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TOPIC | Write lore for the dragon above you!
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for nivenor (and a mention of oil); i hope you dont mind four paragraphs of just rambling about how different abilities work shfkjsdfhjd

nivenor sometimes feels like they have too many built-in features to keep up with. their litany of unique aspects keep them useful to keeping the hotel up and running, so they're almost constantly busy. although, one of their less helpful features is their eyes, constantly leaking, vision constantly dark and blurry. they have no idea how to control it yet. on worse days they can't make out more than shapes. it's part of why their job is far away from the hotel's guests. most of them would be far too unnerved.

their main job is rummaging around the storage spaces deep inside the hotel, keeping track of what they have in stock and what is getting requested by guests and staff. it's dark down there, and they've learned by now to navigate based on touch and sound, brushing against walls and crates and yipping into hallways to listen for the way the echo changes. all things combined, they're fairly good at moving around the tunnels on their own, even going out for errands on occasion.

both nivenor and oil accompany desasemelhada on certain trips, ones where she needs a little light; they both have shiny, glowing dots along their bodies, and their light is projected in slightly different ways. oil's shimmery light reflects in specific directions, while nivenor's gives them more or less the effect of being a lamp. where oil's kind, naive appearing eyes give them an advantage on trips where desasemelhada has to talk to others, often for business relations or to invite them to the hotel, nivenor has the opposite effect, and so joins desasemelhada on trips not requiring a good first impression.

the last unique feature nivenor boasts -- the one that makes them feel like a snake, a dangerous creature built to destroy -- is their ability to spit acid. or poison. they're not sure what it would be categorized as, but it's the same either way; in the case of attack, nivenor opens their jaw and spits forth a vile substance that burns and infects the skin of anything it touches. with a little patience, it can be used to melt through some surfaces, too. desasemelhada harvests it, sometimes, keeps it in vials. nivenor isn't sure what she does with it after that. they never have the time or the awareness to really consider the bigger picture of what's going on around them. they're much too busy helping the hotel, helping desasemelhada, doing tasks. they don't have the time to think about whether or not they're happy like this.
for nivenor (and a mention of oil); i hope you dont mind four paragraphs of just rambling about how different abilities work shfkjsdfhjd

nivenor sometimes feels like they have too many built-in features to keep up with. their litany of unique aspects keep them useful to keeping the hotel up and running, so they're almost constantly busy. although, one of their less helpful features is their eyes, constantly leaking, vision constantly dark and blurry. they have no idea how to control it yet. on worse days they can't make out more than shapes. it's part of why their job is far away from the hotel's guests. most of them would be far too unnerved.

their main job is rummaging around the storage spaces deep inside the hotel, keeping track of what they have in stock and what is getting requested by guests and staff. it's dark down there, and they've learned by now to navigate based on touch and sound, brushing against walls and crates and yipping into hallways to listen for the way the echo changes. all things combined, they're fairly good at moving around the tunnels on their own, even going out for errands on occasion.

both nivenor and oil accompany desasemelhada on certain trips, ones where she needs a little light; they both have shiny, glowing dots along their bodies, and their light is projected in slightly different ways. oil's shimmery light reflects in specific directions, while nivenor's gives them more or less the effect of being a lamp. where oil's kind, naive appearing eyes give them an advantage on trips where desasemelhada has to talk to others, often for business relations or to invite them to the hotel, nivenor has the opposite effect, and so joins desasemelhada on trips not requiring a good first impression.

the last unique feature nivenor boasts -- the one that makes them feel like a snake, a dangerous creature built to destroy -- is their ability to spit acid. or poison. they're not sure what it would be categorized as, but it's the same either way; in the case of attack, nivenor opens their jaw and spits forth a vile substance that burns and infects the skin of anything it touches. with a little patience, it can be used to melt through some surfaces, too. desasemelhada harvests it, sometimes, keeps it in vials. nivenor isn't sure what she does with it after that. they never have the time or the awareness to really consider the bigger picture of what's going on around them. they're much too busy helping the hotel, helping desasemelhada, doing tasks. they don't have the time to think about whether or not they're happy like this.
genderfluid he/himdid systemmetalheadfr time +22021 player
@/gnosiphobia [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Sentry- - next: some lore for Cricket or Myca? [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]

next: some lore for Cricket or Myca?

