
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Bug Reports: Artifracture
Browser Used: Chrome
Browser Version: latest
Device Used: laptop
Device Operating System: Windows 7
Internet Connection Type: wireless
Antivirus Installed: Webroot
Antivirus Version: v

Describe the bug in detail: I'll usually have music on in another tab. If a youtube playlist ends and I'm playing Artifracture in another tab, and I quickly go to the youtube tab to restart it, the entire browser freezes and refuses to respond. This happens every time I do this. Sometimes I don't even have to interact with the youtube playlist, just view it, and the entire browser freezes. This doesn't happen if I just have one youtube video open. It only happens with playlists as far as I've experienced. It seems to only be youtube, because I can run and interact with Twitch or Bandcamp fine in another tab while playing Artifracture. No other sites I visit have this problem. It's just Artifracture + youtube playlists.

To fix the problem I have to close out of both the youtube and Artifracture tabs. This can take minutes when it's frozen if it happens at all. Or close and reboot the entire browser.
Browser Used: Chrome
Browser Version: latest
Device Used: laptop
Device Operating System: Windows 7
Internet Connection Type: wireless
Antivirus Installed: Webroot
Antivirus Version: v

Describe the bug in detail: I'll usually have music on in another tab. If a youtube playlist ends and I'm playing Artifracture in another tab, and I quickly go to the youtube tab to restart it, the entire browser freezes and refuses to respond. This happens every time I do this. Sometimes I don't even have to interact with the youtube playlist, just view it, and the entire browser freezes. This doesn't happen if I just have one youtube video open. It only happens with playlists as far as I've experienced. It seems to only be youtube, because I can run and interact with Twitch or Bandcamp fine in another tab while playing Artifracture. No other sites I visit have this problem. It's just Artifracture + youtube playlists.

To fix the problem I have to close out of both the youtube and Artifracture tabs. This can take minutes when it's frozen if it happens at all. Or close and reboot the entire browser.
Browser: Chrome
OS: Windows 7
Device: Laptop
Internet Connection: School Wireless (my university uses Shentel unfortunately...)
Antivirus: McAfee Livesafe, latest version

I also experience the game freezing after I pass about level 5. Generally, it freezes closer to level 10-ish. Time stops counting when it freezes. I've even had it completely freeze my browser once or twice.

(Also I am 10000% in support of a pause button, or at least having the game pause between levels (you can hit continue or quit).)
Browser: Chrome
OS: Windows 7
Device: Laptop
Internet Connection: School Wireless (my university uses Shentel unfortunately...)
Antivirus: McAfee Livesafe, latest version

I also experience the game freezing after I pass about level 5. Generally, it freezes closer to level 10-ish. Time stops counting when it freezes. I've even had it completely freeze my browser once or twice.

(Also I am 10000% in support of a pause button, or at least having the game pause between levels (you can hit continue or quit).)

Huh, I ran into an odd glitch just now when I went to a different tab and then went back to the game (which was on Game Over)


Browser(s) Used: Google Chrome

Browser(s) Version: Latest

Device(s) Used: Laptop

Device Operating System : Windows

Operating System Version : 8.1

Internet Connection Type: Home - Wireless

Antivirus Installed : Avast

Antivirus Version : One of the latest

Describe the bug in detail:

Went to do something on another tab after the game ended and was on the Game Over screen. I came back to it, clicked play again, which took me to the main screen of the game instead of restarting the game like it usually does. Push play, and it takes me to an unplayable screen of my last game, as in how it looked when I lost, score and amount of things I got done and everything. Nothing's clickable, timer's dead, cannot do anything until I refresh the page.

Also I don't know if it's a glitch, but the past couple of days I've been having a large influx of one specific colour on every level (one colour the whole time. It's always the orange). I get more of it than anything else when things fall down, it seems, regardless if it's a colour needed on the top or not. Might just be my luck, too.
Huh, I ran into an odd glitch just now when I went to a different tab and then went back to the game (which was on Game Over)


Browser(s) Used: Google Chrome

Browser(s) Version: Latest

Device(s) Used: Laptop

Device Operating System : Windows

Operating System Version : 8.1

Internet Connection Type: Home - Wireless

Antivirus Installed : Avast

Antivirus Version : One of the latest

Describe the bug in detail:

Went to do something on another tab after the game ended and was on the Game Over screen. I came back to it, clicked play again, which took me to the main screen of the game instead of restarting the game like it usually does. Push play, and it takes me to an unplayable screen of my last game, as in how it looked when I lost, score and amount of things I got done and everything. Nothing's clickable, timer's dead, cannot do anything until I refresh the page.

