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TOPIC | Milky Way Designs-Gfx&Lore Shop OPEN

Hi! Welcome back - Thank you for your order, I'll start working on this! As always I will send you a little snippet once I get a good bit written out.

Eee, I'm excited to write Lamont after doing Mura. It's going to be so fun!

Hi! Welcome back - Thank you for your order, I'll start working on this! As always I will send you a little snippet once I get a good bit written out.

Eee, I'm excited to write Lamont after doing Mura. It's going to be so fun!
Wonderful! <3 Looking forward to it!
Wonderful! <3 Looking forward to it!
Mini dergsCustom Tiny Dragons!Custom Tiny Dragons!
[b]Dragon Lore Please![/b] [i]Basics[/i] [b]Username:[/b] pikkavee [b]What Size Lore?:[/b] Large [b]Flight:[/b] Nature [b]Are you a Stellar Star?:[/b] No [b]Dragon:[/b] Eon [url=][img][/img][/url] [i]Details[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Eon is quiet and reserved (he's mute/nonverbal) but tends to come off as intimidating. He's actually a real sweetheart who's just kinda unaware of social queues. He likes fishing, napping, and listening. He also likes his two cousin-sibling-people a whole lot and would do [i]anything[/i] to protect them. He dislikes chaos and having all the attention on him. [b]Role:[/b] Eon isn't in a clan and lives a nomadic life with his two previously mentioned cousin-sibling-people. He's the main hunter/gatherer of the three. [b]Brief History:[/b] Eon is an Ignomi descendant, so chaos and misfortune basically run through his veins. Lots of people want him and his family dead. All he wants is a peaceful life with his two buddies. Also, for his childhood, I'd like for him to be unaware of this lineage (orphan perhaps). Maybe other dragons just feel off about him for no reason? [b]Anything else?:[/b] No [b]Total Order Price:[/b] 30kt(?)
Dragon Lore Please!
Username: pikkavee
What Size Lore?: Large
Flight: Nature
Are you a Stellar Star?: No
Dragon: Eon

Personality: Eon is quiet and reserved (he's mute/nonverbal) but tends to come off as intimidating. He's actually a real sweetheart who's just kinda unaware of social queues. He likes fishing, napping, and listening. He also likes his two cousin-sibling-people a whole lot and would do anything to protect them. He dislikes chaos and having all the attention on him.
Role: Eon isn't in a clan and lives a nomadic life with his two previously mentioned cousin-sibling-people. He's the main hunter/gatherer of the three.
Brief History: Eon is an Ignomi descendant, so chaos and misfortune basically run through his veins. Lots of people want him and his family dead. All he wants is a peaceful life with his two buddies. Also, for his childhood, I'd like for him to be unaware of this lineage (orphan perhaps). Maybe other dragons just feel off about him for no reason?
Anything else?: No
Total Order Price: 30kt(?)
any prns
flightmaxxing risingpilled

Hey there! I am working on an order just before yours, so once I finish I will let you know and if you're still interested I can definitely start working on this!

Hey there! I am working on an order just before yours, so once I finish I will let you know and if you're still interested I can definitely start working on this!
@Awaas yes i'm still interested ^_^
@Awaas yes i'm still interested ^_^
any prns
flightmaxxing risingpilled

Thank you for your patience! I just finished up the previous order and have put you in to the lore slot. I'll work on this during the week and send you a tidbit to confirm you like how it's going so far!

Thank you for your patience! I just finished up the previous order and have put you in to the lore slot. I'll work on this during the week and send you a tidbit to confirm you like how it's going so far!
Hello again! Please never any rush, but I'd love to be notified if/when you have room to take on graphics orders :) I've loved your graphics since I saw them and have decided yours are far, far more lovely than anything I could come up with haha.
Hello again! Please never any rush, but I'd love to be notified if/when you have room to take on graphics orders :) I've loved your graphics since I saw them and have decided yours are far, far more lovely than anything I could come up with haha.

Here is Eon's lore! Again so sorry for the delay, I hope you like it and that I captured him well!

