TOPIC | [[The Light Beyond]] 16 NEW G2 Imps!

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@Beacon @Croatoan @GoldBlooded @Serpens @flamingcakes @HollowedAngel @ElveraBasilisk @PandragonsBox @ifawn @Alive @Hwarra @Reckless @amberwing @Gwilanna @Weathering @Blod @Irrwahn @Jaypaw @Bionic @Calicodog @haxure @Deva @Alola @Prelude @Erisalia @CrimsonSasaki @pooses @Illuminary @Guardianess @Dali @butcherbaby @Hasufel @adrienne1614 @CrazyassBat @True @Mothling @avianAnnihilator @Roiben @Azcazach @graphicmacaroon @hazy @kjelle @Almaren @Moonlace @Sickened @Lunox @Lyka @apathes @Saeliras @Riverspell @DemiDeity (imps) @Reigaia @Starfait @wintercovers @virtue @duckyallstar @Shirenu @Hawlucha @Mintiani @Laeyein @Adomania @Griminal @Jestro @Snowkitsu @Jessymetal @ivoryandgold @AstroNot @Cakeless @ArtsyAlraune @Vulpess @Ambitious @Artichoke @Munchcatto @Marrigan @Ryuuna @Lithiarch @HayBay @JonTargaryen @Mukti @faraway @IllusionsInsane @Ashborne @Animonster @Arcani @Drastalblight @WolfSoulweaver @SirChicken @chujellies @Megiddo @Gimeurcookie @aldrifor @StealthNerd @Pride @summermagpie @Saeldryn @reliquiaen @Roheryn @Aureatus
Hey everyone!
Didn't ping you in a while, but I hatched a few more pretty children.
I do also breed some pairs on request (you can also ask for prices beforehand, especially if you want different eyes), just as a heads-up! :)
Here are the new hatchies!
First of all, a cute pure gen2 double girl!
She might need some regeneing to look REALLY matchy, but she is a pretty girl!
She's up for 400g in the AH.
The following children are 200g each:
I'd also take payment in food this time! [emoji=pearlcatcher winking size=1]
Dunno what the current price per food point is though LOL
@Beacon @Croatoan @GoldBlooded @Serpens @flamingcakes @HollowedAngel @ElveraBasilisk @PandragonsBox @ifawn @Alive @Hwarra @Reckless @amberwing @Gwilanna @Weathering @Blod @Irrwahn @Jaypaw @Bionic @Calicodog @haxure @Deva @Alola @Prelude @Erisalia @CrimsonSasaki @pooses @Illuminary @Guardianess @Dali @butcherbaby @Hasufel @adrienne1614 @CrazyassBat @True @Mothling @avianAnnihilator @Roiben @Azcazach @graphicmacaroon @hazy @kjelle @Almaren @Moonlace @Sickened @Lunox @Lyka @apathes @Saeliras @Riverspell @DemiDeity (imps) @Reigaia @Starfait @wintercovers @virtue @duckyallstar @Shirenu @Hawlucha @Mintiani @Laeyein @Adomania @Griminal @Jestro @Snowkitsu @Jessymetal @ivoryandgold @AstroNot @Cakeless @ArtsyAlraune @Vulpess @Ambitious @Artichoke @Munchcatto @Marrigan @Ryuuna @Lithiarch @HayBay @JonTargaryen @Mukti @faraway @IllusionsInsane @Ashborne @Animonster @Arcani @Drastalblight @WolfSoulweaver @SirChicken @chujellies @Megiddo @Gimeurcookie @aldrifor @StealthNerd @Pride @summermagpie @Saeldryn @reliquiaen @Roheryn @Aureatus
Hey everyone!
Didn't ping you in a while, but I hatched a few more pretty children.
I do also breed some pairs on request (you can also ask for prices beforehand, especially if you want different eyes), just as a heads-up! :)
Here are the new hatchies!
First of all, a cute pure gen2 double girl!

She might need some regeneing to look REALLY matchy, but she is a pretty girl!

She's up for 400g in the AH.
The following children are 200g each:


I'd also take payment in food this time!
