apologies if this has been reported already, but the [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=wiki&article=86]Joxar's Spare Inventory article[/url] has a few broken embedded items
[item=Sorrowsnow Bulemoth]
The angled apostrophe used in the description (’) breaks on certain pages (namely the Bestiary) and shows up as a question mark. Replacing it with a straight apostrophe (') should fix this.
The angled apostrophe used in the description (’) breaks on certain pages (namely the Bestiary) and shows up as a question mark. Replacing it with a straight apostrophe (') should fix this.
In the encyclopedia page for the Auraboas, under the 'Lairs' section, it says "...pleased to roost in air open..." instead of 'open air.'
Edit: Also, under the Tactics section, it says "...and swift reflexes to great effect those combats that..."
the "larvae" gene for auraboa should be "larva" if it's supposed to be consistent with the singular "caterpillar"!
there are a few broken apostrophes in the Auraboa encyclopedia article:
[quote]This change has introduced both the concept of and connection to linear time to their clutches, grounding the newer generations’ waking state and physical form to the cycles of Sornieth.[/quote]
[quote]Younger Auraboa who choose to leave the safety and shelter of Behemoth are not battle-tested, and while they possess a millennium’s worth of communal knowledge, almost none of those memories are of combat.[/quote]
there are a few broken apostrophes in the Auraboa encyclopedia article:
This change has introduced both the concept of and connection to linear time to their clutches, grounding the newer generations’ waking state and physical form to the cycles of Sornieth.
Younger Auraboa who choose to leave the safety and shelter of Behemoth are not battle-tested, and while they possess a millennium’s worth of communal knowledge, almost none of those memories are of combat.
In the Auraboa encyclopedia page, the last line of the second paragraph under 'social' has this error
'compared to how they share information the Loop.'