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FoggyDownpour's Clan

When it rains, it pours.
Ancient Lair
sunken in the
Worldedge Wetlands icon

Clan Info

Taking a small break, but I'm still logging in at least every few days ^^

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. Lao Tzu

Have patience with me, sometimes it takes me longer to reply to someone if I'm stressed. I'm not ignoring you, I just have overwhelming anxiety at times.

Welcome to my lair!
Need a free nature nest for the perfect eyes? Pm me!
I also lend out my maxed out cauldron for free, just send me all the supplies needed and I'll get that brewing for you asap


All dragons will get names, some just get names much later than others. I try to get meaningful names for all of my dragons, so don't fret ^^

I love letters from hatchlings~!

My PMs are always open if you want to chat or just have a question or request! I'm a super laid back person, so I don't mind at all ^^
However, please don't send me random friend requests without having talked to me first. I only accept those who I have talked to or had some interaction with before ^^ Once in a great while, I will go through my friend list and weed out people that I don't remember.


Please note that my wishlist is generally outdated. I'm going to be migrating it to a dragon bio in the future, there just hasn't been much reason to make a wishlist lately

I'm always looking for fodder for Baldwin, especially familiars and apparel. If you want something brewed in my Cauldron for free, I don't mind in the least! My cauldron is currently maxed out in level

I'm always looking for familiars that I don't have, feel free to check out my beastiary to see if I have something or not! There's still tons I don't have, so feel free to take a look

This kind of thing really fluctuates, but I really like dark and swampy apparel. Cleavers, Claws/kilt sets, lanterns, glowing things, feathered wings/tails, the seasonal winds (Autumn breeze etc), Cobwebs, and all kinds of other things.
I have no planned outfits at this time, I tend to make them as I go along :)
A few items that I would love:
- Any creepy apparel
- Skeletal Chimes
- Any companion cats
- Cobwebs, season breezes, candles, lanterns etc
- Dynasty tail rings

This will be a list of skins that I either love or am looking for. If it is in the 'active' category, then I already have a dragon that I want to put it on. I try my best not to look at UMs, they are very pretty, but out of my price range. The Passive list is mainly so that I can write any skins down that I like the look of for later reference. I will almost never buy or use a skin that covers the entire dragon, I enjoy being able to see my clan's beautiful hides (and fur)

None currently

M Coatl - Accent: Surgelight
F Spiral - Accent: Luminous Surge
F Guardian - Accent: Scavengers Gear

These genes are only ones that I know that I need, not ones that I am uncertain about
Not updated at this time

Project dragons:
Note that all written genes are changes that need to happen that I have not obtained the scrolls for.
Not updated at this time

Date Wishlist last updated: 12/16/2021

Actual dream dragons will have full photo scries, all other color combos will be a list of colors that I think look cool together (Or just half thought out ideas)
Dream dragons:
(Cerulean Pin/Copper Alloy/ Copper Contour Female Fae Earth)
(Yellow Pin/Yellow trail/Carribean Glimmer F Guard)
(Eldritch iri/eldritch shim/ jungle-camo glim)
(Eldritch/tarnish bee/Camo opal fire FSD)
(White/Metals Shim/Metals MSD)
(Iri Wine/Fuchsia Alloy/Mulberry Glim arcane Fae)
(?/Cornflower Bee/Storm Capsule)
(MCoatl, tomato Flaunt/?/ avacado ghost)

Recent Comments

rawrpopsicles' avatar
December 16, 2024 11:51:28
I only just saw your alert! let me know if you have a particular egg you want or if a noct egg will be ok!
Ambopteryx's avatar
October 27, 2024 05:44:17
Hera was on the front page!
Carvanha's avatar
September 11, 2024 00:36:47
Valencia was on the Random Dragon!
veggiestew's avatar
August 08, 2024 07:01:58
Nimba is so precious and wholesome
Bisons' avatar
April 11, 2024 15:54:28
Bow (#79728262) was on the front page!
Syncopatles' avatar
March 28, 2024 08:40:10
Phantom was front page! Great accent
SkellieTheRedd's avatar
February 26, 2024 21:50:33
Hera looks so good with that skin! :D
Damaris' avatar
February 16, 2024 16:39:47
Pop was on the front page, and may I say they are truly lovely!
Mizlakie's avatar
February 10, 2024 10:23:28
Fireside was on the front page!
Witch0fDoom's avatar
December 29, 2023 12:31:08
Rohh was on the front page! :D
klareswasser's avatar
November 11, 2023 12:19:09
Wither was on the front page, looks cool :)
CupcakeCass' avatar
October 30, 2023 15:48:17
2 eggs
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Date Joined
Aug 16, 2017
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FoggyDownpour's Friends

Graeves' avatar
Graeves (#336752)

Lather, rinse, repeat
MountainBlossom's avatar
MountainBlossom (#225468)

D'you know where you are?!?! You're in the JUNGLE BABY!!!
Remuta's avatar
Remuta (#199261)

Crabs are made of love. Source: my heart.
Rohana's avatar
Rohana (#215962)

i keep falling in love with fodder
TheCommonStray's avatar
TheCommonStray (#178633)

The Internet Wanderer
Ramirez33's avatar
Ramirez33 (#183341)

SurfnTurf's avatar
SurfnTurf (#344162)

*slaps down a half-page of words* | "Is this lore?
ShadowEclipse's avatar
ShadowEclipse (#125379)

An ever present vengeful shadow. We see all, we forget none.
NatureWolF3's avatar
NatureWolF3 (#78330)

aredshroom's avatar
aredshroom (#352995)

Sojourner of life. So it goes.

Recent Activity

Mar 03
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Gaoler Male, 1 Gaoler Female
Dec 29
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Imperial Female, 2 Skydancer Female, 2 Skydancer Male
Dec 29
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Guardian Male, 3 Guardian Female

Recent Achievements

Nov 22
Seasonal Sundries (Summer)
Nov 22
Strength Over Subtlety (1000)
Nov 22
Yard Work
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