I know that reference!

LiokkaMillie's Clan
Thou art I, I art thou...
Clan Info
Welcome to Windswept Hills!
Here lies a place for weary travelers to rest, sheltered from the world for as long as they need.
Dragons that claim Windswept as a home are secretive about their home to outsiders, but they will not turn away someone in need.
My lore is all over the place oops
If you'd like to talk, ask me a question, or commission some art from me, feel free to send me a message here or on my tumblr, https://windswepthills-clan.tumblr.com/ !
Recent Comments

Stormy was on the front page! Teal dragons are the best!

HI THANKS for buying my orca ice gaoler and love it as an everlux baby! I'm a huge fan of ice and orca colors and love how they go together.

Hi! Thank you for buying from the Spores' Dreams Hatchery!

Pretty dragons! :3

Mocha (#72691108) was on the front page!

Thanks for buying #93286420, hope they serve you well!

Sandrile is on the front page! ^^

Sandrile (#38464655) was just featured!

Jaguarundi was on the Random Dragon!

Thanks for buying that lil fae! Enjoy her!

Cute was on the front page :) You're so right, she's VERY cute.

Mildred was on the front page!
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