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TOPIC | Write lore for the dragon above you!
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@wistfulclown — claiming, think i'm gonna go with Regolio

Nicknamed "Cupid", Regolio is a master of all things love. Like those with an affinity for plants can care and nurish a garden and make it bloom, so can he with romantic feelings. He has an eye for seeing a budding relationship, sometimes even before the dragons involved have noticed themselves. And he can weave that bud through every fiber of their beings to help it take root, bloom into the wonderous thing is will be quicker and with less heartache than if done naturally.

Love can be tricky, a thing of beauty and warmth hiding a stem of thorns and poison, and Regolio feels without his guiding claw, the relationships around him would fester and rot, taking those hopelessly in love down with it. That's why he's here, to prune and dethorn the bad parts of love, the fights and resentment and hurt and pain that can be born of such a wonderful thing. A marriage counselor of sorts, a matchmaker, a hapless romantic, and with just a pinch of a meddler rolled into one, Regolio has had a hand in nearly every relationship around him.

Those who he's helped think him perfect. He isn't, he is tragically flawed. That love he can make flourish, grow, blossom into long-lasting relationships? That love that he carefully curates, taking care around the parts that aim to hurt and maim? The very thing he, himself longs for the most?

He cannot feel that for himself. Whether born this way or cursed, he isn't sure, but he blames everyone. His parents, the circus, the Deities themselves occasionally, even those who he brought together. He blames everyone but himself for his hurt. A dark mixture of hatred, jealousy, and hurt rests in his heart, those poisonous thorns he prunes from the love he gives others digging their way into his very being. Hurting him, killing him.

If only he could be happy with realizing love isn't just romantic, and that one can be whole and happy without it. His bitterness and jealousy, however, may just get the best of him one day. He has it under wraps for now, but, who's to say what the future will bring, when the weight of his own hurt and pain bears too much and his mask cracks, slips, and his hatred for those who can love is finally revealed.

i'd love lore for Nugget.
some notes:
- the youngest member of the ravendale hunting party (the others are on the first page of the tab nugget is in)
- they're very skilled, but at what?
- they use they/them pronouns
- they also don't have a job, not that they need one but...
- they're a bit of a jokester, and like to make people laugh
@wistfulclown — claiming, think i'm gonna go with Regolio

Nicknamed "Cupid", Regolio is a master of all things love. Like those with an affinity for plants can care and nurish a garden and make it bloom, so can he with romantic feelings. He has an eye for seeing a budding relationship, sometimes even before the dragons involved have noticed themselves. And he can weave that bud through every fiber of their beings to help it take root, bloom into the wonderous thing is will be quicker and with less heartache than if done naturally.

Love can be tricky, a thing of beauty and warmth hiding a stem of thorns and poison, and Regolio feels without his guiding claw, the relationships around him would fester and rot, taking those hopelessly in love down with it. That's why he's here, to prune and dethorn the bad parts of love, the fights and resentment and hurt and pain that can be born of such a wonderful thing. A marriage counselor of sorts, a matchmaker, a hapless romantic, and with just a pinch of a meddler rolled into one, Regolio has had a hand in nearly every relationship around him.

Those who he's helped think him perfect. He isn't, he is tragically flawed. That love he can make flourish, grow, blossom into long-lasting relationships? That love that he carefully curates, taking care around the parts that aim to hurt and maim? The very thing he, himself longs for the most?

He cannot feel that for himself. Whether born this way or cursed, he isn't sure, but he blames everyone. His parents, the circus, the Deities themselves occasionally, even those who he brought together. He blames everyone but himself for his hurt. A dark mixture of hatred, jealousy, and hurt rests in his heart, those poisonous thorns he prunes from the love he gives others digging their way into his very being. Hurting him, killing him.

