Cheshly: self ping to look at later
Cheshly: self ping to look at later
@eccentricelf23 May I please have this babe?
eccentricelf23 May I please have this babe?

She was adopted already. I'm sorry. Are you interested in either this snapper or this guardian?
Both are trained to level ten and I will provide 200 food points upon adoption. Let me know!
She was adopted already. I'm sorry. Are you interested in either this snapper or this guardian?

Both are trained to level ten and I will provide 200 food points upon adoption. Let me know!
EccentricElf23 ah, it's okay! How about your guardian? ^^
@ZenithNadir @Takemi @Impception @Awesome @Elinimate @Chicanery @KitsuneEbi @Rotkeeper @Mohya @EccentricElf23 @heinousTB @LadyMillennia @Etahrey @frostyferelden @Poscat @Ratercheese @Maedhros2 @AshenFall @Feldunost @StrawberryRiddle @ashnick @Lokadrottning @Vancara @xibo @Krokmou @BODTF @HoardQueen @Yoggiecast @bananaquit @kiryne @StormyDragon @Natiss @Shadari @someonesusie @Erenee13 @MyungJin @ShouLyon @FaronaValkyrie @DecemberStar @Endeavor @dragonlover1003 @Saraceaser @Ridgehill @Maedhras @Taishiro @TsuneEmbers @sheepm8tr @Cyanidium @mnkn10 @NSRachel @smeen @Saraceaser @cdeal199 @Nebulacloud @Ghostray @LadyAria @FierceStrike @NobleSavage @RainbowWalker2 @VulpixSerpens @Foreverkinght @CaptianCookie @Berri @NekoTheKat @GingerGirl @SSakuras @Luminance @Kiragu @MegiInkdragon @NotAllBloodMages @Eturna @WillowThorn @prismwolf @Hakon @PUMPKINCAW @Enako @blushbird @MamaFloof @GoldenLining @BonafideBrack @Nefarian17 @Lunadropz @Boltninja75 @Asgeirr @Joshdaawsome @DracoMalfoysWife @Sanctuarium @Ilovepits @Indranil @ScrewThisDriver @GirlyRedFox @Nilheim @SparkyFlames @Nyxic @thewildpack @Nebulaeyes @RoyalSorceress @SemperVictor @Cealygosa @Kingofthenight @CosmicFalcon @Melvinmoons @HorseCrazy @Dylluminati @MiniJewel @RubyWolf33 @Kittykat8904 @LadyWinterfell @Lambertisaprick @AquaSoars @Aquarreon @Tafficat @topazsunset04 @Darktail221 @AceCavalier @JustNatureThings @PurpleHibiscus @StarButterfly
Hey all, I have 2 Night Warriors in training that I'm looking to rehome.
--Is level 6
--Is level 3
If my kiddo is a night warrior / celestial mix can he be registered as either, or even both?
If my kiddo is a night warrior / celestial mix can he be registered as either, or even both?
@Zariaxx Hello, I just wanted to say welcome to the thread and to FR! If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them. :) Would you like to be added to the pinglist for new hatchlings?
@Foreverkinght I just realized that those two are both the kids of my dragons! Thanks for returning them to the thread. :) If they don't get snapped up, can you fill out the template at the top of the "Available Dragons" post? I'll add them to the front page then. Editing the post so often has gotten tough and the template makes things a lot easier for me!
@Kenia153 If he meets the color requirements, which the majority of mixed-registry dragons do, he can be registered as both! If Zephyr is the dragon in question (I glanced through your lair and made my best guess), he'll qualify! Also, on a completely unrelated note, I noticed your gorgeous Coatl girl Shiri and am wondering if I can stud my Night Warrior Keith with her once he's trained! They'd have really nice kids and I want his kids to have red wings like the rest of his line. :)
Zariaxx Hello, I just wanted to say welcome to the thread and to FR! If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them. :) Would you like to be added to the pinglist for new hatchlings?
Foreverkinght I just realized that those two are both the kids of my dragons! Thanks for returning them to the thread. :) If they don't get snapped up, can you fill out the template at the top of the "Available Dragons" post? I'll add them to the front page then. Editing the post so often has gotten tough and the template makes things a lot easier for me!
Kenia153 If he meets the color requirements, which the majority of mixed-registry dragons do, he can be registered as both! If Zephyr is the dragon in question (I glanced through your lair and made my best guess), he'll qualify! Also, on a completely unrelated note, I noticed your gorgeous Coatl girl Shiri and am wondering if I can stud my Night Warrior Keith with her once he's trained! They'd have really nice kids and I want his kids to have red wings like the rest of his line. :)

@ZenithNadir @dragonlover1003
Leigia has reached lv 20! Only took me a couple of months XD
ZenithNadir @
Leigia has reached lv 20! Only took me a couple of months XD

Boltninja75 Yay!! I'll get her registered soon, doing the Directory from mobile is just about impossible but I'll be back in my home country as of tomorrow!
Boltninja75 Yay!! I'll get her registered soon, doing the Directory from mobile is just about impossible but I'll be back in my home country as of tomorrow!