
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Milky Way Designs-Gfx&Lore Shop OPEN

Thank you! I will start working on this and will send you a WIP via PMs

Thank you! I will start working on this and will send you a WIP via PMs

Your lore for Tama is done! Please send payment when you have a chance.

Your lore for Tama is done! Please send payment when you have a chance.
@nevishii Here are your banners! If you want any edits just let me know. Thank you! [img][/img] [img][/img]

Here are your banners! If you want any edits just let me know. Thank you!

they look perfect! thank you sm :]
they look perfect! thank you sm :]
Hey there! :D If it's okay I'm gonna order some new banners for my hatchery! Do a little refresh. :D Also if you have any questions feel free to PM me!

Username: Cawfee
What type of graphics? Thread Banners (One Main + 6 Additional), Affiliate Bump, Small Signature Icon, Divider (?)
Colors: #36013f, #021631, #e7e7e7
Are you a Stellar Star?: No

Title/text on graphics:

Ravenswood Hatchery - Main Banner
For Sale
Breeding Pairs
Breed On Request
Sold Dragons

Aesthetic/Theme: Birds (Ravens) Just bird things, really. Ravenswood? No. Ravensraven. xD
Imagery: I think I just want birds, feathers, and the like this time around. I really like the affiliate bump and signature icon that you made last time for the hatchery, haha.
Animation?: No
Anything else?: Feel free to deviate from the hex code colors! I'm awful at color picking xD Oh, I also used this font for my breeding cards if that's possible to use at all but if not that's A-Okay! :D
Total Order Price: 150kt/g? + Cost of two dividers (one below)

Also, I have another hatchery here that's not quite open yet but I'd love a divider if you do make those! It's a Digimon hatchery so anything digital related would be okay. :D I can wait for this one though if this would be a second slot since it's not for the same hatchery, haha.
Hey there! :D If it's okay I'm gonna order some new banners for my hatchery! Do a little refresh. :D Also if you have any questions feel free to PM me!

Username: Cawfee
What type of graphics? Thread Banners (One Main + 6 Additional), Affiliate Bump, Small Signature Icon, Divider (?)
Colors: #36013f, #021631, #e7e7e7
Are you a Stellar Star?: No

Title/text on graphics:

Ravenswood Hatchery - Main Banner
For Sale
Breeding Pairs
Breed On Request
Sold Dragons

Aesthetic/Theme: Birds (Ravens) Just bird things, really. Ravenswood? No. Ravensraven. xD
Imagery: I think I just want birds, feathers, and the like this time around. I really like the affiliate bump and signature icon that you made last time for the hatchery, haha.
Animation?: No
Anything else?: Feel free to deviate from the hex code colors! I'm awful at color picking xD Oh, I also used this font for my breeding cards if that's possible to use at all but if not that's A-Okay! :D
Total Order Price: 150kt/g? + Cost of two dividers (one below)

Also, I have another hatchery here that's not quite open yet but I'd love a divider if you do make those! It's a Digimon hatchery so anything digital related would be okay. :D I can wait for this one though if this would be a second slot since it's not for the same hatchery, haha.
TBmRRMw.pngO930dUy.pngCawfee Shop - ArtRavenswood HatcheryFile Island Hatchery

Ahh yes! I'd be more than happy to make new graphics for your hatchery. The font you used on your cards should be fine, if I have any trouble I'll let you know ;D

I'll start working on these this week, and send over some WIPs to get your opinion on.

Also - I can probably put together a divider or two for your other hatchery when I finish with your banners! That shouldn't bee too difficult.

Ahh yes! I'd be more than happy to make new graphics for your hatchery. The font you used on your cards should be fine, if I have any trouble I'll let you know ;D

I'll start working on these this week, and send over some WIPs to get your opinion on.

