragons in my silly little lair"
Imagine highlighting a forum signature.

Permas are both in my lair and hibden
@Kindryte [url=][img][/img][/url] Cocoa is a dashing prince. A charismatic socialite (and yes, very wealthy). The clan absolutely adores him and his generosity, not knowing that his dazzling exterior is covering a very dark secret. (what that secret is is up to you :>)


Cocoa is a dashing prince. A charismatic socialite (and yes, very wealthy). The clan absolutely adores him and his generosity, not knowing that his dazzling exterior is covering a very dark secret. (what that secret is is up to you :>)
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Need Hib Den Items?
@xTarotDollx [url=][img][/img][/url] This guy gives me clumsy vibes. Like, he seems like he tries to carry lots of delicate items (pots, boxes, antiques) balances for too precariously all at the same time, and will definitely do that cartoony thing of tripping, and miraculously catching everything before it hits the floor by balancing them on different limbs.


This guy gives me clumsy vibes. Like, he seems like he tries to carry lots of delicate items (pots, boxes, antiques) balances for too precariously all at the same time, and will definitely do that cartoony thing of tripping, and miraculously catching everything before it hits the floor by balancing them on different limbs.
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@Kilonian [url=][img][/img][/url] Atronach, while certainly in a better headspace now that he has found someone that cherishes him, is still burdened by his ties to the fire spirit. He finds it difficult to settle into mundane tasks as the fire within him rages to be unleashed. His temper occasionally flares as a result of his frustration. His new clan has found a rather clever means of applying his power to avoid anything catastrophic. Metal art. It forces Atronach to be creative, therefore fighting off boredom, and it provides him a healthy means of unleashing his power. Needless to say, his beloved adores his creative works.


Atronach, while certainly in a better headspace now that he has found someone that cherishes him, is still burdened by his ties to the fire spirit. He finds it difficult to settle into mundane tasks as the fire within him rages to be unleashed. His temper occasionally flares as a result of his frustration. His new clan has found a rather clever means of applying his power to avoid anything catastrophic. Metal art. It forces Atronach to be creative, therefore fighting off boredom, and it provides him a healthy means of unleashing his power. Needless to say, his beloved adores his creative works.
  • Countess
  • She/Her
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@Countessoffire [url=][img][/img][/url] I fully believe the book is shackled to him not due to a curse but a dare someone gave him and his pride was to strong not to do the dare. But he actually came to like the book so he lies and says its cursed so he can keep it on him without being embarrassed


I fully believe the book is shackled to him not due to a curse but a dare someone gave him and his pride was to strong not to do the dare. But he actually came to like the book so he lies and says its cursed so he can keep it on him without being embarrassed
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@Liliyanna [url=][img][/img][/url] Law sometimes wonders what he would have done had Saya not come along and defeated his father. Would he have stood up to his father as Saya did, or would he have remained loyal and become another tool of his father's tyranny? He knows what the kind of person he is now would do, but he cannot be so certain about the kind of person he was back then. It's a chilling thought.


Law sometimes wonders what he would have done had Saya not come along and defeated his father. Would he have stood up to his father as Saya did, or would he have remained loyal and become another tool of his father's tyranny? He knows what the kind of person he is now would do, but he cannot be so certain about the kind of person he was back then. It's a chilling thought.