
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Old Dreg Awareness! Do YOU have an Oldie
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[columns] [img][/img] [nextcol][right]"Old dragon you say??" [emoji=comment size=1] "Old dragon I say!" [emoji=comment size=1] "But what are they??? Why do you care???"[emoji=comment size=1] "YOU should care too! [emoji=comment size=1] "Unless of course you don't want to.... "But if you did you'd probably be broke, like all the other collectors..." [/right][/columns] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=7][font=Papyrus][b]Old Dragon Awareness Post![/b][/font][/size] [size=2][i]You[/i] may think its boring, but there's more reason than one to collect such a valuable part of FlightRising's history. [emoji=gem size=1] [/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Old dragons are one of the biggest parts of FlightRising history! They come in all shapes and sizes, all breeds and colors. But the one thing that sets them apart from any dragon made today, is the history they preserve! Old dragons can [i]never[/i] be hatched again. And that's what makes them special! Do you remember when we only had THREE gem genes?! No? Well he does! [columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [left]When Ansible was born, these genes were all the rage on FlightRising! Everyone wanted a piece of that cake ;) (That cake being the only gem genes available....) It caused a huge popularity in ANY dragons that sported them! The game was overrun by (what we called them) Iri/shim dragons. But then again, it wasn't easy making even 100gs back then... Let alone 1,200 for the shimmer gene. But now? This guy is worth well over 10,000gs. You can tell the era he was hatched in just by looking at him. [/left] [nextcol] [right][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=3]#338414[/size][/right][/columns] [center][b][size=7][font=Papyrus]Interested now?[/font][/size][/b] [/center] -------------------------------------------- [img][/img] -------------------------------------------------- [size=7] [b][font=Papyrus]What makes an old dragon old? [/font][/b][/size] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [right][size=4]Well the age, of course! Any dragon can subjectively be called old by anyone who wants to! Old can be 1 year, or ten. But having an old dragon is [u][b][i]very[/i][/b][/u] different from having an oldie. And one of the easiest ways to tell that? Is the price tag. [/size][/right][/columns] [columns] [size=4]Take, for example, Ashon here. Quite beautiful, she is! Her colors and apparel are warm like the sun <3 But her value in terms of in game currency? Almost priceless. Id estimate 500kgs, but there has not been a sale in years, and there may never be again! Why, you may ask? Well, she's an Oldie. An Earth Flight 3 Digit, to be exact. Read on, and I'll explain! [/size] [nextcol] [right][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=3]#559[/size] [/right] [/columns] ------------------------------- [right][size=7][b][font=Papyrus]So what makes an Oldie then?[/font][/b][/size] [/right] [columns] [left][url=][img][/img][/url] #238 This here is Mr. Swampman! He is one of the earliest tradeable dragons on site (the 16th) and has seen some things! Particularly gems.... A lot of gems... Good luck on that scatter quest little dude. [s]Personally I love your colors rn I think you should keep them[/s] [/left] [nextcol] [right] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=4]Well, the easiest way to determine that, is by looking at the ID number. You see this guy here? If you look at the number behind his name, you'll notice how satisfyingly short it is. But VERY few dragons are left with that ID, because only 899 were ever released. We oldie collectors call them 3 digits... They're more elusive than a boolean [s]Not really, but also kind of?[/s][s]Pun maybe intended[/s][/size][/right] [/columns] [center]But Three digits aren't the only ones. Theres Four Digits, Five Digits, Six Digits, Seven Digits, Eight Digits, and as many of you probably know, there will soon be [u]9 Digit Dragons[/u]. So then, that brings us to our next point...[/center] ------------------------------------------------------- [img][/img] ----------------------------------------------------- [size=7][b][font=Papyrus]What Makes them so Valuable?[/font] [/b][/size] [columns] [left][img][/img][/left] [nextcol] [right][size=4]There are many different reasons that will add into the value of an oldie, and each combination adds a different worth, and type of worth, for very different reasons. However, as a rule of thumb, all Oldie collectors separate first by the most defining factor; the ID number. [/size] [/right][/columns] This is because each ID is unique, and no ID can ever get shorter, only longer. There were only so many of these made, and only so many left to collect and save! If that doesn't quite make sense, look it in these terms: [LIST] [*] There are only 90 dragons made with 2 ID numbers. Only 88 of those, were non deities, and none of them are able to be traded or sold. [*] There are only 899 dragons with a 3 Digit ID. Only 258 of those are able to be traded, or sold. [*] There are over 2,000 4 digit dragons but... [/LIST] [center]What about tradeability? How many of those 258 3 digits are still in active lairs? The number, and rarity, of each digit is more than you might imagine. Lets add in a new value. What about First Generations? Dragons with NO parents?[/center] [LIST] [*] There's over 2,000 four digits, but only 77 of those are first generation, non-progenitors [*] Only 13 of those are Nature Flight [emoji=nature rune size=1] [/LIST] [center]And this, is why four digits like this lady here, are worth well over 100,000 gems.