Also - I can probably put together a divider or two for your other hatchery when I finish with your banners! That shouldn't bee too difficult.
[b]Dragon Lore Please![/b] [i]Basics[/i] [b]Username:[/b] Fujiko18 [b]What Size Lore?:[/b]Medium/Large lore. If medium lore is not enough to encompass all of it, I'll change my order to a large lore instead, if possible that is. [b]Flight:[/b] Shadow [b]Are you a Stellar Star?:[/b] No [b]Dragon:[/b] Mura [url=][img][/img][/url] [i]Details[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Mura has the soul of an old man lol A bit grumpy but mainly very [i]dutiful[/i], brave and protective! He's not particularly sociable, though he doesn't mind to have he presence known, he's just too tired to care. On rare occasions, and mostly because of his partner, Lamont, he does smile a precious lil smile! Mura doesn't do it consciously but he lives by the principal of "with great power comes great responsibility" and he welcomes that. It's a purpose that quenches the yearning he always felt, almost entirely. His partner fills the rest with ease and that fact surprises Mura to no end. [b]Role:[/b] He's the original protector of the clan, before it was even a clan to begin with! He's still the main guardian when it comes to battling the beasts that threaten his new found family. [b]Brief History:[/b] Mura is my progen, so I wasn't thinking lore back then so... He came into the world with one understanding: The duty to protect. Initially he protected a small territory, all by himself despite the presence of other dragons in the surroundings. He never knew why, didn't even think of questioning it. He just did. Then he was forgotten, abandoned [s](by me, because I din't understand how to play this game and left the site for years lol)[/s]. Even then, he remained true to his duty. He stayed and he fought. And he suffered. Years later, after an arduous and lengthy battle, he heard a calling. He ventured out into the small territory, only to find a small shrine, old and weathered. Welcoming. Tired and wounded, Mura laid down to sleep amidst dead brambles and fallen leaves (This is the part where we pretend I exalted him [s]I didn't[/s] and he met the Shadowbinder). He dreamed of being scattered, far and wide, only to be made anew (he was basic and I gave him some new genes!). A guardian forged from cosmic dust (he's a metallic/constellation beautiful boy). The Guardian forged from cosmic dust. Armed with replenished resolve and a blessing bestowed upon him (I got his skin aaaand I'm a fan of tokusatsu, so think of it as a second skin that coates his body only during battle, increasing his defense and power. Prolonged use tints his body but not in a bad way), Mura continued fighting. Not long after that, he saw someone approaching, not an ounce of ill intention coloring their features. An echo of a presence so familiar to him, like a blur in the corner of his eye. Mura had met him before. They'd fought together, side by side, however briefly (I leveled them both to lvl25 [s]it took [i]so[/i] long[/s] before I decided to give genes to Mura). A special someone who proceeded to effortlessly insert himself into Mura's life, who showed him how to share the hefty weight he's always carried upon his shoulders. A partner. [b]Anything else?:[/b] [s]That was not brief, I'm so sorry![/s] I don't think so? If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them though! [b]Total Order Price:[/b] 25/35+kt P.S.: Can I order lore for more than one dragon at once? Also, can I order lore for dragons I know very little/none details about?
Dragon Lore Please!
Username: Fujiko18
What Size Lore?:Medium/Large lore. If medium lore is not enough to encompass all of it, I'll change my order to a large lore instead, if possible that is.
Flight: Shadow
Are you a Stellar Star?: No
Dragon: Mura

Personality: Mura has the soul of an old man lol A bit grumpy but mainly very dutiful, brave and protective! He's not particularly sociable, though he doesn't mind to have he presence known, he's just too tired to care. On rare occasions, and mostly because of his partner, Lamont, he does smile a precious lil smile! Mura doesn't do it consciously but he lives by the principal of "with great power comes great responsibility" and he welcomes that. It's a purpose that quenches the yearning he always felt, almost entirely. His partner fills the rest with ease and that fact surprises Mura to no end.
Role: He's the original protector of the clan, before it was even a clan to begin with! He's still the main guardian when it comes to battling the beasts that threaten his new found family.
Brief History: Mura is my progen, so I wasn't thinking lore back then so... He came into the world with one understanding: The duty to protect. Initially he protected a small territory, all by himself despite the presence of other dragons in the surroundings. He never knew why, didn't even think of questioning it. He just did. Then he was forgotten, abandoned (by me, because I din't understand how to play this game and left the site for years lol). Even then, he remained true to his duty. He stayed and he fought. And he suffered. Years later, after an arduous and lengthy battle, he heard a calling. He ventured out into the small territory, only to find a small shrine, old and weathered. Welcoming. Tired and wounded, Mura laid down to sleep amidst dead brambles and fallen leaves (This is the part where we pretend I exalted him I didn't and he met the Shadowbinder). He dreamed of being scattered, far and wide, only to be made anew (he was basic and I gave him some new genes!). A guardian forged from cosmic dust (he's a metallic/constellation beautiful boy). The Guardian forged from cosmic dust. Armed with replenished resolve and a blessing bestowed upon him (I got his skin aaaand I'm a fan of tokusatsu, so think of it as a second skin that coates his body only during battle, increasing his defense and power. Prolonged use tints his body but not in a bad way), Mura continued fighting. Not long after that, he saw someone approaching, not an ounce of ill intention coloring their features. An echo of a presence so familiar to him, like a blur in the corner of his eye. Mura had met him before. They'd fought together, side by side, however briefly (I leveled them both to lvl25 it took so long before I decided to give genes to Mura). A special someone who proceeded to effortlessly insert himself into Mura's life, who showed him how to share the hefty weight he's always carried upon his shoulders. A partner.
Anything else?: That was not brief, I'm so sorry! I don't think so? If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them though!
Total Order Price: 25/35+kt

P.S.: Can I order lore for more than one dragon at once? Also, can I order lore for dragons I know very little/none details about?
Mini dergsCustom Tiny Dragons!Custom Tiny Dragons!

Thank you for your lore order! When I start I'll send you a small WIP to make sure you like the direction I'm going in.

I generally prefer one dragon per lore order so that I can focus on providing enough time to that particular dragon's lore. You are always welcome to order more lore once I finish if there's a slot open!

Thank you for your lore order! When I start I'll send you a small WIP to make sure you like the direction I'm going in.

I generally prefer one dragon per lore order so that I can focus on providing enough time to that particular dragon's lore. You are always welcome to order more lore once I finish if there's a slot open!
Thank you!

Would you prefer I send the payment via CR or PM?
Thank you!

Would you prefer I send the payment via CR or PM?
Mini dergsCustom Tiny Dragons!Custom Tiny Dragons!
@Fujiko18 either works for me, but I usually don't request it until I get confirmation from you after I send a wip that you live the direction I'm going in!
@Fujiko18 either works for me, but I usually don't request it until I get confirmation from you after I send a wip that you live the direction I'm going in!