
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | How did you start out?
Oh wow, an admin thread :D! Man, FR staff is the best. I always love how friendly all of you are, and how you engage with the community.

I first heard of Flight Rising on a Reddit thread. I wanted to sign up, but there were no regular reg windows back then (I love the welcome weeks, btw. Gives both a sense of celebration to welcome new players as well as regularly opening registration.) I got bored just stalking the front page in hopes of a reg window, so I started getting into FR in other ways.

I read all about the Flights and dragon breeds on the wiki. I chose my Flight, came up with lore ideas I wanted for my future clan, and started trying to figure out what kinds of dragons I'd be interested in. I started clicking the random front page dragons and tracing all the way up their ancestry, seeing the different kinds of dragons that were possible with various gene/color/breed combos. They were all so pretty! I wanted every last one, haha. I also noticed that children could have drastically different colors than their parents. This is when I started learning about the color wheel.

I was so excited when I got to design my custom progen and started my clan. (Wish I had known more about how genes and colors interact though. I chose Ice and Midnight for my custom because they looked better than straight white/black, but I didn't realize that these colors had a blue tint with most genes. Regrets.) Some of the stuff I'd read about dragon prices was really outdated, so I assumed dragons cost a LOT of treasure. I picked up a few dragons from newbie threads (I still have one, Hydrangea) and started living in the fairgrounds to save up. Artifracture is good for the soul.

Finally I realized I had enough for a dragon, and in fact had gotten enough quite a while ago. But if I could have a dragon easily, I didn't want to just any dragon. I wanted the perfect dragon. I went to the Scrying Workshop and made the prettiest dragon I could imagine. See my lair for Prototype for that dragon, I started breeding and made her a reality.

That was the start of how I play. I scry pretty dragons, I buy parents off the AH, and I make those pretty dragons happen. My tastes in dragons have gotten more specific and unusual over time, so it has been increasingly a challenge to make those dragon dreams come true. With the old AH, finding parents was becoming too difficult and time-consuming for my projects to move forward. I was actually losing interest because of this. The AH revamp saved the game for me, and here I am drowning in fun dragon projects again! I have an entire folder of Scrying images saved on my computer.

My favorite thing about Flight Rising is that I feel like the staff actually cares. Every level of staff cares, not just one random guy on the PR team or something. I feel like everyone is dedicated to making this the best dragon game it can possibly be.

FR has problems, yes. I'm sure the entire staff has looong lists of complaints, bugs, and other issues memorized. But every game has problems. With FR, I feel like the staff is actively seeking to understand and solve the root of these problems. Take Night of the Nocturne, for example. I hear the first one was a bit of a catastrophe. The staff recognized that it went poorly, searched for the roots of the problem, and took steps to make it better the next time. And their efforts paid off. That's absolutely amazing.

Too many games know they have problems, but don't care about fixing them as long as money is being made. Or they throw some band-aid fix at the complaints to pacify the players without ever looking for the root cause of the problems. Games like this wouldn't care that the Auction House dragon tab was difficult to search, and they wouldn't care if a handful of users left because of it. Flight Rising being different is what makes me continue to play, and what made the game good enough to attract my attention in the first place.

(Plus the game isn't bogged down with half a million pay to win microtransactions, so that's a breath of fresh air as well.)
Oh wow, an admin thread :D! Man, FR staff is the best. I always love how friendly all of you are, and how you engage with the community.

I first heard of Flight Rising on a Reddit thread. I wanted to sign up, but there were no regular reg windows back then (I love the welcome weeks, btw. Gives both a sense of celebration to welcome new players as well as regularly opening registration.) I got bored just stalking the front page in hopes of a reg window, so I started getting into FR in other ways.

I read all about the Flights and dragon breeds on the wiki. I chose my Flight, came up with lore ideas I wanted for my future clan, and started trying to figure out what kinds of dragons I'd be interested in. I started clicking the random front page dragons and tracing all the way up their ancestry, seeing the different kinds of dragons that were possible with various gene/color/breed combos. They were all so pretty! I wanted every last one, haha. I also noticed that children could have drastically different colors than their parents. This is when I started learning about the color wheel.

I was so excited when I got to design my custom progen and started my clan. (Wish I had known more about how genes and colors interact though. I chose Ice and Midnight for my custom because they looked better than straight white/black, but I didn't realize that these colors had a blue tint with most genes. Regrets.) Some of the stuff I'd read about dragon prices was really outdated, so I assumed dragons cost a LOT of treasure. I picked up a few dragons from newbie threads (I still have one, Hydrangea) and started living in the fairgrounds to save up. Artifracture is good for the soul.