[/center] [columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=4]Nuphar here looks like a minature forest with splashes of something mysterious (And toxic....) [emoji=plague rune size=1] She is a 4 Digit 1st Generation. She is also the 3rd oldest (Currently) tradeable nature first generation! [/size] [nextcol] [right][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=3]#2337[/size][/right] [/columns] But this only takes into account the digits of a dragons ID. Us collectors, collect for [i][u]FAR[/u][/i] more than just an ID number... ------------------------------------------------------- [img][/img] ----------------------------------------------------- [right][size=7][b][font=Papyrus]Major Types to Collect[/font] [/b][/size][/right] [columns] [size=4]History is a great reason to collect an oldie. But this is a big game! There's more than one niche people are interested in, and this applies to oldies as well. Here, worth and value can often be confusing words to define these types. On one hand, each dragon has a monetary value that can be defined. On the other, they have sentimental worth based on their specific aspects. Here are just a few of the various reasons people like to collect these dragons! [/size] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=4] [LIST] [*] By Digit (How many Digits) [*] By Generation (1st, 2nd generation, ect) [*] Bred Status (Unbred are very desireable to some, and long offspring lists for others!) [*] Flight (The lower the digit ID, the more rare some flights are!) [*] Special dates (Like the first ever Brightshine, or NotN!) [*] Special ID Types (Solid number sets, ect) [*] Glitches! (Yes, there are 'mistakes' that can still be collected!) [/LIST] [/size] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=3]#7247[/size] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] Take Aramel for example! He is a light Flight 4 Digit. All dressed in such festive gold <3 He was born during the first ever Brightshine Jubilee. Remember how bad the lag was and how it took 10 minutes to load a single web page and that was WITHOUT the images loading in? No? That's okay! This guy here is living proof that SOMEONE was still able to play the game! [s]I'm not salty, you must live by the ocean)[/s]. [/columns] --------------------------------- [columns] [center][img][/img][/center] This here is Kozai. He is a 6 digit, unbred 1st generation! [nextcol] [right][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=3]#950318[/right] [/columns] ----------------------------- [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=3]#46499 [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] This is Si! He is a 5 digit 2L glitched dragon. [/columns] ----------------------------------------- [columns] [center][img][/img][/center] This is Verbena. She has a one off solid string Special ID! She is also a 1st generation, and she was born during the first NotN! [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [right][size=3]#8999999[/size][/right] [/columns] ------------------------------------------------- [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=3]#27872[/size] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] This is Moyolehuani. He has a General special ID, but is a perfect palindrome 5 digit! [/columns] --------------------------------- [columns] [center][img][/img][/center] This is Wonder. She is a 4 Digit, with a Glitched linage! She comes from a lair with 4 progenitor dragons... [nextcol] [right][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=3]#9379[/size][/right] [/columns] ----------------------------------------------------- [img][/img] ----------------------------------------- [Left Left][size=7][b][font=Papyrus]Fun Facts![/font] [/b][/size][/left] [emoji=comment size=1] [b]Color wheel expansion[/b] [indent]The old color wheel only used to have 67 colors! This shows particularly in oldies that have not had scatter scrolls used on them, and can be a perfect display of what FlightRising used to look like back in the day! [/indent] [emoji=comment size=1] [b]How rare colors were back then[/b] [indent]It used to be hard to find the perfect color combos when the combos hadnt even been made yet! In fact, in some cases, you can track colors back to a single lair because of how devoted players were to producing more of that singular color.[/indent] [emoji=comment size=1] [b]How flights affect an oldie[/b] [indent]Certain flights were a lot smaller back in the early days of FlightRising. This greatly affected the amount of dragons found within those flights. Earth Flight is widely known as the smallest. However, Water, Fire, and Nature were quite small as well! It isnt until 7 digits, and the first NotN that the flights balanced out more. [/indent] [emoji=comment size=1] [b]How breed USED to affect an oldie[/b] [indent]Gem breed changes cost more, and back when it was harder to make money, that meant gem breeds themselves cost more! WildClaws, Imps, and even Skydancers were concidered the rarest. Imps still hold that title in all the lower digits, and sometimes WCs as well.[/indent] [emoji=comment size=1] [b]Glitches, and liniages from those glitches[/b] [indent]There are many different glitches, some yet to be discovered! Some of the most well known ones, are Tiny Noc glitch, and 2Ls. But there are also glitched liniages, where the glitches came from the parents, and the hatchlings are the only way to hold a peice of that history! Most glitches are found only in older dragons, because the glitches themselves have now been fixed. [/indent] ----------------------------------------------------- [img][/img] ----------------------------------------- [Right][size=7][b][font=Papyrus]Final Words...[/font] [/b][/size][/right] There are almost too many details that make up each individual dragon to include in a single article! Small details like the nuances of when they were born, that make them what they are and can never be recreated today. But sometimes discovering those naunces is what makes collecting an exciting experience for you! I am an oldie collector. I wanted to write this article to help spread awareness of such an important part of this game that a lot of people actually have no idea about! Old players return to the game, without realizing they are exalting time capsules, or placing them in the Auction House without realizing the thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of gems they could be losing. So this leads me to my final point in this post... --------------------------------------------- [center][size=7][font=Papyrus][b]What's the oldest dragon in YOUR lair???[/b][/font] [/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] This is mine! She is currently on a scatter quest, excuse the mess u.u But more than that, she is also a Tiny Glitch Noc! And possibly, the oldest glitched tiny noc! She features a beloved corgi aparel, the most important part of my lair, which has been with her since release. Its a memorial for me. Some things do last forever [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [/center] [img][/img] ---------------------------- [img][/img] ------------------------------------------------------
"Old dragon you say??"
"Old dragon I say!"
"But what are they??? Why do you care???"
"YOU should care too!
"Unless of course you don't want to....
"But if you did you'd probably be broke, like all the other collectors..."

