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Luunai's Clan

Will you enter the Hidden Sanctum?
Ancient Lair
hidden within the
Hewn City icon

Clan Info


. L U U N A I .

Female | Art Addict | Lore Lair

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"The supreme good is like the aether.
It benefits all things and never contends with them,
it adapts itself to the perfect place
and never forces its way."

•• ━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ ••



[ The Gods | Sanctum | Arkadia | Citadel | Obscurum ]

A sanctum is founded.
''The Aether''
flows through your soul.

The clan of the Hidden Sanctum lives mostly secluded in a secret and sacred place behind the ruins of Hewn City. Their sanctuary is pervaded by ''the Aether'', a mysterious aerial substance which binds all clan members together, like silent voices or warm pneuma flowing through their souls.

Originally descending from the Arcane Starwoods, the clan moved to the territory of Light after Cloudwhisperer entrusted his authority to "the Aether" and its kindred spirits Nugua and Morpheus. It is said that he has recognised "the Aether" to be the chosen leader who inherited the fate of the clan.

''The Aether'' is a divine and godlike being, a never ending mystery to all clan members, which cannot be perceived in its entirety - yet, all members of the Hidden Sanctum have a deep intuition and knowledge beyond any words, and are willing to follow him everywhere he leads them.

∞ ∞ ∞

All dragons have their very own and profound reason to be a part of the Hidden Sanctum, otherwise ''the Aether'' would not have accepted them. They are mostly mysterious, sublime and willful creatures, deep thinkers and seekers for wisdom and truth, interested in myths, philosophy, obscure artefacts, dreams and magic.

The clan focuses on sacred rituals, mystery cults, both illuminated and arcane spells, healing arts and foreseeing. It is the home of prophets and priests, unbending wardens, dreamers and philosophers, noble knights, mystic beings and saints.

Even if there exist tension and rivalry between certain members, they are eternally trustful and loyal towards each other when it comes to the point where the clan as a whole is endangered from the outside. What binds them together is the spirit flowing through their hearts and souls, the endless mysteries of life: What is the meaning and purpose of their existence and self-awareness, why is the world made of light and darkness and what is the ultimate grounding which keeps the world together?

•• ━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ ••



[ Pyramid | Basilica | Krypta | Labyrinth ]

A revolution is about to start.
''The Apeiron''
is coming closer.

You are entering the Pyramid, a holy and symbolic place filled with enigmatic riddles and mysterious voices coming from both, the past and the future.

Nothing can be without its counterpart. "The Apeiron" unfolds its dark wings and is constantly trying to negate "the Aether" and to undertake its reign. Their eternal alternation guarantees the existence of the Hidden Sanctum.

∞ ∞ ∞

"The Apeiron" is the invisible, infinite principle and circle surrounding the clan. Many have followed its omen and echo: demigods, dragons searching for their destiny, lost spirits, creatures filled with darkness, grief and desperation, as well as shamans, necromancers, renegades, witches and clerics. Some of them are protecting the border walls of the Hidden Sanctum with mystic and forbidden rituals; others are raising cult places, founding a revolutionary religion to worship "the Apeiron".

The Basilica, the Krypta and the Labyrinth are three cult places, located within the infinite Pyramid: the first is a place to hallow the endlessness of the world, the second is a place to solve the world's cryptic mysteries, the third is a place to get lost within the paths of your own heart.

•• ━━━━━━ ━━━━━━ ••



[ Genesis | Desert | Ruins | Oasis | Serapeion | Cathedral | Forest ]

A new generation is awakening.
''The God''
watches you.

Forever unseen and with many eyes "the God" watches you. It is the synthesis of "the Aether" which may be called the thesis of all existence, and "the Apeiron", which may be called the antithesis of all existence. "The God" is their eternal unity and the paradox of all existence.

∞ ∞ ∞

All dragons under its reign are either created or spirited by "the God". They are far from being usual dragons - they are divine and mythological creatures, beasts and archangels, living within the dark side of the Hidden Sanctum. Sacred and derelict shrines, endless and illusional deserts, and immemorial ruins are their homes. Many have sold their souls to the absolute, which has many names but will always be one and the same unity of the world.

[ Mythos | Logos | Kosmos | Chaos ]
G1 dragon collection.

Subregion of the HIDDEN CHILDREN:
Dragons hatched from enigmatic eggs which were not bred but crafted by "the God" to generate pure force and knowledge. Some of them are mighty enough to harbour a loyality towards "the Aether" or "the Apeiron", and some of them regularely change their affinities based on their own ends.

[ Antrum ]
Ancient dragon collection.

Subregion of the HIDDEN CHILDREN:
The Ancients pledged allegiance to "the God" due to their intrinsic kinship. They are the only dragons which were not created or spirited by "the God" - their inseparable bond consists of elective affinity.

[ Elysium ]
Eternal youth dragon collection.

