Purest looking dragon of above user?

Skelkirie's Clan
i am literally on fire. but that is okay. no one is perfect.
Clan Info
Hello, my name is Cyrus. He/Him/His.
Feel free to inquire about buying any dragon without a familiar.
The animated banners in my dragons bios were found here
Current Fandragons:
-Shen Qingqiu
-Luo Binghe
-Wu Ming
-Xie Lian
-Hua Cheng
-Taizi Dianxia
-Yin Yu
-Quan Yizhen
Fandragons In Progress:
-Tianlang Jun
-Mo Ran
Fandragons For Later:
-Nie Huisang
-Wen Ning
-Zhuzhi Lang (?)
-Basically the entire MXTX cast
-Chu Wanning
-Shi Mei
Welcome to the Predawn clan. We are a clan of misfits, the odd dragons that stuck out in their old clans somehow living together in harmony. We are peaceful but we will not hesitate to do what we need to do to protect our own. Despite its reputation the Hewn City is our home, we eat, sleep, work and live here. If you are uncomfortable with our home then that's your problem. If you would like to visit however we welcome travelers, please sit down and share a cup of tea with us, perhaps you'd even like to stay?
The lair itself is a collection of buildings, tents and a few burrows haphazardly scattered throughout a clearing at the edge of the hewn city. Most of the buildings are new, built by the clan when they moved in, they range in size from the imposing stone arches of the meeting hall and temple to the smaller wood cabin like structures occupied by single dragons to the colorful, often shifting tents made by the few naturally nomadic dragons who can't seem to kick the urge to wander out of their systems. A handful of the buildings, including the sturdy almost church-like office used for any official business of the clan and the small stone plaza where traders often gather on market day, are actually remnants of the original Hewn City, restored to their former glory by the architecturally inclined dragons of the Predawn clan. It has been noticed that no matter how bright the limestone that they use for repairs is it always inevitably fades to the same purple grey as the original stone...
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ur luo Binghe is SO pretty :DDD if u ever wanna chat nerd, totally feel free to hit me up!