
Forum Games

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TOPIC | [WC] Midnight Mayhem Mafia - Done!
[center][size=5][b][u]DO NOT POST[/u] if you are not a player in this game![/b][/size] If you are not a player, questions, comments, or requests should be PMed to me. [img][/img] [url=]Signups[/url] | [b]Discussion[/b] | [url=]Lynch[/url] [url=]Participants[/url] | [url=]Rules and Guidelines[/url] | [url=]Mechanics[/url][/center] [font=Palatino Linotype][b][size=5]Announcements[/size][/b][/font] It is currently endgame, thanks for playing! [list][*]If you have questions about your role, it makes it faster to respond if you quote the relevant ability, because I haven't memorized your roles yet. [*]Non-urgent questions and action submissions should be through your personal Quicktopic. If you have an urgent question, you can [url=]PM me[/url] or one of the other hosts. If I am online, it’s usually best to contact me; [url=]Kalideoscope[/url] and [url=]Snowbelle[/url] are primarily here to put out fires if I’m away. My online status is usually listed in my broadcast message, which you can see on my profile. [/list] [font=Palatino Linotype][b][size=5]Links[/size][/b][/font] [url=]Night Zero[/url] - [url=]Flips[/url] - [url=]Event[/url] [url=]Night One[/url] - [url=]Flips[/url] - [url=]Event[/url] [url=]Night Two[/url] - [url=]Flips[/url] - [url=]Event[/url] [url=]Night Three[/url] - [url=]Flips[/url] - [url=]Event[/url] [url=]Night Four[/url] - [url=]Flips[/url] - [url=]Event[/url] [url=]Night Five[/url] - [url=]Flips[/url] - [url=]Event[/url] [url=]Night Six[/url] - [url=]Flips[/url] - [url=]Event[/url]
DO NOT POST if you are not a player in this game!
If you are not a player, questions, comments, or requests should be PMed to me.


Signups | Discussion | Lynch
Participants | Rules and Guidelines | Mechanics

It is currently endgame, thanks for playing!
  • If you have questions about your role, it makes it faster to respond if you quote the relevant ability, because I haven't memorized your roles yet.
  • Non-urgent questions and action submissions should be through your personal Quicktopic. If you have an urgent question, you can PM me or one of the other hosts. If I am online, it’s usually best to contact me; Kalideoscope and Snowbelle are primarily here to put out fires if I’m away. My online status is usually listed in my broadcast message, which you can see on my profile.