@CitrusSeeds Myca was a strange dragon; a Veilspun that lived alone in a massive, gnarled, ancient tree's hollow, spinning stunning threads of many natural hues, crafting intricate charms, and carefully reciting ancient rites in the form of poems on browned scrolls. While they have to be sought out for their aid along a dangerous path, the journey is worth it; those that come to them often leave with knowledge and a new resolve to their plight, carrying a helpful charm of luck and sometimes, even potent medicines if they have a terrible sickness. But those to come to her with selfish desires end very differently; their curses are slow and terrible, eating at the Wrong One like a disease that slowly kills within, and sometimes, the curse affects more than just the dragon... --- For the next person, i would like some lore written for Hage! [url=][img][/img][/url] I would like it to be about a Skydancer (Hage) that lost themselves to the addiction of violence and terrible bloodshed.

Myca was a strange dragon; a Veilspun that lived alone in a massive, gnarled, ancient tree's hollow, spinning stunning threads of many natural hues, crafting intricate charms, and carefully reciting ancient rites in the form of poems on browned scrolls.

While they have to be sought out for their aid along a dangerous path, the journey is worth it; those that come to them often leave with knowledge and a new resolve to their plight, carrying a helpful charm of luck and sometimes, even potent medicines if they have a terrible sickness.

But those to come to her with selfish desires end very differently; their curses are slow and terrible, eating at the Wrong One like a disease that slowly kills within, and sometimes, the curse affects more than just the dragon...


For the next person, i would like some lore written for Hage!


I would like it to be about a Skydancer (Hage) that lost themselves to the addiction of violence and terrible bloodshed.
Give a like if you think they're cool--->86520977.png93331792.png84977690.png
@ChaoticFriendzy [center] As a plague dragon it's not exactly uncommon to be prone to aggression. But for Hage she's an exception. Ever since she was a hatchling her parents noticed her odd behaviour; playing with food, catching prey then releasing it after wounding it to watch it die slowly. As she got older her behaviour escalated, she started leaving traps everywhere to watch other dragons run into them and get caught and be in pain from either, wooden stakes, rusty spears, or some other kind of item that causes pain. Whenever a dragon stepped in them, she would come out to watch the pain on the others face, loving the blood leak out of fresh wounds. One day when one of these dragons she trapped died, she found it thrilling to watch the life leave the eyes of another dragon. So ever since, she kidnaps dragons and uses cocktail of chemicals that takes away all of their senses except for touch. After removing all senses, she rips into her poor, helpless victim, getting a rush of adrenaline feeling the blood drip, bones break, meat tear, hearing the screams and watching the life leave them. The clan sometimes hears the screaming and knows that if they don't lock their door and hide, that they might be next. For after a kill, pumped on adrenaline and filled with a blinding blood lust, she moves on to the largest source of dragons. [/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] maybe for Takumi? He's an intelligent ghoul (undead) that escaped [url=]the catacombs[/url] and is a trusted confidant of the [url=]local Naomi cult[/url] possible idea of how he escaped [url=]Geode, the emperor[/url], with only a front leg missing, but lots of trauma.
As a plague dragon it's not exactly uncommon to be prone to aggression. But for Hage she's an exception. Ever since she was a hatchling her parents noticed her odd behaviour; playing with food, catching prey then releasing it after wounding it to watch it die slowly. As she got older her behaviour escalated, she started leaving traps everywhere to watch other dragons run into them and get caught and be in pain from either, wooden stakes, rusty spears, or some other kind of item that causes pain. Whenever a dragon stepped in them, she would come out to watch the pain on the others face, loving the blood leak out of fresh wounds.

One day when one of these dragons she trapped died, she found it thrilling to watch the life leave the eyes of another dragon. So ever since, she kidnaps dragons and uses cocktail of chemicals that takes away all of their senses except for touch. After removing all senses, she rips into her poor, helpless victim, getting a rush of adrenaline feeling the blood drip, bones break, meat tear, hearing the screams and watching the life leave them.