If only he could be happy with realizing love isn't just romantic, and that one can be whole and happy without it. His bitterness and jealousy, however, may just get the best of him one day. He has it under wraps for now, but, who's to say what the future will bring, when the weight of his own hurt and pain bears too much and his mask cracks, slips, and his hatred for those who can love is finally revealed.

i'd love lore for Nugget.
some notes:
- the youngest member of the ravendale hunting party (the others are on the first page of the tab nugget is in)
- they're very skilled, but at what?
- they use they/them pronouns
- they also don't have a job, not that they need one but...
- they're a bit of a jokester, and like to make people laugh
a small gif from how to train your dragon 2 of hiccup and toothless flying. hiccup is yelling and leans back against toothless.
you're an agent of chaos
and i was your stupid little game.
did you think i'd never find out
or did you always wanna watch me fall apart?
a small gray 'they/it' pronoun button with the gendervoid flag to the left of the words.
a small gray button that says 'FR Time +3' with a clock to the left of the words.
a small gray button that says 'wishlist' with a star on either side.
a small gray button that says 'projects' with an egg on either side.
a small gif from how to train your dragon 2 of hiccup and toothless flying. hiccup is yelling and leans back against toothless.
you're an agent of chaos
and i was your stupid little game.
did you think i'd never find out
or did you always wanna watch me fall apart?
a small gray 'they/it' pronoun button with the gendervoid flag to the left of the words.
a small gray button that says 'FR Time +3' with a clock to the left of the words.
a small gray button that says 'wishlist' with a star on either side.
a small gray button that says 'projects' with an egg on either side.
@Viiperfang sorry for the delay! here's a rough idea: being the youngest member of their hunting group, Nugget is both always eager to help in any way they can, as well as the group's much needed comedic relief. by that, i do mean it in a positive way - the older members dote on them like a beloved younger sibling, and they make everyone laugh by cracking a joke every now and then or just via their silly antics. their past is unclear, but the group has observed that their enthusiastic tendencies sometimes come from a place of questioning their self-worth; secretly they fear not being able to contribute enough, not living up to the name or deserving the love and care their group shows them. they make up for their lack of experience and relative intellect with hard work, but they sometimes feel inadequate. they feel awkward talking about these icky feelings, and often laughs it off with a joke if it is ever brought up. Nugget is somewhat of a clumsy fellow, often getting themself hurt in silly ways, but they do have a very strong and acute sense of smell, helping them identify scent trails that would otherwise be indiscernible to a normal dragon. despite not being the smartest, their emotional sensitivity and empathy is rather impressive for their age, and they can often tell when something's wrong with those they spend time around. naturally, being the little goofy character they are, they are also decently great at cheering others up. ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] would love some ideas for either of these glitched bloodline kids :3

sorry for the delay! here's a rough idea:

being the youngest member of their hunting group, Nugget is both always eager to help in any way they can, as well as the group's much needed comedic relief. by that, i do mean it in a positive way - the older members dote on them like a beloved younger sibling, and they make everyone laugh by cracking a joke every now and then or just via their silly antics.

their past is unclear, but the group has observed that their enthusiastic tendencies sometimes come from a place of questioning their self-worth; secretly they fear not being able to contribute enough, not living up to the name or deserving the love and care their group shows them. they make up for their lack of experience and relative intellect with hard work, but they sometimes feel inadequate. they feel awkward talking about these icky feelings, and often laughs it off with a joke if it is ever brought up.

Nugget is somewhat of a clumsy fellow, often getting themself hurt in silly ways, but they do have a very strong and acute sense of smell, helping them identify scent trails that would otherwise be indiscernible to a normal dragon. despite not being the smartest, their emotional sensitivity and empathy is rather impressive for their age, and they can often tell when something's wrong with those they spend time around. naturally, being the little goofy character they are, they are also decently great at cheering others up.



would love some ideas for either of these glitched bloodline kids :3
my name is essence, your local gay unicorn!


