
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | AH - Retrieve error and empty pages
Same issue here!
(Chrome, Windows 10, Laptop)

-Apparel 1st page
-Dragons up to page 14 (Also Arcane auctions 1st page)
-Familiars up to page 6
Same issue here!
(Chrome, Windows 10, Laptop)

-Apparel 1st page
-Dragons up to page 14 (Also Arcane auctions 1st page)
-Familiars up to page 6
| Wishlist | Shiny Hunting | Dream Dragons | Wanted Art List |
Seeing the same thing as everyone else here, in all tabs
Seeing the same thing as everyone else here, in all tabs
always lurking. g1 collector
I've got the same problem after page 8 or so there are sometimes two or three visible entrys, but that's it.
I've got the same problem after page 8 or so there are sometimes two or three visible entrys, but that's it.
Same here, unfortunately.
Same here, unfortunately.
Hot fix when :c
Hot fix when :c
Also no dragons show up in the AH. Empty pages. Use Firefox Browser and tried with Crome, same thing.
Hope it will be fixed in the near future :)
Also no dragons show up in the AH. Empty pages. Use Firefox Browser and tried with Crome, same thing.
Hope it will be fixed in the near future :)
Wishlist 39889572.png
I need this Skin -->
Same problem here, invisible auctions including my own.

I know I've got at least 100 pinecones listed for 1 gem each but they are invisible to me on the AH.
Same problem here, invisible auctions including my own.

I know I've got at least 100 pinecones listed for 1 gem each but they are invisible to me on the AH.
Flight Rising: Where people spend thousands of gems to make dragons look pretty and then cover it all up with clothes and skins.
Same issue here, Materials, Apparel, Dragons and Familiars aren't loading anything for me.
Same issue here, Materials, Apparel, Dragons and Familiars aren't loading anything for me.
This has been going on for 5 hours now without any news...
This has been going on for 5 hours now without any news...
dancing in the moonlight

Empty for me also.
Empty for me also.