

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | [closed] Hexephre's Adopt Shop
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[center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] Hello! You've been pinged either because you were on the pokeball adopt shop pinglist or the skydancer adopt pinglist from Arcanart. People from the Arcanart pinglist who didn't sign up to be pinged when the shop opens will only be pinged this one time. Everyone else will continue to receive pings for open slots. Feel free to add yourself to or remove yourself from the pinglist [url=]here[/url], or ask me to do it for you! ----- So anyway, I was a bit annoyed at the formatting on my old pokeball adopt shop, and I figured it'd be best to keep everything in one place, so I've started a new shop where all my adopts will go. This is that shop. The old pokeball thread will no longer be active. At this moment I'm a little busy with schoolwork, but I need me some funds to gene up my kiddos, so I'm soft opening for [b]completed genes only[/b]. Please keep in mind when ordering: [LIST] [*]You may only order genes that I've done. Locked genes are currently [b]not available for sponsoring.[/b] [*]You can take one slot at a time and order up to [b]3 adopts per slot[/b]. [*]Slots can be for skydancers, pokeballs, or a mix. [*]Pokeballs may include finished apparel or accents, including recolours, at no extra cost. [*]Skydancers don't yet have apparel or accents. [/LIST] Please refer to the first page of posts for more details, or feel free to ask me if you have any questions. Thank you! ----- [b]Pokeballs general pinglist: [/b]@AberDaKitty @Vaze @lackingsanity @thedragonsqueen @shadowdawn199 @CrazyassBat @Araej @Lethia @darkblayd @Knightess @Shikoire @kennythedoomer @eeveepower @wingedRenegade @darzoner @Cethosia @Rahkali @Ameriasparrow [b]Skydancers general pinglist:[/b] @tomatotwin @darthiel @blackjasper @ellapinky (open, new skins/apparel) @pheonixponder @emmahaa @Kindly @Peyp @Sharkra @Ashtar @sneekiblin @Mymozya @TornadoTorrie @QueenLunaRose @lantadyme @Nakattack @Haoang20082 @Mazurkas @LordChair [b]Skydancers one time ping:[/b] @Afazeria @Ariizumi @Clya @Featherly @JurassicPark @Lhethi @Obscaenus @PrinceEridan @scar66 @sockmonkeygerald @Talismarr @TheGardenWitch @treesponge @Valyrie @WhistlewindWolf @wingedRenegade

Hello! You've been pinged either because you were on the pokeball adopt shop pinglist or the skydancer adopt pinglist from Arcanart. People from the Arcanart pinglist who didn't sign up to be pinged when the shop opens will only be pinged this one time. Everyone else will continue to receive pings for open slots.

Feel free to add yourself to or remove yourself from the pinglist here, or ask me to do it for you!

So anyway, I was a bit annoyed at the formatting on my old pokeball adopt shop, and I figured it'd be best to keep everything in one place, so I've started a new shop where all my adopts will go. This is that shop. The old pokeball thread will no longer be active.

At this moment I'm a little busy with schoolwork, but I need me some funds to gene up my kiddos, so I'm soft opening for completed genes only. Please keep in mind when ordering:
  • You may only order genes that I've done. Locked genes are currently not available for sponsoring.
  • You can take one slot at a time and order up to 3 adopts per slot.
  • Slots can be for skydancers, pokeballs, or a mix.
  • Pokeballs may include finished apparel or accents, including recolours, at no extra cost.
  • Skydancers don't yet have apparel or accents.

Please refer to the first page of posts for more details, or feel free to ask me if you have any questions. Thank you!

Pokeballs general pinglist: @AberDaKitty @Vaze @lackingsanity @thedragonsqueen @shadowdawn199 @CrazyassBat @Araej @Lethia @darkblayd @Knightess @Shikoire @kennythedoomer @eeveepower @wingedRenegade @darzoner @Cethosia @Rahkali @Ameriasparrow

Skydancers general pinglist: @tomatotwin @darthiel @blackjasper @ellapinky (open, new skins/apparel) @pheonixponder @emmahaa @Kindly @Peyp @Sharkra @Ashtar @sneekiblin @Mymozya @TornadoTorrie @QueenLunaRose @lantadyme @Nakattack @Haoang20082 @Mazurkas @LordChair

Skydancers one time ping: @Afazeria @Ariizumi @Clya @Featherly @JurassicPark @Lhethi @Obscaenus @PrinceEridan @scar66 @sockmonkeygerald @Talismarr @TheGardenWitch @treesponge @Valyrie @WhistlewindWolf @wingedRenegade
@Hexephra Hello ! [b]Adopt base: [/b] Skydancer ! [b]Dragon image: [/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]List of genes: [/b] Cherub / Butterfly / Lace [b]Eye Colour: [/b] Ice [b]Apparel: [/b] N.A [b]Accent: [/b] N/A [b]Payment type and amount: [/b] 100 fest [b]Adopt base: [/b] Skydancer ! [b]Dragon image: [/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]List of genes: [/b] Falcon / Alloy / Glimmer [b]Eye Colour: [/b] Fire [b]Apparel: [/b] N.A [b]Accent: [/b] N/A [b]Payment type and amount: [/b] 100 fest ~ I do hope that's okay ? Since the festival is kicking off tomorrow, I'll be able to pay then >< If not, then I'll just grab a slot another time

Hello !