The clan sometimes hears the screaming and knows that if they don't lock their door and hide, that they might be next. For after a kill, pumped on adrenaline and filled with a blinding blood lust, she moves on to the largest source of dragons.


maybe for Takumi? He's an intelligent ghoul (undead) that escaped the catacombs and is a trusted confidant of the local Naomi cult
possible idea of how he escaped Geode, the emperor, with only a front leg missing, but lots of trauma.
[center]@waterbend claim i'm sick rn so im v sorry if it ends up subpar- done- credit me if you use it please, lmk if you like it, but totally cool if it's not to your liking ------ [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [indent]In the dimly lit alleyways of the so-called Outskirts, where shadows played hide-and-seek with the flickering gas lamps, a ghoul named Takumi skulked in the corners of the city's underbelly. His eyes, always hidden by a cowl, glinted with a hunger that sent shivers down the bravest of rat-catchers and Cultists. Takumi was no ordinary ghoul; he possessed a knack for the macabre that could rival even the most seasoned members of the Naomi Cult which he so easily fell into the ranks of. With an almost bored looking grin that revealed a set of unnaturally sharp teeth, Takumi would silently navigate the labyrinthine streets, leaving behind a trail of unease. His nocturnal exploits were the stuff of whispered tales among the denizens of the Brokenbone Fortress, each story more unsettling than the last. Some said he could speak to the shadows, for they have seen his unnaturally purple eyes on rare occasions, while others claimed he had a peculiar backstory that involved the Infected Catacombs themselves... One of the few locations in the area that even the Golden Fangs mafia don't dare tread upon. Whatever the truth, one thing was certain- when Takumi slinked through the night, the surroundings held their breath, for the ghoul's presence meant that the thin line between the living and the dead was about to blur in the most disconcerting manner. It wasn't just the hunger for flesh that drove him; it was his ability to pluck the deepest fears from the recesses of his target's mind, and Takumi [i]reveled[/i] in the dark art of illusion, where he weaved nightmares into reality with an eerie finesse that left his victims questioning their sanity.[/indent] ------ [b]NP[/b], you could do some[url=] lore for Zen[/url] or [url=]Harmonia[/url] if you'd like (they'll be in my Jan9 hibden tab soon), or anyone from [url=]this tab in hibden[/url], or this [url=]Autumn tab[/url] please and ty c:
@waterbend claim
i'm sick rn so im v sorry if it ends up subpar-

done- credit me if you use it please, lmk if you like it, but totally cool if it's not to your liking
In the dimly lit alleyways of the so-called Outskirts, where shadows played hide-and-seek with the flickering gas lamps, a ghoul named Takumi skulked in the corners of the city's underbelly. His eyes, always hidden by a cowl, glinted with a hunger that sent shivers down the bravest of rat-catchers and Cultists. Takumi was no ordinary ghoul; he possessed a knack for the macabre that could rival even the most seasoned members of the Naomi Cult which he so easily fell into the ranks of.

With an almost bored looking grin that revealed a set of unnaturally sharp teeth, Takumi would silently navigate the labyrinthine streets, leaving behind a trail of unease. His nocturnal exploits were the stuff of whispered tales among the denizens of the Brokenbone Fortress, each story more unsettling than the last. Some said he could speak to the shadows, for they have seen his unnaturally purple eyes on rare occasions, while others claimed he had a peculiar backstory that involved the Infected Catacombs themselves... One of the few locations in the area that even the Golden Fangs mafia don't dare tread upon.

Whatever the truth, one thing was certain- when Takumi slinked through the night, the surroundings held their breath, for the ghoul's presence meant that the thin line between the living and the dead was about to blur in the most disconcerting manner. It wasn't just the hunger for flesh that drove him; it was his ability to pluck the deepest fears from the recesses of his target's mind, and Takumi reveled in the dark art of illusion, where he weaved nightmares into reality with an eerie finesse that left his victims questioning their sanity.

NP, you could do some lore for Zen or Harmonia if you'd like (they'll be in my Jan9 hibden tab soon), or anyone from this tab in hibden, or this Autumn tab please and ty c:
K2tKfjg.png Kyuu || Polish || They/Them || FR +9
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@KyuuBird sorry it's kind of mediocre

Zen Lore

Zen was born from a land of war and battle. They were trained to be a fearless warrior, protector of their homeland, but they never found a fondness in combat as their peers so much did. Feeling condemned by their feelings of peace and love, they fled.

While Zen was born with a rugged, bold name, they never used it. They finally decided to go by Zen once they'd settled. They searched for ways to make friends across their new foreign land, but found that people tried to avoid them after learning about their homeland.

When confronted, they stopped telling people where they were from, as they no longer knew that place as home. Their parents were either worried or disappointed and didn’t want them to come back, and they didn’t want to go back. They didn’t care about what their parents thought of them now, because they’d devoted themself to helping their community.