Dunno what the current price per food point is though LOL
@Beacon @Croatoan @GoldBlooded @Serpens @flamingcakes @HollowedAngel @ElveraBasilisk @PandragonsBox @ifawn @Alive @Hwarra @Reckless @amberwing @Gwilanna @Weathering @Blod @Irrwahn @Jaypaw @Bionic @Calicodog @haxure @Deva @Alola @Prelude @Erisalia @CrimsonSasaki @pooses @Illuminary @Guardianess @Dali @butcherbaby @Hasufel @adrienne1614 @CrazyassBat @True @Mothling @avianAnnihilator @Roiben @Azcazach @graphicmacaroon @hazy @kjelle @Almaren @Moonlace @Sickened @Lunox @Lyka @apathes @Saeliras @Riverspell @DemiDeity (imps) @Reigaia @Starfait @wintercovers @virtue @duckyallstar @Shirenu @Hawlucha @Mintiani @Laeyein @Adomania @Griminal @Jestro @Snowkitsu @Jessymetal @ivoryandgold @AstroNot @Cakeless @ArtsyAlraune @Vulpess @Ambitious @Artichoke @Munchcatto @Marrigan @Ryuuna @Lithiarch @HayBay @JonTargaryen @Mukti @faraway @IllusionsInsane @Ashborne @Animonster @Arcani @Drastalblight @WolfSoulweaver @SirChicken @chujellies @Megiddo @Gimeurcookie @aldrifor @StealthNerd @Pride @summermagpie @Saeldryn @reliquiaen @Roheryn @Aureatus
Hey everyone!
Didn't ping you in a while, but I hatched a few more pretty children.
I do also breed some pairs on request (you can also ask for prices beforehand, especially if you want different eyes), just as a heads-up! :)
Here are the new hatchies!
First of all, a cute pure gen2 double girl!

She might need some regeneing to look REALLY matchy, but she is a pretty girl!

She's up for 400g in the AH.
The following children are 200g each:


I'd also take payment in food this time!

Dunno what the current price per food point is though LOL
Hi there, your dragons are gorgeous. I'd mainly like to be pinged for your G2 Imps. Though honestly I'd buy any of your dragons. Thank you for your dedication to provide us with such a wonderful hatchery :)
Hi there, your dragons are gorgeous. I'd mainly like to be pinged for your G2 Imps. Though honestly I'd buy any of your dragons. Thank you for your dedication to provide us with such a wonderful hatchery :)
[b]Gen2 Imp Pinglist:[/b]
@Phoenixfyre @MightyNinja11 @Jaypaw @Andelice @Thunderbird21 @Kaitii @Apothecaria @Ursaw @elio @Enalahs @Stormheart208 @Mothling @Anayre @Selah @Schadenfreude @IronAndWine @BlueTantrum @Kaley01 @Happyhedgehog @Drominus @corvid @Nukleer @Warlock @Sickened @enivrec @StormJourney @Elysia @mercurialwings @Aoji @candygoth12 (male) @Azure @SidriAshak @LunaSilverWolf @Hideki @Rabid @Graceling @rowdy @GadzooksTD (male) @Hainu @Hawlucha @Rosewing @wintercovers @brit @EmiT (red range male pref) @JackNoahKerr @Starbuck @ladylilitu @Kaimon @techmess @Andoria @nilah @Nyamo @Whirlwish @SouthFarthing @l0x0l @Marrigan @Arcani @Sawvren @Cethosia @big @Kisk @Kayenta @nyaofae @Hikaruna @WolfSoulweaver @Alaia (plague) @SparkyLurkdragon @Drakenhart (red-range plague) @Kikatzu @Drakoda (Josh&Jaz) @Jaspernoir @nucleartuna @meanling @Ryuuna @Korppipoika @EvaristeSoleil @blackflamewolf @Sienne @1st @TheClockworkHowl @Eilander @Gilbunny @Broadwaypaisano @uncle @Plushstiel @Actaeon @mmuted @Stagheim @Chillston @RIPPLEY @ThistleProse @TastyPastry @terrors @Silanah @Fayes @HSIcerious @Champeon @pythonesque @Fresa @opus @SilverBelle @Drakenhart (plague) @NostalgicBreeze @NorthernLiights @Vader @skallen @menghuancat @Easte @Hisscale @Yamigiri @Tywyllwch @Detrix
