

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | [closed] Hexephre's Adopt Shop
1 2 ... 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
OMG! She looks gorgeous!!! Thank you so much!!!
OMG! She looks gorgeous!!! Thank you so much!!!
Fjqort2.png6359e1941805ff183bd0a8181719020023cc878d.png benson.pngarcanist.png526d76407c29de29b0815e1f197c0bb75945eb9d.pngRFRWPUM.png
@Dromaeosausage adopt pickup! thanks for ordering~ please save off a copy of the images![br][br][center][img][/img][/center][br][br]Bio code:[br][br][code][center][img][/img] adopt by [url=]Hexephre[/url] - [url=]shop[/url][/center][/code][br][br]----- [br][br][center][img][/img][/center][br][br]Bio code:[br][br][code][center][img][/img] adopt by [url=]Hexephre[/url] - [url=]shop[/url][/center][/code]
@Dromaeosausage adopt pickup! thanks for ordering~ please save off a copy of the images!


Bio code:

[center][img][/img] adopt by [url=]Hexephre[/url] - [url=]shop[/url][/center]


Bio code:

[center][img][/img] adopt by [url=]Hexephre[/url] - [url=]shop[/url][/center]
They're amazing, tysm!! I'll def be back to order some more!
They're amazing, tysm!! I'll def be back to order some more!
[b]Dragon/scry image:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Dragon ID:[/b] 89505895 [b]Adopt base:[/b] Skydancer [b]Eye Colour and type:[/b] Arcane common [b]List of genes:[/b] Cinder/Spinner/Stained [b]Apparel:[/b] Nebula Starsilk Earings [b]Accent:[/b] None! [b]Payment:[/b] Since Cinder doesn't appear to be listed at all, I'm assuming I'll have to pay for it, so 195G.
Dragon/scry image: 89505895_350.png
Dragon ID: 89505895
Adopt base: Skydancer
Eye Colour and type: Arcane common
List of genes: Cinder/Spinner/Stained
Apparel: Nebula Starsilk Earings
Accent: None!
Payment: Since Cinder doesn't appear to be listed at all, I'm assuming I'll have to pay for it, so 195G.
I'm Tired
[b]Dragon/scry image: [/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Dragon ID: [/b] 68975774 [b]Adopt base: [/b] Wildclaw [b]Eye Colour and type: [/b] Nature Unusual [b]List of genes: [/b] Giraffe, Toxin, Capsule [b]Apparel: [/b] N/A [b]Accent: [/b] N/A [b]Payment: [/b] 380g [b]Dragon/scry image: [/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Dragon ID: [/b] 60620171 [b]Adopt base: [/b] Spiral [b]Eye Colour and type: [/b] Earth Unusual [b]List of genes: [/b] Cherub, Morph, Peacock [b]Apparel: [/b] N/A [b]Accent: [/b] N/A [b]Payment: [/b] 260g [b]Full Total[/b] 640g Hopefully I did all of that right! I reread through the info several times, so I'm hoping I didn't miss anything lol
Dragon/scry image:
Dragon ID: 68975774
Adopt base: Wildclaw
Eye Colour and type: Nature Unusual
List of genes: Giraffe, Toxin, Capsule
Apparel: N/A
Accent: N/A
Payment: 380g

Dragon/scry image:
Dragon ID: 60620171
Adopt base: Spiral
Eye Colour and type: Earth Unusual
List of genes: Cherub, Morph, Peacock
Apparel: N/A
Accent: N/A
Payment: 260g

Full Total 640g

Hopefully I did all of that right! I reread through the info several times, so I'm hoping I didn't miss anything lol
oAK3y8z.png AfamSig.gif
[img][/img] Dragon ID: #81871048 Adopt base: spiral Eye Colour and type: earth common List of genes: Jaguar, Basic, Peacock Apparel: N/A Accent: N/A Payment: 200g

Dragon ID: #81871048
Adopt base: spiral
Eye Colour and type: earth common
List of genes: Jaguar, Basic, Peacock
Apparel: N/A
Accent: N/A
Payment: 200g
@Zallas @Razatharia @bifrost3dflakes hello all! your orders and payment are all correct, send when ready!
@Zallas @Razatharia @bifrost3dflakes hello all! your orders and payment are all correct, send when ready!
[b]Dragon/scry image: [/b][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Dragon ID: [/b]87914521 [b]Adopt base: [/b]Pokeball [b]Eye Colour and type: [/b] Lightning primal [b]List of genes: [/b] Pharaoh/Bee/Soap [b]Apparel: [/b] Will o' the Ember but in Will o' the Wisp colors if that's alright? The blue/green recolor [b]Accent: [/b] N/A [b]Payment: [/b] I believe 285 total, mixed treasure/gems
Dragon/scry image: 87914521_350.png
Dragon ID: 87914521
Adopt base: Pokeball
Eye Colour and type: Lightning primal
List of genes: Pharaoh/Bee/Soap
Apparel: Will o' the Ember but in Will o' the Wisp colors if that's alright? The blue/green recolor
Accent: N/A
Payment: I believe 285 total, mixed treasure/gems
@SeaglassSky yup, i can do will o' the wisp! and 285g/kt is correct, send when ready!
@SeaglassSky yup, i can do will o' the wisp! and 285g/kt is correct, send when ready!
adopt pickup! thanks for ordering~ please save off a copy of the image! @Zallas[br][br][center][img][/img][/center][br][br]Bio code:[br][br][code][center][img][/img] adopt by [url=]Hexephre[/url] - [url=]shop[/url][/center][/code][br][br]----- @Razatharia[br][br][center][img][/img][/center][br][br]Bio code:[br][br][code][center][img][/img] adopt by [url=]Hexephre[/url] - [url=]shop[/url][/center][/code][br][br] [center][img][/img][/center][br][br]Bio code:[br][br][code][center][img][/img] adopt by [url=]Hexephre[/url] - [url=]shop[/url][/center][/code][br][br]----- @bifrost3dflakes[br][br][center][img][/img][/center][br][br]Bio code:[br][br][code][center][img][/img] adopt by [url=]Hexephre[/url] - [url=]shop[/url][/center][/code]
adopt pickup! thanks for ordering~ please save off a copy of the image!



Bio code:

[center][img][/img] adopt by [url=]Hexephre[/url] - [url=]shop[/url][/center]



Bio code:

[center][img][/img] adopt by [url=]Hexephre[/url] - [url=]shop[/url][/center]


Bio code:

[center][img][/img] adopt by [url=]Hexephre[/url] - [url=]shop[/url][/center]



Bio code:

[center][img][/img] adopt by [url=]Hexephre[/url] - [url=]shop[/url][/center]
1 2 ... 133 134 135 136 137 138 139