While they had a good natural intuition about people and their emotions, they wanted to further their understanding. They enrolled in a school where they could learn to teach people how to be calm and thoughtful of others. They meditated every night before bed and found it to be very helpful to their sleep.

While they missed the feeling of having a “family,” they were happy to find a place for them. A place where they belonged.

next: anyone but juniper and anyone with their lore in the bio!
@KyuuBird sorry it's kind of mediocre

Zen Lore

Zen was born from a land of war and battle. They were trained to be a fearless warrior, protector of their homeland, but they never found a fondness in combat as their peers so much did. Feeling condemned by their feelings of peace and love, they fled.

While Zen was born with a rugged, bold name, they never used it. They finally decided to go by Zen once they'd settled. They searched for ways to make friends across their new foreign land, but found that people tried to avoid them after learning about their homeland.

When confronted, they stopped telling people where they were from, as they no longer knew that place as home. Their parents were either worried or disappointed and didn’t want them to come back, and they didn’t want to go back. They didn’t care about what their parents thought of them now, because they’d devoted themself to helping their community.

While they had a good natural intuition about people and their emotions, they wanted to further their understanding. They enrolled in a school where they could learn to teach people how to be calm and thoughtful of others. They meditated every night before bed and found it to be very helpful to their sleep.

While they missed the feeling of having a “family,” they were happy to find a place for them. A place where they belonged.

next: anyone but juniper and anyone with their lore in the bio!


Adorable Arcane Hatchery! you should listen to them... NOW!!! Coatl Swirls! semi-verbal
bird dad
please ping!!!
@TransDisaster sorry, i'm not a very good writer, but here's something for doobie:

Doobie inched forward across the shimmering flowers, desperate to finally see something - anything- that wasn't the endless pink and lavender plants of Starwood Strand. They couldn't be sure how long they had been walking; after the first moon cycle they began to lose track of time. All they knew was the emptiness in their stomach and the pounding in their temples begging them to rest. But they would not - could not - stop, and they continued to creep along.

There! Up ahead, they could make out a pop of blue - water ? Doobie frantically began crawling towards it as fast as they could, but they could, but they felt their eyes gradually falling shut as they moved through the undergrowth. Was that a lavender blur across the river? It almost looked like another dragon.

Doobie blinked at the splotch disjointedly, another dragon would be impossible. Their fatigue finally overwhelmed them, and Doobie collapsed in the soft mud of the riverbank.

As their eyes fluttered shut, they were swept back into the harsh reds of the Wandering Contagion, a world of blood and boils. The screams of their infected siblings haunted them; their mother's hurried command to stay back, to run, consumed them with guilt. Doobie couldn't leave their family - who cares if their parents would infect them - at least they wouldn't be alone.
It didn't matter. Their mother shoved them into the forest with the last of her might, and Doobie was forced to wander through the unfamiliar, beautiful lands of arcane on their own.

But every time they fell asleep they would be transported to the Contagion, or into an endless void in which all they could think about was how there's no one, nothing, left for them.

Even in their sleep, Doobie felt themself being lifted away from the riverbed.

So what if the river takes me. Maybe it's better off that way anyway.

Yet the warmth lifting them felt too solid to be water. Doobie struggled to open their eyes, but when they did they were in awe. A large purple Aberration had lifted them out of the bank and was carrying them across the river.

"Don't worry kid. You're gonna be okay."

np you can pick anyone you want except my failed test subjects/hibden, just follow the description in their tab or pre-established lore (and if you end up choosing one of my aethers they're a group of pirates and wish is the captain)

@wistfulclown omg it's so good thank you so much!! would it be alright if i added it to her bio and/or changed a paragraph so she seems more friendly/loyal over cruel
@TransDisaster sorry, i'm not a very good writer, but here's something for doobie:

Doobie inched forward across the shimmering flowers, desperate to finally see something - anything- that wasn't the endless pink and lavender plants of Starwood Strand. They couldn't be sure how long they had been walking; after the first moon cycle they began to lose track of time. All they knew was the emptiness in their stomach and the pounding in their temples begging them to rest. But they would not - could not - stop, and they continued to creep along.

There! Up ahead, they could make out a pop of blue - water ? Doobie frantically began crawling towards it as fast as they could, but they could, but they felt their eyes gradually falling shut as they moved through the undergrowth. Was that a lavender blur across the river? It almost looked like another dragon.

