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DerbyGirl's Clan

Lover of Muffins, Home of Sornieth's Largest Plush Hoard
Ancient Lair
in the roots of the
Behemoth icon

Clan Info

A note- I do log on from both my laptop and my phone!

Please also note I have a bunch of events and conventions this month, am still trying to check my messages daily though. :)

This is an exalting lair-if I buy a dragon it is very likely to be exalted.


Chicken Smoothie's declared official Queen of Brown, and one of the finest collection of brown dragons you'll find on FR! Also home to the biggest plush hoard on FR, watch my forum signature for an up to date counter.
You find
strolling along
through the
Viridian Labyrinth,
no end to the vines, trees
and plants...until you
upon a unusual and
rare clearing. A very large
log building stood before
you, smoke billowing
out from a stout chimney.
To the left side of the
building was a pond
appearing to be filled
with mammertees and
kelp tenders sipping
martinis, and the right
was a very large garden
filled with wheat
and various berry plants.

A huge grey form could be in front of the building. As you approach, you could see it was a guardian dragon. He can hear your footsteps, there was no denying that as he lifts his great head to stare hard at you. Seeing your curious and confused face, with his tail he points to a large sign over the door.

Welcome to the lair of fluff, brown, and all
things natural and delicious-The Royal Muffin Bakery! Dragons from all flights are welcome here so long as they are willing to work for their keep. The bakery is always open, and there is never a dull moment!

The dragons here have an odd sense of life; believing in doughnuts, alicorn muffins, and having hoarding issues.

I am a roleplaying lair; letters, roleplay messages, etc are always welcome and will be replied to!

Side note that the gene plan is kinda out of date lol. Wishlist is not.


For more fun, visit the Royal Muffin Bakery playlist! http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7eKVHOY3_cJtKculYeh7hJxSLmHlEKP_

Recent Comments

LaceWhiskey's avatar
December 24, 2021 16:37:53
Merry Christmas!
McKellsen's avatar
May 25, 2021 12:20:43
Senpai was on the front page! She is beyond stunning!! <3
Oliss' avatar
December 17, 2020 17:01:17
Turin was on the front page! He's super handsome!
Hydravivum's avatar
January 02, 2019 09:46:21
hey, you're finally back! are you still collecting mammertee plushes? :)
ChillInAForest's avatar
August 16, 2018 17:50:48
what a lovely avatar
Hydravivum's avatar
July 06, 2018 11:30:08
whenever you log back on, I have mammertee plushies for you! :) Senpai's firstborn, Truffle, is still living peacefully in my lair!
LaceWhiskey's avatar
February 02, 2018 06:13:48
Popping in to see how you are. Been a while. n . n;; Would love to see you back on here some day.
CaligulasPeri's avatar
August 31, 2017 13:15:11
Heya! I got a bunch of free Mammertee plushies to deliver! Are you still collecting em?
SwishyIsBroken's avatar
June 12, 2017 23:36:31
I popped in over from CS to look at Senpai and realized he was starving, u ok Derb?
Cao's avatar
May 08, 2017 19:17:07
gersh dernit. feed yer dergens. Cx
JamminWithJimon's avatar
April 12, 2017 09:21:41
Oh okay! I got really worried when I saw all of your dragons at 0!
JamminWithJimon's avatar
April 11, 2017 20:25:13
Are you still collecting mammertee plushies?
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Oct 23, 2013

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DaDwarf (#10942)

Please call me DD c:
Lukee's avatar
Lukee (#39459)

Everything changed when the fire clan attacked
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Kyar (#27623)

You meme the world to me
vetica's avatar
vetica (#42158)

your local arby's witch
felidae89's avatar
felidae89 (#20260)

I'm just your friendly neighborhood Dragon.
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CaptiveLegacy (#36115)
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Amethysts (#32789)
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HSoup (#11793)

Azuri's avatar
Azuri (#10694)

That one Fire Emblem nutjob.
Novadragon's avatar
Novadragon (#5878)

Home of the Forgemaster Kalo

Recent Activity

Feb 11
Became friends with shellybelly711
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Dec 25
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Nocturne Male, Nocturne Female
Feb 27
Became friends with Mysticwings62
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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