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pheelthemoment's Clan
F L O W E R S !
Clan Info

(FR Time +3)
If you see any missing/blank images in my bios, please let me know so I can fix it! (main) (fr only)
Love and support tundras, snappers, banescales, and everlux forever

Hello! I'm Pheel, and welcome to Florabrisa c:
(Lorebook page - wip)
Located on the south shore of the Windswept Plateau between the Twisting Crescendo and eastern Ashfall Waste, the Florabrisa Clan seeks to beautify the world with flowers. The comparatively gentle breeze carries the delicate smells from the gardens throughout the whole lair.
All dragons are welcomed into this clan with love! The only requirement is an appreciation of flowers (and even then, Tarragon is all too willing to let things slide.)
(Florabrisa Application) (the website changed and the quiz no longer works exactly as intended, but the questions are still there!)
I have like 300+ perma-dragons (and growing!). Once a dragon comes here, they do not leave... because Florbrisa is such a nice place :)
(and we're godless heathens who don't believe in exalting. Sorry Windsinger!)
Couples list! (singles list..some day)
Handy produce guide!
ps Sparce#104334 is super wonderful and amazing. And FossilGarden#202677 is an incredible friend and I wouldn't be on this site without them!!
Art for all dragons: (down to the wire! Aglais, Olivia, Farah, Uh, Um, Huh, Hmm, Lyga, Jamboree, Lauper, and Eeby need art)
Have every dragon breed: male [✓] female [✓]
Have every flight: ✓
Have every modern gene repped: Chrysocalla, Malachite
Have every ancient gene repped: Boa, Checkers, Pack, Chess, Tentacles, Plating, Nudibranch, Carnivore, Brightshine, Sandsurge genes, Auraboa genes, Fest genes...and more
Eyes: Multi-gaze✓ Glowing✓ Faceted✓ Dark Sclera✓ Swirl✓ Goat✓ Innocent✓ Bright✓ Pastel✓ Wind Primal✓ Light Primal✓ Nature Primal✓ Lightning Primal✓ Plague Primal✓ Ice Primal✓(other primals? arcane, earth, fire, water, shadow)

Gene Projects:
Everlux Butterfly for Kiaeria
Sandsurge Arowana/Shark for Kreller
Stitched for Tiderock
Cherub/Edged/Lace for Flipp
Jaguar/Breakup/Runes for Joy (tentative..eclipse looking good)
Lionfish/Seraph for Avenger? (new name for Avenger too)
Permababy scroll for Logan maybe
custom baby umas for Logan and Impa
Frozen Refuge
Ice Sword
misc apparel - darksteel items, glasses/spectacles/goggles, elemental sashes/arm bands, clawtips, gardening apparel, any animals, all flower apparel always
Ice Gryphon
Spinal Sorcerer
Rosa Cerdae
Fear Frog
Crowned Roc
Longwing Epiptite
Disoriented Spirit
Ghostly Rat Lord
Glasswing Flutter
Ruffle Glasswing
Longhorn Capricat
Prancing Capricat
hoarding: Dire Vulture, Flesh Forager, Tatterwing Carcass, Shatterbone Vulture, Warped Gryphon, Depin, Corrosive Depin, False Eye Depin
Sandshore Snipper
Armored Greatowl
eggs: lightning, wind, ice
Spongy Spingy
1 Bearded Shrieker
1 Murder Cage/20 Pelvis Plate
1 Spinesword Warden
1 Venerable Shalebuck
Gecko scroll
Choir scroll
Pearlcatcher scroll
Auraboa scroll
Scroll of Renaming (always can use!)
hoarding Vulture Idol & Raptor Effigy
Scene: Thunderheard Savanna
Scene: Rainsong Jungle
Scene: Blooming Grove
Scene: Pillow Palace
Scene: Drakeharvest
Scene: Windsinger's Domain
Scene: Woodland Path
Scene: Mire
Scene: Arena
Scene: Quaint Parlor
Scene: Garden Arches
Scene: Flowering Wasteland
Scene: Strange Chest
need to get an m fae with butterfly some day
always in need of food,, (esp. plants)
lair reviews/dragon compliments are always loved c:
lair review story by wildewinged

Runt's adventure in Florabrsia by Ringleader!
(link in image)

(flag by Quasar91!)

Florabrisa's Founders -Tarragon, Moraine, Zaffre, and Tamarind!
(art by me)

Recent Comments

Slough was on the front page! Adore what's going on with her colors with that skin. [Also hi peel! Love your art aaah]

Oh your lair is such a delight to flick through! So much art! Ive spent maybe half an hour browsing all your wonderful dragons <3

Clio was on the front page!

Thanks so much for your kind words! I’ve spent a lot of time refining my lore over the years so I’m really happy to hear it reads well <3 Like you I enjoy thinking about relationships between dragons, especially angsty ones haha. VanillaMilkCow was the first dragon I adopted as a new player, and she came with the name. She’s an icon honestly!

Thank you so much! I love your tundra collection as well!

Lisianthus was on the Random Dragon!

It still gets up to the low 70's here occasionally, despite being winter. As for snowstorms, you'd be lucky to get any snow here, let alone enough to actually do anything with.

If anything, the winter weather would make it easier for me to get out. It's always super hot here in the summer. I like going for walks in the woods, though there's not a lot of options around here, unfortunately.

Hi Pheel! It took me a few months to see your message since I'm mostly not active on Flight Rising these days. I've been doing well. Really into this game called Zampanio lately. What about you?

Fizzard the Blizzard Lizard is such fun! The broadcast, the bio, the look - love it!

woah your profile, your dragons, everything looks awesome! ill be sure to check it all out later

Hi I just want to say that you have one of the most fun lairs to look through. Your art is just so lovely <3
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