Some Dragons have heard whispers on the Wind… stories… rumors… These legends tell of a spirit, unseeable by mortal eyes, both powerful and insubstantial, both beautiful and terrifying.

And if you’re not careful, you could be the Wintery Wraith’s next target…

Modrellen is the truth behind these myths. Behind every gust of cold air that sends shivers down someone’s back, behind each clammy feeling that you’re being watched, lurks Modrellen.
She wasn’t originally this way–a quiet Spirit who watches and waits–but her lineage has always been… somewhat ‘unstable’. As a daughter of Noami, and a daughter of Ignis, there has always been some malice in her background. When Modrellen was born, there was nothing distinguishing her from the thing she would become. The little white and pistachio Imperial was the favorite of her parents, treasured and cherished, and she grew up in a happy home. The glitch running through her blood showed its face later in her life–after the best and worst day of her life.

Modrellen fell in love with a handsome young Dragon, and he returned her affection. However, neither knew it. They spent months not realizing that they cared for each other. Until one day, he mustered the courage to come to her and tell her that he cared, and ask her to become his mate. It was an ambitious move, and Modrellen was thrilled. They spent the rest of the day together, two young Dragons in love.

But deep in her blood, the glitch was stirring, strong emotions awakening the slumbering sickness deep within her, ready to wreak havoc on her world.

The next day, Modrellen didn’t immediately notice its effects. She went around, telling her friends and family about her love, and was too excited to register the blank looks on their faces. For the glitch had taken over–she was no longer flesh and blood, but semi-transparent: A Spirit. Modrellen didn’t understand what had happened until she met her lover at their arranged meeting spot. At first, she thought he was ignoring her, and she raged and cried and begged until every last tear had fallen, and she noticed his blank looks, his heartbroken sighs, and realization swept over her. He hadn’t betrayed her, but she had betrayed him. Though she felt herself there, she could touch him and he wouldn’t notice, he would shiver and shrug, but nothing more. None could see her, none could hear her, only a breath on the wind and a chill in the air. A Spirit of Winter. Fated forever to watch her lover, see him forget her, see him start a family, see him love; it embittered her, awaking the wrath in her veins, freezing her heart to the core, and removing love from her life.


@wonderwild Ahh! I love it! Thank you so much!


Some Dragons have heard whispers on the Wind… stories… rumors… These legends tell of a spirit, unseeable by mortal eyes, both powerful and insubstantial, both beautiful and terrifying.

And if you’re not careful, you could be the Wintery Wraith’s next target…

Modrellen is the truth behind these myths. Behind every gust of cold air that sends shivers down someone’s back, behind each clammy feeling that you’re being watched, lurks Modrellen.
She wasn’t originally this way–a quiet Spirit who watches and waits–but her lineage has always been… somewhat ‘unstable’. As a daughter of Noami, and a daughter of Ignis, there has always been some malice in her background. When Modrellen was born, there was nothing distinguishing her from the thing she would become. The little white and pistachio Imperial was the favorite of her parents, treasured and cherished, and she grew up in a happy home. The glitch running through her blood showed its face later in her life–after the best and worst day of her life.

Modrellen fell in love with a handsome young Dragon, and he returned her affection. However, neither knew it. They spent months not realizing that they cared for each other. Until one day, he mustered the courage to come to her and tell her that he cared, and ask her to become his mate. It was an ambitious move, and Modrellen was thrilled. They spent the rest of the day together, two young Dragons in love.

But deep in her blood, the glitch was stirring, strong emotions awakening the slumbering sickness deep within her, ready to wreak havoc on her world.