Night Zero - Flips - Event
Night One - Flips - Event
Night Two - Flips - Event
Night Three - Flips - Event
Night Four - Flips - Event
Night Five - Flips - Event
Night Six - Flips - Event
[center][img][/img][/center] [list=1][*][s]Warriorgirl1234[/s] [color=#28bddb][b]Blushing Ingenue[/b][/color], [url=]lynched Day 1[/url] [*][s]Tsaiah[/s] [color=#28bddb][b]Raspy Orator[/b][/color], [url=]died of insanity Night 5[/url] [*]Syceris [*][s]Xoanon[/s] [size=2]replacing CherryWave[/size] [color=#28bddb][b]Hapless Passerby[/b][/color], [url=]lynched Day 4[/url] [*][s]Origamer[/s] [color=#28bddb][b]Fleabitten Peddler[/b][/color], [url=]died of insanity Night 4[/url] [*][s]abyssum[/s] [color=#28bddb][b]Harried Accountant[/b][/color], [url=]died of insanity Night 5[/url] [*][s]SpectralDragon[/s] [size=2]replacing NekoNikki[/size] [color=#28bddb][b]Dissolute Layabout[/b][/color], [url=]died Night 3[/url] [*][s]catgame21234[/s] [color=#0E74A3][b]Taster of Secrets[/b][/color], [url=]died Night 6[/url] [*]yogsloth [size=2]replacing SpectralRose[/size] [*][s]leopardskin4[/s] [color=#0E74A3][b]Cerulean Eyes[/b][/color], [url=]died Night 6[/url] [*][s]kirkfan2255[/s] [color=#28bddb][b]Disconsolate Sibyl[/b][/color], [url=]died of insanity Night 3[/url] [*][s]Selah[/s] [color=#28bddb][b]Quixotic Wanderer[/b][/color], [url=]died of insanity Night 6[/url] [*][s]raiccoon[/s] [color=#0E74A3][b]Knight-in-Blue[/b][/color], [url=]lynched Day 5[/url] [*][s]smilefires[/s] [size=2]replacing luxmold[/size] [color=#28bddb][b]Apathetic Prestidigitator[/b][/color], [url=]died Night 6[/url] [*][s]Leremis[/s] [color=#28bddb][b]Anodyne Lecturer[/b][/color], [url=]died of insanity Night 2[/url] [*]Starstream [*][s]CrystalRush[/s] [color=#0E74A3][b]Monk Argent[/b][/color], [url=]died Night 6[/url] [*][s]ArtemisAgrotera[/s] [color=#25bc8c][b]Leviathan Mystic[/b][/color], [url=]won and left the game Night 5[/url] [*][s]RaiStarDragon[/s] [size=2]replacing CasualScreaming[/size] [color=#28bddb][b]Sidereal Prophet[/b][/color], [url=]died Night 6[/url] [*][s]B00KW0RM[/s] [size=2]replacing Elisse[/size] [color=#28bddb][b]Brooding Heir[/b][/color], [url=]lynched Day 3[/url] [*][s]Cheshly[/s] [color=#0E74A3][b]Scholar of Names[/b][/color], [url=]died Night 4[/url] [*][s]Somethinggetrekt[/s] [color=#28bddb][b]Condescending Chamberlain[/b][/color], [url=]died Night 5[/url] [*][s]SelenaSilverwolf[/s] [color=#28bddb][b]Unstable Menace[/b][/color], [url=]died of insanity Night 1[/url] [*][s]DoppelBia[/s] [color=#28bddb][b]Prolix Axiologist[/b][/color], [url=]lynched Day 2[/url] [*][s]Avene[/s] [color=#28bddb][b]Disenchanted Insurgent[/b][/color], [url=]lynched Day 6[/url] [/list]
  1. Warriorgirl1234 Blushing Ingenue, lynched Day 1
  2. Tsaiah Raspy Orator, died of insanity Night 5
  3. Syceris
  4. Xoanon replacing CherryWave Hapless Passerby, lynched Day 4
  5. Origamer Fleabitten Peddler, died of insanity Night 4
  6. abyssum Harried Accountant, died of insanity Night 5
  7. SpectralDragon replacing NekoNikki Dissolute Layabout, died Night 3
  8. catgame21234 Taster of Secrets, died Night 6
  9. yogsloth replacing SpectralRose
  10. leopardskin4 Cerulean Eyes, died Night 6
  11. kirkfan2255 Disconsolate Sibyl, died of insanity Night 3
  12. Selah Quixotic Wanderer, died of insanity Night 6
  13. raiccoon Knight-in-Blue, lynched Day 5
  14. smilefires replacing luxmold Apathetic Prestidigitator, died Night 6
  15. Leremis Anodyne Lecturer, died of insanity Night 2
  16. Starstream
  17. CrystalRush Monk Argent, died Night 6
  18. ArtemisAgrotera Leviathan Mystic, won and left the game Night 5
  19. RaiStarDragon replacing CasualScreaming Sidereal Prophet, died Night 6
  20. B00KW0RM replacing Elisse Brooding Heir, lynched Day 3
  21. Cheshly Scholar of Names, died Night 4
  22. Somethinggetrekt Condescending Chamberlain, died Night 5
  23. SelenaSilverwolf Unstable Menace, died of insanity Night 1
  24. DoppelBia Prolix Axiologist, lynched Day 2
  25. Avene Disenchanted Insurgent, lynched Day 6
[center][img][/img][/center] If you are familiar with the general rules of forum mafia, here’s the more exotic rules in this ruleset. (If you are not familiar with the general rules of forum mafia, please read everything. Yes, I know it’s a lot. In a few days this will feel like a walk in the park.) [quote=TLDR][list][*]Be civil and respectful of the game. [*]Don’t be obnoxious. (No transparency, no stacked size 1 text, no encryption.) [*]Don’t edit or delete your posts without my permission, even to fix spelling or BBCode mistakes. One exception: you may delete double posts. [*]Don’t publicly mention or talk to other players, living or dead, about this game unless it’s in this thread or an officially sanctioned Quicktopic. [*]Don’t quote, screenshot, or copy-paste anything a host says to you privately, including your role. [*]Ask questions if you don’t understand something.