Doobie blinked at the splotch disjointedly, another dragon would be impossible. Their fatigue finally overwhelmed them, and Doobie collapsed in the soft mud of the riverbank.

As their eyes fluttered shut, they were swept back into the harsh reds of the Wandering Contagion, a world of blood and boils. The screams of their infected siblings haunted them; their mother's hurried command to stay back, to run, consumed them with guilt. Doobie couldn't leave their family - who cares if their parents would infect them - at least they wouldn't be alone.
It didn't matter. Their mother shoved them into the forest with the last of her might, and Doobie was forced to wander through the unfamiliar, beautiful lands of arcane on their own.

But every time they fell asleep they would be transported to the Contagion, or into an endless void in which all they could think about was how there's no one, nothing, left for them.

Even in their sleep, Doobie felt themself being lifted away from the riverbed.

So what if the river takes me. Maybe it's better off that way anyway.

Yet the warmth lifting them felt too solid to be water. Doobie struggled to open their eyes, but when they did they were in awe. A large purple Aberration had lifted them out of the bank and was carrying them across the river.

"Don't worry kid. You're gonna be okay."

np you can pick anyone you want except my failed test subjects/hibden, just follow the description in their tab or pre-established lore (and if you end up choosing one of my aethers they're a group of pirates and wish is the captain)

@wistfulclown omg it's so good thank you so much!! would it be alright if i added it to her bio and/or changed a paragraph so she seems more friendly/loyal over cruel
WQXM0B9.png mlr1H8z.png
I'd like to write lore for Wish!
The Captain
It was a chilly fall evening when Wish was brought into this world- she was the youngest of her nest, preceded by an elder brother and sister. By all accounts she led a normal childhood- comfortable in the arms of her loving parents. Safe within her clan and in want of nothing- yet she found herself growing restless as the years dragged on. Wish drowned in her boredom day after day, her world became dull and gray.

She was just a teen when she fled her home in search of adventure.

Naive and ambitious as she was- Wish signed up with the first group of lowlife vagabonds she found willing to take her under their wings. The pirate's life wasn’t what she expected however- with no real world experience she was shafted to busy work, given only hard tack for her meals, and left to sleep in the crowded and foul smelling lower decks with the rest of the welps. The first few nights were the hardest- spent awake thinking of her family and the warm bed she once had.. These memories followed her, tempting her to quit this foolish game and return to her clan- ignoring these thoughts was only made harder on the days she’d find herself staring out into the sea, in her reflection she saw her mother’s face; every passing day the resemblance grew stronger, and every time Wish would see herself she’d be filled with doubt.

She pushed herself through with the strength of her will alone, enduring the grueling work assigned to her and humiliation from her seniors. She learned to take their insults in stride- using her spite and aggression to fuel her on the battlefield.
Her efforts would not go unnoticed- earning her promotion after promotion, it only took a handful of years before she found herself elevated to the position of first mate- for her nerve and her loyalty.

That last part, she thought, was a little ironic.

It wouldn’t even take a month after Wish was promoted to first mate for their captain to be lost to combat- the result of an unfortunate “accident”- one that would give Wish complete control over her crew. There was no one that could stop her now- her ambitions manifested in the form of wanton cruelty. Unwilling to compromise or listen to suggestions- Wish continued to drive her crew into increasingly dangerous jobs. She needed to prove her critics wrong.

In her search for glory and gold- she would lead her crew directly into a trap. They had grown in infamy in the years she had been in control- rising to the top of Sornieth’s most wanted criminals, they had made themselves into quite the problem and there wasn’t a single flight that hadn’t put a bounty on her head.

After their capture, Wish and her crew would be taken to Facility 128, a “prison” located within Quarentine Zone #128. She was already dreaming up her escape plan before they had even locked her cell. Her dreams of the open sea would soon be forced to face reality however- as she came to realize just how quickly her fellow inmates seemed to be disappearing.

One by one she watched as her neighbors and crewmates were marched past her and through a door she couldn’t quite see- many never came back, and those who did never had anything more to say.

Eventually it was her turn, and she had no intentions of going easily- with the door to her cell finally open, she had her first real chance to escape. She fought the guards with wild abandon, clawing and biting like a rabid animal- desperate for the freedom she’d grown accustomed to. It didn't take them long to subdue her- a sharp pain in her back and she lost her focus, the world around her spinning and out of focus.