Finally I realized I had enough for a dragon, and in fact had gotten enough quite a while ago. But if I could have a dragon easily, I didn't want to just any dragon. I wanted the perfect dragon. I went to the Scrying Workshop and made the prettiest dragon I could imagine. See my lair for Prototype for that dragon, I started breeding and made her a reality.

That was the start of how I play. I scry pretty dragons, I buy parents off the AH, and I make those pretty dragons happen. My tastes in dragons have gotten more specific and unusual over time, so it has been increasingly a challenge to make those dragon dreams come true. With the old AH, finding parents was becoming too difficult and time-consuming for my projects to move forward. I was actually losing interest because of this. The AH revamp saved the game for me, and here I am drowning in fun dragon projects again! I have an entire folder of Scrying images saved on my computer.

My favorite thing about Flight Rising is that I feel like the staff actually cares. Every level of staff cares, not just one random guy on the PR team or something. I feel like everyone is dedicated to making this the best dragon game it can possibly be.

FR has problems, yes. I'm sure the entire staff has looong lists of complaints, bugs, and other issues memorized. But every game has problems. With FR, I feel like the staff is actively seeking to understand and solve the root of these problems. Take Night of the Nocturne, for example. I hear the first one was a bit of a catastrophe. The staff recognized that it went poorly, searched for the roots of the problem, and took steps to make it better the next time. And their efforts paid off. That's absolutely amazing.

Too many games know they have problems, but don't care about fixing them as long as money is being made. Or they throw some band-aid fix at the complaints to pacify the players without ever looking for the root cause of the problems. Games like this wouldn't care that the Auction House dragon tab was difficult to search, and they wouldn't care if a handful of users left because of it. Flight Rising being different is what makes me continue to play, and what made the game good enough to attract my attention in the first place.

(Plus the game isn't bogged down with half a million pay to win microtransactions, so that's a breath of fresh air as well.)
The RNG taketh, and the RNG taketh more. The RNG does not give.
Hoard style apparel guide (!image heavy!)
Small art shop!
I was playing another pet site and I think I heard about it there? Went to check it out, liked the lore and aesthetics and decided to join. I made my friend buy me two dragons I found using the site search and made up some lore for my progen. I got super excited on the registration date, since I'd been waiting a couple months. I originally thought I'd join Shadow for lore purposes, but I wound up in Light. Very glad about that, as I love my flight.

I'm mostly here because it's a casual pet site. I feel like I can put any amount of time into it that I want. I'm not forced to log in every day, but I do it anyway. I've found I really like breeding and how easy it is to acquire money here (at least for me). Dragon dressup is also pretty satisfying.

What keeps me engaged is the same as above, really. It's a casual site that I can play when I want and enjoy doing whatever I feel like. I can just log on, grab my dailies and log off if I want to. At the moment, that's breeding projects and fodder breeding. I used to really like exalting, too--it's a steady source of treasure and I found it relaxing. I don't do it so much now, but I like pitching in for the occasional dom battle or push.
I was playing another pet site and I think I heard about it there? Went to check it out, liked the lore and aesthetics and decided to join. I made my friend buy me two dragons I found using the site search and made up some lore for my progen. I got super excited on the registration date, since I'd been waiting a couple months. I originally thought I'd join Shadow for lore purposes, but I wound up in Light. Very glad about that, as I love my flight.

I'm mostly here because it's a casual pet site. I feel like I can put any amount of time into it that I want. I'm not forced to log in every day, but I do it anyway. I've found I really like breeding and how easy it is to acquire money here (at least for me). Dragon dressup is also pretty satisfying.

What keeps me engaged is the same as above, really. It's a casual site that I can play when I want and enjoy doing whatever I feel like. I can just log on, grab my dailies and log off if I want to. At the moment, that's breeding projects and fodder breeding. I used to really like exalting, too--it's a steady source of treasure and I found it relaxing. I don't do it so much now, but I like pitching in for the occasional dom battle or push.
I got into Flight Rising because someone I followed on Tumblr posted a link during a registration window. I've always been interested in pet sites and dress up games and figured I'd give it a shot. I Iove how many options there are for geneing and dressing up dragons, there's so many options between hatching and geneing gen 1s or breeding for particular combos.

