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LiokkaMillie's Clan

Thou art I, I art thou...
Ancient Lair
floating upon the
Cloudsong icon

Clan Info

Welcome to Windswept Hills!
Here lies a place for weary travelers to rest, sheltered from the world for as long as they need.
Dragons that claim Windswept as a home are secretive about their home to outsiders, but they will not turn away someone in need.

My lore is all over the place oops
If you'd like to talk, ask me a question, or commission some art from me, feel free to send me a message here or on my tumblr, https://windswepthills-clan.tumblr.com/ !

Recent Comments

laritsu's avatar
July 03, 2016 20:59:43
thanks! but you should tell that to user dirkjake. they made it for me O:
EifiCopper's avatar
April 05, 2016 19:30:59
Oh my gods I love your lair a lot, all the fandragons
Dovahpuugyuval's avatar
March 26, 2016 09:37:33
Alucard is hellsing for me i don't know castlevania
Dovahpuugyuval's avatar
March 26, 2016 09:36:55
Not castlevania, actually it's hellsing
Teba's avatar
March 23, 2016 14:28:33
ehehehe thank you! You have some pretty snazzy dragons in your lair yourself, ahh Spyro, Stitch.. you could even make a Garurumon here too, I think! It's pretty fun to plot up some nifty fandom dragons sometimes, huh?
Limia's avatar
February 26, 2016 09:06:25
Yes to both questions :D !!!!
Grunge's avatar
January 29, 2016 06:06:44
Thank you!! I didn't make him, to be fair. But I love lesser dog and greater dog!! Basically every dog in Undertale is the best.
Evergreene's avatar
January 09, 2016 13:45:41
OMG goat mum smells like butterscotch
Anubiis' avatar
January 01, 2016 08:31:57
I'd like to thank you again for the tip on the payment for your drawing! I'm adding a little something extra to the final product, just for you ewe It's probably SANSational!
Meirowen's avatar
December 28, 2015 11:12:05
goat mom best mom!
Pargon's avatar
November 22, 2015 20:13:49
Ah, thanks for complimenting them! Sunshine is wearing a skin though, so he's not very 'original.' ;w; Btw, I think your lair is gorgeous as well. ^w^
PerennialSage's avatar
November 05, 2015 12:48:43
Ah, thank you for letting me know! And thank you for complimenting them ^_^
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Date Joined
Oct 13, 2014

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LiokkaMillie's Friends

Takaska's avatar
Takaska (#141964)

Chungledown Bim Enthusiast
Anubiis' avatar
Anubiis (#195681)

No longer active on here, busy with graduating and fire embl
WeiYing's avatar
WeiYing (#4275)

despite everything, it's still you. stay determined!
pheelthemoment's avatar
pheelthemoment (#266940)

F L O W E R S !
dragonlady1803's avatar
dragonlady1803 (#249100)

I wrote my clan lore for once!
MisterRazputin's avatar
MisterRazputin (#346571)
SilverWulf's avatar
SilverWulf (#128949)

GEEENEE PROJEECTS!!! Not gonna lie, most of em will be SD
Despairing's avatar
Despairing (#306087)

read lord of the mysteries
Eggmcmuffinboi's avatar
Eggmcmuffinboi (#337554)
ChippyChip's avatar
ChippyChip (#305440)

Recent Activity

Feb 07
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Aberration Female
Feb 07
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Aberration Male, 1 Aberration Female
Feb 07
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Skydancer Male, 1 Skydancer Female

Recent Achievements

Sep 27
Festive Favors: Starfall Celebration
Sep 27
How Does this Pile Never Get Smaller? (50)
Sep 27
That One's Bigger Than The Others... (50)
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