The fishing rod’s lure bobbed quietly in the pond where it had been cast, unmoving. It was a quiet summer morning, still early, but not early enough that the sun hadn’t quite risen. The lure was a simple one, made by hand and tied with fingers used to the proper knots for this kind of thing. Out on the grass the rod had been planted in the ground, moored by pebbles and rocks that its owner collected so as to keep it from falling if a bite did occur from the pond. The owner in question lounged quietly next to it, his eyes closed as his scales began to take in the growing warmth of the day. His face was shrouded in a red hood, the shade over his eyes tempting him into a nap. If no fish would bite the lure, then he thought taking a snooze was well worth his efforts.

As if sensing that the dragon was contemplating this, the lure bobbed. Then it bobbed again, and the thin line tugged. He opened one eye and peered over at his rod, then sat up fully to grab hold and wait. Another tug, then another, this time sharper and quick as his lure disappeared underneath the surface. Tension pulled at the line, and he responded with a steady pull in the opposite direction. He poured his focus into this, a practice he knew well as he often fished. Soon enough, he hauled the fish at the end of the line close enough to the edge of the pond that he could scoop it out with a net he had brought. The fish flopped about in the mesh, not terribly large but no guppy either. He smiled, satisfied with his work, and dropped the fish into a bucket of cool water where it swam about.

“Hm? Did you catch something Eon?” He shrugged at the question his sibling asked, turning to see them as they approached. They had gone into the town down below to restock supplies and sell the fish that he had caught earlier in the morning. It was generally better for Eon to stay behind, his silence and aura unsettling most who did not know him. Not that he minded, as it meant a less mentally taxing experience for him and more time to nap or observe from afar.

“Look at what we were able to buy with the money from your earlier catch,” he watched as they pulled out their rucksack, full with plenty of rations for the three of them for at least two weeks, until they came near another town or village. Inside he also spotted new fishing line as well, and he arched a brow at them.

“Your current line is getting worn,” one said, nodding at his fishing rod. Eon let out a huff, nodding as he took the spool out. He preferred additional money be saved for emergencies where they might need a healer, but he had to admit that if his line failed then he’d have a much harder time gathering their dinners or things to trade.

If Eon couldn’t fish, he would have to travel into the cities and settlements with the other two and find ways to make money otherwise. Just the thought made him squirm, though his siblings barely noticed. Eon did not do well in crowded places, not that he did anything wrong. People tended to find him intimidating, and his quietness made others uncomfortable. There was also something else about Eon that always brought unease amongst those who didn’t know him, and he could never truly put his claw on it. It was easier for him to wait outside, and he didn’t mind one bit, though then he’d grow bored and lonely without his companions and end up just napping the entire day away if he couldn’t fish. Besides, when they returned from the towns they visited, they often told him about how their day went and what sort of things they saw or did while they were there. It was nice this way, and he truly enjoyed hearing their tales.

Misfortune always seemed to find him, ever since he was a little hatchling. No parents, no family, and fear at the sight of him. Eon found himself shunned from many places, and alone he would wander, and if he settled for too long that misfortune seemed to also settle too. He’d be cursed out and driven from whatever new home he had tried to find, as things would go terribly wrong soon after his arrival. At first Eon was certain it was poor luck and coincidence, but it happened again and again, till finally he stopped trying. Some would even come after him for vengeance, or to just end whatever evil they perceived him to herald. Wandering became his only way in life, and he was alone for a while before he found his two companions. They were also wanderers, and saw past whatever other dragons had seen in him that caused them to hate him so much. It was as though Eon had found a family, and soon they became just that to him.

They traveled together, each taking up responsibilities and knowing that the best way to manage in life was to never settle down for too long. The last thing they needed was for word to spread of a red imperial acting as a harbinger for chaos outside every settlement they found themselves near, so his siblings went into town more often and Eon stayed by whatever watering hole they found and caught fish to eat and sell. Then he’d listen to them in the evenings, and they would sell the fish again in the morning before leaving for the next place.

Like clockwork, they began slipping into talk, and Eon settle down and built them a fire to cook dinner on.