Old Dragon Awareness Post!
You may think its boring, but there's more reason than one to collect such a valuable part of FlightRising's history.


Old dragons are one of the biggest parts of FlightRising history! They come in all shapes and sizes, all breeds and colors. But the one thing that sets them apart from any dragon made today, is the history they preserve! Old dragons can never be hatched again. And that's what makes them special!

Do you remember when we only had THREE gem genes?! No? Well he does!
When Ansible was born, these genes were all the rage on FlightRising! Everyone wanted a piece of that cake ;) (That cake being the only gem genes available....)
It caused a huge popularity in ANY dragons that sported them! The game was overrun by (what we called them) Iri/shim dragons. But then again, it wasn't easy making even 100gs back then... Let alone 1,200 for the shimmer gene. But now? This guy is worth well over 10,000gs.
You can tell the era he was hatched in just by looking at him.

Interested now?


What makes an old dragon old?

Well the age, of course! Any dragon can subjectively be called old by anyone who wants to! Old can be 1 year, or ten. But having an old dragon is very different from having an oldie. And one of the easiest ways to tell that?
Is the price tag.
Take, for example, Ashon here. Quite beautiful, she is! Her colors and apparel are warm like the sun <3
But her value in terms of in game currency? Almost priceless. Id estimate 500kgs, but there has not been a sale in years, and there may never be again!

Why, you may ask? Well, she's an Oldie. An Earth Flight 3 Digit, to be exact.
Read on, and I'll explain!

So what makes an Oldie then?

