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TOPIC | [GG Event] Pokemon GO-Closed
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Took me way longer than planned to get the challenges up, so will give you guys until 12 pm FR time tomorrow to complete it :)

Took me way longer than planned to get the challenges up, so will give you guys until 12 pm FR time tomorrow to complete it :)
I buy all plushies, 1:60t!
Current plush count: 105,561
[b]Username:[/b] CirceR [b]Pokemon GO Team: [/b] VALOR [b]Easy or Hard Challenge:[/b] Easy Challenge Saturday [b]Screenshot(s):[/b] [img][/img] [b] Other:[/b] Sending in 4kt in case I catch a Ditto for the Hard Challenge today.
Username: CirceR
Pokemon GO Team: VALOR
Easy or Hard Challenge: Easy Challenge Saturday
Screenshot(s): y9YphKg.png
Other: Sending in 4kt in case I catch a Ditto for the Hard Challenge today.

Username: 80MinToMidnight
Pokemon GO Team: Mystic
Easy or Hard Challenge: Easy
Screenshot(s): Easy - Dance wiggly, dance!
Other: I caught a Pupitar while I was doing all that walking yesterday!!! :D My bf was losing his mind as we raced over to where it was on the map because it said, :The pokemon has fled".
Username: 80MinToMidnight
Pokemon GO Team: Mystic
Easy or Hard Challenge: Easy
Screenshot(s): Easy - Dance wiggly, dance!
Other: I caught a Pupitar while I was doing all that walking yesterday!!! :D My bf was losing his mind as we raced over to where it was on the map because it said, :The pokemon has fled".
Username: PedestrianWolf
Pokemon GO Team: Instinct
Easy or Hard Challenge: Saturday Easy
Screenshot(s): https://******/photos/21FKonNVsSJyH7VC8
Other: I caught every pidgey, rattata, and sentret I came across, but no dittos today

Username: PedestrianWolf
Pokemon GO Team: Instinct
Easy or Hard Challenge: Saturday Easy
Screenshot(s): https://******/photos/21FKonNVsSJyH7VC8
Other: I caught every pidgey, rattata, and sentret I came across, but no dittos today

I've never even SEEN a ditto "in the wild"...How do you find them? Are they disguised as other things?

I also don't know how to activate a pokemon's second move (special attack? whatever it's called) in battle, and it's been bugging me, heh.
I've never even SEEN a ditto "in the wild"...How do you find them? Are they disguised as other things?

I also don't know how to activate a pokemon's second move (special attack? whatever it's called) in battle, and it's been bugging me, heh.
NOTE: Dergs in my lair with scries are just ideas, & are subject to change/not final.
[b]Username:[/b] GardenWyrm [b]Pokemon GO Team:[/b] Mystic [b]Easy or Hard Challenge:[/b] Easy [b]Screenshot(s):[/b] [img][/img]
Username: GardenWyrm
Pokemon GO Team: Mystic
Easy or Hard Challenge: Easy
Screenshot(s): tumblr_oqn69z6glU1s2erpmo1_1280.png
tumblr_ntpomveVBX1tm17oeo5_75sq.png tumblr_od0azcs3HT1s2erpmo2_100.pngtumblr_p6tkjckJgZ1s2erpmo2_r2_250.pngtumblr_od0azcs3HT1s2erpmo1_100.pngtumblr_ntpomveVBX1tm17oeo6_75sq.png
Username: ThisOneIsBlue
Pokemon GO Team: Mystic
Easy or Hard Challenge: Easy
Screenshot(s): Easy
Extra Credit
Username: ThisOneIsBlue
Pokemon GO Team: Mystic
Easy or Hard Challenge: Easy
Screenshot(s): Easy
Extra Credit
@VioletWhirlwind Ditto is usually disguised as a very common pokemon, like rattata for example. You won't know it's a ditto until you've caught the pokemon, upon which it will go "Oh?" and then a transformation animation. So basically catch a bunch of common pokemon and eventually you'll get one. Since the quick move is just a tap, once the charge bar is full you can use the charge move by just holding the tap longer. [b]Username:[/b] acheronta [b]Pokemon GO Team: [/b] Instinct [b]Easy or Hard Challenge:[/b] Easy [b]Screenshot(s):[/b] [img][/img] [b]Other:[/b] i'm too lazy to take a new screenshot so here's when i stuck a 10 cp ditto in a gym for kicks lol i hope this counts xD @DerbyGirl Please add me to the ping list!

Ditto is usually disguised as a very common pokemon, like rattata for example. You won't know it's a ditto until you've caught the pokemon, upon which it will go "Oh?" and then a transformation animation. So basically catch a bunch of common pokemon and eventually you'll get one.

Since the quick move is just a tap, once the charge bar is full you can use the charge move by just holding the tap longer.

Username: acheronta
Pokemon GO Team: Instinct
Easy or Hard Challenge: Easy
Screenshot(s): fMqYIx8.png
Other: i'm too lazy to take a new screenshot so here's when i stuck a 10 cp ditto in a gym for kicks lol i hope this counts xD


Please add me to the ping list!
@Leopardmask did not receive any payment from you for Friday's entry so it did not count. D:

Friday easy winner: @Reaper200
Friday hard winner: @80MinToMidnight

@Jaruga did not see your request for the pinglist until just now since I was at a convention all day, just a fyi Saturday's challenges were extended due to that so you still have time to enter:)

@acheronta this was a week long event and today was the last day, so would be a bit pointless for me to add you D: I am fine with that counting towards the easy challenge, don't forget to send the fee for it to count :)
@Leopardmask did not receive any payment from you for Friday's entry so it did not count. D:

Friday easy winner: @Reaper200
Friday hard winner: @80MinToMidnight

@Jaruga did not see your request for the pinglist until just now since I was at a convention all day, just a fyi Saturday's challenges were extended due to that so you still have time to enter:)

@acheronta this was a week long event and today was the last day, so would be a bit pointless for me to add you D: I am fine with that counting towards the easy challenge, don't forget to send the fee for it to count :)
I buy all plushies, 1:60t!
Current plush count: 105,561

whoops i misread the dates! i'll send the payment in for that one challenge then :D

whoops i misread the dates! i'll send the payment in for that one challenge then :D
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