[/list][/quote] [font=Palatino Linotype][b][size=5]General[/size][/b][/font] [list][*]By joining this game, you are promising to abide by these rules. Ignorance is no excuse. [*]As moderator of this game, I have the final say. Please respect my judgement. [*]If you don’t understand something, whether that be a rule, a mechanic, or your role, never hesitate to ask, especially when it comes to rules. Better to ask permission than to get modkilled! [*]The spirit of the rules overrides the letter of the rules. In a similar vein, don’t angleshoot and don’t exploit loopholes. [*]Pretending to break rules (ie, post your role PM) is generally equivalent to breaking rules. [*]Where relevant, certain roles may override certain rules. Don’t panic, please! [*]No list of rules can be complete; I reserve the right to add or revise rules mid-game.[/list] [font=Palatino Linotype][b][size=5]Conduct[/size][/b][/font] [list][*]Play to win. Gamethrowing is not appreciated. [*]Play with respect. Realize that there are people on the other side of the screen. [*][b]Be civil.[/b] It's okay to be aggressive, but personal attacks (ie, “You’re stupid!”) are not okay. (Note that this is distinct from “That’s stupid!”, which [i]is[/i] okay.) Neither you nor I will be happy if you get banned from FR. [*]Don't go out of your way to be obnoxious. Don’t spam gifs or large images, don’t make your posts unreadable through BBCode (ie. transparent tags, size 1 text). Show your fellow players courtesy. [*]Do not attempt to assert any out-of-game influence on another player (ie, threatening or bribing them). [*]Baiting modkills is not cool and will always be counterproductive for you.[/list] [font=Palatino Linotype][b][size=5]Posting[/size][/b][/font] [list][*][b]Do not edit or delete posts.[/b] (This is to prevent mafia from redacting slips.) [*]Accidental edits are okay. If you do accidentally edit or delete, please repost the original version unless the change was [i]very[/i] minor. [*]Deleting a double post is fine. [*]If you wish to fix a BBCode mistake, wait for my permission first (but the preview button exists for a reason). [*]Don't use encryption. Breadcrumbs are fine. These are not the same thing. [*]Please do not use provable randomization (eg. using to decide your vote and then posting a screenshot). [*]If you are dead, you are dead. Do not post.[/list] [font=Palatino Linotype][b][size=5]Communications[/size][/b][/font] [list][*][b]Quoting, copy-pasting, or screenshotting any part of your role PM is grounds for an immediate modkill.[/b] This includes your wincon. [*]The same goes for anything I inform you of privately, including night results, answers to questions, and so on. [*][b]Don't talk to people who are in this game [i]about[/i] this game, unless it’s in this thread.[/b] That means no PMs between players, unless I expressly tell you otherwise. [*]If you need someone to talk to, my inbox is always open. I know it’s nice to rant sometimes. You may also rant to dead players or spectators so long as you make it clear that they should not respond. [*]Possession of a Quicktopic entitles you to private communication with any other members by any means you desire. However, you must log or otherwise make accessible any game-relevant conversation to me and to any other members. [i]Do not abuse this.[/i] [*]If you are dead, you are not to discuss this game with living players under any circumstances. [/list] [font=Palatino Linotype][b][size=5]Activity[/size][/b][/font] [list][*]This is a fast-moving game. [b]Lurkers are not cool.[/b] [*]You must post in thread [u]every Day[/u] or be replaced. (If you return before I find a willing replacement, you may keep your spot.) [*]Posting solely in your Quicktopic is enough to defer an inactivity replacement once only. [*]Please request replacement if you cannot keep up. You can join us in the spectator tent, where there’s lots of popcorn! [*]The period allotted to find a replacement is 48 hours. If no replacement is found within 48 hours, I will modkill the slot. If I have previously modkilled slots for inactivity and do not have a reasonable expectation of finding a replacement, this period drops to 24 hours.[/list] [font=Palatino Linotype][b][size=5]Enforcement[/size][/b][/font] [list][*]I will typically [b]warn[/b] you first if you are in danger of infracting or if you have committed a minor offense. [*]I will [b]force-replace[/b] you if you continue to break rules or if your integrity has become compromised (eg, someone PMs you the identity of the mafia). [*]I will only [b]modkill[/b] if your slot’s integrity has become compromised. [*]If you are force-replaced or modkilled, so long as you are not at fault, you will still win with your faction.[/list]