This here is Mr. Swampman! He is one of the earliest tradeable dragons on site (the 16th) and has seen some things! Particularly gems.... A lot of gems... Good luck on that scatter quest little dude. Personally I love your colors rn I think you should keep them
Well, the easiest way to determine that, is by looking at the ID number. You see this guy here?
If you look at the number behind his name, you'll notice how satisfyingly short it is. But VERY few dragons are left with that ID, because only 899 were ever released. We oldie collectors call them 3 digits... They're more elusive than a boolean Not really, but also kind of?Pun maybe intended

But Three digits aren't the only ones. Theres Four Digits, Five Digits, Six Digits, Seven Digits, Eight Digits, and as many of you probably know, there will soon be 9 Digit Dragons.

So then, that brings us to our next point...


What Makes them so Valuable?
There are many different reasons that will add into the value of an oldie, and each combination adds a different worth, and type of worth, for very different reasons. However, as a rule of thumb, all Oldie collectors separate first by the most defining factor; the ID number.
This is because each ID is unique, and no ID can ever get shorter, only longer. There were only so many of these made, and only so many left to collect and save! If that doesn't quite make sense, look it in these terms:

  • There are only 90 dragons made with 2 ID numbers. Only 88 of those, were non deities, and none of them are able to be traded or sold.
  • There are only 899 dragons with a 3 Digit ID. Only 258 of those are able to be traded, or sold.
  • There are over 2,000 4 digit dragons but...
What about tradeability? How many of those 258 3 digits are still in active lairs? The number, and rarity, of each digit is more than you might imagine.
Lets add in a new value. What about First Generations? Dragons with NO parents?

  • There's over 2,000 four digits, but only 77 of those are first generation, non-progenitors
  • Only 13 of those are Nature Flight

And this, is why four digits like this lady here, are worth well over 100,000 gems.
Nuphar here looks like a minature forest with splashes of something mysterious (And toxic....) She is a 4 Digit 1st Generation. She is also the 3rd oldest (Currently) tradeable nature first generation!

But this only takes into account the digits of a dragons ID. Us collectors, collect for FAR more than just an ID number...


Major Types to Collect

History is a great reason to collect an oldie. But this is a big game!
There's more than one niche people are interested in, and this applies
to oldies as well. Here, worth and value can often be confusing words
to define these types. On one hand, each dragon has a monetary
value that can be defined. On the other, they have sentimental worth
based on their specific aspects. Here are just a few of the various
reasons people like to collect these dragons!


  • By Digit (How many Digits)
  • By Generation (1st, 2nd generation, ect)
  • Bred Status (Unbred are very desireable to some, and long offspring lists for others!)
  • Flight (The lower the digit ID, the more rare some flights are!)
  • Special dates (Like the first ever Brightshine, or NotN!)
  • Special ID Types (Solid number sets, ect)
  • Glitches! (Yes, there are 'mistakes' that can still be collected!)
Take Aramel for example! He is a light Flight 4 Digit. All dressed in such festive gold <3 He was born during the first ever Brightshine Jubilee. Remember how bad the lag was and how it took 10 minutes to load a single web page and that was WITHOUT the images loading in? No? That's okay! This guy here is living proof that SOMEONE was still able to play the game! I'm not salty, you must live by the ocean).

This here is Kozai. He is a 6 digit, unbred 1st generation!

This is Si! He is a 5 digit 2L glitched dragon.

This is Verbena. She has a one off solid string Special ID! She is also a 1st generation, and she was born during the first NotN!

This is Moyolehuani. He has a General special ID, but is a perfect palindrome 5 digit!

This is Wonder. She is a 4 Digit, with a Glitched linage! She comes from a lair with 4 progenitor dragons...

Fun Facts!

Color wheel expansion
The old color wheel only used to have 67 colors! This shows particularly in oldies that have not had scatter scrolls used on them, and can be a perfect display of what FlightRising used to look like back in the day!

How rare colors were back then
It used to be hard to find the perfect color combos when the combos hadnt even been made yet! In fact, in some cases, you can track colors back to a single lair because of how devoted players were to producing more of that singular color.

