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TOPIC | DnD, anyone?
Hi! I’ve been playing DnD for 4 years now and been a proud forever dm for 3 of those. I had an obsession period where I was running 4 campaigns AND doing occasional oneshots. I’ve dialed it back now but I’m still only barely keeping myself from trying to start every campaign idea I have the moment I get them. Currently running one dnd campaign and one Chronicles of Darkness campaign (first time running that system. Highly recommend if you love dark drama and character development in a modern supernatural setting). I of course do oneshots randomly so if I have time and willing participants, something insane is gonna happen lol
Hi! I’ve been playing DnD for 4 years now and been a proud forever dm for 3 of those. I had an obsession period where I was running 4 campaigns AND doing occasional oneshots. I’ve dialed it back now but I’m still only barely keeping myself from trying to start every campaign idea I have the moment I get them. Currently running one dnd campaign and one Chronicles of Darkness campaign (first time running that system. Highly recommend if you love dark drama and character development in a modern supernatural setting). I of course do oneshots randomly so if I have time and willing participants, something insane is gonna happen lol
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While I've drifted away from DnD nowadays I did get started with it when 5e first came out. Back then I was playing my bard character in eberon. That camphine didn't end up lasting very long and we ended up swapping to a different setting though I recycled the character.
Lately we've been playing powered by the apocalypse style games for their easy pick up and play qualities. My Dm and I will be doing a duet game to help flesh out the massive world we've created some more in Blades in the dark soon.
While I've drifted away from DnD nowadays I did get started with it when 5e first came out. Back then I was playing my bard character in eberon. That camphine didn't end up lasting very long and we ended up swapping to a different setting though I recycled the character.
Lately we've been playing powered by the apocalypse style games for their easy pick up and play qualities. My Dm and I will be doing a duet game to help flesh out the massive world we've created some more in Blades in the dark soon.
I love playing DnD, currently I am playing a Dragonborn Sorceress. Our DM based the campaign off of World of Warcraft and were going after Sindragosa's head.
We have been playing this campaign for about 2 years, and my Dragonborn sorceress is level 19. This a drawing I did of my character

Dragonborn, and Drow are my favorite races to play, and I mostly play some type of magic user.
I love playing DnD, currently I am playing a Dragonborn Sorceress. Our DM based the campaign off of World of Warcraft and were going after Sindragosa's head.
We have been playing this campaign for about 2 years, and my Dragonborn sorceress is level 19. This a drawing I did of my character

Dragonborn, and Drow are my favorite races to play, and I mostly play some type of magic user.
I love DnD! I've been playing for almost 6 years now! I have like, one group I actually play with, branched out once and it all fell apart haha. I'm actually starting a new campaign with them next weekend where I will be a PC with a Tiefling Inquisitor Rogue~

If you ask about my characters i WILL write you books of information on them lol

My fave classes are Fighter and Barbarian (listen I like buff damagers lol) and my fave race are Half-Orcs~!

btw if anyone wants the official books I can hook you up lol
I love DnD! I've been playing for almost 6 years now! I have like, one group I actually play with, branched out once and it all fell apart haha. I'm actually starting a new campaign with them next weekend where I will be a PC with a Tiefling Inquisitor Rogue~

If you ask about my characters i WILL write you books of information on them lol

My fave classes are Fighter and Barbarian (listen I like buff damagers lol) and my fave race are Half-Orcs~!

btw if anyone wants the official books I can hook you up lol
I love D&D! I've been playing since some time in 2019. Unfortunately, my DM quit week a few weeks ago (for reasons I can respect and understand), so finding a new group will likely will be a bit of a hassle. I have some friends who play as well, but there's only three of us, and that's not nearly enough.

My most recent character was a human wizard who just liked to set things on fire, and for some reason, looked much younger than he actually was. He was fun to roleplay as, but his build can't even be described as a glass cannon, more like just glass. I think he only had 22 hit points at level 5, while some party members had well over 50. However, for some reason, I decided to give him a 20 in charisma, so I guess this small, innocent looking wizard is super intimidating for some reason. Either way, he was definitely one the more fun characters I've played as (likely second to only three foot tall tabaxi iron man mom who's party somehow turned Curse of Strahd into a weird fanfiction comedy type thing), and I hope I get to play as him again in the future.

Also, to date, I haven't played a single class that can't cast spells (do monks count as spellcasters? Not really, but they still have a form of magic), I really need to branch out and play like a fighter or something.

I love D&D! I've been playing since some time in 2019. Unfortunately, my DM quit week a few weeks ago (for reasons I can respect and understand), so finding a new group will likely will be a bit of a hassle. I have some friends who play as well, but there's only three of us, and that's not nearly enough.

