7 digit imps + 6 digit mirror

Hasuna's Clan
school is not for smart people
Clan Info
this is sodium sky secrets
home of the insane
home of the insane
a thing i did with my friends a long long time ago:
moonrise subspecies
moonrise subspecies
~ welcome to the fodder factory ~
(i think i'm going slightly mad)
(i think i'm going slightly mad)
Recent Comments

Thanks for buying Adaldrida!

Thank you for buying Ceto! I hope you like her :)

Aftermath was on the front page! She is so beautiful <3

Daydream was on the front page!

I was looking at one of my oldies' offspring lists and I was just browsing to see if any of his kids or mates were around, and they are! Hades is the old mate dragon to my Pro on my first page! So, hello stranger! It's a small Sornieth ;)

Thank you for giving Xray a home. :)

I checked out your clan because I saw that you bought Lualhati && honestly??? A+ lair!!

Duuuude I wish they had like buttons on Dragons cause your Imp Bubblegum came up on the front page and she's so pretty :O

Gothic was on the front page! I love your lair so much

Wow, You have more Imperials then I do and I love it

Rain was on the front page!

Jin was on the first page c:
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