Also I don't know if it's a glitch, but the past couple of days I've been having a large influx of one specific colour on every level (one colour the whole time. It's always the orange). I get more of it than anything else when things fall down, it seems, regardless if it's a colour needed on the top or not. Might just be my luck, too.
Browser(s) Used: Google Chrome Browser(s) Version: Version 46.0.2490.71 m Device(s) Used: PC Device Operating System : Windows Operating System Version : 7 Home Premium Internet Connection Type: Home - Wireless Antivirus Installed : Microsoft Security Essentials Antivirus Version : Antimalware Client Version: Engine Version: 1.1.12205.0 Antivirus definition: Antispyware definition: Network Inspection System Engine Version: 2.1.11804.0 Network Inspection System Definition Version: Describe the bug in detail: Next level started, tiles didn't drop down and timer kept going, forcing me to quit the game. [img][/img] I do also have periodic instances where tiles won't swap and the timer continues to run down, even to the point where the "hint" for a swap kicks in, which is pretty annoying when you're in double-digit levels.
Browser(s) Used: Google Chrome

Browser(s) Version: Version 46.0.2490.71 m

Device(s) Used: PC

Device Operating System : Windows

Operating System Version : 7 Home Premium

Internet Connection Type: Home - Wireless

Antivirus Installed : Microsoft Security Essentials

Antivirus Version : Antimalware Client Version:
Engine Version: 1.1.12205.0
Antivirus definition:
Antispyware definition:
Network Inspection System Engine Version: 2.1.11804.0
Network Inspection System Definition Version:

Describe the bug in detail: Next level started, tiles didn't drop down and timer kept going, forcing me to quit the game.


I do also have periodic instances where tiles won't swap and the timer continues to run down, even to the point where the "hint" for a swap kicks in, which is pretty annoying when you're in double-digit levels.
Browser: Google Chrome, version 46.0.2490.80 Device: Laptop OS: Windows 7 Internet Connection: Wireless, Home Antivirus: AVG I've noticed the previous lags, tile misplacements, and timer glitches, and I would also ask that you put a pause button in, and perhaps change the game over sound, as it's extremely jarring and unpleasant to listen to. Also, Artifracture, unlike the other fairground games, doesn't seem to have the same mute system, as it never remembers my switching off the sound, unlike every other game. The biggest problem, though, is that artifracture takes up an incredible amount of memory. Yes, that giant amount of memory being taken up by that one chrome process in the task manager is the artifracture tab, and I've seen it take up more than 2 gigs of memory before. And no, it doesn't immediately take up that much, it starts off with between 1-2 hundred mb and then climbs extremely fast, this is the first game after opening artifracture. [img][/img]
Browser: Google Chrome, version 46.0.2490.80
Device: Laptop
OS: Windows 7
Internet Connection: Wireless, Home
Antivirus: AVG
I've noticed the previous lags, tile misplacements, and timer glitches, and I would also ask that you put a pause button in, and perhaps change the game over sound, as it's extremely jarring and unpleasant to listen to. Also, Artifracture, unlike the other fairground games, doesn't seem to have the same mute system, as it never remembers my switching off the sound, unlike every other game.
The biggest problem, though, is that artifracture takes up an incredible amount of memory. Yes, that giant amount of memory being taken up by that one chrome process in the task manager is the artifracture tab, and I've seen it take up more than 2 gigs of memory before. And no, it doesn't immediately take up that much, it starts off with between 1-2 hundred mb and then climbs extremely fast, this is the first game after opening artifracture.


dmEpGuD.pngspjFg3y.pngFeel free to talk to me about broadway/starkid any time!
Agreeing with the pause button

EDIT: Also,

Browser(s) Used

Browser(s) Version
46.0.2490.71 m

Device(s) Used

Device Operating System
Windows 7

Operating System Version

Internet Connection Type

Wired - DSL

Antivirus Installed
Microsoft Security Essentials

Antivirus Version

Describe the bug in detail:

I don't know if it was just artifacture's method of treasure-giving or if it was bc I won an entire day's gold in one game, but it was awarding treasure between rounds and instead of capping out it rolled over. Every game sees the new amount and it let me get more treasure the next play. I tried to replicate but it capped out normally the next time. Was playing over the course of 8-10 EST, not near the rollover (3 am here).
Agreeing with the pause button

EDIT: Also,

Browser(s) Used

Browser(s) Version
46.0.2490.71 m

Device(s) Used

Device Operating System
Windows 7

Operating System Version

Internet Connection Type

Wired - DSL

Antivirus Installed
Microsoft Security Essentials

Antivirus Version

Describe the bug in detail:

I don't know if it was just artifacture's method of treasure-giving or if it was bc I won an entire day's gold in one game, but it was awarding treasure between rounds and instead of capping out it rolled over. Every game sees the new amount and it let me get more treasure the next play. I tried to replicate but it capped out normally the next time. Was playing over the course of 8-10 EST, not near the rollover (3 am here).
Browser Used: Chrome
Browser Version: latest
Device Used: laptop
Device Operating System: Windows 8
Internet Connection Type: wireless
Antivirus Installed: AVG
Antivirus Version: latest

Describe the bug in detail: Completely crashes the browser following my clicking 'quit game', lasting at least 5mins each time. Also, a pause button would be much appreciated.
Browser Used: Chrome
Browser Version: latest
Device Used: laptop
Device Operating System: Windows 8
Internet Connection Type: wireless
Antivirus Installed: AVG
Antivirus Version: latest

Describe the bug in detail: Completely crashes the browser following my clicking 'quit game', lasting at least 5mins each time. Also, a pause button would be much appreciated.
Browser(s) Used

Browser(s) Version

Device(s) Used

Device Operating System
Windows 7

Internet Connection Type
Wireless, Home

Antivirus Installed

Antivirus Version

Describe the bug in detail:
I have had a number of problems. The most annoying is that randomly stones will become unmovable. I have to click on other stones and then click back over to the ones I want to move several times before I can move them. The time continues counting while this is occurring, making it much harder to play.

I had this occur tonight along with issues with unresponsiveness,

Also, a pause button would be nice.
Browser(s) Used

Browser(s) Version

Device(s) Used

Device Operating System
Windows 7

Internet Connection Type
Wireless, Home

Antivirus Installed

Antivirus Version

Describe the bug in detail:
I have had a number of problems. The most annoying is that randomly stones will become unmovable. I have to click on other stones and then click back over to the ones I want to move several times before I can move them. The time continues counting while this is occurring, making it much harder to play.

I had this occur tonight along with issues with unresponsiveness,

Also, a pause button would be nice.
Curious freeze up happened to me today Browser(s) Used Google Chrome Browser(s) Version Version 46.0.2490.80 m Device(s) Used Laptop Device Operating System Windows 8 Operating System Version 64-bit operating system Internet Connection Type Home Wireless Antivirus Installed Malwarebytes Describe the bug in detail: I'm not sure if this was just a one off thing, but as I was progressing to the next level and the tiles were loading down the display froze. I couldn't interact with anything or any of the rocks in the game but the timer was still counting down and the music was still playing. I had just clicked through the "Stage Complete!" popup to load the next level immediately but instead it froze. Include any screenshots you think may be relevant. Here is the screenshot I grabbed [img][/img] Also in support of some sort of pause button
Curious freeze up happened to me today

Browser(s) Used
Google Chrome

Browser(s) Version
Version 46.0.2490.80 m

Device(s) Used

Device Operating System
Windows 8

Operating System Version
64-bit operating system

Internet Connection Type

Home Wireless

Antivirus Installed

Describe the bug in detail:
I'm not sure if this was just a one off thing, but as I was progressing to the next level and the tiles were loading down the display froze. I couldn't interact with anything or any of the rocks in the game but the timer was still counting down and the music was still playing. I had just clicked through the "Stage Complete!" popup to load the next level immediately but instead it froze.

Include any screenshots you think may be relevant.
Here is the screenshot I grabbed
Also in support of some sort of pause button