If you are familiar with the general rules of forum mafia, here’s the more exotic rules in this ruleset. (If you are not familiar with the general rules of forum mafia, please read everything. Yes, I know it’s a lot. In a few days this will feel like a walk in the park.)

TLDR wrote:
  • Be civil and respectful of the game.
  • Don’t be obnoxious. (No transparency, no stacked size 1 text, no encryption.)
  • Don’t edit or delete your posts without my permission, even to fix spelling or BBCode mistakes. One exception: you may delete double posts.
  • Don’t publicly mention or talk to other players, living or dead, about this game unless it’s in this thread or an officially sanctioned Quicktopic.
  • Don’t quote, screenshot, or copy-paste anything a host says to you privately, including your role.
  • Ask questions if you don’t understand something.


  • By joining this game, you are promising to abide by these rules. Ignorance is no excuse.
  • As moderator of this game, I have the final say. Please respect my judgement.
  • If you don’t understand something, whether that be a rule, a mechanic, or your role, never hesitate to ask, especially when it comes to rules. Better to ask permission than to get modkilled!
  • The spirit of the rules overrides the letter of the rules. In a similar vein, don’t angleshoot and don’t exploit loopholes.
  • Pretending to break rules (ie, post your role PM) is generally equivalent to breaking rules.
  • Where relevant, certain roles may override certain rules. Don’t panic, please!
  • No list of rules can be complete; I reserve the right to add or revise rules mid-game.


  • Play to win. Gamethrowing is not appreciated.
  • Play with respect. Realize that there are people on the other side of the screen.
  • Be civil. It's okay to be aggressive, but personal attacks (ie, “You’re stupid!”) are not okay. (Note that this is distinct from “That’s stupid!”, which is okay.) Neither you nor I will be happy if you get banned from FR.
  • Don't go out of your way to be obnoxious. Don’t spam gifs or large images, don’t make your posts unreadable through BBCode (ie. transparent tags, size 1 text). Show your fellow players courtesy.
  • Do not attempt to assert any out-of-game influence on another player (ie, threatening or bribing them).
  • Baiting modkills is not cool and will always be counterproductive for you.


  • Do not edit or delete posts. (This is to prevent mafia from redacting slips.)
  • Accidental edits are okay. If you do accidentally edit or delete, please repost the original version unless the change was very minor.
  • Deleting a double post is fine.
  • If you wish to fix a BBCode mistake, wait for my permission first (but the preview button exists for a reason).
  • Don't use encryption. Breadcrumbs are fine. These are not the same thing.
  • Please do not use provable randomization (eg. using to decide your vote and then posting a screenshot).
  • If you are dead, you are dead. Do not post.


  • Quoting, copy-pasting, or screenshotting any part of your role PM is grounds for an immediate modkill. This includes your wincon.
  • The same goes for anything I inform you of privately, including night results, answers to questions, and so on.
  • Don't talk to people who are in this game about this game, unless it’s in this thread. That means no PMs between players, unless I expressly tell you otherwise.
  • If you need someone to talk to, my inbox is always open. I know it’s nice to rant sometimes. You may also rant to dead players or spectators so long as you make it clear that they should not respond.
  • Possession of a Quicktopic entitles you to private communication with any other members by any means you desire. However, you must log or otherwise make accessible any game-relevant conversation to me and to any other members. Do not abuse this.
  • If you are dead, you are not to discuss this game with living players under any circumstances.


  • This is a fast-moving game. Lurkers are not cool.
  • You must post in thread every Day or be replaced. (If you return before I find a willing replacement, you may keep your spot.)
  • Posting solely in your Quicktopic is enough to defer an inactivity replacement once only.
  • Please request replacement if you cannot keep up. You can join us in the spectator tent, where there’s lots of popcorn!
  • The period allotted to find a replacement is 48 hours. If no replacement is found within 48 hours, I will modkill the slot. If I have previously modkilled slots for inactivity and do not have a reasonable expectation of finding a replacement, this period drops to 24 hours.


