
Bug Report Forums

Report bugs and errors to the Flight Rising development team.
TOPIC | Bug Tracking Thread - Coliseum
Since it's now been announced - for future reference, it's common for the coliseum to be updated with items (including festival ones) a bit before the announcement happens. Otherwise, people would see the announcement, go to take part and there's nothing there!
Since it's now been announced - for future reference, it's common for the coliseum to be updated with items (including festival ones) a bit before the announcement happens. Otherwise, people would see the announcement, go to take part and there's nothing there!
I know! But it's safer to mention this in bugs, in case they weren't aware. Being accused of taking advantage of a bug is last thing I need
I know! But it's safer to mention this in bugs, in case they weren't aware. Being accused of taking advantage of a bug is last thing I need
I don't know if this is a bug or not but the skin crates that drop in the crystal pools are the only crates that don't drop treasure when you open it
I don't know if this is a bug or not but the skin crates that drop in the crystal pools are the only crates that don't drop treasure when you open it
the mask quest
AbyssalRuins' Fancy Rocks and Shiny Things
Have a bred G1 you want to get rid of? Post here and I might buy.
that actually happens because your dragon isn't fed enough! it seems Sanguinem is near starving. if you feed him (i believe above 25 energy on the screen) the problem should be fixed :)
that actually happens because your dragon isn't fed enough! it seems Sanguinem is near starving. if you feed him (i believe above 25 energy on the screen) the problem should be fixed :)
em/sai | all pronouns | fr+2 | pings ok
wishlist | fandragon project
probably on ffxiv
This is my secret text... Let's keep it between us, ok?
Brief description: Coli stops loading after a few battles. [b]Browser(s) Used[/b]: Opera, up-to-date version [b]Device(s) Used[/b]: Laptop - Windows 7 Home [b]Internet Connection Type[/b]: Wired (DSL); home [b]Antivirus Installed[/b]: MalwareBytes [b]Describe the bug in detail[/b]: I battle a few rounds in the coliseum; everything works fine; I hit "Fight On!" ... and get a blank screen that won't load the next battle. I can refresh to fix, but of course then I lose all my breath. :( I'm used to this happening once in a while, but it's been [s]four times today[/s] seven times, three in the last ten minutes. There's no unusual internet issues in my home today - are the servers being slammed? Is there anything I can do to avoid this? [img][/img]
Brief description: Coli stops loading after a few battles.

Browser(s) Used: Opera, up-to-date version
Device(s) Used: Laptop - Windows 7 Home
Internet Connection Type: Wired (DSL); home
Antivirus Installed: MalwareBytes

Describe the bug in detail:
I battle a few rounds in the coliseum; everything works fine; I hit "Fight On!" ... and get a blank screen that won't load the next battle.

I can refresh to fix, but of course then I lose all my breath. :(
I'm used to this happening once in a while, but it's been four times today seven times, three in the last ten minutes. There's no unusual internet issues in my home today - are the servers being slammed? Is there anything I can do to avoid this?

In the Scorched Forest, there is a pack that is just one Red-Winged Owlcat (1st position) and one Banded Owlcat (2nd position). However, their keyboard controls are reversed. It should be to hit the Red-Winged is Q and the Banded is W, but it shows up with the Banded as Q and the Red-Winged as W.
In the Scorched Forest, there is a pack that is just one Red-Winged Owlcat (1st position) and one Banded Owlcat (2nd position). However, their keyboard controls are reversed. It should be to hit the Red-Winged is Q and the Banded is W, but it shows up with the Banded as Q and the Red-Winged as W.
tpdcnmn.png NsNbD2F.png kHoPTKo.png
The Dwarf Truffle enemy coloration in the Forgotten Cave in the Coliseum is quite different from the coloration of the familiar.

I wish I could easily add screenshots, but here are the separate game database entries.

Dwarf Truffle Dwarf Truffle
The Dwarf Truffle enemy coloration in the Forgotten Cave in the Coliseum is quite different from the coloration of the familiar.

I wish I could easily add screenshots, but here are the separate game database entries.

Dwarf Truffle Dwarf Truffle
7j2QAB9.png stained glass rose badge nCFIQSX.png 2IfV7Y9.png
Browser(s) Used: Firefox
Device(s) Used: Laptop - Windows 7
Internet Connection Type: Wireless
Antivirus Installed: Norton

I was setting up a dragon team in the coliseum when my virus protection warned me of "PHP Shell Command Execution 2" coming from https:// flightrising .com/content/battle/public_ajax.php. My virus protection deemed it dangerous enough to ask me to remove the script manually, although I can't find it on my computer and cannot find any damage.

Is this a bug/infection or is my virus protection oversensitive?

Edit: Another user had the same problem - the script blocks them from changing their Coli team.
Browser(s) Used: Firefox
Device(s) Used: Laptop - Windows 7
Internet Connection Type: Wireless
Antivirus Installed: Norton

I was setting up a dragon team in the coliseum when my virus protection warned me of "PHP Shell Command Execution 2" coming from https:// flightrising .com/content/battle/public_ajax.php. My virus protection deemed it dangerous enough to ask me to remove the script manually, although I can't find it on my computer and cannot find any damage.

Is this a bug/infection or is my virus protection oversensitive?

Edit: Another user had the same problem - the script blocks them from changing their Coli team.
Credit: MythicalViper
@unidra Browser(s) Used: Firefox Device(s) Used: Laptop - Windows 10 Internet Connection Type: Wireless Antivirus Installed: Norton Same problem. Now AJAX makes me think it’s related to this: [img][/img] And you see it crop up a bunch in soft refresh-like uses, like this one: [img][/img] So while I assume it’s just Norton freaking out, it is blocking me from properly shuffling around my coliseum team, as well as putting up this big alert that only serves to make me Very Spooked every time I try to coli: [img][/img]

Browser(s) Used: Firefox
Device(s) Used: Laptop - Windows 10
Internet Connection Type: Wireless
Antivirus Installed: Norton

Same problem. Now AJAX makes me think it’s related to this:


And you see it crop up a bunch in soft refresh-like uses, like this one:


So while I assume it’s just Norton freaking out, it is blocking me from properly shuffling around my coliseum team, as well as putting up this big alert that only serves to make me Very Spooked every time I try to coli:

+8 FR Time
Local Pyro
I'm having the same issue with not being able to change my coli team member and Norton
I'm having the same issue with not being able to change my coli team member and Norton