I really like the Flight Rising community, as a whole it's a wonderful and positive place. Wind, especially, has a lot of great people and even though I've not been as active lately due to RL stuff I've had a lot of fun chatting with fellow Windies and that's kept me coming back through times when my interest has waned slightly.

I think the thing that most sets this game apart is that there's so much flexibility for what you can do on the site. There's a lot of different things for different people, and with the way the flight system is set up people can find a niche that best fits them. And then even if someone's interests change, they can always move to a different flight that they feel better fits them.
I got into Flight Rising because someone I followed on Tumblr posted a link during a registration window. I've always been interested in pet sites and dress up games and figured I'd give it a shot. I Iove how many options there are for geneing and dressing up dragons, there's so many options between hatching and geneing gen 1s or breeding for particular combos.

I really like the Flight Rising community, as a whole it's a wonderful and positive place. Wind, especially, has a lot of great people and even though I've not been as active lately due to RL stuff I've had a lot of fun chatting with fellow Windies and that's kept me coming back through times when my interest has waned slightly.

I think the thing that most sets this game apart is that there's so much flexibility for what you can do on the site. There's a lot of different things for different people, and with the way the flight system is set up people can find a niche that best fits them. And then even if someone's interests change, they can always move to a different flight that they feel better fits them.
a bunch of friends from the Undertale fan group on the school of dragons forums recommended this game (and they all of which still play on here)

it's pretty popular over there
a bunch of friends from the Undertale fan group on the school of dragons forums recommended this game (and they all of which still play on here)

it's pretty popular over there
I have synesthesia 6kglit91v0.gif
Someone on some other social media recommended FR to me, but I can't remember where it was! I actually first learned about it a few years ago (I could've been an oldie!), but it wasn't welcome week, and I kind of forgot about it after that until this past December.

I really like the forums, and the community is fantastic here. That's why I stay - people here are usually ridiculously nice, and more than once someone has just given me things because they had the resources and I didn't. I can't think of any other site where things like that happen. People are just nice here.
Someone on some other social media recommended FR to me, but I can't remember where it was! I actually first learned about it a few years ago (I could've been an oldie!), but it wasn't welcome week, and I kind of forgot about it after that until this past December.

I really like the forums, and the community is fantastic here. That's why I stay - people here are usually ridiculously nice, and more than once someone has just given me things because they had the resources and I didn't. I can't think of any other site where things like that happen. People are just nice here.
I've always loved petsites. I joined neopets in 2004; subeta in 2007 and a whole host of others the next year. I was REALLY into valenth when this site opened. I'd actually read about FR ages before on virtualpetlist, but forgot about it and thus didn't get to join the kickstarter.

I joined the day reg opened up, and haven't looked back since. What drew me in was the art. I'd never seen a petsite with such high quality and VERY customizable art before. I was used to neopets and subeta-- you get a few poses with limited colors that come out randomly. The system here was soooo different and I loved discovering new color combos that I loved. It was an adventure.

As far as what continues to keep me engaged, well that's the dragons. I love collecting them. The community itself doesn't interest me much (I'm getting better at actually replying on the forums though-- i've been here for 4 years and still don't have 1k posts, oops) but the dragons, the items, the familiars, that's what keeps me coming back. I love seeing what new and creative apparel items pop up, i adore the new genes even if they aren't something I'd personally use. I always try to give everything a fair shot, though!

tl;dr- i love FR
I've always loved petsites. I joined neopets in 2004; subeta in 2007 and a whole host of others the next year. I was REALLY into valenth when this site opened. I'd actually read about FR ages before on virtualpetlist, but forgot about it and thus didn't get to join the kickstarter.

I joined the day reg opened up, and haven't looked back since. What drew me in was the art. I'd never seen a petsite with such high quality and VERY customizable art before. I was used to neopets and subeta-- you get a few poses with limited colors that come out randomly. The system here was soooo different and I loved discovering new color combos that I loved. It was an adventure.

As far as what continues to keep me engaged, well that's the dragons. I love collecting them. The community itself doesn't interest me much (I'm getting better at actually replying on the forums though-- i've been here for 4 years and still don't have 1k posts, oops) but the dragons, the items, the familiars, that's what keeps me coming back. I love seeing what new and creative apparel items pop up, i adore the new genes even if they aren't something I'd personally use. I always try to give everything a fair shot, though!

tl;dr- i love FR
When I was in 8th grade, one of my friends was on her phone, before we left to go to our annual Thanksgiving field trip. I asked her what she was looking at, and she showed me dragons! I was immediately hooked since dragons were one of my special interests. I made an account, and boom, here I am!
When I was in 8th grade, one of my friends was on her phone, before we left to go to our annual Thanksgiving field trip. I asked her what she was looking at, and she showed me dragons! I was immediately hooked since dragons were one of my special interests. I made an account, and boom, here I am!
An online friend told me about registration. I came on a referral! The only other petsite I've been on was Neopets and I didn't like what staff did to the place, so I left. It became super merchandised and the poses felt unoriginal. Also, all of the 'best' Neopets were very exclusive. There wasn't the feeling that you could achieve what you like with hard work - or if you could, it would take forever.