  • I will typically warn you first if you are in danger of infracting or if you have committed a minor offense.
  • I will force-replace you if you continue to break rules or if your integrity has become compromised (eg, someone PMs you the identity of the mafia).
  • I will only modkill if your slot’s integrity has become compromised.
  • If you are force-replaced or modkilled, so long as you are not at fault, you will still win with your faction.
[center][img][/img][/center] Remember that some roles may be capable of overriding certain mechanics. However, if you think I’ve made an error, bring it to my attention privately. [font=Palatino Linotype][b][size=5]Abyssal Madness[/size][/b][/font] [list][*]The mafia have the factional ability to warp a player’s mind, making them Abyss-Touched. Other abilities may also make players Abyss-Touched. [*]Players are not directly informed of whether or not they are Abyss-Touched. [*]Some abilities change in nature when their user is Abyss-Touched. Such changes are marked in parentheses labeled (Abyss-Touched: some effect). [*]A player who is Abyss-Touched dies of insanity if they would become Abyss-Touched again.[/list] [font=Palatino Linotype][b][size=5]Events[/size][/b][/font] [list][*]As the game progresses, it changes. Each day may bring new dangers or new opportunities in the form of Events. [*]Each Event spans one day, though it may also include effects that last for longer than the duration of the day itself. [*]Events may consist of multiple parts and a variety of effects. All Events provide opportunities for all players to advance their win condition. Some events may have effects that are not publicly reported. [*]The list of Events is not public information. However, the Day One Event is as listed below: [quote=Day One: Leviathan’s Verge] [b]The Seer’s Lamp[/b]: In addition to making a lynch vote today, you may vote to give a player the Seer’s Lamp. Do so in the lynch thread by writing [b]Lamp: PLAYER[/b] (or some variant thereof). Votes which are not marked as being [u]Lamp[/u] votes will be assumed to be lynch votes. The recipient of the Seer’s Lamp will be decided according to the same rules as the lynch, and not giving the Lamp to a player is also a valid vote. The Seer’s Lamp is a powerful artifact that is a boon to whoever comes into possession of it, although what it does is not clear. [/quote][/list] [font=Palatino Linotype][b][size=5]Lynching[/size][/b][/font] [list][*]Each day, you may vote for another player in the lynch thread. So long as I can tell who you’re referring to, your vote is good. Please strike out your previous vote when you make a new vote, but [u]use a new post for each vote[/u]. [*]Votes are locked in once the deadline hits, but you may continue to post until I “lock” the thread (alas, I cannot actually lock the thread). [*]The person with the most votes at deadline is lynched. [b]There is no minimum to lynch.[/b] [*]If there's a tie between two people, there is no lynch. (A tie between no lynch and a player always results in a lynch.) [*]If there [i]must[/i] be a lynch that day, the oldest held vote is used to break the tie; if there are no votes, a random lynchable player is lynched.[/list] [font=Palatino Linotype][b][size=5]Abilities[/size][/b][/font] [list][*]Only one ability may be used per day. [*]Your ability may have (USAGE TAGS) preceding it in parentheses. These can include: [indent][list][*][b](ACTIVE)[/b] abilities must be submitted via QT in order to take effect. [*][b](PASSIVE)[/b] abilities are always in effect if their conditions are met; they do not need to be deliberately activated. [*][b](FACTIONAL)[/b] abilities will be partially redacted from flips and omitted from ability-viewing ability results. [*][b](FREE)[/b] abilities may be used in conjunction with another ability. [*][b](INSTANT)[/b] abilities take effect immediately (you may know these as lightning or day abilities). By default, instant abilities are free. [*][b](TRANSCENDENTAL)[/b] abilities cannot be affected by or interact with other abilities and “occur” at the beginning of action resolution. [*][b](NONCONSECUTIVE)[/b] abilities cannot be used on consecutive days. [*][b](#-SHOT)[/b] abilities have a limited number of activations. If they are used but do not complete, they will be refunded to you. You’ll always know exactly how many shots you have.[/list] [/list] [font=Palatino Linotype][b][size=5]Setup Information[/size][/b][/font] [list][*]The two publicly known factions and their wincons are: [indent][list][*][b][color=#28bddb]Surface-Dwellers[/color][/b]: You win and end the game when at least one member of your faction is alive and all Deep-Singers are dead. [*][b][color=#0E74A3]Deep-Singers[/color][/b]: You win and end the game when the living members of your faction equal or outnumber the living Surface-Dwellers, or when all Surface-Dwellers are dead.[/list][/indent] [*]Roles do not have any hidden elements or incorrect information. [*]Anyone may request assistance in [u]phrasing[/u] fakeclaims. [*]Players are not informed if their action fails, unless they would otherwise receive a result. [*]Abilities which functionally add players to chats also return results. [*]Players are not informed if they are acted upon, except in the case of conversions, neighborizations, and ability gain or loss. [*]You are free to ask hypotheticals about action resolution, but I am also free to decline to respond. [*][b]All action resolution mechanics can be overridden by specific roles![/b] [/list]

