thanks y'all for all the inspiration! and also letting me admire all these beautiful dragons with their gorgeous apparel and accents <3

TOPIC | show me your angelic dragons!
thanks y'all for all the inspiration! and also letting me admire all these beautiful dragons with their gorgeous apparel and accents <3
She's not the most traditionally-angelic looking dragon, but Erika is a guardian angel sent to the Paradox Clan to guard a rift in reality, as well as the clan's oracle. She does odd jobs in her free time.
i don't have many dragons that match this aesthetic imo but i think kladeos comes pretty close in looks, although perhaps not personality.
meanwhile poor gliese is a paladin doing his best to stop a great evil but perhaps he shouldn't have tried to be the lone brave hero...
[b]My lovely angel[/b]
i'm a HUGE fan of weird angels that walk the line between divinity and eldritch horror, here they are~
sal, an angel of guidance and the most benevolent of my holy host. probably the closest to a traditional angel, a seraphim-like creature of soft wings and bright fire who protects travelers.
ki, an angel of binding inspired by ophanim. they're quite dangerous, as they were created to subdue powerful demons, so they have a hard time restraining their true power and don't have a good sense of how squishy mortals are.
bruma, an angel of death. they're a misty, shapeless being who is very gentle, kind, and soft-spoken, but if you meet them, it can only mean one thing. they guide their charges to the afterlife peacefully and with compassion, but it's still grim work.
ni, an angel of memory. they're incomprehensibly ancient and mostly exist in their own isolated world at the bottom of the oceans under the southern icefield's glaciers. not kind or cruel, just indifferent to the brief lives of dragons. if you're lucky enough to encounter them, they have the ability to grant clairvoyance.[/center]
i'm a HUGE fan of weird angels that walk the line between divinity and eldritch horror, here they are~

sal, an angel of guidance and the most benevolent of my holy host. probably the closest to a traditional angel, a seraphim-like creature of soft wings and bright fire who protects travelers.

ki, an angel of binding inspired by ophanim. they're quite dangerous, as they were created to subdue powerful demons, so they have a hard time restraining their true power and don't have a good sense of how squishy mortals are.

bruma, an angel of death. they're a misty, shapeless being who is very gentle, kind, and soft-spoken, but if you meet them, it can only mean one thing. they guide their charges to the afterlife peacefully and with compassion, but it's still grim work.

ni, an angel of memory. they're incomprehensibly ancient and mostly exist in their own isolated world at the bottom of the oceans under the southern icefield's glaciers. not kind or cruel, just indifferent to the brief lives of dragons. if you're lucky enough to encounter them, they have the ability to grant clairvoyance.

sal, an angel of guidance and the most benevolent of my holy host. probably the closest to a traditional angel, a seraphim-like creature of soft wings and bright fire who protects travelers.

ki, an angel of binding inspired by ophanim. they're quite dangerous, as they were created to subdue powerful demons, so they have a hard time restraining their true power and don't have a good sense of how squishy mortals are.

bruma, an angel of death. they're a misty, shapeless being who is very gentle, kind, and soft-spoken, but if you meet them, it can only mean one thing. they guide their charges to the afterlife peacefully and with compassion, but it's still grim work.

ni, an angel of memory. they're incomprehensibly ancient and mostly exist in their own isolated world at the bottom of the oceans under the southern icefield's glaciers. not kind or cruel, just indifferent to the brief lives of dragons. if you're lucky enough to encounter them, they have the ability to grant clairvoyance.
[center]*cracks knuckles* well, you're in luck because I have an entire tab in my lair dedicated to my seraphim/angelic OC's.
No actual literal angels, but I do have some with rather angelic aesthetics.
(Low-key viewed as a sacred entity)
(Dressed version of the clan medic Winter)
(The local school-teacher)
(Dressed version of a part-time maid)
(Local Sorceress)
(Basically a detective)
Now that I think about it, Lailah's mother's lore says she's a fallen angel, so I guess that makes her half angel technically...
No actual literal angels, but I do have some with rather angelic aesthetics.

(Low-key viewed as a sacred entity)

(Dressed version of the clan medic Winter)

(The local school-teacher)

(Dressed version of a part-time maid)

(Local Sorceress)

(Basically a detective)

Now that I think about it, Lailah's mother's lore says she's a fallen angel, so I guess that makes her half angel technically...

(Low-key viewed as a sacred entity)

(Dressed version of the clan medic Winter)

(The local school-teacher)

(Dressed version of a part-time maid)

(Local Sorceress)

(Basically a detective)

Now that I think about it, Lailah's mother's lore says she's a fallen angel, so I guess that makes her half angel technically...