@168 @aeice @aelis @aelith @aftershock @airyu @aloulore @ambiance @anorthite @apfelobst @apolli @apothecaria @arcticterror @rizibizi4 @ares @907 @artemai @coward @astale @astarothius @astraya @avessa @bumblebee @benyuka @billygoatsgruff @blushunt @calankh @calm @caribou @catpilot @cedric @celox @chantric @chaotic @cheshirecatuk1 @chomp @crazybat @deathwing @delos @demideity @desmordus @disease @diseased @draconequis @dragonmaiden @dragonpsyche @drakenhart @earthtiger @eidos @elfmoss @elysia @enivrec @erendira @erianamoon @etchedshadow @eternally @evarinya @everautumn @evoker @evolve @faileas @featherycats @fensalir @feralchungus @firethroat @foolishray @foxxtrot @frillshark @frozenbarioth @frozenlake @fruityhoofbeast @gadzookstd @galaxygodling @gardenvoir @ghostenthusiast @rowanne @godswood @gou @greatcontagion @guillain @haawke @hasha @hasuna @hazeledpoppy @hiame @hyperionskies @imani @inculta @ink @inkdeer @putrefaction @sensitivepigeon @jecai @jenkow @jinkx @braveeguana @kilwin @juxtaposition @kaitii @kaorusquee @karoushi @kaskade @kerriganne @deviantdoge @nostalgicbreeze @kittyboops @knightess @kommoy @kurokosworth @l0x0l @leafdapple1 @leashedragon @leeedea @legendbeary @leilatainn @lild @lilybound @lodzhal @heart @opus @maedhras @marceline @marshell @mellifera @micheru @mickie @mightyninja11 @minx @misha @mists @moofius @moolawgoat @mrshiftyhead @mus @mynabird @mystyic @naja @nanairo @nefelibata @niharike @nineeyes @noclerati @noiselessness @oceanics @mandragoraautumn @oftquoted @oodie @peacecolby @phoenixfyre @pil0t @poland @pollen @premiumhugs @prism @panderz @innerspeaker @qyetlady @rangiku @hawkeyyee @rayen @saraceaser @reigaia @roiben @evet @rosiehawk @saeliras @sailable @saphariadragon @saryina @saturnia @sealterbloind @secrett @serra @servine @shad0stryk @shadowwolf @shatteringice @shuffluffalo @siaur @silverlanayru @silverquark @silverrain @silverwulf @simfeetunder @sirarchimedes @skiesti @skycrest @smara @snowfairy @silverbelle @sochitelya @somniaat @sophos @spacestraw @spazzifras @sporelett @sprigs @starbornwolf @starfire0 @starrynightren @stonewarden @succulents @sucrose @shoespsycho @suraya @sylvarant @ahi @tangaroa @tarere @techmess @natron @terrawah @thebutt @therowen @thestormcatcher @thoren @thunderbird21 @cowl @tigenki @tokie @twistedfox @twizz @txanyi @uzaaki9 @vantae @vegastellaris @venneris @volker @vyraal @walle @warlock @warthog @watermellon @whimzica @win @witchcrafted @wolfscent @wow @xotik @xtal @yukariyakumo @zayev @zhar @zhebari @inn @meowmeow2023 @blessings5x @hikaruna @seethestars @wholesome @sienne @rulanir @evaxcheyenne @chimeria @aimzvador @beepboopitsme @decoratchi @vendi @osmodeus @mayanaz @scenario @drackana @ceruleancrow @fuwafuwa @aerites @thistleprose @meanling @oxalis @mmuted @ashwolf143 @anduins @alixander @altassar @twistymisty @renly @sawvren @fairyforestking @northernliights @xarilin @silverripple @spark @empired @oprhy @deltazz @helsing @betwixted @espeon5712 @warn @tuath @littlerain @andelice @aquadrops[br][center][b]Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KvbTEQYMXYyZVZCOnzAARDVVa7c1TMFGxDEbXJ0uo1g/edit#gid=1754317320]Click here for updated pinglists![/url][/b][/center][br]