Remember that some roles may be capable of overriding certain mechanics. However, if you think I’ve made an error, bring it to my attention privately.

Abyssal Madness

  • The mafia have the factional ability to warp a player’s mind, making them Abyss-Touched. Other abilities may also make players Abyss-Touched.
  • Players are not directly informed of whether or not they are Abyss-Touched.
  • Some abilities change in nature when their user is Abyss-Touched. Such changes are marked in parentheses labeled (Abyss-Touched: some effect).
  • A player who is Abyss-Touched dies of insanity if they would become Abyss-Touched again.


  • As the game progresses, it changes. Each day may bring new dangers or new opportunities in the form of Events.
  • Each Event spans one day, though it may also include effects that last for longer than the duration of the day itself.
  • Events may consist of multiple parts and a variety of effects. All Events provide opportunities for all players to advance their win condition. Some events may have effects that are not publicly reported.
  • The list of Events is not public information. However, the Day One Event is as listed below:

    Day One: Leviathan’s Verge wrote:
    The Seer’s Lamp: In addition to making a lynch vote today, you may vote to give a player the Seer’s Lamp. Do so in the lynch thread by writing Lamp: PLAYER (or some variant thereof). Votes which are not marked as being Lamp votes will be assumed to be lynch votes. The recipient of the Seer’s Lamp will be decided according to the same rules as the lynch, and not giving the Lamp to a player is also a valid vote. The Seer’s Lamp is a powerful artifact that is a boon to whoever comes into possession of it, although what it does is not clear.


  • Each day, you may vote for another player in the lynch thread. So long as I can tell who you’re referring to, your vote is good. Please strike out your previous vote when you make a new vote, but use a new post for each vote.
  • Votes are locked in once the deadline hits, but you may continue to post until I “lock” the thread (alas, I cannot actually lock the thread).
  • The person with the most votes at deadline is lynched. There is no minimum to lynch.
  • If there's a tie between two people, there is no lynch. (A tie between no lynch and a player always results in a lynch.)
  • If there must be a lynch that day, the oldest held vote is used to break the tie; if there are no votes, a random lynchable player is lynched.


  • Only one ability may be used per day.
  • Your ability may have (USAGE TAGS) preceding it in parentheses. These can include:
    • (ACTIVE) abilities must be submitted via QT in order to take effect.
    • (PASSIVE) abilities are always in effect if their conditions are met; they do not need to be deliberately activated.
    • (FACTIONAL) abilities will be partially redacted from flips and omitted from ability-viewing ability results.
    • (FREE) abilities may be used in conjunction with another ability.
    • (INSTANT) abilities take effect immediately (you may know these as lightning or day abilities). By default, instant abilities are free.
    • (TRANSCENDENTAL) abilities cannot be affected by or interact with other abilities and “occur” at the beginning of action resolution.
    • (NONCONSECUTIVE) abilities cannot be used on consecutive days.
    • (#-SHOT) abilities have a limited number of activations. If they are used but do not complete, they will be refunded to you. You’ll always know exactly how many shots you have.