The next day, Modrellen didn’t immediately notice its effects. She went around, telling her friends and family about her love, and was too excited to register the blank looks on their faces. For the glitch had taken over–she was no longer flesh and blood, but semi-transparent: A Spirit. Modrellen didn’t understand what had happened until she met her lover at their arranged meeting spot. At first, she thought he was ignoring her, and she raged and cried and begged until every last tear had fallen, and she noticed his blank looks, his heartbroken sighs, and realization swept over her. He hadn’t betrayed her, but she had betrayed him. Though she felt herself there, she could touch him and he wouldn’t notice, he would shiver and shrug, but nothing more. None could see her, none could hear her, only a breath on the wind and a chill in the air. A Spirit of Winter. Fated forever to watch her lover, see him forget her, see him start a family, see him love; it embittered her, awaking the wrath in her veins, freezing her heart to the core, and removing love from her life.


@wonderwild Ahh! I love it! Thank you so much!

Check out my Hatchery!
XdKddgH.png 8d7o509.png
@Mahlah [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=4][font=Georgia]When he crawled his way out into the world, he was greeted by darkness. The first sounds that slipped into his ears were the screams and echoes of something he should've been too young to understand, yet some part of him deep down recognised at once: violence. There was no explanation, no time to wonder or question. He blinked open his crimson eyes and found himself covered by a smog. Snarls and growls rattled through the air inches from him, and he watched the shadows sway against each other in a graceless dance of enmity. Fear gripped him, but so did determination. He had only just stepped into existence. He would not let it be taken from him so quickly. So into those black flames he leapt. Jaws open, claws outstretched, a vicious howl hurled from his own throat. Among their wild fray he joined the tango, his teeth sinking blindly but mercilessly. He felt resistance under his claws and slashed, only to be met with the same. How long did this dance of madness last? He couldn't tell. Perhaps hours. Perhaps mere seconds. Perhaps he'd imagined every last bit of it. But as the sounds finally died down and stark silence stretched across the land, he crawled once again towards the light. Step after step, heavy and ragged, until the smoke finally began clearing away. This time, gasps and frightened whispers were his greeting. Pairs of startled eyes bore into him from the distance as his figure emerged from the smog, each wondering in murmurs how he had survived - or what he had [i]done[/i] to survive. One shaky voice rose above the others. "This is... This is [i]carnage[/i]!" Ah, and so there he was.[/center] - please don't pick anyone in Sales tab or Rollocke tabs, otherwise lair/hibden are ok!

When he crawled his way out into the world, he was greeted by darkness. The first sounds that slipped into his ears were the screams and echoes of something he should've been too young to understand, yet some part of him deep down recognised at once: violence.

There was no explanation, no time to wonder or question. He blinked open his crimson eyes and found himself covered by a smog. Snarls and growls rattled through the air inches from him, and he watched the shadows sway against each other in a graceless dance of enmity. Fear gripped him, but so did determination. He had only just stepped into existence. He would not let it be taken from him so quickly.

So into those black flames he leapt. Jaws open, claws outstretched, a vicious howl hurled from his own throat. Among their wild fray he joined the tango, his teeth sinking blindly but mercilessly. He felt resistance under his claws and slashed, only to be met with the same. How long did this dance of madness last? He couldn't tell. Perhaps hours. Perhaps mere seconds. Perhaps he'd imagined every last bit of it.

But as the sounds finally died down and stark silence stretched across the land, he crawled once again towards the light. Step after step, heavy and ragged, until the smoke finally began clearing away. This time, gasps and frightened whispers were his greeting. Pairs of startled eyes bore into him from the distance as his figure emerged from the smog, each wondering in murmurs how he had survived - or what he had done to survive.

One shaky voice rose above the others. "This is... This is carnage!"