Subregion of the HIDDEN CHILDREN:
Hatchlings which were frozen to be eternally youthful, because they would exceed and surpass even the power of "the God" if they grew up and unfolded their true potential.

[ Naos ]
The children of Solaris.

Subregion of the HIDDEN CHILDREN:
The Naos is a hidden and sacred sphere ruled by the enigmatic, many-faced creature Solaris. It is the only region which is not under "the God's" reign. Legends and rumors say that Solaris might be even more powerful than "the God", but behind Solaris' many faces the truth remains unseen. Solaris does not speak the language of dragons, and not even the three Gods know why Solaris appeared to protect the Hidden Sanctum. There's a hidden truth, waiting to be seen ...


» Personal Info «

I finished my M.A. in philosophy, and philosophical questions & reflections are my main interest.
I'm also interested in literature, visual arts, fantasy stories, anime & manga, far eastern cultures, and ancient mythology (Greek, Egyptian, Near East).

I'm not accepting random friend requests.
If I reject your request, it's nothing personal at all. I'd like to keep my friend list to closer friends, and to people I have regularely interacted with before at the forums or via PM. Please talk to me first, messages and pings are always welcome :)

I'm breeding most of my dragons on request.
Just ask and I'm happy to throw them into a nest for you!

❖ If I ever forget to reply to your message/ping, please poke me about it again! I'm currently quite busy with university and something might slip my mind.

❖ Constantly working on dragon bios and lore, and actively collecting artworks for all permanent dragons.



[ Artwork Credits: Nimrook & GlowPen ]

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wildewinged's avatar
March 03, 2025 06:30:45
You’re very welcome! ^^ Truly it’s always a delight to see what beautiful new dragons your lair has in store.
Faecoria's avatar
February 28, 2025 09:22:54
Thank you for the comment on my lair! You have an impressive one yourself! So many gorgeous old dragons. I love how Aether stands out in the first tab, he's so pretty!
Fantelle's avatar
February 24, 2025 05:39:51
i love the gene and skin combo u ended up going with for Narok! he is gorgeous <3
Spells' avatar
February 23, 2025 17:52:25
Aaaaah thank you for your LOVELY comments on my lair in general and Thorn in particular! Thorn is actually one of my faves, so it's always nice to see him get some love. Either way, I consider it all a big compliment coming from you because your lair is absolutely GORGEOUS! Seriously, I trawled through it only to find I'd already liked most of your dragons XD Some ones I missed that I especially like include Totem, Cupid, Kalypso, Vaerynaria, Ruaias, Dystopia, and Ereshkigal (STUNNING).

Your Obscura, Basilica, Krypta, and Labyrinth tabs are especially up my alley. It was really fun to look at them all again! c:
liyue's avatar
February 23, 2025 16:53:48
ofc and thank you so much, it means a lot to me T-T <3

I had a lot of fun looking through your lair and I absolutely love how you've dressed all your dragons. I can't imagine how much time you've spent on all of them so you have my respect xd
Mysh's avatar
February 23, 2025 05:40:08
Omg, thank you so much!! I'm so happy you like them. Your message made my day!
Bibbs' avatar
February 17, 2025 19:48:23
Ahhh thanks so much! I’ve been going through your lair too and having to pause to be like, “okay jot that down, that combo is HOT” etc etc. Morpheus, Clymene, and the entirety of your Mythos den tab are just god tier <3
bora's avatar
February 15, 2025 12:57:51
hi there! hope you've been keeping well! Just wanted to drop by to apologize for how long it's taken me to return your message! the beginning of this year has really been something and I didn't realize it'd been so long haha ;; truthfully I've been so dreadfully out of it that I was going through my tabs and found multiple dragons I had fully forgotten that I gened so I suppose as I catch up with your message I'll be catching up with my own lair as well! At least I've waited long enough that there's all these new things to bring up this time :D Regardless just wanted to let you know that I'm doing my best to get to that as soon as I can and I'm looking forward to seeing what you've been working on (though I'm sure by now there's all sorts of new things too haha)!
Bibbs' avatar
February 15, 2025 10:24:31
In love with your lair! You have such a way with outfits, so sorry if you catch me coming back for inspiration lol!!
GhostiesUnknown's avatar
February 14, 2025 13:28:43
The art your couples have are so beautiful ;w;
calore's avatar
February 13, 2025 08:47:33
wow I love your lore, it’s impressive!!
Saronai's avatar
February 13, 2025 04:15:21
<3 laughably, I had NO idea it was your dragon I was voting on, it just looked like fun and didn't realize who was asking until you replied to the topic about the rush of gaoler votes lol. Glad to help <3
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pebble? a pebble in this trying time?
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Chichi (#3742)

~❤ I love White primary with Gold tertiary ❤~
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Ruinia (#234)

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Welcomed new hatchlings!
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Never Tell Me the Odds (10000)
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