The amount of adorable Fathom Hatchling skins/accents is overwhelming.. compared to poor snappers it seems.
I love these fathoms so much!
The amount of adorable Fathom Hatchling skins/accents is overwhelming.. compared to poor snappers it seems.
I love these fathoms so much!
Fathoms <333
Forgot this absolute beauty! Don't know how I did that
Forgot this absolute beauty! Don't know how I did that
This is my only fathom. I wasn't aware of a fathom controversy and now I'm intrigued?? Anyway, Raziya has been nakey this whole time but this thread inspired me to slap some clothes on her. :)
This is my only fathom. I wasn't aware of a fathom controversy and now I'm intrigued?? Anyway, Raziya has been nakey this whole time but this thread inspired me to slap some clothes on her. :)
Oh, I took like a 5 year hiatus, and came back to find Fathoms had been introduced and I love them! (I actually had no idea bout the controvercy until earlier today. Weird.)
Here's some of mine:
Algae was actually a Guardian, but I had to change her when I found out about Fathoms. She's basically a walking swamp and she likes it like that.
Leal, a gladiator dragon I'm still working on the outfit for
Kintsu, who I haven't had the time to work on an outfit for yet
And Reef, one of my pirates.
I have more, but don't have much to say about them yet. Still working on lore and what I want from them.
Oh, I took like a 5 year hiatus, and came back to find Fathoms had been introduced and I love them! (I actually had no idea bout the controvercy until earlier today. Weird.)
Here's some of mine:

Algae was actually a Guardian, but I had to change her when I found out about Fathoms. She's basically a walking swamp and she likes it like that.

Leal, a gladiator dragon I'm still working on the outfit for

Kintsu, who I haven't had the time to work on an outfit for yet

And Reef, one of my pirates.
I have more, but don't have much to say about them yet. Still working on lore and what I want from them.
Peace, love, and bullet-proof marshmallows!
I have had a bit of an obsession with Fathoms since they came out. Fathoms have taken over a huge chunk of my lair. Here are 3 of the many Fathoms I have!
(Also, I had no idea people were hating on the breed and don't know what the 'issue' is.)
Also, here's one of my fathom fandragons!
I have had a bit of an obsession with Fathoms since they came out. Fathoms have taken over a huge chunk of my lair. Here are 3 of the many Fathoms I have!
(Also, I had no idea people were hating on the breed and don't know what the 'issue' is.)
Also, here's one of my fathom fandragons!
Link to the form where all dragons I have for trade are listed
I'm not involved with the controversy as I personally don't care much about the change.
The hatchlings are my favourites by a lot, but I also enjoy the adults!
Mirai, my first permababy who I bought shortly after the release
He is so baby I love him
And my map fathoms, Mazin and Kavachi. I have yet to get an actual outfit idea for Mazin, but Kavachi is rocking her fit
They all happen to be wind too! It was just now that I noticed this
I'm not involved with the controversy as I personally don't care much about the change.
The hatchlings are my favourites by a lot, but I also enjoy the adults!
Mirai, my first permababy who I bought shortly after the release
He is so baby I love him
And my map fathoms, Mazin and Kavachi. I have yet to get an actual outfit idea for Mazin, but Kavachi is rocking her fit
They all happen to be wind too! It was just now that I noticed this
[center]Love these funky fish <3
[center]Behold my hoard![/center]
Ohhh I do love fathoms! Here's all my favourite ones:
I'm so happy I managed to find this pastel boy, he's just too pretty imo. I spend so many gems on his skin, but it was totally worth it! It'll take me some time to collect every apparel for his outfit, but you can go to his bio to see a scry of his finished version.
Ekara here is my first G1 fathom.
Azalia just loves chickens.
And here's Megamind, my pretty new fandragon. He's also not finished, but I hope to get the familiar and secondary gene soon :>
Ohhh I do love fathoms! Here's all my favourite ones:
I'm so happy I managed to find this pastel boy, he's just too pretty imo. I spend so many gems on his skin, but it was totally worth it! It'll take me some time to collect every apparel for his outfit, but you can go to his bio to see a scry of his finished version.
Ekara here is my first G1 fathom.
Azalia just loves chickens.
And here's Megamind, my pretty new fandragon. He's also not finished, but I hope to get the familiar and secondary gene soon :>
Oh man I'm sorry to hear that people's negativity hurt you so badly. :( I didn't even know it was such a sour topic for people. I hope this thread helps you love your lair again. :)
As for me, I have four, though none of them are finished yet.
First off is my Chart Fathom. I got pretty lucky with her colors!
Then there's my Map Fathom. He's pretty and all, but I'm still trying to find a true appreciation for him.
Then there's another Odyssey Fathom I picked up off the AH. He needs Stained and for me to actually write down the lore I have for him in my head.
And finally, a gal who was not originally a Fathom (but I wanted a baby Fathom because they are very cute.) I'm hoping to one day give her a gene I suggested in the suggestions forum. (She has the wrong eyes here but it shows a mockup of the gene I suggested: Stainshadow, where Stained only covers the areas in the shadow layer.)
Oh man I'm sorry to hear that people's negativity hurt you so badly. :( I didn't even know it was such a sour topic for people. I hope this thread helps you love your lair again. :)
As for me, I have four, though none of them are finished yet.
First off is my Chart Fathom. I got pretty lucky with her colors!
Then there's my Map Fathom. He's pretty and all, but I'm still trying to find a true appreciation for him.
Then there's another Odyssey Fathom I picked up off the AH. He needs Stained and for me to actually write down the lore I have for him in my head.
And finally, a gal who was not originally a Fathom (but I wanted a baby Fathom because they are very cute.) I'm hoping to one day give her a gene I suggested in the suggestions forum. (She has the wrong eyes here but it shows a mockup of the gene I suggested: Stainshadow, where Stained only covers the areas in the shadow layer.)