@ladylilitu @pleasant @shpee @queenalais @daemonengrau @solarae @theclockworkhowl @saltyscone @brutusrex @tsenora @opus @felraen @lyricalmyxteries[br][center][b]Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KvbTEQYMXYyZVZCOnzAARDVVa7c1TMFGxDEbXJ0uo1g/edit#gid=1754317320]Click here for updated pinglists![/url][/b][/center][br]
@aearinn @amroth @apfelobst @apolli @azure @billygoatsgruff @cassichu @cedric @cerion @cheshirecatuk1 @cyrce @demideity @deviantdoge @dokies @dragonmaiden @drakenhart @eidos @eliasainsworth @espeon5712 @everautumn @opus @faileas @foxlia @frozenlake @fruityhoofbeast @fujo @hasuna @isolemnlyswear @putrefaction @jadeandmarble @katastrophie @kemonomimi @kikatzu @knightess @kollie @kommoy @l0x0l @lemecrazy @leucine @lild @london @lunamore @maedhras @malisvitterfolk @manylimbs @merman @mrshiftyhead @nefelibata @nukleer @darkremorse @oncamimus @pleasant @rabbitspirit @ratfriend @reborn @rythen @sash @saturnia @scarfsickle @secrett @shimmeringxolo @shoyou @mandragoraautumn @sienne @silverquark @simfeetunder @starbornwolf @swanee @taiyou @tehumertt @terrawah @voidshadow @watermellon @xtal @zaayn @sparkylurkdragon @cats @blessings5x @thelocalcryptid @hazelbird02 @kageshi @amorah @ado @readinghell @eryel @stellatrix13 @syntribus @silene @easte @vintaegucci @thistleprose @treeblood @theclockworkhowl @fairyforestking @northernliights @cormanthor @brutus @nostalgicbreeze @oprhy @coward @spy @aternova @tsenora @cinamonpizza @wholesome @englishrose @mangusto @renly @vetica[br][center][b]Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KvbTEQYMXYyZVZCOnzAARDVVa7c1TMFGxDEbXJ0uo1g/edit#gid=1754317320]Click here for updated pinglists![/url][/b][/center][br]
[b]Hello everyone! :)[/b]
Thank you to all the new people on my G2 pinglist, I am glad that you like my dragons!
I had a really great hatch this time. Sadly Grayson and Lairiel still seem to like hitting the pink-ish mark, but Josh and Jaz just deliver the purest light children. We even have [b]a stunning double[/b] this time! Check them out below! :)
[b]Gen2 Imp Auctions:[/b]
[b]Semarha / Male[/b]
Rare Plague Eyes
Maize / Cream / Ruby
Starting bid: 300kt/g
[b]Current bid[/b]: - [/quote]
[b]Castillo / Male[/b]
Common Plague Eyes
Pearl / Rose / Garnet
Starting bid: 300g / 300kt
[b]Current bid[/b]: - [/quote]
[b]Guinevere / Female[/b]
Uncommon Light Eyes
Flint / Coal / Smoke
Starting bid: 300g / 300kt
[b]Current bid[/b]: - [/quote]
[b]Lancelot / Male[/b]
Common Light Eyes
Charcoal / Dust / Bubblegum
Starting bid: 300g / 300kt
[b]Current bid[/b]: - [/quote]
[b]Caelia / Female[/b]
Common Light Eyes
[b]Blackberry / Platinum / Platinum[/b]
Starting bid: 500g / 500kt
[b]Current bid[/b]: - [/quote]
[b]Arthur / Male[/b]
Unusual Light Eyes
Shale / White / Ice
Starting bid: 300g / 300kt
[b]Current bid[/b]: - [/quote]
Gem:Treasure ratio 1:1000.
Minimum bid increase: 25g // 25kt
Ending Rollover 29th of august > 30th of august
Snipe guard 1h.
