As a snake owner, I love them all!
As a snake owner, I love them all!

#1 Speckle Fan * Old Dragon Collector * FR+3
I love snakes, especially venomous species. I hoard food items that are snakes, and I try to put snake fams on my dragons.
I love snakes, especially venomous species. I hoard food items that are snakes, and I try to put snake fams on my dragons.
I gush over the ball pythons in pets stores and I have a snake tattoo...
I guess you could say I like them lol
I gush over the ball pythons in pets stores and I have a snake tattoo...
I guess you could say I like them lol
well most places hate snakes and I love them so I like how many there are.
well most places hate snakes and I love them so I like how many there are.
I love how some of these remind me of snakes Ive been seeing on Snake Discovery on youtube. I can only tell though that this one looks like a Hognose[item=Peony of Rockbreaker] and this one reminds me of a cobra[item=Aster of Starfall] but I cant tell on all the others. Some look familiar but the others are just so cool looking! [item=Rose of Brightshine][item=Larkspur of Thundercrack][item=Poppy of Flameforger][item=Marigold of Rot][item=Snowdrop of Crystalline][item=Violet of Trickmurk]
I understand where the people complaining about the abundance of snakes are coming from. However, my stance is as thus:
I understand where the people complaining about the abundance of snakes are coming from. However, my stance is as thus:
I believe the list is: western hognose snake, spectacled cobra, blood python (could be wrong on that one), diamondback rattlesnake, bush viper, rhinoceros viper, (leucistic) ball python, beauty ratsnake
I wouldn't be surprised if we got a blue sea krait for water, vinesnake or bamboo snake for wind, and emerald tree boa or green tree python for nature!
I believe the list is: western hognose snake, spectacled cobra, blood python (could be wrong on that one), diamondback rattlesnake, bush viper, rhinoceros viper, (leucistic) ball python, beauty ratsnake
I wouldn't be surprised if we got a blue sea krait for water, vinesnake or bamboo snake for wind, and emerald tree boa or green tree python for nature!
[quote name="wbicepuppy" date="2024-02-26 23:06:25" ]
I believe the list is: western hognose snake, spectacled cobra, blood python (could be wrong on that one), diamondback rattlesnake, bush viper, rhinoceros viper, (leucistic) ball python, beauty ratsnake
Brightshine definitely doesn't look like a blood python, there's not enough of that characteristic red patterning and the pattern itself doesn't look entirely right. I'd say it more closely resembles a yellow morph brazillian rainbow boa. Bit niche, but they have a similar patterning and the yellow morphs colors look about right, as well as having that characteristic rainbow sheen. Tho I remember thinking it was possibly a yellow burm when I first saw it.
I'm not a snake expert tho, but those are my best guesses.
wbicepuppy wrote on 2024-02-26 23:06:25:
I believe the list is: western hognose snake, spectacled cobra, blood python (could be wrong on that one), diamondback rattlesnake, bush viper, rhinoceros viper, (leucistic) ball python, beauty ratsnake
Brightshine definitely doesn't look like a blood python, there's not enough of that characteristic red patterning and the pattern itself doesn't look entirely right. I'd say it more closely resembles a yellow morph brazillian rainbow boa. Bit niche, but they have a similar patterning and the yellow morphs colors look about right, as well as having that characteristic rainbow sheen. Tho I remember thinking it was possibly a yellow burm when I first saw it.
I'm not a snake expert tho, but those are my best guesses.
Recallback The head shape and patterning is closer to the rainbow boa, you're probably right!
Recallback The head shape and patterning is closer to the rainbow boa, you're probably right!
[quote name="AntimatterBee" date="2024-02-25 18:17:57" ]
Indiana Jones would hate this planet.
Pfft... That phrase implies that he also doesn’t want to live on his home planet either. [emoji=tundra laughing size=2]
AntimatterBee wrote on 2024-02-25 18:17:57:
Indiana Jones would hate this planet.
Pfft... That phrase implies that he also doesn’t want to live on his home planet either.

My username is Mar
iLiLL | She/Her | FR +10