
General Discussion

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heh words. I do understand some words, if I do say so myself

God, I'm bored
I have 99 personal projects and I'm still bored. I wanna talk with my friends aaagh
heh words. I do understand some words, if I do say so myself

God, I'm bored
I have 99 personal projects and I'm still bored. I wanna talk with my friends aaagh
Neon.png You start with an impossible goal: defeating the unbeatable enemy. And then you do whatever you gotta do to achieve it! Because even you can't know how much potential you have until you push yourself past your limits. THAT'S how you make yourself not just stronger... but stronger than you ever imagined you could be!

that's a yikes from me, chief
that's a yikes from me, chief

I finally got my kindle working again!!
I finally got my kindle working again!!
Just a Guy from the void who cannot live without coffee
Download a nearly 35 GB game for HPL 3.5 vs HPL 2 with a 2 GB game. :| Like I know I don't have the space but I wanna play around with 3.5 ;_; Am I going to cave and delete something? M a y b e. S o.
Download a nearly 35 GB game for HPL 3.5 vs HPL 2 with a 2 GB game. :| Like I know I don't have the space but I wanna play around with 3.5 ;_; Am I going to cave and delete something? M a y b e. S o.
PWYW G1s/Free G1s
where do i post to ask for help with my cats weight...
i suppose reddit might be a good option?????? but man i dont want to make a reddit account
edit: i made an account. now to wait
where do i post to ask for help with my cats weight...
i suppose reddit might be a good option?????? but man i dont want to make a reddit account
edit: i made an account. now to wait
c7f927562db794324e2d8df76f939ee553b9c321.png Wishlist
Project Journal
No work tomorrow!

Celebrating the day off with chai tea and instant noodles
No work tomorrow!

Celebrating the day off with chai tea and instant noodles
2aoyUTU.png My wood carvings

Got ancients?
I just put an obscene amount of treasure into the Raffle and am probably gonna put more in and I found out my husband is doing the same but we're hoping for different prizes. Oh boy imagine we both win hhh
I just put an obscene amount of treasure into the Raffle and am probably gonna put more in and I found out my husband is doing the same but we're hoping for different prizes. Oh boy imagine we both win hhh
Neurodivergent Nonbinary Adult
Any Pronouns, No Preference

I have a processing disorder and I'm notoriously awful at math so patience is highly appreciated.

Feel free to ping me; I appreciate serious and silly pings!

My Questboard and Wishlist!
Going into the scrying workshop today was a bad idea. Made at least one pair of scries for every (current) ancient breed.
Going into the scrying workshop today was a bad idea. Made at least one pair of scries for every (current) ancient breed.
FR time +9
pings OK
technically not a current thought but
i was not expecting to learn today that tiny planets of all things had a virtual world related to it
we had (maybe not all of) the cassettes for the series how did we not know about the virtual world
how did we know about and sign up for fight my monster and not the tiny planets virtual world
i would've loved to learn the lore of the world
technically not a current thought but
i was not expecting to learn today that tiny planets of all things had a virtual world related to it
we had (maybe not all of) the cassettes for the series how did we not know about the virtual world
how did we know about and sign up for fight my monster and not the tiny planets virtual world
i would've loved to learn the lore of the world

wip sig pls bear with i'm new to this stuff
Watching Architectural Digest, imagining having money. Or owning a house lol
Watching Architectural Digest, imagining having money. Or owning a house lol
PWYW G1s/Free G1s