used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
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TOPIC | Theme Week: Gaolers!
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[center]this is Rend, who will be given shardflank c:
and this is Malice, who will be given Scorpion c:
Mufasa and Sarabi:
She is named Durga
Will keep wrong doers in check.
She is named Durga
Will keep wrong doers in check.
Gen one cutie
My first two "Jailer" babies [emoji=gaoler love size=50]
he was a fae beserker before, now gaoler-fied he fits his personality so much better!
Might breed-change this guy!
bought a pair to make into lovely, lovely gaolers, but unfortunately i dont have a gene plan yet. Soon tho!
I used one of my Scrolls on Sunny, formerly a Spiral, and...she turned into a scrambled egg X)
She has a plan, however, and I loved her Piebald/Paint before, but those Gnarlhorns in addition are amazing. I'm also considering Wintercoat.
We're working on finding her a nice mate that covers a good Nature palette!
I used one of my Scrolls on Sunny, formerly a Spiral, and...she turned into a scrambled egg X)
She has a plan, however, and I loved her Piebald/Paint before, but those Gnarlhorns in addition are amazing. I'm also considering Wintercoat.
We're working on finding her a nice mate that covers a good Nature palette!
She has a plan, however, and I loved her Piebald/Paint before, but those Gnarlhorns in addition are amazing. I'm also considering Wintercoat.
We're working on finding her a nice mate that covers a good Nature palette!
Finally, the PERFECT Lisa Frank dragon! Bless their long furry tails [emoji=gaoler love size=1]
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