
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Free Art [ Open 33/35 ]

@ChristianCutie hahaa a very valid guess - ill give ya a cookie for that sinceee they likely will be sob BUT my favorite has yet to be overthrown
also those are some veryyyy cool sillies -- im lovin the colors on the first 1


@GraveyardGhost hm funky guess though the lil buzzing guys arent my favorite they certaintly are fuzzy
^ i really love the elemental theme ya got going on w a couple of those
-- all caught up --

@ChristianCutie hahaa a very valid guess - ill give ya a cookie for that sinceee they likely will be sob BUT my favorite has yet to be overthrown
also those are some veryyyy cool sillies -- im lovin the colors on the first 1


@GraveyardGhost hm funky guess though the lil buzzing guys arent my favorite they certaintly are fuzzy
^ i really love the elemental theme ya got going on w a couple of those
-- all caught up --
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9hqcHsy.png ✮ r0WSk03.png ✮ lYb2AyL.png

Fj9DUQD.png ✮ YMPbu9R.png ✮ qeWy3Ik.png

bhdEs05.png ✮ BDPM8Vp.png ✮ UhnDhXp.png
Hello! I have three potential candidates [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] --------- And a shadow element [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Hello! I have three potential candidates


And a shadow element
KR4WLKh.pngHuCLOOQ.png hVHlIic.png
@Spiritskittles Hahaha, thank you! ^.^ And I appreciate it! That little fella was the well-earned result of a breeding project--it took him a while to decide to pop into existence, but once he did, he was well worth the wait! ♥
@Spiritskittles Hahaha, thank you! ^.^ And I appreciate it! That little fella was the well-earned result of a breeding project--it took him a while to decide to pop into existence, but once he did, he was well worth the wait! ♥
A light blue Fae dragon lying down surrounded by pink flower petals. She is wearing a pink daisy cabbie, and holds a pink rose in her mouth.
maybe one of these mirrors will interest you? [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
maybe one of these mirrors will interest you? 89776616_350.png
WQXM0B9.png mlr1H8z.png
-[All caught up]-

-[All caught up]-

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9hqcHsy.png ✮ r0WSk03.png ✮ lYb2AyL.png

Fj9DUQD.png ✮ YMPbu9R.png ✮ qeWy3Ik.png

bhdEs05.png ✮ BDPM8Vp.png ✮ UhnDhXp.png
Oh Pearlcatcher is like, the one breed my lair is in desperate drought of haha! Unless you'd take a scry of a G1, then I can't help there I'm afraid. I also don't really tend to worry about matching elements to my dragons, but these guys are pretty decent? Earth [url=][img][/img][/url] Shadow [url=][img][/img][/url] Shadow [url=][img][/img][/url] If any caught your interest (no worries if not!) I tried not to look at other's answers so my guess may be a repeat, I'm sorry. Anyway, since you're dragon mad right now I'm going to guess something in a similar vein of Toothy and Bitey. Sharks or Crocodiles, perhaps? Many thanks for this opportunity! :D I'm following along even if none of my dergs appeal to you because I'd love to see you tackle this enormous challenge! Definitely dedicated lol
Oh Pearlcatcher is like, the one breed my lair is in desperate drought of haha! Unless you'd take a scry of a G1, then I can't help there I'm afraid.

I also don't really tend to worry about matching elements to my dragons, but these guys are pretty decent?




If any caught your interest (no worries if not!)
I tried not to look at other's answers so my guess may be a repeat, I'm sorry. Anyway, since you're dragon mad right now I'm going to guess something in a similar vein of Toothy and Bitey. Sharks or Crocodiles, perhaps?

Many thanks for this opportunity! :D I'm following along even if none of my dergs appeal to you because I'd love to see you tackle this enormous challenge! Definitely dedicated lol
[center]--[/center] @SealedSalt ayooooo those are some very fancy silliesss sorry for the late replyy i cleared the notification and-kindasortaforgot as forr the guess?? ayoo i adore sharks - not my favorite guy hes a lil tiny but BUT they are my partners favorite so illl give ya a cookie [emoji=firework size=1] [center]-- [ All caught up] --[/center]

@SealedSalt ayooooo those are some very fancy silliesss sorry for the late replyy i cleared the notification and-kindasortaforgot
as forr the guess?? ayoo i adore sharks - not my favorite guy hes a lil tiny but BUT they are my partners favorite so illl give ya a cookie
-- [ All caught up] --
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9hqcHsy.png ✮ r0WSk03.png ✮ lYb2AyL.png

Fj9DUQD.png ✮ YMPbu9R.png ✮ qeWy3Ik.png

bhdEs05.png ✮ BDPM8Vp.png ✮ UhnDhXp.png
[center]-- @pinglist-29081 --[/center] ----- [center] [img][/img] [ Dragon - [url=]Junkrat[/url] Owner - @Amordel Breed - [url=]Spiral[/url] ] [img][/img] [ Dragon - [url=]Eclipse[/url] Owner - @Spiritskittles Breed - [url=]Aether[/url] ] [/center] ----- [center] [ 2 / 35 Done ] [/center]


[ Dragon - Junkrat
Owner - @Amordel
Breed - Spiral ]


[ Dragon - Eclipse
Owner - @Spiritskittles
Breed - Aether ]

[ 2 / 35 Done ]
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9hqcHsy.png ✮ r0WSk03.png ✮ lYb2AyL.png

Fj9DUQD.png ✮ YMPbu9R.png ✮ qeWy3Ik.png

bhdEs05.png ✮ BDPM8Vp.png ✮ UhnDhXp.png
Oooh, Junkrat looks great! The way you did the flames and the lighting/shadows looks really nice!
Oooh, Junkrat looks great! The way you did the flames and the lighting/shadows looks really nice!
A light blue Fae dragon lying down surrounded by pink flower petals. She is wearing a pink daisy cabbie, and holds a pink rose in her mouth.
@Spiritskittles ohhh thank you so much for drawing Junkrat!!! the drawing turned out so beautiful, I truly appreciate it so very much! Can I add it to his bio with a link to you or this thread?
@Spiritskittles ohhh thank you so much for drawing Junkrat!!! the drawing turned out so beautiful, I truly appreciate it so very much! Can I add it to his bio with a link to you or this thread?