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TOPIC | Around the World - Songs of Sornieth
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[center][url=][img][/img][/center][/url] [center][size=6]Songs of Sornieth[/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]______________[/color][/center] [columns] [center][i]Rizal listens. He has been listening since he was but a hatchling -- listening to the whisperwind as it whistles through bamboo forest. It sounds, if you're quiet, like singing. It calls like a chorus, beckons like a symphony. Carted on fresh breeze, Rizal listens to the music on the wind; in the wind; of the wind. And he finds himself singing along.[/i] --- This is Rizal. He's a young bard with eyes on the horizon and a song in his chest - or many, with your help! [/center] [nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [/columns] I've seen a few "send my dragon across the world" type forum posts, and I thought I'd give something like that a try, but with a twist. Instead of writing about his adventures, I'd like for you to add a song to his Songbook! What would he have heard, learned, [i]sung[/i] during his time with your clan and flight? I've been meaning to do some kind of lore event for a while, and this seems like a good place to start! Rizal is here to wander the winds and seek tastes of the variety of music Sornieth's clans have to offer, in true windie fashion. If it flops then it flops, but I can't say I didn't give it a try! And who knows, maybe this will give you a cool new angle to explore with your lore? I'm subbed to the thread, so no need to ping! [center][color=#C9C0B1]______________[/color][/center] [center][size=4]How it works[/center] [center][color=#C9C0B1]______________[/color][/center] [emoji=gust size=1] Once you've welcomed Rizal into your clan and returned his apparel to him (Macabre Musician and Wind Aura), go ahead and edit his current location! This can be where your lair is on the world map, or even the name of your clan if you have one. [i]Example[/i] [center][img][/img] [/center] [emoji=gust size=1] Then add the song Rizal learns from your clan into his Songbook. This can be any song you like - so long as it's representative of your flight, your clan, or something he might have heard your dragons singing! [i]Example[/i] [center][img][/img] [/center] [emoji=gust size=1] Make sure to add it under your flight's category (or start one if there isn't one already) and include the artist, your name, and a link to the song itself so others can check it out! [emoji=gust size=1] Feel free to check out any of the songs in the Songbook! Rizal may be learning, but he is also sharing all he has heard on his journey. [emoji=gust size=1] When a reasonable enough time has passed, anywhere between a day and a month, it's time to send him on his way! Come back to this thread and seek a new candidate to host him by making a new post and using the candidate list below, and see who answers the call. If they've agreed, send him along with his apparel in a crossroads and let me know where he's off to visit next. Or, just send him back to me! [i]When you're ready to pass Rizal on, access the pinglist, then use the @pinglist command displayed next to the title![/i] [quote] [center][pinglist=18589][/center] [/quote] [i]Just want to follow Rizal's journey? Sub to the pinglist below! I'll give updates each time he completes a major leg of his journey. [/i] [quote] [center][pinglist=5320][/center] [/quote] [center][size=5]Eventually, the goal is for Rizal to visit all 11 flights, but travelling to different clans within the same flight is fine and encouraged! Even if you're also Wind![/center] [size=4]Additional info:[/size] [emoji=gust size=1] [b]Please be sure not to sell or exalt him.[/b] Rizal is not for sale, and I simply want him to have a good time learning all the songs that Sornieth has to offer. He's very important to me, and it would mean a lot if his journey was [b]safe and sound.[/b] [emoji=gust size=1] Please try to avoid any songs with swearing or suggestive material in them. Flight Rising is still a PG game! [emoji=gust size=1] His apparel are just Macabre Musician and Wind Aura - try to keep them together! It's unlikely, but if you lose them, don't stress, just let me know and I'll see about replacing them next time he comes home. [emoji=gust size=1] If you like, you can also add whatever else you think would suit his time with your clan! Feel free to write a snippet under "Story" or whatever else you can think of. [b]This is not required,[/b] but you're free to if you like. [size=4]'What if's:[/size] [b]What if I think I'm about to go inactive?[/b] - Just send him home! Don't worry if you haven't added anything, I would rather have access to him than to lose him indefinitely! [b]What if I don't know how to code his bio?[/b] - Don't worry about it! Just throw in all the relevant information and I'll tidy it up next time Rizal comes home :D [b]What if he's at home but you haven't made a post about hosting yet?[/b] - If Rizal is home, he is always open to travelling unless specified otherwise! Feel free to ask to host whenever. [b]What if I want to nest him?[/b] - Sure -- so long as you name all the hatchlings! Whether it's for breeding fodder or for a project or what have you, you're welcome to. [b]What if no one wants to host him?[/b] - Send him home! Either his journey has come to its natural close, or I'll find someone in time. If you're impatient or need the space, same goes! [center][url=][img][/img][/center][/url]

Songs of Sornieth
Rizal listens.

He has been listening since he was but a hatchling -- listening to the whisperwind as it whistles through bamboo forest. It sounds, if you're quiet, like singing. It calls like a chorus, beckons like a symphony.

Carted on fresh breeze, Rizal listens to the music on the wind; in the wind; of the wind. And he finds himself singing along.


This is Rizal. He's a young bard with eyes on the horizon and a song in his chest - or many, with your help!