Ah, and so there he was.


please don't pick anyone in Sales tab or Rollocke tabs, otherwise lair/hibden are ok!
[center]claiming @wonderwild [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Decay[/b] She awoke. After the illness that claimed the lives of her Swarm, she never expected to be able to do so again. The disease started off small, a cough here, a sniffle there. Exhaustion and fever came next, nausea and pain following soon after. The worst part is how quickly it spread, from Fae to Fae, with two infected one day, ten the next, twenty the day after. Within the matter of a week, everyone in her expansive Swarm were ill with whatever it was, in one way or another. And Hollow? She had been patient zero. She had watched her entire life drop like flies, one by one, until she was the only one left. Too weak to move, too ill to find help. Starving, dying, [i]rotting[/i] as she lay there helplessly. Praying to the Gods, never getting an answer, never seeing a sign that anyone was around to even care. And then, finally, blissfully, one day she didn't wake. Until she did. With a rattling gasp that shook her entire body, her eyes miraculously opened once more, life returning to her broken limbs. Alive, she was alive. Though, instantly, the thought felt wrong... She wasn't alive. Not really. Though neither was she dead. Somewhere in between. Her body seemed to be in some sort of stasis, the natural decaying process paused, leaving parts of her untouched and pristine and others... well, all things rot, in the right circumstances. And, most curiously was a new little quirk about her. Everything she touched with her bare skin died. No, dying was to light of a word. What really happened is it began to wither, rot, decaying where it stood right before her very eyes. Nothing was safe, not plants, not other creatures, not even stone. Fungus would appear, insects burrowing through, slime and mold enveloping. And with that, she feels stronger, faster, more [i]alive[/i]. It was almost as if she were stealing the life from the very things beneath her touch. Frightened, though secretly delighted and with an urge to spread her decay like spores, she took to the air. Being in her current state she doesn't need sleep, or to eat, so keeping airborne for long periods of time is of little problem to her, though she does eventually falter and grow weak, having to come back down to the earth to steal more life to keep her going. Hollow has donned many layers of cloth to have a barrier between her and others, not wanting to accidentally hurt someone while she's nearby, though it's easy enough to slip a small, hidden claw out and tap into their life-force, making them ill but not drawing enough to kill. ((A/N: she's kind of like a vampire bat who instead of drinking blood steals the very life from that which is around her, causing it to grow sick, then start to decay the more she takes.)) ----- next: [url=][img][/img][/url] Centauri notes: - he follows the two [i]boreas[/i] minor deities (first page of the tab), so he's a winter guy - that's it anything else is free game. - maybe try to incorporate auroras or smth but idk its up to you!
claiming @wonderwild



She awoke.

After the illness that claimed the lives of her Swarm, she never expected to be able to do so again. The disease started off small, a cough here, a sniffle there. Exhaustion and fever came next, nausea and pain following soon after. The worst part is how quickly it spread, from Fae to Fae, with two infected one day, ten the next, twenty the day after. Within the matter of a week, everyone in her expansive Swarm were ill with whatever it was, in one way or another.

And Hollow?

She had been patient zero. She had watched her entire life drop like flies, one by one, until she was the only one left. Too weak to move, too ill to find help. Starving, dying, rotting as she lay there helplessly. Praying to the Gods, never getting an answer, never seeing a sign that anyone was around to even care. And then, finally, blissfully, one day she didn't wake.

Until she did. With a rattling gasp that shook her entire body, her eyes miraculously opened once more, life returning to her broken limbs. Alive, she was alive. Though, instantly, the thought felt wrong... She wasn't alive. Not really. Though neither was she dead. Somewhere in between. Her body seemed to be in some sort of stasis, the natural decaying process paused, leaving parts of her untouched and pristine and others... well, all things rot, in the right circumstances.

And, most curiously was a new little quirk about her. Everything she touched with her bare skin died. No, dying was to light of a word. What really happened is it began to wither, rot, decaying where it stood right before her very eyes. Nothing was safe, not plants, not other creatures, not even stone. Fungus would appear, insects burrowing through, slime and mold enveloping. And with that, she feels stronger, faster, more alive. It was almost as if she were stealing the life from the very things beneath her touch.

Frightened, though secretly delighted and with an urge to spread her decay like spores, she took to the air. Being in her current state she doesn't need sleep, or to eat, so keeping airborne for long periods of time is of little problem to her, though she does eventually falter and grow weak, having to come back down to the earth to steal more life to keep her going.

