
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Are you an old-timer?
[indent][font=candara]Ah yes I'm an Ancient One, I suppose! Joined June 2013 haha. Couldn't join day one the site was open because it just straight up wouldn't load for me, that's how bad the lag was then. Joined the second day, though, and I've been here ever since! /grandma voice My username was Toothless back then. Didn't change it until WAY, WAY later, too. Then I was Sylphiette, then dokidokibunni. And now my current name. :P I can't believe just how long ago that was. Mad props to the [b]Elder Gods[/b] AKA Kickstarter backers and beta testers. Ya'll are wild, and I admire you. I think my favorite memory was how literally INSANE the first Brightshine was omg. There was SO. MUCH. LAG. Also! I remember registration windows because it was the only way to temporarily solve the lag issue! I can't say it was a favorite memory, but I did enjoy frantically running around IRL saying that there was a new reg window so any IRL friends of mine that wanted in on my dragon site needed to make sure they were ready lmao. I also remember when Boston and Hope were a popular dragon couple... trend? I guess? Idk I miss that. :') Also forever ago when the site was brand new and in the Wind forums, there were several threads dedicated to parsing out just what makes up the Wind aesthetic & culture, and I remember participating in them and having such a great time with adding in and supporting the ideas and influences that are still seen to this day! It's so WILD to think about that. [emoji=wind rune size=1]
Ah yes I'm an Ancient One, I suppose! Joined June 2013 haha. Couldn't join day one the site was open because it just straight up wouldn't load for me, that's how bad the lag was then. Joined the second day, though, and I've been here ever since! /grandma voice

My username was Toothless back then. Didn't change it until WAY, WAY later, too. Then I was Sylphiette, then dokidokibunni. And now my current name. :P

I can't believe just how long ago that was. Mad props to the Elder Gods AKA Kickstarter backers and beta testers. Ya'll are wild, and I admire you.

I think my favorite memory was how literally INSANE the first Brightshine was omg. There was SO. MUCH. LAG.

Also! I remember registration windows because it was the only way to temporarily solve the lag issue! I can't say it was a favorite memory, but I did enjoy frantically running around IRL saying that there was a new reg window so any IRL friends of mine that wanted in on my dragon site needed to make sure they were ready lmao.

I also remember when Boston and Hope were a popular dragon couple... trend? I guess? Idk I miss that. :')

Also forever ago when the site was brand new and in the Wind forums, there were several threads dedicated to parsing out just what makes up the Wind aesthetic & culture, and I remember participating in them and having such a great time with adding in and supporting the ideas and influences that are still seen to this day! It's so WILD to think about that.
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Some current special interests: Hololive, Ironmouse, magical girls, Goddess of Victory: Nikke, danmei... and more here!
[indent][font=candara][s]I hope folks don't mind me quoting/replying directly to them[/s][/indent] [quote name="Sunshine" date="2022-11-01 06:04:17" ] I feel old and my bones do be creakin... I joined in 2013 but haven't been active for a while and only just recently returned. There are a few faces I remember that don't seem to be around now, which is sad. I remember having to work really hard to breed triple Sunshines from scratch, as well as having to spend so much on 'new blood' doubles and triples in the AH as they were still pretty hard to come by. Nowadays I can pretty much buy a totally unrelated triple Sunshine for fodder price! [/quote] [indent][font=candara]@Sunshine Oh my gosh, seeing that you still play is kind of wild to me. I was OBSESSED with your lair because of your XXX Sunshine dedication. Actual inspiration fr fr. Your effort definitely didn't go unnoticed! [emoji=sun size=1][/indent] ----------------------------- [quote name="mothscale" date="2022-11-01 09:09:04" ] 2013 here. Mostly, I'm just really glad that FR put in the work to drag itself up from the near-nonfunctionality it had in the beginning. By all internet logic, it shouldn't have survived a blow like the massive lag, parts of the site not working, etc, but it [i]did[/i], with a core of dedicated users and by retreating back into closed for [i]actual years[/i]. That's so impressive and makes me so happy. [emoji=ridgeback love size=1] [/quote] [indent][font=candara]@mothscale Your post made me tear up a bit because I'm an emotional, sentimental egg. That FR survived with dedicated, determined users and is so successful now is really sweet when you think about it![/indent] ----------------------------- [quote name="Reese" date="2022-11-01 17:33:30" ] Yeah, I'm an old fart. Joined June 9th, 2013 which I believe is a day after the site officially released to the public. haha [/quote] [indent][font=candara]@Reese FR anniversary twins!!! [emoji=firework size=1][/indent] ----------------------------- [quote name="Skarm" date="2022-11-01 23:05:29" ] I have a three digit player ID and two four digit ID dragons I'm tired, man [/quote] [indent][font=candara]@Skarm Props for getting in on day one!! Rest those old bones~[/indent] ----------------------------- [quote name="The13Inquisitor" date="2022-11-01 23:10:22" ] Hello. Day -3 rep. EDIT: I remember the Like button. [/quote] [indent][font=candara]@The13Inquisitor THE LIKE BUTTON OH MY GOSH. Now that's ancient history, indeed. Also day -3 and still here, wow!!![/indent] ----------------------------- [quote name="Avarice" date="2022-11-03 22:40:13" ] September 2013, and I've never had a significant hiatus. I've not played every day but I've never missed a festival since joining! My strongest memory of the site from the time I joined is: [img][/img] [/quote] [indent][font=candara]@Avarice The sound I just made at seeing that screenshot... Dear god lol[/indent]
I hope folks don't mind me quoting/replying directly to them