Adopt base: Skydancer !
Dragon image:

List of genes: Cherub / Butterfly / Lace
Eye Colour: Ice
Apparel: N.A
Accent: N/A
Payment type and amount: 100 fest

Adopt base: Skydancer !
Dragon image:

List of genes: Falcon / Alloy / Glimmer
Eye Colour: Fire
Apparel: N.A
Accent: N/A
Payment type and amount: 100 fest


I do hope that's okay ? Since the festival is kicking off tomorrow, I'll be able to pay then >< If not, then I'll just grab a slot another time


mass hatch on June 17, come join !!!!!

*rolls in* Can I claim a thinger?

*rolls in* Can I claim a thinger?
@BlackJasper The fest starts next week, not tomorrow ^^ if you'd like to come back next Sunday that works with me!

@Darkdragonfiend The thinger is yours to claim!
@BlackJasper The fest starts next week, not tomorrow ^^ if you'd like to come back next Sunday that works with me!

@Darkdragonfiend The thinger is yours to claim!

I don't know where my mind went ^^' Alright, thank you ! I'll be back :D

I don't know where my mind went ^^' Alright, thank you ! I'll be back :D


mass hatch on June 17, come join !!!!!
@Hexephra Damn, I really want a pokeball for my boy Guzma, but none of his apparel is done yet... Would I be able to ask for apparel edits later (for a fee of course) if I ask for a pokeball now? I'm gonna go to sleep now so I won't see your answer until tomorrow, but just in case here's a pic of my fandragon, and I would pay in gems. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (btw look at his bio he had a gorgeous bust aaaah)
@Hexephra Damn, I really want a pokeball for my boy Guzma, but none of his apparel is done yet... Would I be able to ask for apparel edits later (for a fee of course) if I ask for a pokeball now?
I'm gonna go to sleep now so I won't see your answer until tomorrow, but just in case here's a pic of my fandragon, and I would pay in gems.


(btw look at his bio he had a gorgeous bust aaaah)
@Hexephra [b]Adopt base: [/b] Skydancer [b]Dragon image: [/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]List of genes: [/b] Iridescent | Shimmer | Gembond [b]Eye Colour: [/b] Plague [b]Apparel: [/b] - [b]Accent: [/b] - [b]Payment type and amount: [/b] Treasure [b]Adopt base: [/b] Skydancer [b]Dragon image: [/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]List of genes: [/b] Falcon | Toxin | Runes [b]Eye Colour: [/b] Light [b]Apparel: [/b] - [b]Accent: [/b] - [b]Payment type and amount: [/b] Treasure [b]Adopt base: [/b] Skydancer [b]Dragon image: [/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]List of genes: [/b] Petals | Butterfly | Stained [b]Eye Colour: [/b] Arcane [b]Apparel: [/b] - [b]Accent: [/b] - [b]Payment type and amount: [/b] Treasure [b]Total:[/b] 225kt Thanks!

Adopt base: Skydancer
Dragon image:

List of genes: Iridescent | Shimmer | Gembond
Eye Colour: Plague
Apparel: -
Accent: -
Payment type and amount: Treasure

Adopt base: Skydancer
Dragon image:

List of genes: Falcon | Toxin | Runes
Eye Colour: Light
Apparel: -
Accent: -
Payment type and amount: Treasure

Adopt base: Skydancer
Dragon image:

List of genes: Petals | Butterfly | Stained
Eye Colour: Arcane
Apparel: -
Accent: -
Payment type and amount: Treasure

Total: 225kt

@CrazyassBat Yup, I'm perfectly happy to do apparel edits later on! Feel free to submit an order form for the base pokeball when you're ready.

(his bio and art are lovely ^^)
@CrazyassBat Yup, I'm perfectly happy to do apparel edits later on! Feel free to submit an order form for the base pokeball when you're ready.

(his bio and art are lovely ^^)
I'd like a spot
I'd like a spot
@Hexephra Please add me to the general Pokeball pinglist! [b]Adopt base: [/b] Pokeball [b]Dragon image: [/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]List of genes: [/b] Crystal, Facet, Glimmer [b]Eye Colour: [/b] Arcane [b]Apparel: [/b] Trickster's Magic Cards [b]Accent: [/b] none [b]Payment type and amount: [/b] Treasure, 75k

Please add me to the general Pokeball pinglist!

Adopt base: Pokeball
Dragon image:

List of genes: Crystal, Facet, Glimmer
Eye Colour: Arcane
Apparel: Trickster's Magic Cards
Accent: none
Payment type and amount: Treasure, 75k
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