When she came to she was restrained- strapped to a table as a team of scientists jammed tubes and wires into her flesh. With what little strength she could muster, Wish would fight against her restraints, they gave nothing, and she knew she was doomed.

Laughter rang in the air as she struggled to accept her fate- they were mocking her. Rage filled her lungs and rattled in her chest. Then they turned the machine on.

Rot and decay seeped into her veins, and it burned.

Screams ripped out of her lungs before she could stop them as every cell in her body set alight- fire and plague warring within her.

The smug faces of her torturers would be the last thing she saw before the world around her went white.

She would be reborn- ruthless still, she could think only of carnage, the hunger in her gut, and the smug swine that did this to her.

i like wish a lot :') <3

Np please write lore for any of the following !
their bios all have notes in them to make it easier !
I'd like to write lore for Wish!
The Captain
It was a chilly fall evening when Wish was brought into this world- she was the youngest of her nest, preceded by an elder brother and sister. By all accounts she led a normal childhood- comfortable in the arms of her loving parents. Safe within her clan and in want of nothing- yet she found herself growing restless as the years dragged on. Wish drowned in her boredom day after day, her world became dull and gray.

She was just a teen when she fled her home in search of adventure.

Naive and ambitious as she was- Wish signed up with the first group of lowlife vagabonds she found willing to take her under their wings. The pirate's life wasn’t what she expected however- with no real world experience she was shafted to busy work, given only hard tack for her meals, and left to sleep in the crowded and foul smelling lower decks with the rest of the welps. The first few nights were the hardest- spent awake thinking of her family and the warm bed she once had.. These memories followed her, tempting her to quit this foolish game and return to her clan- ignoring these thoughts was only made harder on the days she’d find herself staring out into the sea, in her reflection she saw her mother’s face; every passing day the resemblance grew stronger, and every time Wish would see herself she’d be filled with doubt.

She pushed herself through with the strength of her will alone, enduring the grueling work assigned to her and humiliation from her seniors. She learned to take their insults in stride- using her spite and aggression to fuel her on the battlefield.
Her efforts would not go unnoticed- earning her promotion after promotion, it only took a handful of years before she found herself elevated to the position of first mate- for her nerve and her loyalty.

That last part, she thought, was a little ironic.

It wouldn’t even take a month after Wish was promoted to first mate for their captain to be lost to combat- the result of an unfortunate “accident”- one that would give Wish complete control over her crew. There was no one that could stop her now- her ambitions manifested in the form of wanton cruelty. Unwilling to compromise or listen to suggestions- Wish continued to drive her crew into increasingly dangerous jobs. She needed to prove her critics wrong.

In her search for glory and gold- she would lead her crew directly into a trap. They had grown in infamy in the years she had been in control- rising to the top of Sornieth’s most wanted criminals, they had made themselves into quite the problem and there wasn’t a single flight that hadn’t put a bounty on her head.

After their capture, Wish and her crew would be taken to Facility 128, a “prison” located within Quarentine Zone #128. She was already dreaming up her escape plan before they had even locked her cell. Her dreams of the open sea would soon be forced to face reality however- as she came to realize just how quickly her fellow inmates seemed to be disappearing.

One by one she watched as her neighbors and crewmates were marched past her and through a door she couldn’t quite see- many never came back, and those who did never had anything more to say.

Eventually it was her turn, and she had no intentions of going easily- with the door to her cell finally open, she had her first real chance to escape. She fought the guards with wild abandon, clawing and biting like a rabid animal- desperate for the freedom she’d grown accustomed to. It didn't take them long to subdue her- a sharp pain in her back and she lost her focus, the world around her spinning and out of focus.

When she came to she was restrained- strapped to a table as a team of scientists jammed tubes and wires into her flesh. With what little strength she could muster, Wish would fight against her restraints, they gave nothing, and she knew she was doomed.

Laughter rang in the air as she struggled to accept her fate- they were mocking her. Rage filled her lungs and rattled in her chest. Then they turned the machine on.

Rot and decay seeped into her veins, and it burned.

Screams ripped out of her lungs before she could stop them as every cell in her body set alight- fire and plague warring within her.

The smug faces of her torturers would be the last thing she saw before the world around her went white.

She would be reborn- ruthless still, she could think only of carnage, the hunger in her gut, and the smug swine that did this to her.

i like wish a lot :') <3

Np please write lore for any of the following !
their bios all have notes in them to make it easier !
1 2 ... 120 121 122 123 124 ... 126 127