My most recent character was a human wizard who just liked to set things on fire, and for some reason, looked much younger than he actually was. He was fun to roleplay as, but his build can't even be described as a glass cannon, more like just glass. I think he only had 22 hit points at level 5, while some party members had well over 50. However, for some reason, I decided to give him a 20 in charisma, so I guess this small, innocent looking wizard is super intimidating for some reason. Either way, he was definitely one the more fun characters I've played as (likely second to only three foot tall tabaxi iron man mom who's party somehow turned Curse of Strahd into a weird fanfiction comedy type thing), and I hope I get to play as him again in the future.

Also, to date, I haven't played a single class that can't cast spells (do monks count as spellcasters? Not really, but they still have a form of magic), I really need to branch out and play like a fighter or something.

he/she | fr +3
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I have only played twice but it was so fun and hilarious to play! some of the things that occured were epic hehe

Deffo wanna play some more and learn more about it!

My char is a Tabaxi because KITTY
I have only played twice but it was so fun and hilarious to play! some of the things that occured were epic hehe

Deffo wanna play some more and learn more about it!

My char is a Tabaxi because KITTY
Fellow DnD enjoyer! I've only played with one group myself (not counting personal sessions I had as a kid with my dad and brother) but I'm hoping the opportunity arises to join a new group.

While I don't play much, Critical Role does take a large amount of time (either leisurely watching or playing in the background of most of my day). I found them back in the beginning of quarantine and they've stuck with me since! I started out with campaign two but stopped watching a while back once the finale came out (watched the 7-hour live stream and cried so many times). Currently keeping up with campaign three pretty well and I've recently started back up on campaign two to finish it eventually.

My favorite races would have to be Teiflings, Aarakocras, and Kenku. My recent group I played an an Aarakocra monk and I have a Teifling oc that I hold very near and dear to my heart!
Fellow DnD enjoyer! I've only played with one group myself (not counting personal sessions I had as a kid with my dad and brother) but I'm hoping the opportunity arises to join a new group.

While I don't play much, Critical Role does take a large amount of time (either leisurely watching or playing in the background of most of my day). I found them back in the beginning of quarantine and they've stuck with me since! I started out with campaign two but stopped watching a while back once the finale came out (watched the 7-hour live stream and cried so many times). Currently keeping up with campaign three pretty well and I've recently started back up on campaign two to finish it eventually.

My favorite races would have to be Teiflings, Aarakocras, and Kenku. My recent group I played an an Aarakocra monk and I have a Teifling oc that I hold very near and dear to my heart!
xx Ilios; + she/they.
FR +2.

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x LihMChV.png
Have not played yet myself (well, technically I did go to a DnD summer camp as a kid, but I remember very little of it and had no idea what I was doing), but between my mom and my brother always talking about how fun it is and moving in with people who play it next year, I'm going to have to check it out eventually. I found this unofficial expansion type thing based on Greek mythology called Odyssey of the Dragonlords that I'm absolutely going to try to convince either my soon-to-be roommates or my brother to play with me.
Have not played yet myself (well, technically I did go to a DnD summer camp as a kid, but I remember very little of it and had no idea what I was doing), but between my mom and my brother always talking about how fun it is and moving in with people who play it next year, I'm going to have to check it out eventually. I found this unofficial expansion type thing based on Greek mythology called Odyssey of the Dragonlords that I'm absolutely going to try to convince either my soon-to-be roommates or my brother to play with me.
I’d like to play DnD one day, but I don’t really have any irl friends that play and I’m too nervous to play with people I don’t know.

though i do know that if i ever played, i’d want to play a bard who’s solution to every problem is violence (using their instrument, of course.)
I’d like to play DnD one day, but I don’t really have any irl friends that play and I’m too nervous to play with people I don’t know.

though i do know that if i ever played, i’d want to play a bard who’s solution to every problem is violence (using their instrument, of course.)

Hello! You can call me Await, Rayne, or Mysty, whichever you prefer.
FR +3
I have been wanting to play DND for 8 or 10 years! I got to play a 2 hour starter game once. I got to invent a character so annoying that I was almost disappointed he (barely) survived the first encounter thanks to my terrible DND skills. But, the advice is always "find other friends who want to play" and my friends are mostly in different time-zones.
I have been wanting to play DND for 8 or 10 years! I got to play a 2 hour starter game once. I got to invent a character so annoying that I was almost disappointed he (barely) survived the first encounter thanks to my terrible DND skills. But, the advice is always "find other friends who want to play" and my friends are mostly in different time-zones.
Credit: MythicalViper