Hollow has donned many layers of cloth to have a barrier between her and others, not wanting to accidentally hurt someone while she's nearby, though it's easy enough to slip a small, hidden claw out and tap into their life-force, making them ill but not drawing enough to kill.

((A/N: she's kind of like a vampire bat who instead of drinking blood steals the very life from that which is around her, causing it to grow sick, then start to decay the more she takes.))


- he follows the two boreas minor deities (first page of the tab), so he's a winter guy
- that's it anything else is free game.
- maybe try to incorporate auroras or smth but idk its up to you!
a small gif from how to train your dragon 2 of hiccup and toothless flying. hiccup is yelling and leans back against toothless.
you're an agent of chaos
and i was your stupid little game.
did you think i'd never find out
or did you always wanna watch me fall apart?
a small gray 'they/it' pronoun button with the gendervoid flag to the left of the words.
a small gray button that says 'FR Time +3' with a clock to the left of the words.
a small gray button that says 'wishlist' with a star on either side.
a small gray button that says 'projects' with an egg on either side.
[center]@Viiperfang Claim! I’ll work on it right now. [url=][img][/img][/url] The Aurora danced with the light of the Wintry sky, colors fading and melting into colors, shimmering, shining, soft and sparkling. It was a beauty set into motion by the gods of Cold and Blizzard, a beauty Dragons journeyed far to see, given [i]life[/i] breathed out by Boreas… but not real life, only the appearance. Boreas watched the shifting show, seeing the spinning spirals and wondering, “This is cold and delicate, beautiful and distant, but it lacks what the other elements of Winter hold: Danger. Why create something without claws and teeth to fight for me and my kingdom? Why create art for nothing but fawning Dragons to adore? They must adore [b]ME[/b] and only [b]ME[/b] So Boreas breathed actual life into the Borealis, named after him, and gave it scales, claws, teeth, and a name. He named it Centauri, and watched as the new creation pulled away from his birthing place. The Aura Borealis began to fade, disappearing as it was pulled from the frosty air, attaching its colors to the new Dragon, laying on the snow white and cold. His colors were vibrant, shifting and changing, just as the Aurora itself. Boreas looked upon his new creation with satisfaction. The Aurora Borealis would remain to show its beauty to the world, but here was its counterpart, a Dragon to fulfill his desires, and to show his [i]teeth[/i] to the world. Then, as the colors had faded from the sky, the colors on Centauri began to fade, blending into black. Boreas didn’t care, he knew they would reappear when the power of the Aurora Borealis flowed through his veins. The new Dragon slowly awoke, the cold under his scales bothering him not a bit. The first thing that he saw was his deity, sitting atop a frozen wasteland, looking on him with pride. And Centauri knew he was loved, and he knew that he would do anything for the god gazing down on him, even kill. He rose with a roar like thunder, and he heard in his mind a voice saying, [i] “Your teeth and your claws are stronger, more powerful than theirs. Your breath is frosty and cold, freezing even the most warm fire. Go, my Centauri, eliminate the warmth. Show them the true beauty of Winter, even as they breathe their last.”[/i] [rule] Feel free to choose any Dragon that inspires you besides Dragons in the Sales Tab! (You can use the Dragons in the second page of the sales tab with the exception of Static.)
@Viiperfang Claim! I’ll work on it right now.


The Aurora danced with the light of the Wintry sky, colors fading and melting into colors, shimmering, shining, soft and sparkling. It was a beauty set into motion by the gods of Cold and Blizzard, a beauty Dragons journeyed far to see, given life breathed out by Boreas… but not real life, only the appearance.