Please ping me and the highest bidder when placing a new bid!
(I add all people participating in the auction on the LDP list! If you don't want to be added, please let me know!)
Gen2 Imp Pinglist:
@Phoenixfyre @MightyNinja11 @Jaypaw @Andelice @Thunderbird21 @Kaitii @Apothecaria @Ursaw @elio @Enalahs @Stormheart208 @Mothling @Anayre @Selah @Schadenfreude @IronAndWine @BlueTantrum @Kaley01 @Happyhedgehog @Drominus @corvid @Nukleer @Warlock @Sickened @enivrec @StormJourney @Elysia @mercurialwings @Aoji @candygoth12 (male) @Azure @SidriAshak @LunaSilverWolf @Hideki @Rabid @Graceling @rowdy @GadzooksTD (male) @Hainu @Hawlucha @Rosewing @wintercovers @brit @EmiT (red range male pref) @JackNoahKerr @Starbuck @ladylilitu @Kaimon @techmess @Andoria @nilah @Nyamo @Whirlwish @SouthFarthing @l0x0l @Marrigan @Arcani @Sawvren @Cethosia @big @Kisk @Kayenta @nyaofae @Hikaruna @WolfSoulweaver @Alaia (plague) @SparkyLurkdragon @Drakenhart (red-range plague) @Kikatzu @Drakoda (Josh&Jaz) @Jaspernoir @nucleartuna @meanling @Ryuuna @Korppipoika @EvaristeSoleil @blackflamewolf @Sienne @1st @TheClockworkHowl @Eilander @Gilbunny @Broadwaypaisano @uncle @Plushstiel @Actaeon @mmuted @Stagheim @Chillston @RIPPLEY @ThistleProse @TastyPastry @terrors @Silanah @Fayes @HSIcerious @Champeon @pythonesque @Fresa @opus @SilverBelle @Drakenhart (plague) @NostalgicBreeze @NorthernLiights @Vader @skallen @menghuancat @Easte @Hisscale @Yamigiri @Tywyllwch @Detrix
@168 @aeice @aelis @aelith @aftershock @airyu @aloulore @ambiance @anorthite @apfelobst @apolli @apothecaria @arcticterror @rizibizi4 @ares @907 @artemai @coward @astale @astarothius @astraya @avessa @bumblebee @benyuka @billygoatsgruff @blushunt @calankh @calm @caribou @catpilot @cedric @celox @chantric @chaotic @cheshirecatuk1 @chomp @crazybat @deathwing @delos @demideity @desmordus @disease @diseased @draconequis @dragonmaiden @dragonpsyche @drakenhart @earthtiger @eidos @elfmoss @elysia @enivrec @erendira @erianamoon @etchedshadow @eternally @evarinya @everautumn @evoker @evolve @faileas @featherycats @fensalir @feralchungus @firethroat @foolishray @foxxtrot @frillshark @frozenbarioth @frozenlake @fruityhoofbeast @gadzookstd @galaxygodling @gardenvoir @ghostenthusiast @rowanne @godswood @gou @greatcontagion @guillain @haawke @hasha @hasuna @hazeledpoppy @hiame @hyperionskies @imani @inculta @ink @inkdeer @putrefaction @sensitivepigeon @jecai @jenkow @jinkx @braveeguana @kilwin @juxtaposition @kaitii @kaorusquee @karoushi @kaskade @kerriganne @deviantdoge @nostalgicbreeze @kittyboops @knightess @kommoy @kurokosworth @l0x0l @leafdapple1 @leashedragon @leeedea @legendbeary @leilatainn @lild @lilybound @lodzhal @heart @opus @maedhras @marceline @marshell @mellifera @micheru @mickie @mightyninja11 @minx @misha @mists @moofius @moolawgoat @mrshiftyhead @mus @mynabird @mystyic @naja @nanairo @nefelibata @niharike @nineeyes @noclerati @noiselessness @oceanics @mandragoraautumn @oftquoted @oodie @peacecolby @phoenixfyre @pil0t @poland @pollen @premiumhugs @prism @panderz @innerspeaker @qyetlady @rangiku @hawkeyyee @rayen @saraceaser @reigaia @roiben @evet @rosiehawk @saeliras @sailable @saphariadragon @saryina @saturnia @sealterbloind @secrett @serra @servine @shad0stryk @shadowwolf @shatteringice @shuffluffalo @siaur @silverlanayru @silverquark @silverrain @silverwulf @simfeetunder @sirarchimedes @skiesti @skycrest @smara @snowfairy @silverbelle @sochitelya @somniaat @sophos @spacestraw @spazzifras @sporelett @sprigs @starbornwolf @starfire0 @starrynightren @stonewarden @succulents @sucrose @shoespsycho @suraya @sylvarant @ahi @tangaroa @tarere @techmess @natron @terrawah @thebutt @therowen @thestormcatcher @thoren @thunderbird21 @cowl @tigenki @tokie @twistedfox @twizz @txanyi @uzaaki9 @vantae @vegastellaris @venneris @volker @vyraal @walle @warlock @warthog @watermellon @whimzica @win @witchcrafted @wolfscent @wow @xotik @xtal @yukariyakumo @zayev @zhar @zhebari @inn @meowmeow2023 @blessings5x @hikaruna @seethestars @wholesome @sienne @rulanir @evaxcheyenne @chimeria @aimzvador @beepboopitsme @decoratchi @vendi @osmodeus @mayanaz @scenario @drackana @ceruleancrow @fuwafuwa @aerites @thistleprose @meanling @oxalis @mmuted @ashwolf143 @anduins @alixander @altassar @twistymisty @renly @sawvren @fairyforestking @northernliights @xarilin @silverripple @spark @empired @oprhy @deltazz @helsing @betwixted @espeon5712 @warn @tuath @littlerain @andelice @aquadrops
@ladylilitu @pleasant @shpee @queenalais @daemonengrau @solarae @theclockworkhowl @saltyscone @brutusrex @tsenora @opus @felraen @lyricalmyxteries
@aearinn @amroth @apfelobst @apolli @azure @billygoatsgruff @cassichu @cedric @cerion @cheshirecatuk1 @cyrce @demideity @deviantdoge @dokies @dragonmaiden @drakenhart @eidos @eliasainsworth @espeon5712 @everautumn @opus @faileas @foxlia @frozenlake @fruityhoofbeast @fujo @hasuna @isolemnlyswear @putrefaction @jadeandmarble @katastrophie @kemonomimi @kikatzu @knightess @kollie @kommoy @l0x0l @lemecrazy @leucine @lild @london @lunamore @maedhras @malisvitterfolk @manylimbs @merman @mrshiftyhead @nefelibata @nukleer @darkremorse @oncamimus @pleasant @rabbitspirit @ratfriend @reborn @rythen @sash @saturnia @scarfsickle @secrett @shimmeringxolo @shoyou @mandragoraautumn @sienne @silverquark @simfeetunder @starbornwolf @swanee @taiyou @tehumertt @terrawah @voidshadow @watermellon @xtal @zaayn @sparkylurkdragon @cats @blessings5x @thelocalcryptid @hazelbird02 @kageshi @amorah @ado @readinghell @eryel @stellatrix13 @syntribus @silene @easte @vintaegucci @thistleprose @treeblood @theclockworkhowl @fairyforestking @northernliights @cormanthor @brutus @nostalgicbreeze @oprhy @coward @spy @aternova @tsenora @cinamonpizza @wholesome @englishrose @mangusto @renly @vetica
Hello everyone! :)
Thank you to all the new people on my G2 pinglist, I am glad that you like my dragons!
I had a really great hatch this time. Sadly Grayson and Lairiel still seem to like hitting the pink-ish mark, but Josh and Jaz just deliver the purest light children. We even have a stunning double this time! Check them out below! :)
Gen2 Imp Auctions:
Gem:Treasure ratio 1:1000.
Minimum bid increase: 25g // 25kt
Ending Rollover 29th of august > 30th of august
Snipe guard 1h.
Please ping me and the highest bidder when placing a new bid!