“There was this one shopkeep who was being awfully stingy, I think he could tell we weren’t from here.” one of them started. The other nodded, having turned to descale the fish that had been reserved for their meal.

“Tried to charge us a wing and a leg for that piece of cloth you bought,” they added. Eon quirked an eyebrow, and watched as a glimmer of excitement crossed his sibling’s face as they presented a square bit of cloth.

“I thought it would be a good chunk to have, in case we need to mend any of our clothing,” they said, folding it up. It wasn’t very large, certainly, but it was in good condition and could easily patch several holes. Eon nodded in agreement, then put the freshly cleaned fish onto the fire. He settled in and listened, the sun setting behind them. It was a good night, the air fresh and clear and his two companions’ voices relaxed him. It hadn’t always been this way, so Eon knew to cherish each moment he got to experience this life. For a long time Eon had wanted a family, and a place to call home. He had realized he had both, even if home traveled with him and was not in one place. He smiled up at his siblings as they continued to tell him of their day, and was content.

Here is Eon's lore! Again so sorry for the delay, I hope you like it and that I captured him well!

The fishing rod’s lure bobbed quietly in the pond where it had been cast, unmoving. It was a quiet summer morning, still early, but not early enough that the sun hadn’t quite risen. The lure was a simple one, made by hand and tied with fingers used to the proper knots for this kind of thing. Out on the grass the rod had been planted in the ground, moored by pebbles and rocks that its owner collected so as to keep it from falling if a bite did occur from the pond. The owner in question lounged quietly next to it, his eyes closed as his scales began to take in the growing warmth of the day. His face was shrouded in a red hood, the shade over his eyes tempting him into a nap. If no fish would bite the lure, then he thought taking a snooze was well worth his efforts.

As if sensing that the dragon was contemplating this, the lure bobbed. Then it bobbed again, and the thin line tugged. He opened one eye and peered over at his rod, then sat up fully to grab hold and wait. Another tug, then another, this time sharper and quick as his lure disappeared underneath the surface. Tension pulled at the line, and he responded with a steady pull in the opposite direction. He poured his focus into this, a practice he knew well as he often fished. Soon enough, he hauled the fish at the end of the line close enough to the edge of the pond that he could scoop it out with a net he had brought. The fish flopped about in the mesh, not terribly large but no guppy either. He smiled, satisfied with his work, and dropped the fish into a bucket of cool water where it swam about.

“Hm? Did you catch something Eon?” He shrugged at the question his sibling asked, turning to see them as they approached. They had gone into the town down below to restock supplies and sell the fish that he had caught earlier in the morning. It was generally better for Eon to stay behind, his silence and aura unsettling most who did not know him. Not that he minded, as it meant a less mentally taxing experience for him and more time to nap or observe from afar.

“Look at what we were able to buy with the money from your earlier catch,” he watched as they pulled out their rucksack, full with plenty of rations for the three of them for at least two weeks, until they came near another town or village. Inside he also spotted new fishing line as well, and he arched a brow at them.

“Your current line is getting worn,” one said, nodding at his fishing rod. Eon let out a huff, nodding as he took the spool out. He preferred additional money be saved for emergencies where they might need a healer, but he had to admit that if his line failed then he’d have a much harder time gathering their dinners or things to trade.

If Eon couldn’t fish, he would have to travel into the cities and settlements with the other two and find ways to make money otherwise. Just the thought made him squirm, though his siblings barely noticed. Eon did not do well in crowded places, not that he did anything wrong. People tended to find him intimidating, and his quietness made others uncomfortable. There was also something else about Eon that always brought unease amongst those who didn’t know him, and he could never truly put his claw on it. It was easier for him to wait outside, and he didn’t mind one bit, though then he’d grow bored and lonely without his companions and end up just napping the entire day away if he couldn’t fish. Besides, when they returned from the towns they visited, they often told him about how their day went and what sort of things they saw or did while they were there. It was nice this way, and he truly enjoyed hearing their tales.