Boreas watched the shifting show, seeing the spinning spirals and wondering, “This is cold and delicate, beautiful and distant, but it lacks what the other elements of Winter hold: Danger. Why create something without claws and teeth to fight for me and my kingdom? Why create art for nothing but fawning Dragons to adore? They must adore ME and only ME

So Boreas breathed actual life into the Borealis, named after him, and gave it scales, claws, teeth, and a name. He named it Centauri, and watched as the new creation pulled away from his birthing place. The Aura Borealis began to fade, disappearing as it was pulled from the frosty air, attaching its colors to the new Dragon, laying on the snow white and cold. His colors were vibrant, shifting and changing, just as the Aurora itself. Boreas looked upon his new creation with satisfaction. The Aurora Borealis would remain to show its beauty to the world, but here was its counterpart, a Dragon to fulfill his desires, and to show his teeth to the world.

Then, as the colors had faded from the sky, the colors on Centauri began to fade, blending into black. Boreas didn’t care, he knew they would reappear when the power of the Aurora Borealis flowed through his veins.

The new Dragon slowly awoke, the cold under his scales bothering him not a bit. The first thing that he saw was his deity, sitting atop a frozen wasteland, looking on him with pride. And Centauri knew he was loved, and he knew that he would do anything for the god gazing down on him, even kill.

He rose with a roar like thunder, and he heard in his mind a voice saying, “Your teeth and your claws are stronger, more powerful than theirs. Your breath is frosty and cold, freezing even the most warm fire. Go, my Centauri, eliminate the warmth. Show them the true beauty of Winter, even as they breathe their last.”

Feel free to choose any Dragon that inspires you besides Dragons in the Sales Tab! (You can use the Dragons in the second page of the sales tab with the exception of Static.)

Check out my Hatchery!
XdKddgH.png 8d7o509.png
@Viiperfang omg thank you, i love it so much!! undead stories are some of my favourites and this suits her so well <3

(skip me!)
@Viiperfang omg thank you, i love it so much!! undead stories are some of my favourites and this suits her so well <3

(skip me!)
@Mahlah [url=][img][/img][/url] Shattered is a rare case among Light dragons. This is to say, his light is [i]too[/i] bright. Or, well... [i]was.[/i] Upon his hatching, he nearly blinded his poor mother and father, and his fellow nestmates had to be swiftly whisked away from him in order to prevent any damage to their eyes. It's difficult to not acknowledge a particularly radiant being, after all. For majority of his time as a hatchling, he was tended to by dragons only fortunate to have a pair of sunglasses on hand. Other than that, he was left to his own devices, which lead to him getting into mischief. One day, he decided to cover himself in metallic paint the color of obsidian. Once he wandered to the main area where dragons resided, he flaunted his newly painted self and gleefully ran around, small footprints following him in his wake. His brightness had been dulled down by the paint, so instead of being scolded, he was praised. Even now, he still insists on coating himself with a darker color than what he was born with. When he doesn't, he tends to panic. Every time the paint cracks and flakes, he has to apply a new layer. This is simply his life now. There's no other way than this to avoid being a nuisance to others.

Shattered is a rare case among Light dragons.

This is to say, his light is too bright. Or, well... was.

Upon his hatching, he nearly blinded his poor mother and father, and his fellow nestmates had to be swiftly whisked away from him in order to prevent any damage to their eyes. It's difficult to not acknowledge a particularly radiant being, after all. For majority of his time as a hatchling, he was tended to by dragons only fortunate to have a pair of sunglasses on hand. Other than that, he was left to his own devices, which lead to him getting into mischief.

One day, he decided to cover himself in metallic paint the color of obsidian. Once he wandered to the main area where dragons resided, he flaunted his newly painted self and gleefully ran around, small footprints following him in his wake. His brightness had been dulled down by the paint, so instead of being scolded, he was praised.

Even now, he still insists on coating himself with a darker color than what he was born with. When he doesn't, he tends to panic. Every time the paint cracks and flakes, he has to apply a new layer. This is simply his life now. There's no other way than this to avoid being a nuisance to others.
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