(I add all people participating in the auction on the LDP list! If you don't want to be added, please let me know!)
@Phoenixfyre @MightyNinja11 @Jaypaw @Andelice @Thunderbird21 @Kaitii @Apothecaria @Ursaw @elio @Enalahs @Stormheart208 @Mothling @Anayre @Selah @Schadenfreude @IronAndWine @BlueTantrum @Kaley01 @Happyhedgehog @Drominus @corvid @Nukleer @Warlock @Sickened @enivrec @StormJourney @Elysia @mercurialwings @Aoji @candygoth12 (male) @Azure @SidriAshak @LunaSilverWolf @Hideki @Rabid @Graceling @rowdy @GadzooksTD (male) @Hainu @Hawlucha @Rosewing @wintercovers @brit @EmiT (red range male pref) @JackNoahKerr @Starbuck @ladylilitu @Kaimon @techmess @Andoria @nilah @Nyamo @Whirlwish @SouthFarthing @l0x0l @Marrigan @Arcani @Sawvren @Cethosia @big @Kisk @Kayenta @nyaofae @Hikaruna @WolfSoulweaver @Alaia (plague) @SparkyLurkdragon @Drakenhart (red-range plague) @Kikatzu @Drakoda (Josh&Jaz) @Jaspernoir @nucleartuna @meanling @Ryuuna @Korppipoika @EvaristeSoleil @blackflamewolf @Sienne @1st @TheClockworkHowl @Eilander @Gilbunny @Broadwaypaisano @uncle @Plushstiel @Actaeon @mmuted @Stagheim @Chillston @RIPPLEY @ThistleProse @TastyPastry @terrors @Silanah @Fayes @HSIcerious @Champeon @pythonesque @Fresa @opus @SilverBelle @Drakenhart (plague) @NostalgicBreeze @NorthernLiights @Vader @skallen @menghuancat @Easte @Hisscale @Yamigiri @Tywyllwch @Detrix
@168 @aeice @aelis @aelith @aftershock @airyu @aloulore @ambiance @anorthite @apfelobst @apolli @apothecaria @arcticterror @rizibizi4 @ares @907 @artemai @coward @astale @astarothius @astraya @avessa @bumblebee @benyuka @billygoatsgruff @blushunt @calankh @calm @caribou @catpilot @cedric @celox @chantric @chaotic @cheshirecatuk1 @chomp @crazybat @deathwing @delos @demideity @desmordus @disease @diseased @draconequis @dragonmaiden @dragonpsyche @drakenhart @earthtiger @eidos @elfmoss @elysia @enivrec @erendira @erianamoon @etchedshadow @eternally @evarinya @everautumn @evoker @evolve @faileas @featherycats @fensalir @feralchungus @firethroat @foolishray @foxxtrot @frillshark @frozenbarioth @frozenlake @fruityhoofbeast @gadzookstd @galaxygodling @gardenvoir @ghostenthusiast @rowanne @godswood @gou @greatcontagion @guillain @haawke @hasha @hasuna @hazeledpoppy @hiame @hyperionskies @imani @inculta @ink @inkdeer @putrefaction @sensitivepigeon @jecai @jenkow @jinkx @braveeguana @kilwin @juxtaposition @kaitii @kaorusquee @karoushi @kaskade @kerriganne @deviantdoge @nostalgicbreeze @kittyboops @knightess @kommoy @kurokosworth @l0x0l @leafdapple1 @leashedragon @leeedea @legendbeary @leilatainn @lild @lilybound @lodzhal @heart @opus @maedhras @marceline @marshell @mellifera @micheru @mickie @mightyninja11 @minx @misha @mists @moofius @moolawgoat @mrshiftyhead @mus @mynabird @mystyic @naja @nanairo @nefelibata @niharike @nineeyes @noclerati @noiselessness @oceanics @mandragoraautumn @oftquoted @oodie @peacecolby @phoenixfyre @pil0t @poland @pollen @premiumhugs @prism @panderz @innerspeaker @qyetlady @rangiku @hawkeyyee @rayen @saraceaser @reigaia @roiben @evet @rosiehawk @saeliras @sailable @saphariadragon @saryina @saturnia @sealterbloind @secrett @serra @servine @shad0stryk @shadowwolf @shatteringice @shuffluffalo @siaur @silverlanayru @silverquark @silverrain @silverwulf @simfeetunder @sirarchimedes @skiesti @skycrest @smara @snowfairy @silverbelle @sochitelya @somniaat @sophos @spacestraw @spazzifras @sporelett @sprigs @starbornwolf @starfire0 @starrynightren @stonewarden @succulents @sucrose @shoespsycho @suraya @sylvarant @ahi @tangaroa @tarere @techmess @natron @terrawah @thebutt @therowen @thestormcatcher @thoren @thunderbird21 @cowl @tigenki @tokie @twistedfox @twizz @txanyi @uzaaki9 @vantae @vegastellaris @venneris @volker @vyraal @walle @warlock @warthog @watermellon @whimzica @win @witchcrafted @wolfscent @wow @xotik @xtal @yukariyakumo @zayev @zhar @zhebari @inn @meowmeow2023 @blessings5x @hikaruna @seethestars @wholesome @sienne @rulanir @evaxcheyenne @chimeria @aimzvador @beepboopitsme @decoratchi @vendi @osmodeus @mayanaz @scenario @drackana @ceruleancrow @fuwafuwa @aerites @thistleprose @meanling @oxalis @mmuted @ashwolf143 @anduins @alixander @altassar @twistymisty @renly @sawvren @fairyforestking @northernliights @xarilin @silverripple @spark @empired @oprhy @deltazz @helsing @betwixted @espeon5712 @warn @tuath @littlerain @andelice @aquadrops
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@ladylilitu @pleasant @shpee @queenalais @daemonengrau @solarae @theclockworkhowl @saltyscone @brutusrex @tsenora @opus @felraen @lyricalmyxteries
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@aearinn @amroth @apfelobst @apolli @azure @billygoatsgruff @cassichu @cedric @cerion @cheshirecatuk1 @cyrce @demideity @deviantdoge @dokies @dragonmaiden @drakenhart @eidos @eliasainsworth @espeon5712 @everautumn @opus @faileas @foxlia @frozenlake @fruityhoofbeast @fujo @hasuna @isolemnlyswear @putrefaction @jadeandmarble @katastrophie @kemonomimi @kikatzu @knightess @kollie @kommoy @l0x0l @lemecrazy @leucine @lild @london @lunamore @maedhras @malisvitterfolk @manylimbs @merman @mrshiftyhead @nefelibata @nukleer @darkremorse @oncamimus @pleasant @rabbitspirit @ratfriend @reborn @rythen @sash @saturnia @scarfsickle @secrett @shimmeringxolo @shoyou @mandragoraautumn @sienne @silverquark @simfeetunder @starbornwolf @swanee @taiyou @tehumertt @terrawah @voidshadow @watermellon @xtal @zaayn @sparkylurkdragon @cats @blessings5x @thelocalcryptid @hazelbird02 @kageshi @amorah @ado @readinghell @eryel @stellatrix13 @syntribus @silene @easte @vintaegucci @thistleprose @treeblood @theclockworkhowl @fairyforestking @northernliights @cormanthor @brutus @nostalgicbreeze @oprhy @coward @spy @aternova @tsenora @cinamonpizza @wholesome @englishrose @mangusto @renly @vetica
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Hello everyone! :)
Thank you to all the new people on my G2 pinglist, I am glad that you like my dragons!
I had a really great hatch this time. Sadly Grayson and Lairiel still seem to like hitting the pink-ish mark, but Josh and Jaz just deliver the purest light children. We even have a stunning double this time! Check them out below! :)
Gen2 Imp Auctions:
Gem:Treasure ratio 1:1000.
Minimum bid increase: 25g // 25kt
Ending Rollover 29th of august > 30th of august
Snipe guard 1h.
Please ping me and the highest bidder when placing a new bid!
(I add all people participating in the auction on the LDP list! If you don't want to be added, please let me know!)

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