Setup Information

  • The two publicly known factions and their wincons are:
    • Surface-Dwellers: You win and end the game when at least one member of your faction is alive and all Deep-Singers are dead.
    • Deep-Singers: You win and end the game when the living members of your faction equal or outnumber the living Surface-Dwellers, or when all Surface-Dwellers are dead.
  • Roles do not have any hidden elements or incorrect information.
  • Anyone may request assistance in phrasing fakeclaims.
  • Players are not informed if their action fails, unless they would otherwise receive a result.
  • Abilities which functionally add players to chats also return results.
  • Players are not informed if they are acted upon, except in the case of conversions, neighborizations, and ability gain or loss.
  • You are free to ask hypotheticals about action resolution, but I am also free to decline to respond.
  • All action resolution mechanics can be overridden by specific roles!
[img][/img] [i]By the wan light of Echo’s lantern, you make your way down a narrow ledge that drops precipitously into the gloom. Isn’t there supposed to be a submarine? Someone starts to query Echo, but she shushes them before they finish, and they think better of it. You climb down for what seems like hours, though it’s probably more like minutes. Eventually, indistinct forms appear from the darkness. The jagged cliffs seem to sag, and soon enough you are walking on flat ground. As you continue forward, large shadows loom menacingly on either side. Echo pauses for a moment to let the rest of the group catch up, and catches you squinting into the haze. “There used to be a city here,” she says, kicking at the dust, which plumes up into the water. When it settles you see the corner of a foundation, peeking out from under the muck. “Before Karaz. Long before. When the world didn’t bleed. We don’t know what it was called, now, but the divers name it Leviathan’s Verge.” But before she can tell you more, she is interrupted. It comes suddenly, like the tumultuous storms that boil forth from Tempest Spire and strafe the sea with rain and thunder. A roar that resonates in the ground itself, filling the water with blinding sound, threatening to carry you away in the flood. The city screams. Then, silence. All around you, luminous green runes have sprung to life, glowing brightly even beneath centuries of silt. They form a smooth perimeter that curves off into the distance. Light shimmers in a tenuous curtain that encloses the city, arcing well over your heads into a spacious dome. Outside it, the water still boils, but within, all is calm. Dazed, you look around. Your fellow expedition-mates are picking themselves ponderously off the ground, but most of them seem to be alright. Most. Emerald light flares behind you, and you turn to see Echo bound back towards the group, the limp form of a dragon in tow. Behind them, a trail of what you can only describe as [/i]static[i] leads back through the barrier. You blink, and it’s gone. Echo sets her draconic cargo down in front of you. The other dragon--one of your expedition-mates--is breathing, thankfully. But as you look closer, you notice that their eyes are lifeless and flat. They don’t respond to Echo or anyone else, instead staring blankly into space and humming very softly to themselves. The sound makes your bones ache when you listen too closely.[/i] [b]Stanari, the Unfortunate Scapegoat, has died of insanity.[/b] [i]Echo stares at the catatonic dragon for a long moment, then graces you with a strained smile. “I’m sure they’ll be alright, but we need to keep moving forward.” She sighs and glances up at the protective dome. “Not that we can, just yet.”[/i]

By the wan light of Echo’s lantern, you make your way down a narrow ledge that drops precipitously into the gloom. Isn’t there supposed to be a submarine? Someone starts to query Echo, but she shushes them before they finish, and they think better of it. You climb down for what seems like hours, though it’s probably more like minutes. Eventually, indistinct forms appear from the darkness. The jagged cliffs seem to sag, and soon enough you are walking on flat ground. As you continue forward, large shadows loom menacingly on either side.

Echo pauses for a moment to let the rest of the group catch up, and catches you squinting into the haze. “There used to be a city here,” she says, kicking at the dust, which plumes up into the water. When it settles you see the corner of a foundation, peeking out from under the muck. “Before Karaz. Long before. When the world didn’t bleed. We don’t know what it was called, now, but the divers name it Leviathan’s Verge.”

But before she can tell you more, she is interrupted.

It comes suddenly, like the tumultuous storms that boil forth from Tempest Spire and strafe the sea with rain and thunder. A roar that resonates in the ground itself, filling the water with blinding sound, threatening to carry you away in the flood. The city screams.

Then, silence.

All around you, luminous green runes have sprung to life, glowing brightly even beneath centuries of silt. They form a smooth perimeter that curves off into the distance. Light shimmers in a tenuous curtain that encloses the city, arcing well over your heads into a spacious dome. Outside it, the water still boils, but within, all is calm.

Dazed, you look around. Your fellow expedition-mates are picking themselves ponderously off the ground, but most of them seem to be alright.