I've seen a few "send my dragon across the world" type forum posts, and I thought I'd give something like that a try, but with a twist. Instead of writing about his adventures, I'd like for you to add a song to his Songbook! What would he have heard, learned, sung during his time with your clan and flight?

I've been meaning to do some kind of lore event for a while, and this seems like a good place to start! Rizal is here to wander the winds and seek tastes of the variety of music Sornieth's clans have to offer, in true windie fashion. If it flops then it flops, but I can't say I didn't give it a try!

And who knows, maybe this will give you a cool new angle to explore with your lore?

I'm subbed to the thread, so no need to ping!
How it works
Once you've welcomed Rizal into your clan and returned his apparel to him (Macabre Musician and Wind Aura), go ahead and edit his current location! This can be where your lair is on the world map, or even the name of your clan if you have one.

Then add the song Rizal learns from your clan into his Songbook. This can be any song you like - so long as it's representative of your flight, your clan, or something he might have heard your dragons singing!

Make sure to add it under your flight's category (or start one if there isn't one already) and include the artist, your name, and a link to the song itself so others can check it out!

Feel free to check out any of the songs in the Songbook! Rizal may be learning, but he is also sharing all he has heard on his journey.

When a reasonable enough time has passed, anywhere between a day and a month, it's time to send him on his way! Come back to this thread and seek a new candidate to host him by making a new post and using the candidate list below, and see who answers the call. If they've agreed, send him along with his apparel in a crossroads and let me know where he's off to visit next. Or, just send him back to me!

When you're ready to pass Rizal on, access the pinglist, then use the @pinglist command displayed next to the title!
Just want to follow Rizal's journey? Sub to the pinglist below! I'll give updates each time he completes a major leg of his journey.

Eventually, the goal is for Rizal to visit all 11 flights, but travelling to different clans within the same flight is fine and encouraged! Even if you're also Wind!

Additional info:

Please be sure not to sell or exalt him. Rizal is not for sale, and I simply want him to have a good time learning all the songs that Sornieth has to offer. He's very important to me, and it would mean a lot if his journey was safe and sound.

Please try to avoid any songs with swearing or suggestive material in them. Flight Rising is still a PG game!

His apparel are just Macabre Musician and Wind Aura - try to keep them together! It's unlikely, but if you lose them, don't stress, just let me know and I'll see about replacing them next time he comes home.

If you like, you can also add whatever else you think would suit his time with your clan! Feel free to write a snippet under "Story" or whatever else you can think of. This is not required, but you're free to if you like.

'What if's:

What if I think I'm about to go inactive?
- Just send him home! Don't worry if you haven't added anything, I would rather have access to him than to lose him indefinitely!
What if I don't know how to code his bio?
- Don't worry about it! Just throw in all the relevant information and I'll tidy it up next time Rizal comes home :D
What if he's at home but you haven't made a post about hosting yet?
- If Rizal is home, he is always open to travelling unless specified otherwise! Feel free to ask to host whenever.
What if I want to nest him?
- Sure -- so long as you name all the hatchlings! Whether it's for breeding fodder or for a project or what have you, you're welcome to.
What if no one wants to host him?
- Send him home! Either his journey has come to its natural close, or I'll find someone in time. If you're impatient or need the space, same goes!

[center][url=][img][/img][/center][/url] [center][i]The winds pick up around his feet, a mournful tune wishing him farewell. Rizal stretches his neck to the sky. The whisperwind sings safe travels.[/i] [size=6]Current Location:[/size] Rizal is currently in Light in RedHacker's lair! [size=6]Visited Flights:[/size] [emoji=water rune size=1][emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=ice rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1][/center]

The winds pick up around his feet, a mournful tune wishing him farewell. Rizal stretches his neck to the sky. The whisperwind sings safe travels.

Current Location:

Rizal is currently in Light in RedHacker's lair!

Visited Flights:
This sounds fun! I have place in my lair if Rizal wants to visit the Water Flight
This sounds fun! I have place in my lair if Rizal wants to visit the Water Flight
I'm willing to host him to Arcane. Is it ok as a poem rather than a full song?
I'm willing to host him to Arcane. Is it ok as a poem rather than a full song?
@mothfaulkner awesome!! According to the ancient rules of first in first serve, I'll set up a CR to send him your way!

@LadyRach79 go for it! would you like me to add you to the candidate pinglist?
@mothfaulkner awesome!! According to the ancient rules of first in first serve, I'll set up a CR to send him your way!

@LadyRach79 go for it! would you like me to add you to the candidate pinglist?
oooooooo I've got space here! I also wouldn't mind being added to the journey logbook :p
oooooooo I've got space here! I also wouldn't mind being added to the journey logbook :p
I would like to be added, yes
I would like to be added, yes
@LadyRach79 sorry it took me so long, real life got to me. If you'd like I can send Rizal to you now.
@LadyRach79 sorry it took me so long, real life got to me. If you'd like I can send Rizal to you now.
I can foster him for Ice? :D Would you mind a non-english song?
I can foster him for Ice? :D Would you mind a non-english song?
lAvpyOQ.png Trust, there'll be more soon mqzpYz5.pngU44nXcn.png[/url]
@Mryst Not at all!! Go for it :D
@Mryst Not at all!! Go for it :D
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