How flights affect an oldie
Certain flights were a lot smaller back in the early days of FlightRising. This greatly affected the amount of dragons found within those flights. Earth Flight is widely known as the smallest. However, Water, Fire, and Nature were quite small as well! It isnt until 7 digits, and the first NotN that the flights balanced out more.

How breed USED to affect an oldie
Gem breed changes cost more, and back when it was harder to make money, that meant gem breeds themselves cost more! WildClaws, Imps, and even Skydancers were concidered the rarest. Imps still hold that title in all the lower digits, and sometimes WCs as well.

Glitches, and liniages from those glitches
There are many different glitches, some yet to be discovered! Some of the most well known ones, are Tiny Noc glitch, and 2Ls. But there are also glitched liniages, where the glitches came from the parents, and the hatchlings are the only way to hold a peice of that history! Most glitches are found only in older dragons, because the glitches themselves have now been fixed.


Final Words...

There are almost too many details that make up each individual dragon to include in a single article! Small details like the nuances of when they were born, that make them what they are and can never be recreated today. But sometimes discovering those naunces is what makes collecting an exciting experience for you!

I am an oldie collector. I wanted to write this article to help spread awareness of such an important part of this game that a lot of people actually have no idea about! Old players return to the game, without realizing they are exalting time capsules, or placing them in the Auction House without realizing the thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of gems they could be losing.

So this leads me to my final point in this post...
What's the oldest dragon in YOUR lair???
This is mine! She is currently on a scatter quest, excuse the mess u.u But more than that, she is also a Tiny Glitch Noc! And possibly, the oldest glitched tiny noc! She features a beloved corgi aparel, the most important part of my lair, which has been with her since release. Its a memorial for me. Some things do last forever


Ever heard of 4 Progenitor Dragons?

Follow the Linage to find out more! Auctioneer Services

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[center][url=][img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/center] [center][url=] [img alt="Special ID Hunters Association"][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img alt="Gen One Collectors"][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

Gen One Collectors
Ever heard of 4 Progenitor Dragons?

Follow the Linage to find out more! Auctioneer Services

Auction Service | DeviART|bonsai_by_miirshroom_2_by_austrealisink-dcb023p.png| Instagram | Art Shop
Feel free to add to this article by add your own info and fun facts!
Feel free to add to this article by add your own info and fun facts!
Ever heard of 4 Progenitor Dragons?

Follow the Linage to find out more! Auctioneer Services

Auction Service | DeviART|bonsai_by_miirshroom_2_by_austrealisink-dcb023p.png| Instagram | Art Shop
What a nice post! Thank you for making it! I always like to read about FR history and how it was before I joined (2016). I don't think I have any very old dragons, one day I would like to pamper an oldie
What a nice post! Thank you for making it! I always like to read about FR history and how it was before I joined (2016). I don't think I have any very old dragons, one day I would like to pamper an oldie
Absolutely amazing post! I love the spread of awareness and thank you so much for featuring Moyo <333 Great job!!
Absolutely amazing post! I love the spread of awareness and thank you so much for featuring Moyo <333 Great job!!
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It's AlyxSandre, not Alyxandre!
Great post! :D Amusingly enough, I've actually seen a few of these dragons before, based on the likes. My oldest is Carthus, 5-digit Earth dragon. I was lucky to snatch him a few years ago - don't think I'd be able to afford anything like him now! XD [url=][img][/img][/url]
Great post! :D Amusingly enough, I've actually seen a few of these dragons before, based on the likes.