Misfortune always seemed to find him, ever since he was a little hatchling. No parents, no family, and fear at the sight of him. Eon found himself shunned from many places, and alone he would wander, and if he settled for too long that misfortune seemed to also settle too. He’d be cursed out and driven from whatever new home he had tried to find, as things would go terribly wrong soon after his arrival. At first Eon was certain it was poor luck and coincidence, but it happened again and again, till finally he stopped trying. Some would even come after him for vengeance, or to just end whatever evil they perceived him to herald. Wandering became his only way in life, and he was alone for a while before he found his two companions. They were also wanderers, and saw past whatever other dragons had seen in him that caused them to hate him so much. It was as though Eon had found a family, and soon they became just that to him.

They traveled together, each taking up responsibilities and knowing that the best way to manage in life was to never settle down for too long. The last thing they needed was for word to spread of a red imperial acting as a harbinger for chaos outside every settlement they found themselves near, so his siblings went into town more often and Eon stayed by whatever watering hole they found and caught fish to eat and sell. Then he’d listen to them in the evenings, and they would sell the fish again in the morning before leaving for the next place.

Like clockwork, they began slipping into talk, and Eon settle down and built them a fire to cook dinner on.

“There was this one shopkeep who was being awfully stingy, I think he could tell we weren’t from here.” one of them started. The other nodded, having turned to descale the fish that had been reserved for their meal.

“Tried to charge us a wing and a leg for that piece of cloth you bought,” they added. Eon quirked an eyebrow, and watched as a glimmer of excitement crossed his sibling’s face as they presented a square bit of cloth.

“I thought it would be a good chunk to have, in case we need to mend any of our clothing,” they said, folding it up. It wasn’t very large, certainly, but it was in good condition and could easily patch several holes. Eon nodded in agreement, then put the freshly cleaned fish onto the fire. He settled in and listened, the sun setting behind them. It was a good night, the air fresh and clear and his two companions’ voices relaxed him. It hadn’t always been this way, so Eon knew to cherish each moment he got to experience this life. For a long time Eon had wanted a family, and a place to call home. He had realized he had both, even if home traveled with him and was not in one place. He smiled up at his siblings as they continued to tell him of their day, and was content.
@Awaas I think it said your graphics slot was free, so...

Username: LostIceDragon
What type of graphics? Thread Banners for a lineage project and a button(?)
Colors: (not really sure what a hex code is, but I believe it's colors... I also don't know if it's any color or FR color range) Black, white/off-white, gold (or something close to those that still looks good)
Are you a Stellar Star?: No (How can I become one?—I’d like to use you in the future for a hatchery I’m planning/working on)

Title/text on graphics: Total Eclipse (main banner), Guidelines, Descendants, Affiliates, Extra
Aesthetic/Theme: Eclipse (I always imagine an eclipse happening, so half sun/half moon, if that makes sense?), light and dark (a balance)---my pair is Aven and Calipsa if you'd like color inspiration
Imagery: I'm cool with whatever as long as it goes with the eclipse theme :)
Animation?: No thanks
Anything else?: Is it possible to also make a medium button for me (or whatever the size of the example one in the thread is)?
Total Order Price: 125kt (is mixed payment okay?)
@Awaas I think it said your graphics slot was free, so...

Username: LostIceDragon
What type of graphics? Thread Banners for a lineage project and a button(?)
Colors: (not really sure what a hex code is, but I believe it's colors... I also don't know if it's any color or FR color range) Black, white/off-white, gold (or something close to those that still looks good)
Are you a Stellar Star?: No (How can I become one?—I’d like to use you in the future for a hatchery I’m planning/working on)

Title/text on graphics: Total Eclipse (main banner), Guidelines, Descendants, Affiliates, Extra
Aesthetic/Theme: Eclipse (I always imagine an eclipse happening, so half sun/half moon, if that makes sense?), light and dark (a balance)---my pair is Aven and Calipsa if you'd like color inspiration
Imagery: I'm cool with whatever as long as it goes with the eclipse theme :)
Animation?: No thanks
Anything else?: Is it possible to also make a medium button for me (or whatever the size of the example one in the thread is)?
Total Order Price: 125kt (is mixed payment okay?)
R3T9Jmp.png Free!Wishlist in bio