Most. Emerald light flares behind you, and you turn to see Echo bound back towards the group, the limp form of a dragon in tow. Behind them, a trail of what you can only describe as
static leads back through the barrier. You blink, and it’s gone.

Echo sets her draconic cargo down in front of you. The other dragon--one of your expedition-mates--is breathing, thankfully. But as you look closer, you notice that their eyes are lifeless and flat. They don’t respond to Echo or anyone else, instead staring blankly into space and humming very softly to themselves. The sound makes your bones ache when you listen too closely.

Stanari, the Unfortunate Scapegoat, has died of insanity.

Echo stares at the catatonic dragon for a long moment, then graces you with a strained smile. “I’m sure they’ll be alright, but we need to keep moving forward.” She sighs and glances up at the protective dome. “Not that we can, just yet.”
[img][/img] [quote=Stanari: Unfortunate Scapegoat] [columns][i]You haven’t an ounce of sense in your skull, which is clearly why you thought it would be a good idea to wander off from the group. In the Leviathan Trench. Yeah, so long, sucker.[/i] Welcome to Midnight Mayhem Mafia, [b]Stanari[/b]! You are the [b]Unfortunate Scapegoat[/b], aligned with the [color=#28bddb][b]Surface-Dwellers[/b][/color]. [u]You win and end the game when at least one member of your faction is alive and all Deep-Singers are dead.[/u] [b]Abilities[/b] (PASSIVE) [u]Untimely Demise[/u] - You die of insanity on Night 0, and nothing can prevent this. You may find your private Quicktopic [url=madeyoulook]here[/url]. Please confirm that you have received this message by posting in your Quicktopic. [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [/quote]
Stanari: Unfortunate Scapegoat wrote:
You haven’t an ounce of sense in your skull, which is clearly why you thought it would be a good idea to wander off from the group. In the Leviathan Trench. Yeah, so long, sucker.

Welcome to Midnight Mayhem Mafia, Stanari! You are the Unfortunate Scapegoat, aligned with the Surface-Dwellers. You win and end the game when at least one member of your faction is alive and all Deep-Singers are dead.

(PASSIVE) Untimely Demise - You die of insanity on Night 0, and nothing can prevent this.

You may find your private Quicktopic here. Please confirm that you have received this message by posting in your Quicktopic.
[img][/img] [i]“It’ll be a few hours before it’s safe to leave,” Echo says. “We should stay here until the shadow passes. Feel free to explore, but stay in the boundaries of the city. Or you’ll die.” She unhooks her lantern from her sash. “One of you should take this.” The yellow-green light flares as she lifts it, then dies down to a soft glow. Before you can ask her any questions, she puts it on the ground and stalks off into the distance.[/i] [quote=Day One: Leviathan’s Verge] [b]The Seer’s Lamp[/b]: In addition to making a lynch vote today, you may vote to give a player the Seer’s Lamp. Do so in the [url=]lynch[/url] thread by writing [b]Lamp: PLAYER[/b] (or some variant thereof). Votes which are not marked as being [u]Lamp[/u] votes will be assumed to be lynch votes. The recipient of the Seer’s Lamp will be decided according to the same rules as the lynch, and not giving the Lamp to a player is also a valid vote. The Seer’s Lamp is a powerful artifact that is a boon to whoever comes into possession of it, although what it does is not clear. [/quote]

“It’ll be a few hours before it’s safe to leave,” Echo says. “We should stay here until the shadow passes. Feel free to explore, but stay in the boundaries of the city. Or you’ll die.” She unhooks her lantern from her sash. “One of you should take this.” The yellow-green light flares as she lifts it, then dies down to a soft glow. Before you can ask her any questions, she puts it on the ground and stalks off into the distance.

Day One: Leviathan’s Verge wrote:
The Seer’s Lamp: In addition to making a lynch vote today, you may vote to give a player the Seer’s Lamp. Do so in the lynch thread by writing Lamp: PLAYER (or some variant thereof). Votes which are not marked as being Lamp votes will be assumed to be lynch votes. The recipient of the Seer’s Lamp will be decided according to the same rules as the lynch, and not giving the Lamp to a player is also a valid vote. The Seer’s Lamp is a powerful artifact that is a boon to whoever comes into possession of it, although what it does is not clear.