My oldest is Carthus, 5-digit Earth dragon. I was lucky to snatch him a few years ago - don't think I'd be able to afford anything like him now! XD
[url=][img][/img][/url] This girl :3 5 digit.
This girl :3 5 digit.
I am not an oldie collector and frankly, I don't think I'll ever have the funds for that. Yet, I have many old dragons and I am happy and proud of them because each single one of them has been with me since they were a hatchling! (well, not quite true, but mostly <1 year old when I got them!) [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Iceborn[/url] is my progen, but [url=]Quina[/url] is my oldest dragon. She is #11366! She is one of the first dragons I purchased on the AH. Another fun thing that I found out is that [url=]Mitsuru[/url] is the first ever Ivory/Caribbean/Ivory dragon on FlightRising! Then there is [url=]Kashca[/url], a Wildclaw. They were quite rare and valuable back then. Born only a month after the site opened. I got him over the forums and I have linked the post in his bio. Here is [url=]my old lair [/url]which includes all my dragons from 5 to almost 11 years of age now. And my most beloved ones are in my [url=]Favorites[/url] tabs. [url=]Slick[/url] is my first NoN hatch from when they released! I remember the color wheel expansion and I still have some of the [url=]Nocturnes[/url] that I hatched back then to celebrate it! I also have two glitch Bogs, [url=]Glix[/url] and [url=]Rheany[/url]. I only found out about that years later when it came up and I checked them! I also noticed that I have 150 old dragons from age 5-10 and, like, 400 dragons, mostly aged 2 years or below. The Den really exploded my lair and gave me the opportunity to get fresh blood. Thank you for this wonderful post! It makes me feel proud of my old dragons and reassures me that keeping them no matter what is the right decision.
I am not an oldie collector and frankly, I don't think I'll ever have the funds for that.

Yet, I have many old dragons and I am happy and proud of them because each single one of them has been with me since they were a hatchling! (well, not quite true, but mostly <1 year old when I got them!)


Iceborn is my progen, but Quina is my oldest dragon. She is #11366! She is one of the first dragons I purchased on the AH.

Another fun thing that I found out is that Mitsuru is the first ever Ivory/Caribbean/Ivory dragon on FlightRising!

Then there is Kashca, a Wildclaw. They were quite rare and valuable back then. Born only a month after the site opened. I got him over the forums and I have linked the post in his bio.

Here is my old lair which includes all my dragons from 5 to almost 11 years of age now. And my most beloved ones are in my Favorites tabs.

Slick is my first NoN hatch from when they released!

I remember the color wheel expansion and I still have some of the Nocturnes that I hatched back then to celebrate it!

I also have two glitch Bogs, Glix and Rheany. I only found out about that years later when it came up and I checked them!

I also noticed that I have 150 old dragons from age 5-10 and, like, 400 dragons, mostly aged 2 years or below. The Den really exploded my lair and gave me the opportunity to get fresh blood.

Thank you for this wonderful post! It makes me feel proud of my old dragons and reassures me that keeping them no matter what is the right decision.
I love older dragons, tragic that there will only ever be so many of the early site dragons. Each one exalted is sad even if technically there's nothing special about them except their age (especially the early 8 digits that are old by year but don't have the special lower IDs)
I love older dragons, tragic that there will only ever be so many of the early site dragons. Each one exalted is sad even if technically there's nothing special about them except their age (especially the early 8 digits that are old by year but don't have the special lower IDs)
a cartoonized velvet worm that is a dark blue with white specks all over. the art's signature is 476242
Awesome post, I'll be adding it to the ODCA's resources <3 My oldest dragon was kindly featured above, the 4 digit Nature G1 Nuphar. So I'll share my second-oldest, Calamus, a very low 5 digit G1 (#18833) [url=][img][/img][/url] And another interesting one for a few reasons, Acorus. He's a 5 digit G1 (#48909) as well, but he's the rare Earth flight and he has the tiny Bogsneak glitch - he's just over 1.01m long [url=][img][/img][/url] And just so the Bogsneaks don't hog all the attention, here's one of my 7d Gen 1s (#7407192) who has the 2 letter name glitch. This is Re: [url=][img][/img][/url] Wonderful post, I hope many more are introduced to the idea of old dragons <3
Awesome post, I'll be adding it to the ODCA's resources <3

My oldest dragon was kindly featured above, the 4 digit Nature G1 Nuphar. So I'll share my second-oldest, Calamus, a very low 5 digit G1 (#18833)


And another interesting one for a few reasons, Acorus. He's a 5 digit G1 (#48909) as well, but he's the rare Earth flight and he has the tiny Bogsneak glitch - he's just over 1.01m long


And just so the Bogsneaks don't hog all the attention, here's one of my 7d Gen 1s (#7407192) who has the 2 letter name glitch. This is Re:


Wonderful post, I hope many more are introduced to the idea of old dragons <3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 15 16