Sunshine wrote on 2022-11-01 06:04:17:
I feel old and my bones do be creakin... I joined in 2013 but haven't been active for a while and only just recently returned.

There are a few faces I remember that don't seem to be around now, which is sad. I remember having to work really hard to breed triple Sunshines from scratch, as well as having to spend so much on 'new blood' doubles and triples in the AH as they were still pretty hard to come by. Nowadays I can pretty much buy a totally unrelated triple Sunshine for fodder price!

Oh my gosh, seeing that you still play is kind of wild to me. I was OBSESSED with your lair because of your XXX Sunshine dedication. Actual inspiration fr fr. Your effort definitely didn't go unnoticed!

mothscale wrote on 2022-11-01 09:09:04:
2013 here. Mostly, I'm just really glad that FR put in the work to drag itself up from the near-nonfunctionality it had in the beginning. By all internet logic, it shouldn't have survived a blow like the massive lag, parts of the site not working, etc, but it did, with a core of dedicated users and by retreating back into closed for actual years. That's so impressive and makes me so happy.

Your post made me tear up a bit because I'm an emotional, sentimental egg. That FR survived with dedicated, determined users and is so successful now is really sweet when you think about it!

Reese wrote on 2022-11-01 17:33:30:
Yeah, I'm an old fart.
Joined June 9th, 2013 which I believe is a day after the site officially released to the public. haha

FR anniversary twins!!!

Skarm wrote on 2022-11-01 23:05:29:
I have a three digit player ID and two four digit ID dragons

I'm tired, man

Props for getting in on day one!! Rest those old bones~

The13Inquisitor wrote on 2022-11-01 23:10:22:

Day -3 rep.

EDIT: I remember the Like button.

THE LIKE BUTTON OH MY GOSH. Now that's ancient history, indeed. Also day -3 and still here, wow!!!

Avarice wrote on 2022-11-03 22:40:13:
September 2013, and I've never had a significant hiatus. I've not played every day but I've never missed a festival since joining!

My strongest memory of the site from the time I joined is:


The sound I just made at seeing that screenshot... Dear god lol
84d669668790b279a1734f4a81a8e75e9ae50900.png fLdYOuE.png
Some current special interests: Hololive, Ironmouse, magical girls, Goddess of Victory: Nikke, danmei... and more here!
I joined in February 2016 and really it doesn't feel like that long ago but to think it's been 7 years is crazy to me. I've been coming onto this site every day for 7 years to take care of my little pixel dragons. Wild. I remember wanting to get all my friends to join, but they couldn't because of registration windows, so I bought dragons for them in advance, so they could have them whenever they made their accounts. I was around way before that too, but didn't know about the registration windows so I just lived vicariously through other ppls dragons. It's crazy to think about how much of my life this game has been a part of but I wouldn't have it any other way :)
I joined in February 2016 and really it doesn't feel like that long ago but to think it's been 7 years is crazy to me. I've been coming onto this site every day for 7 years to take care of my little pixel dragons. Wild. I remember wanting to get all my friends to join, but they couldn't because of registration windows, so I bought dragons for them in advance, so they could have them whenever they made their accounts. I was around way before that too, but didn't know about the registration windows so I just lived vicariously through other ppls dragons. It's crazy to think about how much of my life this game has been a part of but I wouldn't have it any other way :)
I am decidedly middle-age at this point lmao. I joined July of 2018, so it's a bit over 4 years now! Sometimes I still think I haven't been here too long and then I realize that Constellation isn't a new gene anymore that automatically makes hatchlings 10 times more expensive.

Not nearly as active as I used to be, but life's definitely changed in four years so I guess that's to be expected haha.
I am decidedly middle-age at this point lmao. I joined July of 2018, so it's a bit over 4 years now! Sometimes I still think I haven't been here too long and then I realize that Constellation isn't a new gene anymore that automatically makes hatchlings 10 times more expensive.