Flight Rising also has really nice people. I love how the forums are organized and when I joined everyone was very generous - it inspires me to do the same once I'm more established.
An online friend told me about registration. I came on a referral! The only other petsite I've been on was Neopets and I didn't like what staff did to the place, so I left. It became super merchandised and the poses felt unoriginal. Also, all of the 'best' Neopets were very exclusive. There wasn't the feeling that you could achieve what you like with hard work - or if you could, it would take forever.

Flight Rising also has really nice people. I love how the forums are organized and when I joined everyone was very generous - it inspires me to do the same once I'm more established.

I really liked collecting "rare" or "valuable" dragons. That's pretty subjective, at the time it was triples. Now it's older dragons.

I've sort of hit my goal for what I think I can reasonably achieve, so it would be nice if there were more things that could make a dragon rare or limited.
I really liked collecting "rare" or "valuable" dragons. That's pretty subjective, at the time it was triples. Now it's older dragons.

I've sort of hit my goal for what I think I can reasonably achieve, so it would be nice if there were more things that could make a dragon rare or limited.
Artists I follow in other websites usually posted FR related artwork commissions, and I saw dragons, a link to the page in the descriptions, and lore about the dragons... And after a few times I finally biten the link and navigated trough the enciclopedia and fell in love with the game's lore. The window registration was closed so I followed the tumblr page to catch the next registration week. And then I signed.

I was reading a lot about the game before even deciding to join, so I was already determined on what to have and do. I started to build my clan of dragon warriors inspired in npcs of a custom tabletop rpg I played long ago w/friends, so I was in need of both join Dom and make some treasure.

But I didn't taken into account the incredibly awesomeness of the community, specially how supportive was gonna be my flight (Plague), which encouraged and helped me to grow rapidly. I wanted to be of help with such fervor and dedication... when I obtained mu first quest badge with less than a month playing, my fellows gifted me a pack of battle stones to build myself a complete trainer dragon! Yes, with Eliminate included. And since then I haven't stop the fodder training xD

I think Dominance is a great part of the game, since it's a community oriented challenge. It strengthens the community and helps keep the game refreshed. Bad thing I'm getting tired of the coli.

So I keep always following all the flights efforts to take dom (both for lore and money reasons), developing lore for my clan, following other people's lore, and commenting from time to time in topics like this one. Now I don't have much time to do everything, but I hope I'll keep in this game for a lot of time~

And I've shown the game to my nephews, so probably they'll join this month's welcome week~
Artists I follow in other websites usually posted FR related artwork commissions, and I saw dragons, a link to the page in the descriptions, and lore about the dragons... And after a few times I finally biten the link and navigated trough the enciclopedia and fell in love with the game's lore. The window registration was closed so I followed the tumblr page to catch the next registration week. And then I signed.

I was reading a lot about the game before even deciding to join, so I was already determined on what to have and do. I started to build my clan of dragon warriors inspired in npcs of a custom tabletop rpg I played long ago w/friends, so I was in need of both join Dom and make some treasure.

But I didn't taken into account the incredibly awesomeness of the community, specially how supportive was gonna be my flight (Plague), which encouraged and helped me to grow rapidly. I wanted to be of help with such fervor and dedication... when I obtained mu first quest badge with less than a month playing, my fellows gifted me a pack of battle stones to build myself a complete trainer dragon! Yes, with Eliminate included. And since then I haven't stop the fodder training xD

I think Dominance is a great part of the game, since it's a community oriented challenge. It strengthens the community and helps keep the game refreshed. Bad thing I'm getting tired of the coli.

So I keep always following all the flights efforts to take dom (both for lore and money reasons), developing lore for my clan, following other people's lore, and commenting from time to time in topics like this one. Now I don't have much time to do everything, but I hope I'll keep in this game for a lot of time~

And I've shown the game to my nephews, so probably they'll join this month's welcome week~
Do what comes natural~
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