Not nearly as active as I used to be, but life's definitely changed in four years so I guess that's to be expected haha.
I suppose that I could be considered an older player, having joined 12th January, 2016, mostly 2015! However, I am nowhere near as old as the 2013 players here.

Quite a lot has changed since I've joined: a lot of feature revamps and refactorings. Remember the old Auction House? The odd Coliseum glitch where the screen would duplicate and one tilted to the side? The old colour wheel? Before the Dressing Room and eye types? I certainly do.

I suppose it would be accurate to describe myself as a "middle aged" player rather than a truly old player, though.
I suppose that I could be considered an older player, having joined 12th January, 2016, mostly 2015! However, I am nowhere near as old as the 2013 players here.

Quite a lot has changed since I've joined: a lot of feature revamps and refactorings. Remember the old Auction House? The odd Coliseum glitch where the screen would duplicate and one tilted to the side? The old colour wheel? Before the Dressing Room and eye types? I certainly do.

I suppose it would be accurate to describe myself as a "middle aged" player rather than a truly old player, though.
Im still debating if its healthy for me to have been on here this long :') I joined the first day FR was open, and have been steadily active since.
Im still debating if its healthy for me to have been on here this long :') I joined the first day FR was open, and have been steadily active since.
[quote]Also day -3 and still here, wow!!![/quote] There's actually quite a few very early-days players and beta testers still active here.
Also day -3 and still here, wow!!!

There's actually quite a few very early-days players and beta testers still active here.
'Why are you frowning?' -Temeraire's first words.
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Well no. I started to play on Nov 18, 2015, therefore I was not here for the beginnings of the game. So I do not consider myself an old time player but I am not new anymore either so Idk what I am.
Well no. I started to play on Nov 18, 2015, therefore I was not here for the beginnings of the game. So I do not consider myself an old time player but I am not new anymore either so Idk what I am.
My name is Valerion. I am a passionate Author and forever Roleplay Gamemaster A bunch of magical potions and a few books
Click my LinkTree
A link to my dragons that are for sale
Meow! I am a black cat and I have a link to some dragons that are loved deeply!
[quote name="Impersonal" date="2022-11-05 14:24:57" ] I joined august 2016. Which is only a month off of you but I don't feel like an oldie. Established, absolutely, but not old. I'm personally in the camp of considering pre-color wheel expansion old, so I'm juuust a few months shy of hitting that mark. I mean, yeah I do think it's wild that I'm so close to hitting 7 years. That's undoubtedly a majority of the site's nearly decade long lifetime, but there's always someone who's seen more, ya know? [/quote] I joined literally days before color wheel expansion. The chaos *laugh* It was very hard for a new player. The site was just bursting like a school bus of kids on a highly anticipated field trip.. I was so lost for probably a month after which I decided Nature forums were just too fast for me, and moved to Earth instead - debated Water too, I needed smaller - a move that changed everything. I've switched back and forth between Earth and Water several times now, but Earth has my heart. And I love the eyes.. they're even better now, with all the different shades we can get - pfp [emoji=familiar heart size=1] such a good shade.
Impersonal wrote on 2022-11-05 14:24:57:
I joined august 2016. Which is only a month off of you but I don't feel like an oldie. Established, absolutely, but not old. I'm personally in the camp of considering pre-color wheel expansion old, so I'm juuust a few months shy of hitting that mark.

I mean, yeah I do think it's wild that I'm so close to hitting 7 years. That's undoubtedly a majority of the site's nearly decade long lifetime, but there's always someone who's seen more, ya know?
I joined literally days before color wheel expansion. The chaos *laugh* It was very hard for a new player. The site was just bursting like a school bus of kids on a highly anticipated field trip.. I was so lost for probably a month after which I decided Nature forums were just too fast for me, and moved to Earth instead - debated Water too, I needed smaller - a move that changed everything. I've switched back and forth between Earth and Water several times now, but Earth has my heart. And I love the eyes.. they're even better now, with all the different shades we can get - pfp such a good shade.
~* SCB *~
* accent *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *

___* BUY *
June 11th 2013. I'm very old on here, but there are still people older than my account and even beta testers around, though not many. I knew one alpha tester too but they've long since quit.

Many people I talked to on here do still play, but I no longer converse with most people as FR is not near as a big part of my life as it was when I was 18, and a few years after that.
I do have some fond memories of the early years, at least. It doesn't feel like 9 years have passed that's for sure.
June 11th 2013. I'm very old on here, but there are still people older than my account and even beta testers around, though not many. I knew one alpha tester too but they've long since quit.

Many people I talked to on here do still play, but I no longer converse with most people as FR is not near as a big part of my life as it was when I was 18, and a few years after that.
I do have some fond memories of the early years, at least. It doesn't feel like 9 years have passed that's for sure.